
Personality of Millionaires

Several newspaper articles and blog posts have appeared about our article on the personality of millionaires:   

I have collected some links below. 

German publications:

FAZ, Tagesspiegel, Deutschlandfunk, Stern, Focus, Capital

International publications:

British Psychological Society  - Research Digest, CNBC, Business Insider

A full list of mentions is available here.

Top-Wealth Sample

Several newspaper articles and TV interviews have appeared about the first results from the Top-Wealth Sample in the SOEP:   

I have collected some links below. The "Die Zeit" article is the most thorough one. 

An interview was conducted on (in German)

I also appeared on Deutsche Welle (in German)

Retirement Subsidization Paper

Several newspaper articles have been written about the paper  Distributional effects of subsidizing retirement savings accounts: Evidence from Germany. I have collected some links below: 

I was also interviewed on the evening news program "rbb Aktuell" by the regional state broadcaster rbb regarding the paper. I do not have a recording, but here is a still from the interview.

The German consumer organisation and foundation Stiftung Warentest interviewed me regarding the results of the paper. 

You can find the audio here