
What did we do in the past?

All the following activities are held by the SHA (Student Hostel Association)

Reporting day

(Hall booth)

On this day, each hall sends out representatives to promote the culture of the hall & the upcoming hall camp. 第一日認識到唔同嘅宿舍文化 對有興趣嘅宿舍可以報名參加Ocamp

Orientation Camp (Ocamp)

During the camp, you will meet different residents of hall F and your peer mentors (BAMA), so please join the camp, if there's a chance!

大學宿舍迎新營 快啲入嚟呢度認識你嘅組爸組媽同埋其他同學仔


就算自己讀嗰科唔報名都要報名呢個宿舍迎新營呀 因為你好有可能四年都係同一間宿舍過~

House warming dinner


The first event throughout a year

Together, we eat a big bowl feast (Poon Choi) and relish the performances given by the talented residents.喺呢一晚我哋會聚埋一齊 食盆菜玩遊戲抽獎!


Garthering with the WO (Warden office)

At the mid-autumn festival, we usually visit the apartment of the warden, and we play games with them, sometimes the principal attends.

中秋節 我哋會上舍監嘅屋企 「玩」月餅「食」燈籠 同「食」遊戲


Uniform party 校服派對

We wear our own secondary school uniforms and play games in groups!

Like a party, there are snacks and drinks provided.

Organized by the SHA



The presidents cup校長杯

Compete with other residents as a unit - Hall, the Hall team will represent us joining the in-school sports competition.

如果大家係運動健將 體育強人

可以喺呢個比賽發揮你嘅所長 為我哋宿舍爭光

Promotion period of the new student hostel association - Fervent

During the promotion period, the new SHA needs to let others know they are the next official SHA of hall F, they do a lot to arouse others' attention, like giving out handmade souvenirs to hall F residents, preparing breakfast for them and holding a booth at the lobby of hall F.


宿生會聽到佢哋嘅政綱 收到佢哋嘅宣傳物品 同埋滿滿嘅關懷


Annual dinner周年晚宴

Annual dinner for Hall F residents and WO


由宿生會舉辦 通常會有不同嘅主題



Inauguration of the Student Hostel Association


E F Gathering EF同樂日

Hall E and Hall F hold a event together to manifest the friendship between two hostels

自古E F兩家親


以往通常係去富泰燒嘢食 同埋玩遊戲


Halloween party萬聖節派對

Halloween party, usually cooperate with Hall E

萬聖節派對 會有鬼屋 同埋相應嘅活動 有機會聯同Hall E舉辦

Singing contest 歌唱比賽

Talent show, to let residents to showcase their hidden talents

各位唔同地區嘅實力唱將 可以喺呢一個活動闖出自己嘅新天地


Farewell party

Farewell party for the year 4 residents
