Papers in proceedings

1. W.C. Zapata, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Ruiz, A. Torres and C. Ranninger. "Ensayos de corrosión sobre aceros inoxidables aus­teníticos sinterizados". IV Congreso Español de Corrosión and Protección. Madrid, Febrero de 1986.

2. J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Luna and M.L. Aparicio. "Tratamientos térmicos de las aleaciones Fe-Cu y Fe-Cu-C sinterizadas". II Congreso Nacional sobre Tratamien­tos Térmicos, TRATERMAT'88. Madrid, Diciembre de 1988.

3. J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Luna and C. Ranninger. "Tratamientos térmicos de las aleaciones Fe-C y Fe-C-Ni". II Congreso Nacional sobre Tratamientos Térmicos, TRATERMAT'88. Madrid, Diciembre de 1988.

4. Portolés, J.R. Ibars, M.L. Aparicio, C. Ranninger, J.M. Ruiz and J.M. Torralba. "Tratamientos térmicos no convencionales en los ace­ros inoxidables austeníticos". II Congreso Nacional sobre Tratamientos Térmicos, TRATERMAT'88. Madrid, Diciembre de 1988.

5. J.L. Sanchez, Luis E. García, J.M. Torralba and J.M. Ruiz. "Influencia de la naturaleza de los polvos en las propiedades mecánicas y la microestructura de los aceros sinterizados al níquel". Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tec­nología Metalúrgicas. Madrid, October de 1990.

6. L.E. García, J.M. Torralba and J.M. Ruiz. "Aceros rápidos sinterizados: estado actual y pers­pectivas de futuro". III Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería. Madrid, Junio de 1991.

7. J.M. Torralba, L.E. García and J.M. Ruiz. "Aceros inoxidables austenoferríticos sinterizados obtenidos a partir de mezcla de polvos". IV Reunión Nacional de Materiales. Oviedo, October 1993.

8. J.M. Torralba and L.E. García."La investigación sobre pulvimetalurgia y materiales cerámicos en la E.T.S. de Inenieros de Minas de Madrid". IV Reunión Nacional de Materiales. Oviedo, October 1993.

9. F. Velasco, J.M. Torralba, L.E.G. Cambronero, J.M. Ruiz-Román and J.M. Ruiz. "Propiedades mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables pulvimetalúrgicos infiltrados con cobre y bronce". IX Congreso Internacional de Minería y Metalúrgia. León 24-28 mayo/1994.

10. Ochoa, M. Gutiérrez,E. Gordo, J.M. Torralba, L. García, J.M. Ruiz and C. Fernandez. "Obtención de Materiales avanzados mediante compactación por explosivos". IX Congreso Internacional de Minería y Metalurgia. León 24-28 mayo/1994.

11. F. Velasco, N. Antón, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto and J.M. Torralba. "Mejora del comportamiento mecánico a corrosión y desgaste de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos sinterizados". V Reunión Nacional de Materiales, Cadiz, 15-17 de October de 1996.

12. J.M. Torralba, J.M. Catalén, E. Chacón and P. Gómez. "Detección de valores anómalos y defectuosos en bases de datos". Convención Iberoamericana de Informáticos CIBI'86. Madrid, Noviembre de 1986.

13. W.C. Zapata, J.M. Torralba and J.M. Ruiz. "Tratamientos térmicos de aceros al Cu-Ni-Mo sinte­rizados". VII Congreso Brasileño de Ingeniería y Cien­cia de los Materiales, CBICMAT'86. Florianápolis, Brasil, Diciembre de 1986.

14. W.C. Zapata, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Ruiz, A. Torres and C. Ranninger. "Aceros inoxidables austeníticos sinterizados". VII Congreso Brasileño de Ingeniería y Ciencia de los Materia­les, CBICMAT'86. Florianápolis, Brasil, Diciembre de 1986.

15. J.M. Ruiz, W.C. Zapata, J.M. Torralba and C. Ranninger. "Microestructura y propiedades de compactos Fe-Cu y Fe-Cu-C sinterizados". VII Congreso Brasileño de Ingeniería y Ciencia de los Materiales, CBICMAT'86. Florianápolis, Bra­sil, Diciembre de 1986.

16. W.C. Zapata, J.M. Torralba and J.M. Ruiz. "Estudio de la variación dimensional de los aceros aleados sinterizados". II Congreso Mundial Vasco-Congreso de Nuevos Materiales Estructurales. Bilbao, 1987.

17. W.C. Zapata, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Ruiz and J.L. Sanchez. "Hierro y aceros sinterizados. Microestructura y pro­piedades mecánicas". VIII Congreso Mundial de Minería y Me­talurgia. Oviedo. October de 1988.

18. J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Torralba, J.L. Sanchez and J.M. Ferri. "Estudio de las propiedades y microestructura de los aceros sinterizados aleados con níquel y cobre". VIII Con­greso Mundial de Minería y Metalurgia. Oviedo. October de 1988.

19. J.M. Torralba and J.M. Ruiz. "Calculo del coeficiente de pérdidas por cableado y de la correlación entre las propiedades resistentes de los alambres de los cables para instalaciones de extracción en minas". VIII Congreso Mundial de Minería y Metalurgia. Ovie­do. October de 1988.

20. J.M. Torralba, J.M. Ruiz, J.M. Luna and W.C. Zapata. “Heat treatments of Cu-Ni-Mo sintered steels obtained from elemental mix and prealloyed powders . World Conference on Powder Metallurgy, Julio 1990, vol. 2 (1990).

21. F. Ambrosio, J.M. Torralba, L. García, L.F. de Lima and M.D. das Neves. "Sinterizaçâo de aços inoxidáveis austeniticos com fase líquida". Seminario sobre Metalurgia do Pó de la Associaçâo Brasileira de Metais. Sâo Paulo - SP (Brasil), 23-25 october 1991.

22. J.M. Torralba, L.E. García, J. Ramos and J.M. Ruiz. "Carbonitriding of Low Density P/M Cu-steels". The 8th International Conference on Powder Metallurgy in CSFR, Piestany, Checoslovaquia. 7-9 october 1991.

23. W.M. Lima, J.M. Torralba. "Optimizaçao dos parametros de compactaçao e sinterizaçao dos aços inoxidaveis 304L e 316L con adiçao de lubrificante". Anais do 10º CBCIMAT, pag. 492-494, Aguas de Lindoia, Brasil, 1992.

24. W.C. Zapata, C.E. da Costa and J.M. Torralba. "Aços rapidos P/M resistentes ao desgaste". 48 Congreso da ABM, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1993.

25. J.M. Torralba, L.E.G. Cambronero, J.M. Ruiz-Román and J.M. Ruiz-Prieto. "Mechanical reliability and properties of sintered clinker portland". 8th Cimtec World Ceramic Congress, 28 junio - 4 julio, Florencia. 1994.

26. J.M. Torralba, L.E.G. Cambronero, F. Velasco and J.M. Ruiz-Prieto. "Mechanical reliability and properties of sintered clinker portland doped with other ceramic particles". 8th Cimtec World Ceramic Congress, 28 junio - 4 julio, Florencia. 1994.

27. W.C. Zapata, C.E. da Costa and J.M. Torralba. "Aços rápidos P/M reforçados con NbC". Congreso Internacional de Tecnología Metalúrgica e de Materiais, 10-13 october, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 1994

28. E. Gordo, J.M. Ruiz-Román, F. Velasco, L.E.G. Cambronero, J.M. Torralba and J.M. Ruiz-Prieto. "Estudio comparativo de los aceros rápidos sinterizados obtenidos mediante compactación con explosivos y por compactación isostática en caliente". Congreso Internacional de Tecnología Metalúrgica e de Materiais, 10-13 october, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 1994.

29. J.M. Ruiz-Román, F. Velasco, L.E.G. Cambronero, J.M. Torralba and J.M. Ruiz-Prieto. "Aceros sinterizados reforzados con carburo de niobio: microestructura y propiedades". Congreso Internacional de Tecnología Metalúrgica e de Materiais, 10-13 october, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 1994.

