
List of subjects in which João Luzio has been involved or had some degree of responsibility while in a Teaching Assistant position.

Awarded with the 2022/23 Outstanding Teaching Diploma

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC)

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)

Second Semester, 2023/2024

Shift Types: Laboratory



Fundamental concepts involved in systems composed of diverse physical agents are covered, with diverse autonomy degrees (sensors, processors, actuators, robots) spatially distributed. Fundamental concepts and methods for self-localization under uncertainty on the observation and motion models are described. Methods for integrating the information from multiple sensors are presented, for positioning and for representing the world map where the sensors are situated, as well as methods for problem solving in cooperative systems, including cooperative perception, and task assignment, planning, and coordination. Fundamental concepts on functional, software, and hardware architectures concludes the course. 

Second Semester, 2023/2024

Shift Types: Laboratory


During the course the following topics will be addressed:


The purpose of this course is to introduce the concepts and tools needed for the design, analysis, and implementation of real-time control systems in distributed environments, namely:

The gained knowledge will be developed through the execution of a practical project on a real-time distributed control system, where the students have to assemble the control network devices, model the system, formulate the control objectives, develop controllers, distribute computation among the different nodes, coordinate the communications between nodes, plan experiments to compare different control approaches, and acquire data to report results.  

Second Semester, 2022/2023

Shift Types: Laboratory



Programming - LEEC21

Second Semester, 2022/2023

Shift Types: Laboratory



The Programming course aims to provide students with the basics of procedural programming in high level languages. The students are expected to acquire the indispensable concepts for algorithmic problem solving, with special emphasis on those that usually arise in the area of Engineering, data abstraction and structured programming. 

Digital Systems - LEAer21

First Semester, 2022/2023

Shift Types: Laboratory and Problems


Binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems, arithmetic operations, decimal and alphanumeric codes. Logic circuits: binary logic and gates, Boolean algebra, logic functions, standard forms, incompletely specified functions, algebraic and map minimization, circuits with NAND and NOR gates. Elementary technology elements: logic families, tri-state gates, propagation delays. Combinational circuits: encoders, decoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, comparators, adders and subtractors. Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops, timing analysis and timing synchronization. Registers and Counters: registers, shift registers, counters, counter interconnection and expansion. Synchronous sequential circuits: Mealy and Moore models, state diagrams and state tables, state encoding, classical synthesis, alternative synthesis methods, state minimization. Memories: RAM, ROM and PROM.
