Antony Biography

 ANTONY JAMESON has authored or co-authored over 400 scientific papers in a wide range of subject areas, including both control theory and aerodynamics, and is the principal developer of the well-known series of `FLO' and `SYN' codes, which have been used throughout the aerospace industry. 

 Starting in 1970, he began to concentrate on the problem of predicting transonic flow. Existing numerical methods were not equal to the task, and it was clear that new methods would have to be developed. At that time limitations in computer capabilities also precluded any attempt to calculate the flow past a complete aircraft, but useful efforts could be made for simpler configurations such as aerofoils and wings.

 He joined Princeton University in 1980, and in 1982 he was appointed James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Aerospace Engineering. During the last decade Professor Jameson devised a variety of new schemes for solving the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations for inviscid and viscous compressible flows, and wrote a series of computer programs which have been widely used in the aircraft industry. He and his co-workers were finally able to realize their goal of calculating the flow past a complete aircraft in 1985, using his new finite element method. Subsequently, he re-focused his research on the problem of shape optimization for aerodynamic design. 

 In 1993, he was selected to receive the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Fluid Dynamics Award "in recognition of numerous contributions to computational fluid dynamics and the development of many widely used computer programs which have immeasurably improved the capability to analyze and understand complex flows."

 He was elected a fellow of the British Royal Society for Improving Natural Knowledge in 1995, and that same year was selected by ASME to receive The Spirit of St. Louis Medal "for numerous outstanding contributions to computational fluid dynamics and for the development of many widely used computer programs that have immeasurably improved understanding of complex flow fields and have become dominant tools for aerodynamic design." 

 In 2015 he has received the AIAA Pendray Aerospace Literature Award, the USACM John Von Neumann Medal for "pioneering contributions to potential fluid dynamics," and the AIAA / ASME / AHS / SAE Guggenheim Medal "for exceptional contributions to the algorithmic innovation and the development of computational fluid dynamics codes that have made important contributions to aircraft design." 
