Talks and Presentations





The F1 World Seminar - Geometry of Tropical Extensions of Hyperfields (Recording) (29th November 2023, 15:00 GMT)

(Postponed due to UCU strike) Speaker at BRIJGES at Bristol (14th February 2023, 16:00 GMT) - Convex geometry over ordered hyperfields.

Speaker at the Copenhagen - Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar (26th January 2023, 15:15 GMT) - Relatively Algebracially Closed homomorphims over hyperfields, (Video)

Generalising Kapranov's Theorem for Hyperfields - Bristol Algebra Seminar (7th December 2022).

Post-Doc Introduction Talks for new maths Post-Docs at the Univeristy of Bristol - Speaking in the first session (27th October & 7th November 2022).

Speaker at School of Mathematics and Computer Science Research Event  at Swansea University (27th May 2022), with accompanying poster presentation. 

Speaker at Applied Algebra and Geometry Seminar at Swansea University (3rd Dec 2021) - Polynomials over hyperfields.



Tropical Days in Bristol - Organising a hybrid 2-day confernce along with Farhad Babaee focused on tropical geometry and surrounding areas.


Attended (virtually) LMS Workshop on Tropical Mathematics at University of Birmingham (17th Feb 2023)

MaTroCom: Workshop on Matroids and Tropical Combinatorics at Queen Mary University (9th -13th January 2023).

Attended the Heilbronn Annual Conference   (September 2022).

Participant at LMS - Tropical Mathematics and its Applications at Durham University (4-5 May 2022).

Organised a 3MT for the Mathematics department at Swansea Univerity (March 2022).

Postgraduate Rep for the Mathematics Department at Swansea University - (2021 - 2022).

LMS Undergraduate Summer School (Jul 2021) -Swansea Univeristy, supporting and engaging the participants. 

LMS Tropical Mathematics and Applications (Feb 2020) - University of Warwick.

Tropical Discussion Group (Spring 2020 - Present) - Run by Yue Ren at Swansea University, Durham and virtually . 

Tropical Differential Workshop (Dec 2019) - Queen Mary Univeristy London.

Swansea PhD seminar series  (Autumn 2019 -  Summer 2022).