
I really enjoy talking to students about mathematics, both in and out of the classroom. I particularly like seeing students learn to think mathematically, whether it's drawing a connection between the calculus and algebra units in a first year course or encountering Dehn surgery for the first time.

Course information for my classes at ANU can be found on Wattle. Here are some I've taught recently:

  • Advanced Mathematics and Applications II (MATH1116)
  • Mathematics and Applications II (MATH 1014)

Why teach calculus and linear algebra in the same class? They're both fundamental techniques with broad applications, but they also interact with each other...

A new driver will quickly observeIt’s simpler to go straight than to swerve.We make use of thatAnd use things that are flatTo study objects that curve.
  • Algebra 1 (MATH 2322/3104/6118): Groups, Rings, and Modules
  • 3-Manifolds
  • Reading courses on Morse theory, Mapping Class Groups, Modern Knot Theory, Contact Geometry, Hyperbolic Geometry, & Geometric Group Theory

And not so recently:

  • Metric spaces, complex analysis, applied group theory, calculus, linear algebra


I've supervised Honours or Master's theses for

  • Zaiga Thomann (2014)
  • Dominic Weiller (2015)
  • Lachlan Maynard (MY 2015)
  • Joel Martin (2017)
  • Jonas Graw (2018)
  • Adele Jackson (2018)
  • Shuai Tan (MY 2019)
  • Joshua Tomlin (2019)

If you're interested in working with me, please get in touch. Generally, you should have some experience with algebraic structures (groups and rings) and manifolds (differential geometry or algebraic topology).

Here's a blog where I occasionally post some reflections on teaching.