30. W.C. Zapata, C.E. da Costa, J.M. Torralba and L. Geisler. “Reciclagem de cavacos de usinagem por metalurgia do pó . 50 Congreso Anual de la Asociación Brasileña de Materiales, Sao Paulo, Ag. 1995, vol. 1 (1995) 431-447

31. J.M. Torralba, A. Monsoriú, J.M. Ruiz-Román, J.R. Ibars and F. Velasco. "Corrosion behaviour of P/M duplex stainless steels made from prealloyed and mixed powders", 14th International Scientific Conference on Advance Materials and Technology, Zacopane, Polonia, 1995.

32. W.C. Zapata, C.E. da Costa and J.M. Torralba. "Sinterability and wear behaviour of P/M M2 high speed steel reinforced with NbC composite", 14th International Scientific Conference on Advance Materials and Technology, Zacopane, Polonia, 1995.

33. F. Velasco, J.M. Torralba, N. Antón, L.E.G. Cambronero and J.M. Ruiz-Prieto. "Stainless steel matrix composites: mechanical properties and wear behaviour", EURO P/M 95, Birmingham, Reino Unido, 1995.

34. E. Gordo, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto, J.C. Ruiz-Sierra, L.E.G. Cambronero. "Dilatometric study of M/2 high speed steel reinforced with NbC and TaC", EURO P/M 95, Birmingham, Reino Unido, 1995.

35. J.M. Torralba, N. Candela, J.M. Ruiz-Román, L.E.G. Cambronero and J.M. Ruiz-Prieto. "Thermal and mechanical behaviour of high Mo P/M steels", EURO P/M 95, Birmingham, Reino Unido, 1995.

36. J.M. Torralba, J.M. Ruiz-Román, L.E.G. Cambronero, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto and M.G. Stampa. "P/M high speed steels obtained by metal injection moulding" (keynote lecture), 4th International Scientific Conference on Achievements on Mechanical and Materials Engineering, AMME'95, Wisla, Polonia.

37. J.M. Ruiz-Román, J.M. Torralba, L.E.G. Cambronero, N. Candela and J.M. Ruiz-Prieto. "Mechanical and Wear behaviour of an AISI M2 High Speed Steel", 1996 European Conference on Advances in Hard Materials Production, Estocolmo, Suecia.

38. C.E. da Costa, W.C. Zapata, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Ruiz and V. Amigó. “Composites a base de aluminio M/P reforçados com intermetalico Ni3Al . CONAMET IX, IBEROMET IV, October 1996, Santiago de Chile, vol. 1 (1996), 28-31.

39. W.C. Zapata, N. Candela and J.M. Torralba. “Obtençao de aços siterizados ao Mo . CONAMET IX, IBEROMET IV, October 1996, Santiago de Chile, vol. 1 (1996).

40. J.M. Ruiz-Román, L.E.G. Cambronero, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto and J.M. Torralba. "Reliability study of P/M high speed steels by Weibull Statistics", International Conference on Deformation and Fracture in Structural P/M Materials, High Tatras, Slovaquia, October 13-16 Noviembre 1996.

41. N. Antón, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba. "Mechanical properties of ceramic matrix composites based on clinker portland doped with magnesia". 5th International Conference 'Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering', 4-6 Diciembre de 1996. Gliwice, Polonia.

42. F. Velasco, N. Antón, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto and J.M. Torralba. "Mejora del comportamiento mecánico, a corrosión y desgaste de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos sinterizados". En Tendencias de la Ciencia de los Materiales, Resumenes de la V Reunión Nacional de Materiales, Cádiz, 15-17 de October de 1996.

43. L.E.G. Cambronero, L. Catarino, F.L. González-Mesones, M. Oliveira, J. Sousa, J.M. Torralba, A. Victoria and M.T. Vieira. "Optimization of the sintering process of raw material wastes". Proceedings of Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMTP'97, Guimaraes, Portugal, 22-26 Julio 1997, vol. 1, 167-171.

44. C.E. da Costa, W.C. Zapata, F. Velasco, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto and J.M. Torralba. "Wear behaviour of aluminum reinforced with nickel aluminides MMC's". Proceedings of Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMTP'97, Guimaraes, Portugal, 22-26 Julio 1997, vol. 1, 121-125.

45. N. Candela, F. Velasco, N. Antón and J.M. Torralba. "Mechanical properties of heat treated Fe-3.5%Mo base sintered steels". Proceedings of the Euro PM'97, Advances in Structural PM Component Production, Munich, Alemania, 15-17 de October, 1997, 359-365.

46. N. Antón, F. Velasco, N. Candela, W. Moreira, M.A. Martínez and J.M. Torralba. "Materiales compuestos base clinker portland reforzados con sílice: sinterabilidad y propiedades mecánicas". Actas del II Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos, 25-28 de Noviembre de 1997, Madrid, 424-431.

47. W. Moreira, C.E. da Costa, N. Antón, M.A. Martínez, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba. "Aceros inoxidables reforzados con g-TiAl: comportamiento mecánico, a corrosión y desgaste". Actas del II Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos, 25-28 de Noviembre de 1997, Madrid, 465-472.

48. C.E. da Costa, F. Velasco, A. Varez, J.M. Badía, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto and J.M. Torralba. "Estudio de los materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio reforzados con Ni3Al". Actas del II Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos, 25-28 de Noviembre de 1997, Madrid, 542-549.

49. C.E. Costa, A. Várez, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba. “Synthesis of Ni3Al by mechanical alloying . Book of abstracts of Powder Charaterization for Advance Materials, Gijón, 1997, 16-20.

50. Ferrer, V. Amigó, M.D. Salvador, D. Busquets and J.M. Torralba. “Investigation about the interfase nature of the Ni3Al intermetallic reinforced particles with Al alloy matrix composite obtained by powder metallurgy . European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM-8, Junio 1998, Napoles, vol. 4 (1998) 67-73.

51. C.E. Costa, F. Velasco, W.M. Lima and J.M. Torralba. “Corrosion behaviour of 2014 P/M aluminum alloys reinforced with intermetallics in saline solutions . 2nd International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies MATEHN’98, Cluj-Napoca, Sep. 1998, vol. 1 (1998).

52. N. Candela, F. Velasco, N. Antón and J.M. Torralba. "Efecto del temple y la nitruración sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los aceros sinterizados base Fe-3.5% Mo". Actas del VII Congreso Nacional de Tratamientos Térmicos y de Superficie, TRATERMAT'98, 27-29 Mayo 1998, Madrid, 25-33.

53. J.M. Torralba and E. Gordo. “Particulate high speed steel matrix composites . Special Interest Seminar on PM Stainless Steels and other High Alloy Steels, World Congress on Powder Metallurgy PM’98, Granada, 18-22 October de 1998. Special Volume. 1998.

54. J.M. Torralba. “Powder injection moulding: sintering principles . Special Interest Seminar on Powder Injection Moulding, World Congress on Powder Metallurgy PM’98, Granada, 18-22 October de 1998. Special Volume. 1998

55. M.D. Salvador, V. Amigó, C. Ferrer, D. Busquets and J.M. Torralba. “Investigation on the interface formation between intermetallic particles and aluminium matrix . Proceedings of the 1998 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy, October 1998, Granada, vol. 5, 168-173.

56. C.E. Costa, J.M. Badía, J.M. Antoranz-Pérez, W.C. Zapata, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba. “Study of the interaction matrix-reinforcement through DSC in a AA2014-Ni3Al particulate composite . Proceedings of the 1998 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy, October 1998, Granada, vol. 5, 13-18.

57. E. Gordo, N. Antón, N. Candela, J.M. Ruiz-Prieto and J.M. Torralba. “Wear behaviour of M3/2 high speed steel reinforced with NbC and TaC . Proceedings of the 1998 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy, October 1998, Granada, vol. 4, 253-258.

58. W.M. Lima, N. Candela, N. Antón, C.E. Costa, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba. “Corrosion and Wear behaviour of AISI 316L reinforced with AlCr2 particulate composite . Proceedings of the 1998 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy, October 1998, Granada, vol. 3, 413-418.

59. J.M. Torralba, F. Velasco, V. Iancau and D. Nica. “Thermomechanical treatment with carbon and nitrogen applied on PM materials . Proceedings of the 1998 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy, October 1998, Granada, vol. 2, 436-441.

60. N. Antón, N. Candela, F. Velasco, E. Gordo, M.A. Martínez and J.M. Torralba. “Wear behaviour of CMC’s based on clinker portland reinforced with alumina and silica . Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering AMME’98, 29Nov.-2 Dic, Zacopane, Polonia, 17-20, 1998.

