About ABC Lab


Artificial intelligent-Based Communication (ABC) Lab carries out advanced and strategic research on academic and technological fronts in next-generation wireless and mobile communications. We identify the next-generation ICT convergence technologies by exploring theoretical capacity and performance limits to improve, and investigate advanced techniques for the enhancements in both academy and industry. We develop state-of-the-art technologies by exploiting methodologies grounded on advanced analytical tools in information theory, optimization theory, statistics and probability theory, graph theory, matrix theory, analysis, stochastic geometry as well as advanced learning tools. We find our applications to 5G/6G, Mobile edge/cloud computing, UAV communications, vehicular communications, IoT, wireless power transfer, machine learning, and deep learning for the ubiquitous and intelligent communications.

ABC lab. is led by Prof. Jinkyu Kang in Department of Information and Communication Engineering of Myongji University of Republic of Korea