Publish, but don't die trying

Here you can find some of our/my last publications (2019-2023). You can see a complete list in my CV linked in the home page.

Grande, R, García-González, JM, Stanek, M (2023). Differences in the risk of premature cancer mortality between natives and immigrants in Spain. European Journal of Public Health, ckad102.

García-González, JM, Gutiérrez, S, Solera, E, Ríos, S. (2023). The Twisting Road to Access to Higher Education for People with Disabilities in Spain. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 70(5), 829-842.

Cuenca, C, Rebollo-Bueno, S, García-González, JM (2023). Los discursos demográficos como herramienta político-mediática: El caso de la prensa española. Teknokultura, 20(1), 37-47.

Álvarez-Gálvez, J, García-González, JM (2023). Desigualdad y salud. En Desigualdades sociales, Bernardi, F. y Martínez Pastor, J. I. (Eds.), UNED.

Reyes-Martín, H, García-González, JM (2023). Snow white, the seven dwarfs and the photoelectric effect. Physics Education, 59(1), 015010.

Cuenca, C, García-González, JM (2023). Vallines y Macarrones. El relato pseudodemográfico en la prensa online: actores, discursos e intenciones. En La coartada demográfica, Domingo, A. (Ed.), Icaria.

Reyes-Martín, H, García-González, JM, Mirón-Canelo, JA (2023). The Secret of Women in Physics: Finding Motivations. Journal of Physics & Optics Sciences, 5(5), 1-7.

Gorasso, V., Morgado, J. N., Charalampous, P., Pires, S. M., Haagsma, J. A., Santos, J. V., ... & Plass, D. (2023). Burden of disease attributable to risk factors in European countries: a scoping literature review. Archives of Public Health, 81(1), 1-11.

Charalampous, P, Haagsma, J, Jakobsen, L, Gorasso, V, Noguer, I, Padron-Monedero, A, . . . Pires, S (2023). Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom: A review of methodological design choices. Epidemiology & Infection, 151, E19.

Fernández-Carro, C, Seiz, M, García-González, JM, Torrado, JM (2022). Dinámicas demográficas durante la pandemia de la Covid-19: ¿qué sabemos dos años después? In Informe España 2022 (pp. 303-376). Cátedra José María Martín Patino de la Cultura del Encuentro.

Biedma, L, García, I, García-González, JM, Cerrillo, J, Serrano, G, Blanco, A, Serrano, R. (2022). The Legitimacy of Pain as an Object of Study. Advances in Applied Sociology, 12, 634-643.

Charalampous, P, Gorasso, V, Plass, D, Pires, SM, von der Lippe, E, Mereke, A ... & Haagsma, JA (2022). Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices. European journal of public health, 32(2), 289-296.

García-González, JM, Cuenca, C (2022). Los retos de los servicios sociales frente a los espacios de conflicto del nuevo modelo de sociedad: cambio demográfico, desigualdad y polarización política. En del Águila, AR, Ramírez, JM, Rondón, LM (Eds.), Tecnología, innovación y Servicios Sociales. TecnoSocial 2022. Aranzadi.

Charalampous, P, Pallari, E, Gorasso, V, von der Lippe, E, Devleesschauwer, B, Pires, SM, ... & Haagsma, JA (2022). Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-15.

Martín-Pérez, C, Vergara-Moragues, E, Fernández-Muñoz, JJ, García-González, JM, García-Moreno, LM (2022). Reward sensitivity and hazardous alcohol consumption in women: The parallel mediation effect of self-control and impulsivity traits. Substance Abuse, 43(1), 1333-1340.

García-González, J. M., & Martin-Criado, E. (2022). A reversal in the obesity epidemic? A quasi-cohort and gender-oriented analysis in Spain. Demographic Research, 46, 273-290.

Hernández-Pascual, C, Santos-Sánchez, JÁ, García-González, JM, Silva-Viamonte, CF, Pablos-Hernández, C, Ramos-Pascua, L, & Mirón-Canelo, JA (2021). Long-term outcomes of distal locking in extracapsular fractures treated with trochanteric Gamma3 nails. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 22(1), 1-12.

García-González, JM, del Rey, A (2021). Research on Individuals Aged One Hundred and Over: Protocol from the Sevilla and Castilla y León Centenarian Studies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20.

Álvarez-Delgado A, García MLP, García-González JM, de Sena HI, Chamorro AJ, Gómez MFL, Marcos M, Mirón-Canelo JA. (2021). Improvements in the Effectiveness of Early Detection in Colorectal Cancer with Open-Label Randomised Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(21), 5072.

García-González, JM, Martín Criado, E (2021). Rounding as an indicator of bias in reported body weight in health surveys. Journal of Biosocial Science, 53(5), 790-799.

Reyes, H, García-González, JM, Mirón-Canelo, JA (2021). Can adolescents make better decisions?  The answer of Physics. Physics as critical thinking training. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 4(1), 1-18.

García-González, JM, Gutiérrez, S, Solera, E, Ríos, S. (2021). Barriers in Higher Education: perceptions and discourse analysis of students with disabilities in Spain. Disability & Society, 34:4, 579-595.

García-González, JM, Fernández-Muñoz, JJ, Vergara-Moragues, E, García-Moreno, LM (2021). Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated: invariance gender in Spanish university students. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 19(53), 205-22.

García González, JM, Grande R (2020). Contribuciones del cambio en mortalidad por sida a la esperanza de vida en España. Salud Pública de México, 62, 211-214.

Spijker, J, García González, JM, & Puga, D (2020). Spain. En Ni Leime, A et al. (eds). Extended Working Life Policies: International Gender and Health perspectives. Cham: Springer, pp. 427-437.

García González, JM, Grande R (2020). El reto de la longevidad en Andalucía. Causas, evolución y consecuencias. Colección Actualidad 85. Centro de Estudios Andaluces.

Fernandez-Lazaro, CI, García-González, JM, Adams, DP, Fernandez-Lazaro, D, Mielgo-Ayuso, J, Caballero-Garcia, A, Moreno Racionero, F, Córdova, A, Miron-Canelo, JA (2019). Adherence to treatment and related factors among patients with chronic conditions in primary care: a cross-sectional study. BMC Family Practice, 20, art. 132.

Pranjic, N, García González, JM, Cvejanov-Kezunovic, L (2019). Perceived work ability index of public service employees in relation to ageing and gender: A comparison in three European countries. Slovenian Journal of Public Health, 58(4), 179-188.

Grande, R y García González, JM (2019). Migración y fecundidad de las mujeres peruanas en Chile y España, Revista de Migraciones Internacionales, 10, e2089.

García González, JM, Grande R (2019). De “morirse de viejo” a “morirse viejo”: tendencias de la mortalidad de la población de edades avanzadas en España. En Blanco, A., Chueca, A., López-Ruiz, J.A., Mora, S. (Eds.), Informe España 2019. Madrid: Cátedra José María Martín Patino de la Cultura del Encuentro, pp. 89-175.