Hi, I'm Joanna Yip 葉天恩, educator and professional coach

I am a coach for school leaders, teachers, educators, instructional coaches, and other professionals who work for equity and justice in school systems.  I help my clients see their own power, understand their own minds and hearts, and overturn their immunity to change. I partner with clients to design goals that matter to them, uncover different perspectives, and align their actions with the change they want to see in the world. 

Coaching Practice

Clients who work with me want to: 

My clients are usually school leaders and educators of color who love their job, but are constantly battling white supremacy and poorly implemented systems and policies in their schools or districts.  I work with professionals who identify as black, indigenous, or people of color. I also work with clients who identify as white and serve minoritized communities in their work. 

Get in touch at joanna.e.yip@gmail.com 

Schedule a coaching session on Calendly