61. J.M. Torralba, C.E. da Costa, F. Velasco. “P/M aluminum matrix composites: an overview . Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering AMME’98, 29Nov.-2 Dic, Zacopane, Polonia, 539-541, 1998.

62. F. Velasco, C.E. da Costa, M.A. Martínez, B. Rodero and J.M. Torralba. “Fe3Al-2014 aluminum metal matrix composite: intergranular corrosion resistance . Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering AMME’98, 29Nov.-2 Dic, Zacopane, Polonia, 561-564, 1998.

63. A. Gruzza, B. Levenfeld, A. Varez and J.M. Torralba. “Mould casting of stainless steels using thermosetting polymers . Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering AMME’98, 29Nov.-2 Dic, Zacopane, Polonia, 215-218, 1998.

64. M.E. Rabanal, A. Várez, B. Levenfeld and J.M. Torralba. “Formation of Mg-ferrite spinel by mechanosynthesis . Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering AMME’98, 29Nov.-2 Dic, Zacopane, Polonia, 439-442, 1998.

65. F. Velasco, M.A. Martínez and J.M. Torralba. “The studies of materials science for the mechanical engineers at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid . Proceedings og the Workshop ‘Enforcement and Updating of Important New Technological and Educational Goals’, Gliwice, Dic-1998, vol. 1, 23-28, 1998.

66. J.M. Torralba, C.E. Costa, F. Velasco and M.A. Martínez. “P/M 2014 aluminum matrix composites reinforced with intermetallics . Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference on Composites Engineering ICCE/6, Junio27-Julio3, Orlando, 1999, 847-848.

67. V Iancau and J.M. Torralba. “Aluminuim based metal matrix composites reinforced with AlCr2 intermetallic particles Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference on Composites Engineering ICCE/6, Junio27-Julio3, Orlando, 1999, 339-340.

68. M.T. Vieira, L. Catarino, C. Correia, M. Oliveira, J. Sousa, J.M. Torralba, M.C. Gómez, L.E.G. Cambronero, F.L. González-Mesones and M.A. Rodrigues. “Recovery of Slate Wastes . 2nd Annual Workshop EUROTHEN (European Thematic Network on Extractive Industries), 18-20 Enero, 1999, Cagliari.

69. C.E. Costa, N. Candela, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba. “Mechanical properties of P/M aluminim composite reinforced with Fe3Al . International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering BRAMAT’99, 3-5 Febrero, Brasov. Vol. I, 9-12. 1999.

70. M. Campos, F. Velasco, L.E.G. Cambronero, F.G. López Mesones and J.M. Torralba. “Recuperación y aprovechamiento de residuos de pizarra para la obtención de materiales estructurales sinterizados . Libro de resúmenes de la VI Reunión de Materiales, San Sebastián, 22-24 Junio 1999, 67-68.

71. M.E. Rabanal, A. Várez, B. Levenfeld and J.M. Torralba. “Molienda mecánica como una ruta alternativa a la síntesis de ferritas . Libro de resúmenes de la VI Reunión de Materiales, San Sebastián, 22-24 Junio 1999, 69-70.

72. L. Castro, A. Gruzza, B. Levenfeld, A. Várez and J.M. Torralba. “Moldeo por colada de aceros inoxidables usando polímeros termoestables . Libro de resúmenes de la VI Reunión de Materiales, San Sebastián, 22-24 Junio 1999, 151-152.

73. E. Gordo, A. Rubio, F. Velasco, M.A. Martínez, J.M. Torralba, J.A. Jiménez, O.A. Ruano, F. García and C. González. “Obtención de materiales compuestos de matriz metálica por adición de carburos de Ta y de Nb . Libro de resúmenes de la VI Reunión de Materiales, San Sebastián, 22-24 Junio 1999, 424-425.

74. N. Antón, J.A. Bas, J.A. Calero, M.A. Martínez, B. Levenfeld, A. Varez and J.M. Torralba. “Desarrollo de nuevos materiales compuestos cobre-grafito para aplicaciones industriales . Libro de resúmenes de la VI Reunión de Materiales, San Sebastián, 22-24 Junio 1999, 430-431.

75. J.B. Fogagnolo, M.H. Robert, J.L. Ortiz, V. Amigó and J.M. Torralba. “Materiales compuestos de matriz metálica reforzados con nitruros fabricados vía pulvimetalúrgica . Libro de resúmenes de la VI Reunión de Materiales, San Sebastián, 22-24 Junio 1999, 432-433.

76. L.F. Tejada, W.M. Lima, F. Velasco, J.M. Torralba, R. Marcé, J. Peñafiel and J.A. Bas. “Materiales compuestos de matriz acero inoxidable . Libro de resúmenes de la VI Reunión de Materiales, San Sebastián, 22-24 Junio 1999, 463-464.

77. E. Gordo, F. Velasco, N. Candela, J.M. Torralba, J.M. Pellazzari and A. Molinari, “Cryogenic treatments on HSS base composites reinforced with Nb and Ta carbides , EUROPM’99, Munich, Sept. 1999, pp. 75-82.

78. M.E. Rabanal, A. Várez, B. Levenfeld and J.M. Torralba, “Sithesys of spinel MgFe2O4 by mechanical alloying , VIIth European Conference on Solid State Chemistry, vol. I, Madrid, Sept. 1999, p78-p79.

79. W.M. Lima, F. Velasco, M.A. Martínez and J.M. Torralba, “Wear behaviour of stainless steel matrix composites reinforced with intermetallics , International Conference “Deformation and Fracture in Structural PM Materials , Piestany, Slovaquia, Sept. 1999.

80. N. Antón, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba, “Reliability study of ceramic matrix composites based on clinker portland reinforced with alumina and silica , II Ogonopolska Konferecja Naukowa, Cracovia, Polonia, Sept. 1999, vol. 2, pp. 13-18.

81. J.B. Fogagnolo, M. H. Robert and J.M. Torralba, “The effects of mechanical alloying on extrusion process of AA6061 alloy reinforced with Si3N4 , XV Cogresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecanica, Nov. 1999, Aguas do Lindoia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, ed. En CD-rom.

82. B. Levenfeld, A. Varez, L. Castro, J.C. del Real and J.M. Torralba, “Effect of incomplete debinding on sintering process of P/M M2 high speed steel parts obtained by MIM process , 8th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Oct. 1999, Gliwice, Polonia, pp. 383-386.

83. M. Campos, S. Kremel, J.M. Torralba and H. Danninger, “Sintering behaviour of low alloy Cr-Mo P/M steels obtained from prealloyed and mixed powders , 8th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Oct. 1999, Gliwice, Polonia, pp. 61-64.

84. J.B. Fogagnolo, M.H. Robert and J.M. Torralba, “The effect of mechanical alloying on the apparent density and compressibility of AA6061 powder alloy , 8th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Oct. 1999, Gliwice, Polonia, pp. 197-200.

85. J.B. Fogagnolo, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, M.H. Robert, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba, “Extrusion and properties of composites manufactured by mechanical alloying , 2nd International Conference on Powder Metallurgy, Cluj-Napoca, Rumania, Julio 2000, vol. 1, pp. 21-26.

86. N. Antón, M.C. Malaga, F. Velasco, E.M. Ruiz-Navas and J.M. Torralba, “High temperature sintering of Mn-Ni steels: mechanical properties nad microstructure . 2nd International Conference on Powder Metallurgy, Cluj-Napoca, Rumania, Julio 2000, vol. 2, pp. 747-752.

87. E.M. Ruiz.Navas, F. Velasco, C.E. da Costa, J.B. Fogagnolo and J.M. Torralba, “Propiedades mecánicas de materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio con distintos refuerzos particulados , VI Congresso Nacional de Mecanica Aplicada e Computacional, Aveiro, Portugal, Abril de 2000, pp. 423-430.

88. N. Candela, N. Antón, R. Plaza, M.A. Martínez and J.M. Torralba, “Efecto de los tratamientos de nitruración y nitrocarburación en aceros sinterizados , VIII Congreso Nacional de Tratamientos Térmicos y de Superficie, Barcelona, Junio de 2000, pp. 75-82.

