
Who Does the Talking Here? The Impact of Gender Composition on Team Interactions

(with David Hardt and Lea Mayer)

Management Science, forthcoming

High-Pressure, High-Paying Jobs? 

(with Markus Nagler and Erwin Winkler)

Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming

Working from Home, Commuting, and Gender

(with Markus Nagler and Erwin Winkler)

Journal of Population Economics, forthcoming

Detecting and Preventing Cheating in Exams: Evidence from a Field Experiment 

(with Tobias Cagala and Ulrich Glogowsky)

Journal of Human Resources 59, 210-241 (2024)

Commitment Requests Do Not Affect Truth-Telling in Laboratory and Online Experiments

(with Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky, and Simeon Schudy)

Games and Economic Behavior 143, 179-190 (2024)

Competition and Moral Behavior: A Meta-Analysis of Forty-Five Crowd-Sourced Experimental Designs 

(with Christoph Huber, Anna Dreber, Jürgen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Utz Weitzel, Felix Holzmeister and others)

PNAS 120 (23) e2215572120 (2023)

What Drives Overhead Aversion in Charity? Evidence from Field-Experimental Variation in Fundraising Costs

(with Tobias Cagala and Amanda Tuset Cueva)

Oxford Economic Papers 75, 993-1011 (2023).

Tutoring in (Online) Higher Education: Experimental Evidence

(with David Hardt and Markus Nagler)

Economics of Education Review 92: 102350 (2023)

Can Peer Mentoring Improve Online Teaching Effectiveness? An RCT During the COVID-19 Pandemic

(with David Hardt and Markus Nagler)

Labour Economics 78: 102220 (2022)

Water the Flowers You Want to Grow? Evidence on Private Recognition and Donor Loyalty 

(with Benjamin Bittschi and Nadja Dwenger)

European Economic Review 131: 103624 (2021)

Rent Extraction and Prosocial Behavior 

(with Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky, Veronika Grimm and Amanda Tuset Cueva)

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 166: 709-723 (2019)

Public Goods Provision with Rent-Extracting Administrators 

(with Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky and Veronika Grimm)

Economic Journal 129(620): 1593-1617 (2019)

Do Norms on Contribution Behavior Affect Intrinsic Motivation? Field-Experimental Evidence from Germany  

(with Pierre C. Boyer and Nadja Dwenger)

Journal of Public Economics 144: 140-153 (2016)

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations for Tax Compliance: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany  

(with Nadja Dwenger, Henrik J. Kleven and Imran Rasul)

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8(3): 203-232 (2016)

A Field Experiment on Intertemporal Enforcement Spillovers  

(with Tobias Cagala and Ulrich Glogowsky)

Economic Letters 125(2): 171-174 (2014)

Electoral Competition and Endogenous Barriers to Entry  

(with Marcus Drometer)

European Journal of Political Economy 34: 252-262 (2014)

Do Countries Compensate Firms for International Wage Differentials?

(with Ferdinand Mittermaier)

Journal of Public Economics 102: 23-36 (2013)

Fiscal Competition over Taxes and Public Inputs

(with Sebastian Hauptmeier and Ferdinand Mittermaier)

Regional Science and Urban Economics 42(3): 407-419 (2012)

Enforcement Spillovers

(with Christian Traxler)

Review of Economics and Statistics 93(4): 1224-1234 (2011)

What Drives Corporate Tax Rates Down? A Reassessment of Globalization, Tax Competition, and Dynamic Adjustment to Shocks

(with Michael Overesch)

Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113(3): 579-602 (2011)

A Commuting-Based Refinement of the Contiguity Matrix for Spatial Models, and an Application to Local Police Expenditures

Regional Science and Urban Economics 40(5): 324-330 (2010)

Rate-Cutting Tax Reforms and Corporate Tax Competition in Europe

(with Michael Overesch and Friedrich Heinemann)

Economics & Politics 22(3): 498-518 (2010)

Competition from Low-Wage Countries and the Decline of Corporate Tax Rates - Evidence from European Integration

(with Michael Overesch)

World Economy 32(9): 1348-1364 (2009)

Politicians' Outside Earnings and Electoral Competition

(with Johannes Becker and Andreas Peichl)

Public Choice 140(3): 379-394 (2009)

The Impact of Ballot Access Restrictions on Electoral Competition: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

(with Marcus Drometer)

Public Choice 138(3): 461-474 (2009)

Yardstick Competition and Public Sector Innovation

International Tax and Public Finance 16(3): 337-361 (2009)

Wer trägt bei der Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik vor? Eine empirische Analyse

(with Andreas Haufler)

Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 10(2): 123-145 (2009)

Policy Diffusion in Space and Time: The Case of Charter Schools in California School Districts

Regional Science and Urban Economics 37(5): 526-541 (2007)

Labor Market Effects of Economic Integration - The Impact of Re-Unification in German Border Regions

(with Thiess Büttner)

German Economic Review 8(4): 536-560 (2007)

Competition in the Public School Sector: Evidence on Strategic Interaction Among US School Districts

Journal of Urban Economics 59(3): 352-369 (2006)

Policy Innovation in Local Jurisdictions: Testing for Neighborhood Influence in School Choice Policies

Public Choice 129(1): 189-200 (2006)

Hochschulranglisten als Qualitätsindikatoren im Wettbewerb der Hochschulen 

(with Thiess Büttner and Margit Kraus)

Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 72(2): 252-270 (2003)