
Within the 22-23 School Year, Madison's Archery team (top left) went and participated in the NASP Western National Archery Tournament in Utah. They are pictured alongside other schools from across the US and it's territories.

What's a great outlet to release your stress and compete against your fellow cadet archers from Madison and across the district?

  Archery! Besides from practicing and participating in competitions, the Archery team also engages in a yearly event called NASP, the National Archery in the Schools Program. It is an in-school program that is aimed for improving and maximizing archers’ proficiency as well as reinforcing values such as self-control, discipline, and patience. These virtues also serve as life lessons and can improve academic/social success.

(Varsity) Archery Commander

c/CPT Marco Gaona

c/CPT Marco Gaona is the current Archery Team commander and is serving such a role for the duration of 2023-2024. As Archery Commander he is responsible for leading and training the Archery Team for the District competition season or any other competitions.

2021 - 2022 Archery Season

2022 - 2023 Archery Season