89. E. Gordo, M.A. Martínez, J.M. Torralba and J.A. Jiménez, “Mecanismos de desgaste en materiales compuestos de matriz acero rápido fabricados por técnicas pulvimetalurgicas . VII Congreso Nacional de Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos, Segovia, Julio de 2000, p. 32.

90. N. Candela, R. Plaza, D. Ruiz-Amador, F. Velasco and J.M. Torralba, “Influencia de diferentes tratamientos termoquímicos en aceros sinterizados base molibdeno , VII Congreso Nacional de Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos, Segovia, Julio de 2000, p. 15.

91. M.E. Rabanal, A. Pina, A. Várez, B. Levenfeld and J.M. Torralba, “Optimization of the synthesis of NiFe2O4 ferrites by mechanical grinding , 9th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, October de 2000, pp. 449-452.

92. N. Antón, J.L. Delgado, F. Velasco, E. Gordo, E. Ruiz-Navas and J.M. Torralba, “Wear behaviour of high manganese-nickel prealloyed steels , 9th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, October de 2000, pp. 19-22.

93. J. Abenojar, F. Velasco, J.M. Torralba, J. Rafanell, J.A. Bas, J.A. Calero and R. Marcé, “Influence of reinforcement addition on 316L stainless steels sintered in dissociated ammonia , 9th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, October de 2000, pp. 1-4.

94. M. Adamiak, J.B. Fogagnolo, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, L.A. Dobrzanski, J.M. Torralba, “PM AA6061/(Ti3Al)p composite powder obtained by mechanical milling , 10th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Diciembre de 2001, pp. 15-18.

95. M. Adamiak, J.B. Fogagnolo, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, L.A. Dobrzanski, J.M. Torralba, “Structure and properties of AA6061/(Ti3Al)p composite materials obtained by mechanical milling and hot extrusion , 11th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Diciembre de 2002, pp. 13-16.

96. I. Chicinas, Z. Sparchez, N. Jumate, F. Velasco, M. Campos, J. Fogagnolo and J.M. Torralba, “Research on Obtaining Carbon Steel Sintered Compacts by Sintering Mixtures of Iron-Cast Iron Powders . Proceedings of the European Powder Metallurgy Conference, PM 2001, Nice, 2001, vol.1, pp. 286-291.

97. H. Danninger, S. Kremel, A. Molinari, T. Marcu Puscas, J.M. Torralba, M. Campos and Y. Yu. “Heat treatment of Cr-Mo sintered steels based on Astaloy CrM . Proceedings of the European Powder Metallurgy Conference, PM 2001, Nice, 2001, vol.1, pp. 28-33.

98. M. Campos and J.M. Torralba. “Wear behaviour evaluation of Astaly CrM through pin-on-disk test . Proceedings of the European Powder Metallurgy Conference, PM 2001, Nice, 2001, vol.1, pp. 40-45.

99. J.B. Fogagnolo, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, C. Del Pino, M.H. Robert and J.M. Torralba, “Wear behaviour of extruded aluminium matriz composites obtained from conventional mixed and mechanically alloyed powders . Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Composites Engineering, Tenerife, España, 2001, pp. 253-254.

100. J.M. Torralba, E. Gordo, F. Velasco, A. Várez and B. Levenfeld, “High speed steels made by conventional P/M route, hot isostatic pressing and metal injection moulding: comparative analysis . Abstracts book of the International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC 2000, Las Vegas, EE.UU. 2000, p.183.

101. J. Abenojar, F. Velasco, A. Bautista, J.M. Torralba, M.A. Martínez, N. Antón and J.A. Calero, “Estudio del desgaste producido en el acero inoxidable 316L reforzado con intermetálicos y carburos , VII Congreso Nacional de Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos, Gandía, 2002, p 225-233.

102. A.V. Escuder, V. Amigó, F. Romero, A. Bautista, J.M. Torralba

“Evaluación de la microdureza en aleaciones Ti-6Al-4V obtenidas por sinterización de polvos. Influencia del tratamiento térmico VII Congreso Nacional de Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos, Gandía, 2002, p 477-485.

103. M.E. Rabanal, A. Santos, A. Várez, J.M. Torralba, “Influencia del proceso de molienda en las propiedades de la ferrita de NiFe2O4 , VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, p. 338, Madrid 16-18 Octubre 2002.

104. A. Jiménez-Morales, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, J.B. Fogagnolo, J.M. Torralba “Resistencia a corrosión de materiales compuestos base aluminio . VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, p. 319, Madrid 16-18 Octubre 2002.

105. B. Levenfeld, A. Várez, G. Herranz, L. Castro, J.M. Torralba, “Moldeo por inyección de polvos de aceros de herramientas y aceros inoxidables , VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, p. 309, Madrid 16-18 Octubre 2002.

106. N. Antón, J. Pascual, F. Velasco, J.M. Torralba, “Aceros sinterizados con alto contenido en manganeso y níquel: estudio de sinterabilidad , VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, p. 109, Madrid 16-18 Octubre 2002.

107. E. Gordo, A. Oliva, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, J.M. Torralba, “Desarrollo de materiales compuestos tipo cermet de matriz Fe , VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, p. 416, Madrid 16-18 Octubre 2002.

108. J. Abenojar, F. Velasco, A. Bautista, M.A. Martínez, J.A. Calero, J.M. Torralba, “Materiales compuestos de matriz acero inoxidable. Comportamiento en servicio , VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, p. 417, Madrid 16-18 Octubre 2002.

109. M. Campos, J.M Torralba. “Micromechanism of fracture in Low alloyed Chromium-Molybdenum sintered steels depending on static or dynamics load Deformation and Fracture in Structural PM Materials 2002. Stara Lesna, Slovaquia, Septiembre 2002, 64-91.

110. N. Antón, JM García Marquez, F. Velasco, J.A. Calero, J.A. Bas, J.M. Torralba, “Tribological behaviour of carbon brushes for electrical engines . Deformation and Fracture in Structural PM Materials 2002. Stara Lesna, Slovaquia, Septiembre 2002, 59-66.

111. M. Campos, I. Billa, J.M. Torralba “Dry Sliding Behaviour at high temperature rate of Fe-Cr-Mo-C sintered steels , Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 1,337-342.

112. L. Blanco, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Porosity evaluation in high performance steels , Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 1, 275-280.

113. M. Adamiak, J.B. Fogagnolo, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, L.A. Dobrzanski, J.M. Torralba “Mechanically milled AA 6061/(Ti3Al)p MMc reinforced with intermetallics . Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 2, 291-295.

114. M.L. Delgado, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, J.M. Torralba, “Influence of trace elements and reinforcement additions to the liquid phase sintering of 2xxx series aluminium alloys . Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 2, 31-37.

115. F. Bernal, G. Herranz, M. Kindelán, B. Levenfeld, L. Bonilla, JM Torralba “Numerical simulation of powder injection moulding (PIM) process of metal-loaded polymers into a shallow cavity . Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 3, 187-192.

116. G. Herranz, M.A. Monge, B. levenfeld, R. Pareja, J.M. Torralba “Thermal processing of the injection moulded M2 high speed steel (M2 HSS) investigated by positron annihilation spectroscopy , Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 3, 193-198.

117. N. Khattab, E. Gordo, J.M. Torralba, V. Trabadelo, I. Iturriza “Development of HCx stainless steel-based materials for its application as valve seat inserts in diesel engines , Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 1, 225-231.

118. A. González-Centeno, F. Velasco, A. Bautista, J.M. Torralba “Influence of oxidation temperatura on the behaviour of sintered ferritic stainless steels ,Euro PM’2003. Valencia, España, October 2003, vol. 1, 205-210.

119. N. Candela, F. Velasco, J.M. Torralba “Comprtamiento al desgaste de aceros sinterizados y con tratamiento de nitruración por plasma , Tratermat 2003, San Sebastián, España, Mayo 2003, 35-38.

120. E. Rodríguez-Senín, A. Várez, B. Levenfeld, J.M. Torralba, M.A. Paris “Processing of Mn-Zn derrites by mould casting using thermosetting binders , AMTP’03, Dublin, Julio 2003, 703-706.

121. A. Jiménez-Morales, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, J.B. Fogagnolo, J.M. Torralba “Corrosion resistance of 6061 Aluminum base composite materials , AMTP’03, Dublin, Julio 2003, 1267-1270.

