
Each hostel has their own traditions, but most of them are similar.

Red pocket開sem 利是

Red pockets for freshmen at the beginning of the semester

Red envelopes are distributed and designed by the peer mentors (BAMA)

Peer mentors usually put $10.3, $1.3... into the red pockets, the numbers will bring them luck. (the luck relates to GPA or academic results)


通常食字 例如一個三 一定過三

又或者五個三 (5·3)其實係祝你唔過三


Made by peer mentors as a gift to the freshman in the Mid-autumn festival


Hall Cheers

(We Are) JC F JC F JC Hostel F

FFFF 我哋係嶺南大學 Hostel F x三次

(我哋係) wow Hall F x三次

hey hey hey hey Hall F今年又屈機

hey hey hey hey 驥德堂又殺到嚟

驥德堂 哈!驥德堂 哈哈!

驥德堂 哈!wow 驥德堂 哈!


We are We are Hall F噓 Hall F噓

We are We are Hall F噓 Hall F噓

JC Hostel F天生無敵衝勁

Hall F多精英屈機無得頂 say

We are We are Hall F噓 Hall F噓

We are We are Hall F噓 Hall F噓

(驥德) 精神 (我哋驥德) 你哋聽清楚啲


(Who Are We) Hall F (Who Are We) Hall F

賽賽賽馬會 驥驥驥德堂

賽馬會 驥德堂 JC Hostel F

(One Two Three Four)

驥德人驥德人 we are the champion

晚晚玩到唔洗瞓 F字代表驥德人

Jozi 組紙

A sheet contains members' information, usually, that will be the date of birth, room number, and person's name. Created by peer mentors (BAMA)

包含組員嘅個人訊息 例如住嘅房間 生日日期



Consultation day - collecting opinion from residents

Lingnan Tour嶺南遊

A group of hall F residents conduct a parade, during that time, we keep saying our hall cheers. In the course of the parade, we compete with other hostels, because most of the tours carry on the same day.係嶺南大學各處叫cheers 起到宣傳作用

campfire demonstration (By Fortitude)

campfire demonstration (By Fortitude)

The Walking dead road


一條入hall F 必經嘅道路 可能因為夜晚好恐怖?所以有呢個名