Awards & Grants

# Talks

11. Delivered a talk on "Wireless Power Transfer: Case Studies on Antenna Design Aspects for Underground Communication to Biomedical Applications" at the One-Week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Recent Trends in Bioelectromagnetic Research and Applications” organised by the  School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE), VIT-AP University 17th April-23rd April 2024.  

10. Delivered a talk on "MIMO: An Antenna Design Perspective and its Applications" at the 5th edition of the short-term course on Design and Simulation of Antenna and Microwave Devices 2023, organized by ECE Department National Institute of Technology Rourkela.

9. Delivered an Invited Talk on "Full-Duplex Antenna Design for V2X-ITS Application: An Approach Towards Future 6G Communication ", Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) sponsored Karyashala Modern Antennas and Metasurfaces for Microwave, Millimeter-wave, and Terahertz-wave Communication Technologies' by the NIT Jamshedpur. 

8. Delivered an Invited Talk on "MIMO RADAR Antenna Design, Study of Vehicular Integration Effects and its Solution for Autonomous Vehicle Application", organized by IEEE Student Branch MNNIT ALLAHABAD, India. 

7. Talk on 'Full-Duplex Antenna Design for V2X-ITS Application: An Approach Towards Future 6G Communication' at EECS Research Symposium-2023, IISc Bangalore.

6. Pitch Talk on 'Full-Duplex Antenna Design: An Approach Towards Future 6G Communication' at Tyndall-IISc Symposium- 2023 organized by Centre for Nano Science and Engineering, IISc Bangalore. 

5. Talk on 'Suppression of Higher Order Modes in a Four Element CSRR Loaded Multi-Antenna System and An Overview of Full-Duplex Antenna Design ' at EECS Research Students Symposium- 2022,  IISc Bangalore.

4. Invited Talk on 'Indigenous Development of Underground MIMO Antenna and Future Full-Duplex Communication System' at IEEE InCAP Young Professional Session 2021 .

3. Invited guest lecture on 'Microwave Engineering Application and Future Research' @ Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering of S.P.I.T., Mumbai, 2021.

2.  Talk on 'Antenna design case study using HFSS and CST: A A Model for Equivalent Loss Tangent of Multilayered Media for Automotive Radar Applications' at Continuing Education Program on Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: Theory and Application  @ IIT Bombay, 2019.

1.  Talk on 'Antenna design case study using HFSS and CST' at  Continuing Education Program on Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: Pedagogy and Computation  @ IIT Bombay, 2018.