122. M.E.Rabanal, A. Khalifa, Gómez L, L.Mancic O.Milosevic and J.M.Torralba, “Gd2O3:Eu System: Study of the Influence of Luminescence Center Concentration , 2006 Powder Metallurgy World Congreso & Exhibition (PM2006) Busan (Korea). 24-28 de Septiembre 2006.

123. M.E. Rabanal, L.S Gómez, A. Khalifa, J.M. Torralba, L. Mancic, O. Milosevic, “Structural Properties of Gadolinium doped Europium Synthesized Through Aerosol , Electroceramics X Toledo (España) : 18-22 junio 2006.

124. M.E. Rabanal, M.C. Gutierrez, F. García-Alvarado, JM. Torralba, M.E. Arroyo y de Dompablo “Electrochemical Properties of LiCoPO4 after mechanical grinding process", Euro PM 2005 Congress & Exhibition, Praga (República Checa), 2-5 october 2005. Ed. European Powder Metallurgy Association, (2005) 469-474.

125. Gómez L. S; M.E. Rabanal, Khalifa Amal, Torralba JM, Mancic L., Milosevic O. “Transmission electron microscopy applied to the characterization of Gd2O3 :Eu3+ nanoparticles obtained by spray pyrolysis , Microscopy Conference 2005 Davos (Suiza), 28 agosto-2 septiembre 2005. Ed. Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) (2005).

126. M.E. Rabanal, A. Khalifa, J.M. Torralba, L. Mancic, O. Milosevic, “Structural and Spectroscopy properties of Gd2O3: Eu phosphor system obtaines ny Spray pyrolysis , Third Internacional Conference on Powders Metallurgy, RoPM, 2005 Sinaia (Rumania) 7-9 julio 2005, Ed. R.L. Orban, (2005) 517-522.

127. M.E. Rabanal, J.M. Torralba, L. Mancic, O. Milosevic, “Síntesis y Evaluación de las Propiedades de Nanopartículas de Gd2O3 Dopadas con Centros Luminiscentes de Eu mediante Spray Pirolisis , VIII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, Vigo (España), Noviembre 2004.

128. S. Guzman, M.E. Rabanal, F. Velasco, J.M. Torralba, JM. Jiménez, “Estudio de la Influencia de la molienda mecánica en coques con diferente contenido en azufre , VIII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, Vigo (España), Noviembre 2004, Ed.: A. Ramirez de Arellano, Pedro J. Sánchez, Manuel Raigón and M.A. Rodríguez (SECV) (2004) 45.

129. M.E. Rabanal, C.Morales, J.M.Torralba, L.Mancic and O.Milosevic, “Influence of the Eu3+ luminescence center concentration on the properties of Gd2O3:Eu phosphor system obtained by aerosol synthesis .ELECTROCERAMICS IX , Cherbourg (Francia), 31st-3rd Junio 2004.(2004) 10-16.

130. M. Campos, M. , L. Blanco,, J.M. Torralba, “Porosity evaluation for sintered and heat treated high performance steels PM World Congress & Exhibition, Viena, October 2004.

131. E, Ruiz, M.L. Delgado, J.M. Torralba, “Modification of the liquid phase sintering of Al-Cu-Mg-Si system through Al-Si additions . PM World Congress & Exhibition, Viena, October 2004.

132. M. Campos, H. Danninger, C. Xu, L.Blanco, J.M. Torralba, “Porosity Effect of High density Levels on Degassing of High strength PM steels compacts , PM World Congress & Exhibition, Viena, October 2004.

133. M. Campos, I. Billa, J.M. Torralba, “Wear Behaviour in dry sliding at high temperature in low alloyed Cr-Mo sintered steels after heat and thermo Chemical treatments , PM World Congress & Exhibition, Viena, October 2004.

134. B. Levenfeld, G. Herranz, J. Ladrón de Guevara, A. Várez, J.M. Torralba, “Moldeo por inyección de brnce Cu-10Sn usando un ligante termoplástico basado en polietileno y polietilenglicol . VIII Congreso Nacional de Materiales VALENCIA, 2004.

135. B. Levenfeld, G. Herranz, J.M. Torralba, A. Várez, R. Zauner, R. Nagel, “Powder Surface Treatment with Stearic Acid Influence on Powder Injection Moulding of M2 HSS Using a HDPE Based Binder , PM World Congress & Exhibition, Viena, October 2004.

136. B. Levenfeld, E. Rodríguez-Senín, G. Herranz, D. Heaney, A. Várez, J.M. Torralba, “Ceramic Injection Mouding of Ni-Zn Ferrites using thermoplastic binder based on PP: Rheologycal study , PM World Congress & Exhibition, Viena, October 2004.

137. B. Levenfeld, G. Matula, L.A. Dobrzanski, G. Herranz, A. Várez, J.M. Torralba, “Microstructure and mechanical properties of T15 type high-speed steels produced by Powder Injection Moulding using a Polyethylene Based Binder . PM 2004 Powder Metallurgy World Congress,

138. E. Ruiz, J.M. Torralba, “Materiales sinterizados: Metais e compostos de matriz metálica , Sulmat 2004, Joinville, Brasil, 2004.

139. L. Blanco, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “An approach to austempering for high performance high density PM steels , Euro PM 2005 Congress & Exhibition, Praga (República Checa), 2-5 octubre 2005. Ed. European Powder Metallurgy Association, (2005) 255-260.

140. J.M. Conteras, B. Levenfeld, J.M. Torralba, “Optimization of metal injection moulding of bronze powders with irregular shape , Euro PM 2005 Congress & Exhibition, Praga (República Checa), 2-5 octubre 2005. Ed. European Powder Metallurgy Association, (2005) 313-318.

141. M.L. Delgado, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, P. Ribeiro, B. Trindade, J.M. Torralba, “Ti5Si3 and MA Ti5Si3-Cu coated added to 2014 aluminium alloy-liquid phase sintering modification. Microstructure and properties , Euro PM 2005 Congress & Exhibition, Praga (República Checa), 2-5 octubre 2005. Ed. European Powder Metallurgy Association, (2005) 231-236.

142. A. Carnal, M. Campos, F. Condes, J.M. Torralba, “Sintered stainless steels with manganese mechanically alloyed , Euro PM 2005 Congress & Exhibition, Praga (República Checa), 2-5 octubre 2005. Ed. European Powder Metallurgy Association, (2005) 401-406.

143. S. Sanchez-Majado, S., A. Jiménez, J.M. Torralba, “Corrosion resistance of powder metallurgical 2124 aluminium alloys in saline aqueous solution , EUROCORR'05, Lisboa, Portugal, October 2005.

144. A. Carnal, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Mn additions influence on strain micro mechanism in as sintered 316L , Proceedings of the International Conference DF PM 2005 Deformation and Fracture in Structural PM Materials, Stará Lesná, Slovaquia, 27-30 Septiembre 2005, 166-174.

145. M. Campos, L. Blanco, J.M. Torralba, “Effect of green densification mode on fracture surface micromechanisms in low alloyed as-sintered steels , Proceedings of the International Conference DF PM 2005 Deformation and Fracture in Structural PM Materials, Stará Lesná, Slovaquia, 27-30 Septiembre 2005, 183-189.

146. L. Blanco, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Implementación de tratamientos térmicos a escala industrial en aceros sinterizados de alta densidad , Actas del X Congreso Nacional de Tratamientos Térmicos y de Superficie TRATERMAT 2005, Sevilla, 19-20 Octubre 2005.

147. L.A. Dobrzanski, A. Kloc-Ptaszna, G. Matula, J.M. Contreras, J.M. Torralba, “The impact of production methods on the structure and properties of gradient tool materials of unalloyed steel matrix reinforced with HS6-5-2 high speed steel , Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference on the Contemporary Achievements in Mechanics, Manufacturing and Materials Science, Zacopane, Polonia, 6-9 Diciembre 2005, (2005) p. 223-228.

148. S. Sanchez-Majado, J.C. Galván, J.M. Torralba, A. Jiménez-Morales, “Cathodic disbondment of different paint coatings on poder metallurgy steels , 57th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Edimburgo, Reino Unido, 2006. S9-p-56.

