Students & Alumni

Current Honors Thesis Students

  • Elan Works, 2020, Topic: New artificial neuron models
  • Selena Goods, 2020, Topic: A Comparative Study of Android Development Frameworks
  • Haley Bryan, 2020, (Joint with Dr. Peter Cook) Topic: Human subjects trials of audio stimuli for enhancing economic decision making
  • Parankush Bhardwaj, 2020, (Joint with Dr. Tania Roy) Topic: User Experience enhancements for curated internet browsing
  • Partial supervision (fall term only) of Jake Maranzotto, 2020. Topic: Results in Computational Learning Theory for sample complexity of learning tree-structured data.

Past Honors Thesis Students

  1. Ozan Gokdemir, BA in Computer Science, 2019, PhD student in CS at the University of Chicago. Honors Thesis: Convo: An Android Application Aimed to Facilitate Social Connectedness on New College of Florida's Campus. Keywords: Mobile Application Development, CS4Good
  2. Emma Schwarz, BA in Computer Science/Russian Language and Literature, 2019, PhD student in Slavic Studies, U. Pittsburgh. Honors Thesis: Automated Text Extraction of Anna Karenina and the Kreutzer Sonata: Quantifying the Lexical Representation of Women in Tolstoy. Keywords: Training Word Embeddings, Literary Analysis, Tolstoy
  3. Sawyer Welden, BA in Computer Science, 2019, PhD Student in CS at Rochester Institute of Technology. Honors Thesis: Performance Measures for Assessing the Realism of Ordinal Preference Measures. Keywords: Preference Modelling, Deep Learning
  4. Richard Shlyakhov, BA in Computer Science, 2019. Honors Thesis: What’s the Word?: Topic Modeling a Decade (2003-2014) of Citations on Collective Efficacy. Keywords: Topic Modelling, Natural Language Processing, Urban Development
  5. Max Miller, BA in Computer Science, 2019. Honors Thesis: Testing the Effects of Communication on the Training Process of Neural Networks in Multiagent Coordination Using Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies. Keywords: Multiagent Coordination, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computation
  6. Austin Gray, BA in Computer Science, 2019. Honors Thesis: Super BombermANN: Q-Learning with Deep Artificial Neural Network for the Bomberman. Keywords: Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Bomberman
  7. Katherine Diamond, BA in Computer Science/Chinese Language and Culture, 2019. Honors Thesis: Implementing a Network Based Approach to Learning Chinese Characters. Keywords: Language Learning Software, Bayesian Networks, Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  8. Leinani Hessian, BA in Computer Science/Biology, 2019. Research Assistant at the Jackson Laboratory, Castine, ME. Honors Thesis: Artificial Artists: A Dynamical Systems View of the Subjectivity That Drives Creativity. Keywords: Art, Dynamical Systems Theory, Generative Models
  9. Brendan Legel, BA in Computer Science & Operations Research, 2018, employee #1 at as part of the TechStars London program. Honors Thesis: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drone Transitions in Delivery Systems. Keywords: Operations Research, Drones, Planning
  10. Hunter Osking, BA in Computer Science, 2018, now working as an Independent Game Developer. Honors Thesis: Lessons from Flowers for Dan Dan: Developing Interactive Drama for Virtual Reality and Measuring the Emotional Effects of Voice Recognition. Keywords: Video Games, Virtual Reality, Voice Recognition Interfaces, Human Computer Interaction
  11. Eric Voorhis, BA in Computer Science, 2018, employed following graduation as a Software Developer at Epic Systems. Honors Thesis: A Resume Audit Study of the Software Industry, with Automation Prototypes Keywords: Hiring Bias, Resume Audits, Natural Language Processing, Generative Models, Deep Learning