
Autumn 2023


Subject {L-T-P / C}: EC6405: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory {3-0-0 / 3}

Subject Nature: Theory

Coordinator: Prof. Jogesh Chandra Dash


Module 1: Introduction and Revision of EM Theory, Maxwell’s equations, constitutive parameter, Propagation of waves, Waves in lossy media, Reflections, Refractions, Polarizations of waves, Plane Waves, Radiation principles

Module 2: Some Theorems and Concepts, Duality, Uniqueness, Image theories, Equivalence principles and their application, Fields in half space, The induction theorem, Reciprocity, Greens functions, Generalised Sources, Constructions of solutions.

Module 3: Electromagnetic wave propagation through multilayered media and its applications towards radar antenna integration for autonomous vehicular application, radome analysis using geometrical optics (GO) and physical optics (PO).

Module 4: Plane wave functions, the rectangular waveguide, TE, TM, and hybrid modes, Cavity, partially filled waveguide, The dielectric-slab guide, surface-guided waves, Brief overview on: Cylindrical/Spherical Wave functions, scattering by cylinders/spheres, Dipole and Conducting sphere, Radiations.

Module 5: Introduction to Metamaterial, Metasurface, Space-time varying metamaterials, gradient indexed metasurface, digitally coded meta surface, meta-atoms.

Pre-requisites: Basic Electromagnetic Theory, Basic Antenna Engineering

2. EC1000: Basic Electronics Engineering 


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2. EC2701: Circuit Simulation Laboratory 


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