149. J.A. Sicre, F. Petzold, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Obtención de superaleaciones (INCONEL 718) de alta densidad mediante técnical pulvimetalúrgicas avanzadas , en “Perspectiva de la Investigación sobre materiales en España en el siglo XXI: IX Congreso Nacional de Materiales, vol. 1 (2006) 135-138.

150. L. Blanco, J.M. Torralba, J.A. Sicre, M. Campos, “Aceros de baja aleación de alto rendimiento , Libro de Resúmenes del I Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, 16-18 Julio 2006, p.1.

151. J.M. Torralba, J. Sicre, M. Campos, J.J. Muñoz, “Austempering en aceros de baja aleación , Libro de Resúmenes del I Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, 16-18 Julio 2006. P. 3.

152. J.M. Torralba, A. Jiménez-Morales, S. Sanchez-Majado, “Influencia del tratamiento térmico en la resistencia frente a fenómenos de corrosión de una aleación pulvimetalúrgica base Al-Cu-Mg , Libro de Resúmenes del I Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, 16-18 Julio 2006. p.13.

153. J.M. Torralba, J.M. Contreras, A. Jiménez-Morales, “Obtención de aleaciones base cobre mediante tecnología de moldeo por inyección de polvos metálicos (MIM) , Libro de Resúmenes del I Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, 16-18 Julio 2006. p. 17.

154. J.M. Torralba, J.A. Sicre, F. Petzold, M. Campos, “Obtención de superaleaciones (Inconel 718) de alta densidad mediante técnicas pulvimetalúrgicas avanzadas , Libro de Resúmenes del I Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, 16-18 Julio 2006. p. 19.

155. L. Blanco, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Sinterabilidad y propiedades mecánicas de aceros pulvimetalúrgicos de baja aleación y altas prestaciones , Libro de Resúmenes del I Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, 16-18 Julio 2006. p. 23.

156. J.M. Torralba, “Nuevos desarrollos en el Grupo de Tecnología de Polvos de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (GTP-UC3M) , Actas del IX Congreso Iberoamericao de Metalurgia y Materiales IBEROMET 2006, La Habana, Cuba, 9-13 Octubre 2006. Publicado en CD-ROM. p. 248-254.

157. J.M. Contreras, A. Jiménez-Morales, J.M. Torralba “Influence of the morphology and the particle size on the processing of bronze 90/10 powders by metal injection moulding (MIM) , Extended abstracts book of the 2006 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, 24-28 Septiembre, Buxan, Korea. 1 (2006) 503-504.

158. L.S. Gómez, M.E. Rabanal, M.I. Martín, J.M. Torralba, O. Milosevic, “LiFePO4 (Triphylite) for Li-ion-batteries obtained by aerosol route . Third Workshop COST 539, 3WP-ELENA 2007, “Nanostructured materials: processing and application , 2 Septiembre 2007, Bled, Slovenia.

159. Jose M. Torralba, Mónica Campos, “Tailoring sintered dúplex stainless steels , Proceedings de la International Conference DUPLEX 2007, Grado, Italia, 18-20 Junio 2007. Editado en CD ROM ISBN 88-85298-60-5.

160. J.M. Contreras, A. Jiménez-Morales, J.M. Torralba, “Estudio de las propiedades reológicas de una nueva mezcla de polvo-ligante de bronze 90/10 para su uso en moldeo por inyección de polvos (MIM) , en “Perspectiva de la Investigación sobre materiales en España en el siglo XXI: IX Congreso Nacional de Materiales, vol. 1 (2006) 143-146.

161. L.E. Gómez, M.L. Delgado, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, J.M. Torralba, “Estudio de la obtención de solución sólida de Al-Cu mediante microscopía electrónica de transmisión , en “Perspectiva de la Investigación sobre materiales en España en el siglo XXI: IX Congreso Nacional de Materiales, vol. 1 (2006) 151-154.

162. R. Sanchez-Majado, J.M. Torralba, A. Jiménez-Morales, “Influencia del tratamiento térmico en la susceptibilidad a la corrosión por exfoliación de una aleación pulvimetalurgica base Al-Cu-Mg , en “Perspectiva de la Investigación sobre materiales en España en el siglo XXI: IX Congreso Nacional de Materiales, vol. 1 (2006) 163-166.

163. J.M. Contreras, A. Jiménez-Morales, J.M. Torralba, “Improvement of the rheological properties of a MIM superalloy (Inconel 718) feddstock using different powder particle size , Proceedings of the EURO PM’2007, Toulousse, Francia, 15-17 Octubre de 2007, vol. 2. 177-182.

164. S. Sanchez-Majado, J.M. Torralba, A. Jiménez-Morales, “Optimization of the compaction and sintering steps for an Al-Cu prealloyed poder , Proceedings of the EURO PM’2007, Toulousse, Francia, 15-17 Octubre de 2007, vol. 2. 273-378.

165. E.M. Ruiz-Navas, M.L. Delgado, E. Gordo, J.M. Torralba. “Optimization and consolidation of a Al-Cu PM alloy obtained by mechanical alloying , Proceedings of the EURO PM’2007, Toulousse, Francia, 15-17 Octubre de 2007, vol. 2.77-82.

166. J. Sicre-Artalejo, J.J. Muñoz, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Influence of austempering parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered low alloyed steels , Proceedings of the EURO PM’2007, Toulousse, Francia, 15-17 Octubre de 2007, vol. 1. 73-78.

167. J. Sicre-Artalejo, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, M. Zendron, A. Molinari, “Effect of gas-austempering on microstructure and wear properties of low alloyed steels with Mn , Proceedings of the EURO PM’2007, Toulousse, Francia, 15-17 Octubre de 2007, vol. 3. 401-406.

168. J. Sicre-Artalejo, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Assessment of the addition of Mn by mechanical milling on as-sintered properties of low alloyed steels , Proceedings of the EURO PM’2007, Toulousse, Francia, 15-17 Octubre de 2007, vol. 2. 83-88.

169. J.M. Contreras, A. Jiménez-Morales, J.M. Torralba, “Comparative Behavior of Bronze and Superalloy Feedstocks made with Different Particle Sizes”, Proceedings of the 2008 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, pp. 4-248-4-256, 2008.

170. S. Sánchez-Majado, J.M. Torralba, A. Jiménez-Morales, “Propiedades mecánicas y resistencia a corrosión de una aleación pulvimetalúrgica base Al-Cu-Mg en función del tratamiento térmico” Proceedings Tratermat 08, pp. 223-232, 2008

171. Elena Bernardo, Javier Hidalgo, Antonia Jiménez-Morales and José M. Torralba “Feedstock Development for Powder Injection Moulding of Zirconium Silicate”, Proceedings of the EUROPM’2011, Barcelona, (2011), Vol 2, pp 111-116.

172. N. García- Rodríguez, L. Fuentes-Pacheco, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba “Development of New ODS Ferritic Steels Based on Fe-20Cr-5Al Prealloyed Powders by Mechanical Alloying” ”, Proceedings of the EUROPM’2011, Barcelona, (2011), vol 2, pp 55-60,

173. M.A. Jabbari Taleghani, E.M. Ruiz Navas2, M. Salehi, J.M. Torralba “Al-Zn-Mg-Cu/(SiC or TiB2)p Composites Developed by Powder Extrusion: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties” ”, Proceedings of the EUROPM’2011, Barcelona, (2011), vol 2 pp 313-318.

174. R. Oro, E. Bernardo, M. Campos, JM Torralba “Liquid Phase Sintering: Spreading, Wetting and Infiltration Behavior In a Successful Reference System, Fe-C-Cu” ”, Proceedings of the EUROPM’2011, Barcelona, (2011), vol. 1 pp 57-62,

175. R. Oro, M. Campos, E.Hryha , L. Nyborg, JM Torralba “Surface Analysis at Different Sintering Stages of Steel Compacts with Mn and Si” ”, Proceedings of the EUROPM’2011, Barcelona, (2011), vol. 1 pp 113-118,

176. M.A. Jabbari Taleghani, E.M. Ruiz Navas, M. Salehi, J.M. Torralba, “Characterization of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu/(SiC or TiB2)p Composite Powders Obtained by Mechanical Milling”, EUROMAT 2011, September 2011, Montpellier, France. Oral presentation.

