

Published articles

Cariolle, J. & Leon, F.  How internet helped firms cope with COVID-19, 2024. Revue Economique, in press.

Cariolle, J., Elkhateeb, Y., Maurel, M. Misinformation technology: Internet use and political misperceptions in Africa, 2024. Journal of Comparative Economics, in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2024.01.002 

Cariolle, J., & Da Piedade, C (2023). Digital Connectedness and Exports Upgrading: Is Sub-Saharan Africa Catching Up? The World Economy. DOI: 10.1111/twec.13501. Appendix here.

Cariolle, J. & Le Goff, M. (2023) Spatial Internet Spillovers in ManufacturingJournal of Development studies, 8(59), 1163-1186. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2023.2204177.

Cariolle, J. International Connectivity and the Digital Divide in Sub-Saharan Africa, Information Economics & Policy, 55, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.infoecopol.2020.100901 


Aker, J. & Cariolle, J. Mobile Phones and Development in Africa: Does the Evidence Meet the Hype? Palgrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy Series, Palgrave McMillan, 2023.

Working Papers

Cariolle, J. & Carroll II, A.D. From phone access to food markets: Is mobile connectivity transforming West-African livelihoods?  Ferdi Document de travail P341.

Imbruno, M., Cariolle, J., & de Melo, J. Digital connectivity and firm participation in foreign markets: An exporter-based bilateral analysis, CEPR Discussion Paper,  May 2022. R&R at Journal of Development Economics.

Cariolle, J., & Carroll, D. Advancing digital frontiers in African economies: lessons learned from firm-level innovations. FERDI Working Paper P281, December 2020.

Cariolle, J., Le Goff, M., & Santoni, O. (2019) "Broadband infrastructure deployment, digital vulnerability, and local firm performance in developing and transition countries", Banque de France WP #709 (revised version, 02/2019).


Cariolle, J., & Leon, F. Crise du COVID-19 et fracture numérique dans l'espace francophone: Renforcer la souveraineté numérique des États pour une plus grande résilience au choc sanitaire et une meilleure intégration de l'espace francophone. Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), A paraître.

Cariolle, J., & Carroll, D. Digital Technologies for Small and Medium Enterprises and job creation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ferdi Report, 2020.

Cariolle, J. The Use of Digital for Public Service Provision in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ferdi Report, 2020.

Cariolle, J. & Goujon, M. "Infrastructure et économie numérique en Afrique subsaharienne et dans l’UEMOA : Etat des lieux, acteurs, et nouvelles vulnérabilités", Ferdi Report, 2018.


Cariolle, J. & Leon, F.  How internet helped firms cope with COVID-19, FERDI Policy Brief 230, March 2022. 

Aker, J. & Cariolle, J. The Use of Digital for Public Service Provision in Sub-Saharan Africa, Policy Brief 209, 2020.

Cariolle, J. Digital spillovers and SMEs’ performance in Sub-Saharan Africa , Policy Brief 210, 2020.

Cariolle, J. Boom de l’économie numérique en Afrique Subsaharienne : quelles perspectives pour l’emploi ?, Policy Brief 177, 2018.

Cariolle, J. & Goujon, M. "Infrastructure et économie numérique en Afrique subsaharienne et dans l’UEMOA : Etat des lieux, acteurs, et nouvelles vulnérabilités", Policy Brief 186, 2019.

Blog notes

Cariolle, J. "La révolution numérique en Afrique subsaharienne : quelles perspectives pour l’emploi?", Entreprenante Afrique, 14/11/2018.

Conferences / webinars

IFC Flagship Conference "Digitalization and Development", Science Po Paris, France. Invited Speaker. Recorded session here.

UNCTAD 2023  E-commerce Weeks (June and December), Geneva, Switzerland.  Invited speaker. Invited speaker.

Digital Trust Conference "Digital Trust: A condition for the emergence of Africa?", ENSEA, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Organizer and speaker. Overview of the conference here.

United Nations 5th Conference on the Least Developed Countries Category, March 2023.  Invited speaker for the round table "Crise de la Covid-19 et risques de creusement de la fracture numérique : Renforcer l'inclusion et la souveraineté numérique pour une plus grande résilience des PMA", organized by the OIF.

UNCTAD 2022  E-commerce Weeks (June and December), Geneva, Switzerland.  Invited speaker.

Digital Trust and public service provision in sub-Saharan Africa (in french), 2021. Webinar here.

Digital Tust and financial inclusion in sub-Saharan Africa (in french), 2021. Webinar here.

Digital Trust, entrepreneurship and job creation in sub-Saharan Africa  (in french), 2021. Webinar here.