Seminar on oligomorphic groups

An oligomorphic group is a permutation group on a countably infinite set with only finitely many orbits of n-sets for each n. These are precisely the automorphism groups of countable models of countably categorical theories.

I conducted (in 2021) a reading course on this subject. For the first half of the course we are reading parts of Peter Cameron's book Oligomorphic Permutation Groups, and in the second half of the course we will read recent articles on the subject.

Below are links to recordings of some of the sessions.

If you are interested in attending this seminar occasionally, please let me know.

November 30: Hrushovski constructions, Part 2

November 23: Hrushovski's counterexamples, as explained by Wagner, Part 1

November 4: More on P-oligomorphic groups

November 2: P-oligomorphic groups, part 1 (Falque and Thiery)

October 28: More on metrizable universal minimal flows

October 21: Polish groups with metrizable universal minimal flows (Melleray, Nguyen Van Thé, and Tsakanov)

October 19: More on Cherlin-Harrington-Lachlan (Section 2)

October 14: Cherlin-Harrington-Lachlan's classification of strictly minimal geometries

October 12: Introduction to paper by Cherlin-Harrington-Lachlan

September 30: A survey of growth rates in oligomorphic groups

September 28: The 5 reducts of (Q, <) and Thomas's Conjecture

September 23: More on local orders, cycle indices (section 3.3)

September 21: Local orders

September 16: growth rates of direct products and wreath products (section 3.2 of Cameron)

September 14: Growth rates and monotonicity (section 3.2 of Cameron)

September 9: more on Fraïssé, Uhryson space, boron trees

September 7: introduction to Fraïssé limits

September 2: the topology of symmetry groups (section 2.4 of Cameron)