177. R. Oro, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, “Lean alloys: from the design to the manufacturing process” EUROMAT 2011, September 2011, Montpellier, France. Oral presentation

178. M.A. Jabbari Taleghani(, E.M. Ruiz Navas, M. Salehi, J.M. Torralba “The Effect of Process Control Agent Content on Mechanical Alloying of a Premixed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy” EUROMAT 2011, September 2011, Montpellier, France. Poster presentation

179. J.M. Torralba, J. Hidalgo, A. Jiménez-Morales, “Powder Injection Moulding: processing of small parts of complex shape”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies, Ljubljana, October 2011, 53-5

180. G. Navarro, M. A. Jabbari Taleghani , J. M. Torralba, AISI 4140 PM Low-Alloyed Steel Obtained by Press and Sintering Using Gas Atomized Powders” Proceedings CD of the EURO PM2012 Congress, Basilea, Suiza,Enero 2012

181. M. A. Jabbari Taleghani , J. M. Torralba “An Investigation on the Compressibility of a Pre-Alloyed Mg-Al-Zn Powder” Proceedings CD of the EURO PM2012 Congress, Proceedings CD of the EURO PM2012 Congress, Basilea, Suiza,Enero 2012

182. E. Bernardo, R. Oro, M. Campos, R. Frykholm, O. Litström, JM. Torralba, Proceedings CD of the EURO PM2012 Congress, Basilea, Suiza,Enero 2012

183. R. Oro, E. Bernardo, M. Campos y JM. Torralba, “Liquid Phase Sintering Control Based on Effective Alloying Design, Proceedings CD of the EURO PM2012 Congress, Basilea, Suiza,Enero 2012

184. J. Hidalgo, A. Jimenez-Morales, J.M. Torralba,”Rheological Characterization of Zirconium Silicate Feedstocks Based on Water Soluble Binder”, Proceedings CD of the EURO PM2012 Congress, Basilea, Suiza,Enero 2012

185. R. Muñoz Moreno, B. Srinivasarao , I. Sabirov, E. M. Ruiz Navas, J. M. Torralba, “γ-TiAl Intermetallics Processed by Field Assisted Hot Pressing: Analysis of the Temperature Effect on the Lamellar Microstructure Formation, Proceedings CD of the EURO PM2012 Congress, Basilea, Suiza,Enero 2012

186. J. Hidalgo, A. Jiménez-Morales, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, J.M. Torralba, “Controlling Debinding and Sintering Atmospheres of Low expansion Invar alloy for μ-PIM”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

187. M. A. Jabbari Taleghani, J. M. Torralba “Microstructure and mechanical properties of 7075 aluminum alloy consolidated from a premixed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu powder by hot extrusion”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

188. M. A. Jabbari Taleghani, J. M. Torralba “Compressibility characteristics of a nanostructured 7075 aluminum alloy powder produced by high-energy milling”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

189. M. A. Jabbari Taleghani, J. M. Torralba “The microstructural evolution of a premixed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu powder through high-energy milling and subsequent isothermal annealing”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

190. M. A. Jabbari Taleghani, J. M. Torralba, “The effect of mechanical milling on the compressibility of a pre-alloyed Mg-Al-Zn powder”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

191. Raquel Oro, Mónica Campos, Christian Gierl, Herbert Danninger, José Manuel Torralba, “Introduction of Oxidation-Sensitive Elements in Low Alloyed Steels using the Master Alloy Route: Key Aspects for Success”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

192. Raquel Oro, Mónica Campos, Jose Manuel Torralba, “New alloying systems for PM-steels: opportunities for the Mn-Si master alloys”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

193. C. Abajo, J. Hidalgo, A.Jiménez-Morales, J.M.Torralba, “Feedstock development based on eco-friendly binder system for powder injection molding”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

194. Elena Bernardo, Mónica Campos, JM. Torralba, Christian Gier, Herbert Danninger, Robert Frykholm, “Lean steels modified with a new Cu base master alloy: influence of process parameters in dimensional and sintering behavior”, EUROPM’2013, European Powder Metallurgy Association, Gotteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2013

195. C. Abajo, J. Hidalgo, A. Jiménez-Morales, J. M. Torralba, “Optimization of eco-friendly binary binder system for powder injection molding”, EUROMAT 2013, Seville, Spain, Sept. 2013.

196. E. Bernardo, R. Oro, “M. Campos, J. M. Torralba, Wettability study of liquid promoters for improved liquid phase sintering process of steels”, EUROMAT 2013, Seville, Spain, Sept. 2013.

197. N. García-Rodríguez, M. Campos, JM. Torralba, M. H. Berger, Y. Bienvenu, « Development and microstructural characterization of nanostructured Fe–Cr–Al–W ODS alloys”, EUROMAT 2013, Seville, Spain, Sept. 2013.

198. R. Muñoz-Moreno, M. T. Pérez-Prado, E. M. Ruiz-Navas, J. M. Torralba, “Modification of a powder metallurgy ϒ-TiAl alloy microstructure by heat treatments”, EUROMAT 2013, Seville, Spain, Sept. 2013.

199. M. A. Jabbari Taleghani, J. M. Torralba, “Compressibility behavior of an atomized, pre-alloyed Mg-Al-Zn powder”, EUROMAT 2013, Seville, Spain, Sept. 2013. EUROMAT 2013, Seville, Spain, Sept. 2013.

200. R. Muñoz-Moreno, E. M. Ruiz-Navas, C. J. Boehlert, J. M. Torralba, M. T. Perez-Prado, Microstructure and deformation mechanisms of a Υ-TiAl intermetallic alloy: An in situ experimental study” INTERMETALLICS 2013, Kloster-Banz, Germany, September 2013

201. R. Muñoz-Moreno, E. M. Ruiz-Navas, C. J. Boehlert, M. T. Perez-Prado, J. M. Torralba “In situ SEM analysis of the deformation and fracture mechanisms of a powder metallurgy g-TiAl alloy” INTERMETALLICS 2013, Kloster-Banz, Germany, September 2013

202. ‘Understanding the Contribution of the Microstructure in the Fracture Behaviour of Sintered Steels’, J.M. Torralba, Euro PM 2014 Congress & Exhibition, Salzburg, Austria, 21-24 September 2014.

203. Development of processing maps for PM Mg alloys. Mechanical properties”, J.M. Torralba, 5th Academia Day of the Zwick Roell Group, Mostoles, Spain, 9th April 2014

204. "Design and development of master alloys for liquid phase sintering" J.M. Torralba, ModTech2014 International Conference, which will be held between July 13-16, 2014, Gliwice, Poland.

205. “Development of novel milled Co- base superalloys consolidated by Field-Assisted Hot Pressing” J.M. Torralba, International Conference on SINTERING 2104, August 25Dresden, Germany.

206. “Development of Zircon by Powder Injection Moulding”, J.M. Torralba The Third Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« Belgrade, Serbia September, 29-October, 1, 2014

207. Understanding the fracture behaviour of PM steels through in situ tests J.M. Torralba Höganäs Powder Science Symposium Örenäs Slott Sweden, during 17-18 November, 2014

208. POWDER INJECTION POULDING: PROCESSING OF SMALL PARTS OF COMPLEX SHAPE, J.M. Torralba Advanced Materials and Procesing Technologies Conference AMPT2014, 19 November, 2014 Dubai, United Arab Emirates,

209. “Simulation of the through-thickness texture gradient and of the mechanical behavior of pure Zr processed by accumulative roll bonding”, M. T. Pérez-Prado, J. Segurado, J. LLorca. Multiscale Modeling of Plasticity (Plasticity 2011), Puerto Vallarta, México, January 2011.

