U.S. Mailbag Tote

The exterior design of this tote is inspired by the old leather US postal service mailbags that mailmen used to use to carry letters and packages for on-foot delivery. The light color interior allows for better visibility inside the bag (this was learned the hard way from other prototypes. (Hint: good luck finding anything inside a bag with a dark gray interior!) All construction was done by hand, including saddle stitching throughout the entire bag.


  • Leather: Top-grain 5 oz. utility leather with full-grain 4 oz. vegetable tanned leather accents.
  • Lining: Heavy-duty duck canvas.
  • Organization: One large pocket inside each main panel. One panel includes four additional smaller pockets for phone, pens, lip balm, headphones, etc. One pocket has a snap closure.
  • Includes interior d-ring and leather lanyard with swivel snap (hidden inside the pocket in the 3rd picture) for securing keys, etc.
  • Bag closure: Similar to other luxury brand tote closures with a snap and d-ring.
  • Copper burrs hold all the areas that bear stress and weight.