Automating Logistic Industry


Context: Object tracking is an important basis for the logistics industry where multiple packages are moved on conveyor belts at a time. Efficient data annotation is one of the several problems for both object detection and tracking for training the deep learning framework. Particularly assigning human annotated unique identification to objects by human experts to train AI models effectively and efficiently over ground truth data.

Dataset: We generate three sets of datasets related to the logistics industry where packages/parcels are captured on moving conveyor belts using camera towards generating robust human-annotated datasets. The first two sets of datasets comprise 100 and ~1,000 time-series images and the same number of JSON files by human experts. The third dataset comprises ~5,000 time-series images and the same number of JSON files are generated by our automated tool.

Methods/Contribution: In this research, (i) we introduce an OpenCV-based framework that allows the users to assign identities to the detected objects based on the correspondence of objects over ground truth datasets. (ii) we also propose a deep learning-based tool that automatically identifies the correspondence of objects through frames. (iii) we extend our research and develop an object detection and tracking model by adopting evaluation parameters including euclidean distance, intersection over union (IoU), and scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) to measure the accuracy of objects correspondence and tracking.

Result: We demonstrate our datasets and tools and achieved 96.77 \% accuracy in assigning automated identities and 97.55\% in object detection, finding correspondence, and object tracking. To improve the accuracy and optimize our model, we utilize the Hungarian algorithm and achieved an accuracy of 99.53\% which indicates the robustness of our dataset and tools.

Future Studies: In future studies, we are aiming to develop object detection and tracking model by adopting neural network focusing on package or parcel tracking for the logistics industry that shall help to automate the entire process.

Note: We prepared a research paper using this project and aim to submit the paper to IEEE ICCV 2023 conference.

Process of Sorting Packages/Parcels:

Object detection and tracking seem an important basis for the logistics industry where multiple packages are moved on conveyor belts at a time. In order to sorting, counting, and tracking parcels or packages, object detecting and tracking are prevalent and challenging tasks that the logistics industry is looking forward to accomplish. Towards providing a fully automated solution, it is necessary to address the limitation of sorting, detecting, and tracking parcels or packages from conveyor belts inside parcel distribution hubs.

Fig: Conveyor belt and robotic arm

Preparing Ground Truth Dataset:

Data annotation is one of the important parts of both parcel detection and tracking due to the training of the deep learning framework that uses data annotation and ground truth annotation is not 100 % accurate. The existing Ground Truth Concept is being utilized to prepare datasets where various tools enable human experts to draw bounding boxes over the objects/packages. However, ground truth data does not fulfill the robustness in terms of accuracy.

Fig: Ground truth data, illustrates the bounding boxes on packages

Preparing Human-Annotated Ground Truth Dataset:

Thus, preparing a set of human-annotated unique IDs for all of the ground truth bounding boxes can overcome the limitation to train a deep learning model accurately. Addressing the aforementioned problem, we consider developing a novel application that shall enable users to assign id by clicking specified bounding boxes and stores in ground truth data (JSON files). We use OpenCV and Tkinter GUI to display the bounding box from the ground truth dataset.

Fig: illustrates human annotated dataset on Tkinter GUI

Object Detection and tracking:

We utilized performance matrices to detect objects and tracking them afterward.

Euclidean Distance: Euclidean distance (ED) or Euclidean metric is called centroid tracking and the algorithm is a combination of a process of calculation of straight-line distance between two points in euclidean space to find the distance between the current frame and the referenced frame for each object. The method relies on (i) existing object centroids and (ii) new object centroids between subsequent frames. Based on a threshold distance between objects (e.x. 50%), the model categorizes the objects as similar otherwise creates a new label.

Fig: Depicts formula of Euclidean Distance

Fig: Depicts formula of Intersection over Union (IoU)

Intersection over Union (IoU): Intersection over Union (also known as Jaccard index) is an evaluation metric usually used to measure the accuracy of an object correspondence detector on a particular dataset. In our case, we try to determine the correspondence between different parcels throughout multiple frames. To calculate the IoU and determine the correspondence between parcels we adopted the IoU's equation where TP refers to True Positive while, FP refers to False Positive, and FN refers to False Negative. With the help of the IoU threshold, our model can decide the prediction in three different state: (i) True Positive (TP), (ii) False Positive (FP), or (iii) False Negative (FN).

Initial Accuracy:

We demonstrate our application to determine the correspondences between objects and apply our framework to human-annotated ground truth datasets comprising ~1,000 images and the same amount of JSON files. Our demonstration achieved 94.53 % accuracy in object detection, finding correspondence, and object tracking.

Fig: illustrates initial accuracy

Applying Hungarian Algorithm:

The Hungarian Algorithm, also known as Kuhn Munkres algorithm, is an algorithm for combinatorial optimization that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time with two possible ways to formulate the problem, (i) as a matrix or (ii) as a bipartite graph. We adopt the Hungarian algorithm method to identify and track parcels due to its ability to identify whether a parcel from one frame is the same as another parcel from another frame.

Fig: formula of Hungarian algorithm

Final Accuracy:

We demonstrated our tools on ~6,200 datasets consisting of thousands of bounding boxes and achieved an accuracy of 99.18 \% in finding the correspondence between parcels and tracking the parcels. Such accuracy indicates the robustness of our framework. In the future, we aim to demonstrate our model with other deep learning models including neural networks to compare the accuracy with introduced applications.

Fig: formula of Hungarian algorithm

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