210. Development of Fe-based soft magnetic alloys by Metal Injection Molding (MIM) A.Páez-Pavón, A. Jiménez-Morales, T. Santos, L. Quintino, J.M. Torralba EuroPM Congress 2014 Saltzburg, Austria. Sept. 2014

211. Master alloy compositions for tailoring liquid phases in lean steels, E. Bernardo, R. Oro, M. Campos, JM. Torralba, EuroPM Congress 2014 Saltzburg, Austria. Sept. 2014

212. Optimización de feedstocks ecológicos basados en circón para moldeo por inyección C.Abajo, A.Jiménez-Morales, J.M.Torralba V Congreso Nacional Materiales Barcelona Jun. 2014

213. Obtención de materiales magnéticos blandos fabricados por moldeo por inyección (MIM) para el diseño de imanes: A. Páez-Pavón, A. Jiménez-Morales, T. Santos, L. Quintino, J.M. Torralba, V Congreso Nacional Materiales Barcelona Jun. 2014

214. R. Oro, E. Bernardo, M. Campos, C. Gierl, H. Danninger, J.M. Torralba, “Tailoring Master Alloys for Liquid Phase Sintering: Effect of introducing oxidation-sensitive elements” EUROPM 2015, Reims, France, 4-7 October 2015

215. J.M. Torralba, E. Bernardo, R. de Oro y M. Campos “Liquid phase sintering: liquid-solid interaction study” V Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, Girona 1-3 July 2015

216. J.M. Torralba, “Powder Metallurgy routes for advanced materials” Congreso Internacional de Materiales CIM 2015, Paipa, (Colombia) 28-30 October 2015

217. E. Bernardo, R. de Oro, M. Campos, J. M. Torralba, New Findings on the Wettability and Spreading of Cu on Iron Base Substrates 2015 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, May 17-20, 2015, San Diego

218. M. Campos, L. Esteban, A. Salazar,,E. Bernardo, J.M. Torralba, A New Approach to Understand the Contribution of the Microstructure in the Fracture Behaviour of Sintered Steels, International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, May 17-20, 2015, San Diego

219. A. Paez, A. Jimenez-Morales, J.M. Torralba “Feedstock optimization for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) of Fe-Si soft magnetic materials” EUROPM 2015, Reims, France, 4-7 October 2015

220. E. Bernardo, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba “Optimizing liquid phase sintering through the master alloy route: focus on liquid-solid interactions” EUROPM 2015, Reims, France, 4-7 October 2015

221. A. Galán-Salazar, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, E. Bernardo, “Wetting behavior and sinter-brazing”, EUROPM 2015, Reims, France, 4-7 October 2015

222. A. Páez-Pavón, A. Jiménez-Morales, J.M. Torralba “Feedstock optimization for soft magnetic materials Fe-Si processed by metal injection moulding” V Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, Girona 1-3 July 2015

223. M. Cartón Cordero, M. Campos, B. Srinivasa Rao, J.M. Torralba First Aaproach of new Co-Base alloys produced by powder metallurgy route, V Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, Girona 1-3 July 2015

224. A. Paez, A. Jimenez, J.M. Torralba “Feedstock optimization for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) of Fe-Si soft magnetic materials” EUROPM 2015, Reims, Francia, 4-7 Octubre 2015

225. E. Bernardo, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba “Optimizing liquid phase sintering through the master alloy route: focus on liquid-solid interactions” EUROPM 2015, Reims, Francia, 4-7 Octubre 2015

226. A. Galán-Salazar, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, E. Bernardo, “Wetting behavior and sinter-brazing”, EUROPM 2015, Reims, Francia, 4-7 Octubre 2015 Keynote Presentation

227 R. Oro, E. Bernardo, M. Campos, C. Gierl, H. Danninger, J.M. Torralba, “Tailoring Master Alloys for Liquid Phase Sintering: Effect of introducing oxidation-sensitive elements” EUROPM 2015, Reims, Francia, 4-7 Octubre 2015

228. J.M. Torralba, E. Bernardo, R. de Oro y M. Campos “Liquid phase sintering: liquid-solid interaction study” V Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, Girona 1-3 Julio de 2015

229. A. Páez-Pavón, A. Jiménez-Morales, J.M. Torralba “Feedstock optimization for soft magnetic materials Fe-Si processed by metal injection moulding” V Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, Girona 1-3 Julio de 2015

230. M. Cartón Cordero, M. Campos, B. Srinivasa Rao, J.M. Torralba First Aaproach of new Co-Base alloys produced by powder metallurgy route, V Congreso Español de Pulvimetalurgia, Girona 1-3 Julio de 2015

231. E. Bernardo, A. Galan-Salazar, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba POWDERMET2015 “Excellence in Metalography Award”, May 17-20, 2015, San Diego

232. E. Bernardo, R. de Oro, M. Campos, J. M. Torralba, New Findings on the Wettability and Spreading of Cu on Iron Base Substrates 2015 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, May 17-20, 2015, San Diego

233. M. Campos, L. Esteban, A. Salazar,E. Bernardo, J.M. Torralba, A New Approach to Understand the Contribution of the Microstructure in the Fracture Behaviour of Sintered Steels, International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, May 17-20, 2015, San Diego

234. A. García-Junceda, I. Sáez, J.M. Torralba. Development of a new CrFe-WC cemented carbide processed by field-assisted sintering techniques. XXI KONTECH conference entitled ADVANCED FORMING TECHNOLOGIES AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS. Dobiegniew, Poland. 21-23 September, 2016. Invited Presentation.

235. M.Carton-Cordero; M. Campos; L. Freund; M.Kolb; S.Neumeier; JM Torralba “Mechanical Behaviour At High Temperature Of Novel Sintered Co-Al-W Alloys”. Proc. World PM2016 Congressm,Hamburgo (Alemania)

236. A. Galán-Salazar, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba, L. Kjellén, O. Mårs “New designed alloys suitable for sinter-brazing for low alloy pm steels” Proc. World PM2016 Congressm,Hamburgo (Alemania)

237. E. Macía, J. Cornide, A. García-Junceda, M. Campos, JM. Torralba “Effect of Zr source on oxide dispersion in ferritic ODS Steel with addition of group 4 elements (Y-Al-Ti-Zr)” Proc. World PM2016 Congressm,Hamburgo (Alemania)

238. Marta Cartón; Rafael Casas Ferreras; Mónica Campos Gómez; J.M. Torralba “Microstructural Possibilities of Co-Al-W Alloys Processed by SPS: Effects of Al and W” Proc. World PM2016 Congressm,Hamburgo (Alemania)

239. JM Torralba, M. Campos “Towards High Performance in PM” The advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2016) Kuala Lumpur (Malasia)

240. E. Macía, J. Cornide, A. García-Junceda, M. Campos, JM. Torralba, “Effect of Zr source on oxide dispersion in ferritic ODS Steel with addition of group 4 elements (Y-Al-Ti-Zr)”, The advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2016), Kuala Lumpur (Malasia), 2016

241. Marta Cartón; Rafael Casas Ferreras; Mónica Campos Gómez; Jose Manuel Torralba, “Microstructural Possibilities of Co-Al-W Alloys Processed by SPS: Effects of Al and W Contents”The advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2016), Kuala Lumpur (Malasia), 2016

242. A. Galán-Salazar, M. Campos, JM. Torralba, L. Kjellén, O. Mårs, “NOVEL MULTI-USE LIQUID PHASE FOR PM COMPONENTS”, Sintering 2017, San Diego (EEUU), 2017

243. A. García-Junceda, C. D. Rivera, V. G. Torralba, M. Campos, J. M. Torralba, “Effect of austenite fraction on the microstructure and properties of duplex stainless steels consolidated by field-assisted sintering”, Sintering 2017, San Diego (EEUU) , 2017

244. M. Campos, JM. Torralba, A. Galán-Salazar, E. Bernardo, R. De Oro, “Enhancing properties through liquid phase sintering”, Sintering 2017, San Diego (EEUU), 2017

245. M. Cartón-Cordero, M. Campos, JM. Torralba, “Microstructural changes on Co-9Al-9W alloy produced by SPS and Ti and Ta additions”, Sintering 2017, San Diego (EEUU), 2017

246 M. Cartón-Cordero, M. Campos, E. Macía-Rodríguez, L Antonio Díaz, J Cano-Cabello, A. García-Junceda, JM. Torralba, “Estudio microestructural de aleaciones de Co-9Al-9W producidas por SPS con Ti y Ta como aleantes”, VI Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, Ciudad Real, España, 2017.

247. A García-Junceda, C. Díaz Rivera, V. Gómez Torralba, M. Campos, JM Torralba, “DISEÑO Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DE NUEVOS ACEROS INOXIDABLES DÚPLEX SINTERIZADOS MEDIANTE CONSOLIDACIÓN EN CALIENTE ASISTIDA POR CAMPO ELÉCTRICO (FAHP)”, VI Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, (2017), Ciudad Real, España

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