John Hall  

Yorkshire Party Candidate Wetherby and Easingwold

Yorkshire Party Manifesto GE 2024

Our Mission: Getting a fair share and a strong voice for Yorkshire!

In 2023, the public spending in London and Scotland was £14,500 per person, according to HM Treasury figures. But in Yorkshire it was just £11,900 per person – that’s a shortfall of over £14 billion across Yorkshire – every year.

But it’s even worse than that: the money Yorkshire does get is frequently spent badly, on the wrong things, and micromanaged by ministers and civil servants from hundreds of miles away, over the heads of people who live here and know the region.

A parliament for Yorkshire

The answer to this neglect is a Yorkshire regional parliament, elected by and accountable to those who live here, and with the same kind of powers and formula-assured funding that the Scottish parliament has.

Not only will this make Yorkshire an equal partner in a stronger and fairer UK but it will also mean that the policies and spending affecting Yorkshire-folk will be decided here in the county, by people elected by, representative of, and accountable to its residents.

A Yorkshire Executive, formed out of the parliament, could do so much more than simply administer policies though.  It would be Yorkshire’s voice both within the UK and more widely – lobbying for the county’s interests, attracting inward investment, championing its businesses and so much more that simply isn’t happening at the moment.

Put simply: a Yorkshire parliament is a good investment that would return the outlay many times over, and deliver a better, fairer Yorkshire than Westminster is doing.

Stop the Outvestment of Yorkshire

Outvestment means taking money from a less wealthy area, to a wealthier one. You pay taxes towards HS2 and Crossrail but will get no benefit. This is why the UK has the most affluent area in NW Europe – London – but Yorkshire has three of the top 10 poorest areas.

London-based parties have London-based priorities. Only the Yorkshire Party is focused on Yorkshire.

A vote for the Yorkshire Party in the July 4th General Election is a vote for all our futures, it is not a wasted vote…..    It’s time to stand up to Westminster and take back control for the people of Yorkshire and return our home to prosperity


We believe that the people of Tadcaster, Wetherby, Easingwold, Boroughbridge, Boston Spa and in fact all of the rural towns and villages across the constituency  should have more say in how their lives are run and that locally elected politicians should be taking the key decisions about Yorkshire’s future – not unelected bureaucrats or disinterested ministers in London.


The population of Yorkshire is approx. 5.4 million people (latest available data). To put the size of Yorkshire’s population into context, the county is home to more people than the entire population of many countries – for example, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand, Ireland, Finland or Norway.


Yet we are the second-class citizens of the UK and have very few democratic powers - Time after time London has decided what’s best for Yorkshire – and got it wrong. This has to change.


People in Yorkshire themselves must set their priorities and determine how their money is best spent. The Yorkshire Party is the ONLY party DEMANDING that we the people of YORKSHIRE take control of our own finances.


So, does that mean we want independence for Yorkshire? - No.


Yorkshire needs proper devolution with fair funding and a Yorkshire Regional Parliament, where we, the people of Yorkshire take control of our affairs, within The U.K.  Yorkshire faces a constant repeat of financial cuts, decaying roads & rails, struggling schools, and a stuttering economy. While London and the South East take the lion's share of investment our communities are left to suffer. The Yorkshire Party is the ONLY party standing up for an end to London-centric politics.


We can do this by demanding that powers are returned to our historic county. Time after time London has decided what’s best for Yorkshire – and got it wrong. This has to change.

People in Yorkshire themselves must set their own priorities and determine how their money is best spent.


We propose that the Regional Parliament for Yorkshire be elected on a proportional representation basis and the Yorkshire Party has a manifesto commitment to the creation of a legislative Regional Parliament of Yorkshire, which would have the capability to create primary legislation within its various areas of competence, without reference to Westminster, as well as democratic control over most areas of domestic politics in Yorkshire, and associated public expenditure:


We believe that the people of Yorkshire via their own regional Parliament, should have control of their own regional policies such as



The Regional Parliament would also have the ability to vary a whole range of taxation instruments, including income tax powers. The economic basis of the devolution settlement. The United Kingdom – even taking into account the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – is an over-centralised state, dominated by London and the South East. As a consequence, central government policies favour the South East of England.


Other areas lose out and this is reflected in the economic performance of areas such as Yorkshire. Central government has failed Yorkshire and the Yorkshire Party believes that the best way to improve the Yorkshire economy would be for strategies and policies to be devised by those people who live in Yorkshire and have a tangible stake in the success of their policies.


The Yorkshire Party maintains that a Yorkshire Regional Parliament would be in a strong position to build a more prosperous economy. It would, for example, be able to support Yorkshire’s traditional and emerging industries, build on Yorkshire’s sense of place and space, its unique brand, and coastal/maritime potential. It would also be able to prioritise infrastructure improvements that would benefit the Yorkshire economy.

A vote for the Yorkshire Party is a vote for all our futures, it is not a wasted vote.


Its time to stand up to Westminster and take back control of the best county in England and return our home to prosperity

Contacts and useful links

If you want to get in touch with John please email

If you want to know more about the Yorkshire Party's plan for Wetherby and Easingwold click here

If you want to know more about the Yorkshire Party follow this link

If you would like to donate to the Yorkshire Party please follow this link

Why not join the Yorkshire Party? Please follow this link below   

Promoted and published by the Yorkshire Party,  35 Shaftesbury Road, Bridlington, Yorkshire, YO15 3PP