About this commonplace book

Unlike a commonplace book of old designed as an aide memoire, this is a substitute for a good memory.

Dwelling at Blue Poles, Jagun

Lat=-30°35'00" Long=+153°00'00"

Dwelling “remains for man’s everyday experience that which is from the outset ‘habitual’." Heidegger


Jagun - 'dwelling' or 'home' from

My name is Zeminda Walker . . .

I am Gumbaynggirr. Ngaya yaam Gumbaynggirr.

This is my homeland. Yaam nganyundi jagun.

The Gumbaynggir people have a strong connection to this area.

The mouth of Oyster Creek to the north is highly significant,

as is Nunguu Mirral (Picket Hill) to the west.

Nunguu Mirral, sacred increase site for grey kangaroo

“In short, my argument is that . . . if fiction is a way of thinking – as reflection, experimental enactment, rhetoric – its form becomes as potentially various as the forms that thought takes.” Ronald Sukenick. His point is particularly valid for poetry.

Winter, Nambucca June 8

Jagun Reserve, sunset - Naming is significant.

What's this site about?

Dwelling at Blue Poles, Jagun

Natural Aesthetics

Writing poems as a discursive practice . . .


Developing a series of essais, green and poetic

Taking my PhD further . . .

and Bird Nettle Lane Brew

Creating music poems

& video poems

with John Laidler.

The mullet are running

Valla Beach June 7


An old friend from school in England got in contact yesterday and I thought of Charles Marlow: “I would look for hours at South America, or Africa, or Australia, and lose myself in all the glories of exploration. At that time, there were many blank spaces on the earth, and when I saw one that looked particularly inviting on a map, I would put my finger on it and say, when I grow up, I will go there. The North Pole was one of these places, I remember. Well, I haven't been there yet, and shall not try now. The glamour's off. Other places were scattered about the hemispheres. I have been in some of them, and . . . well, we won't talk about that.”

Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

[I have to decide whether to try and get to the South Pole to finish off my epic history of Antarctica - parts of which have been published and/or broadcast in the US, UK and for four voices here on ABC Radio National.]

Recent videos

New Vidpoems in the make:

Farm Life, Dorrigo

Do It Just, Shanghai

On the Bund

Plunge, Bellinger River

Scelsi in Bellingen

Scelsi in Bellingen

The sun is burning, Valla Beach


"In Case of Sudden Stop" had its premiere at 'The Wrong End of The Kaleidoscope' at the Qld Poetry festival, Sunday 29th August.

Rubber Hands

A video introduction to phenomenology based on the hand is sure to be a YouTube hit one day.

War Play

It’s too easy in this harbour city to forget that this nation is currently fighting a war; and that since World War II, more than 250 major wars have killed over 23 million people, 90% civilians, 3 out of 4 being women and children; or that nearly 40 major conflicts are happening RIGHT NOW.

Eric SatieAn eccentric documentary for one of the most influential and eccentric of 20th C composers. A surreal adventure using original footage with John Cage guesting. One of our first videos incorporated an improvised poem about Icarus with a kinetic sculpture by Kozo Nishino (plus local wildlife) from Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi (2008).

A trailer - summer blockbuster epic.

Residency at Bundanon

Resulting in a manuscript of poems including 'Kitchen Music', written for the didge player William Barton, which won the inaugural David Tribe Award & a bowerbird experiment.

Arthur Boyd's painterly studio

Nambucca Heads, our closest centre

"We belong to the even flow of words and unfinished sentences (abbreviated, to be sure,

truncated to speed up the circulation).

We belong to talking, not what talking is about . . .

Stop talking - and you are out. Silence equals exclusion."

Zygmunt Bauman, Liquid Love