We are always looking for candidates. If you would like to work with us and you think you are eligible to apply to your own funding (for example a Marie Curie Fellowship), please contact us in this address.

PhD position

Bioinformatics and evolution in tomato

We are looking for motivated students to perform next generation sequencing data analysis to study tomato evolution.

The wealth on genomics datasets for tomato and its wild relatives have opened the opportunity for the first time to solve a series of questions on the evolution of this important species (Lin et al 2014, Aflitos et al. 2014, Tieman et al. 2017 and Zhu et al. 2018).

In the lab we count with expertise and tools to perform bioinformatics and data analysis. If you are interested in manipulating massive datasets to answer evolutionary questions and have experience in (or want to learn) computer programming and data analysis, please contact us.

Send a CV, a cover letter, and as many reference letters as possible here

Master position

Tomato Genetics

We are looking for motivated students to work in tomato genetics and evolution.

Our recent discoveries have opened a number of Master projects on the evolution of circadian rhythms and flowering time in tomato. See Müller et al. 2018, Soyk et al. 2017, Müller et al. 2016 or Xiang et al. 2022 in our publications page.

The proposed projects involve plant phenotyping, genotyping, in vitro culture and transformation. Interested applicants should send a CV, a cover letter, and as many reference letters as possible here

Master position

Software developer with skills in object-oriented programming

We are looking for an experienced bioinformatician / developer with skills in object-oriented programming.

One of the main techniques used in our lab is next generation sequencing datasets (DNA and RNA-seq). We have developed a number of workflows that use this type of data for tasks that would be of interest to most biology labs, including those with little experience in bioinformatics.

The selected candidate will be in charge of developing software that will be released to the public together with a scientific publication. She/He will be provided with a working version of this software written in Perl. This version needs to be optimized and translated into a package for general use.

This job will give the candidate experience with next generation sequencing data and an opportunity to see how data analysis feeds into a wet-biology lab. The candidate will interact with all members of the lab and assist to all lab meetings as well as scientific seminars in the institute.

Review of applications will begin immediately, and will remain open until the position is filled.

Interested applicants should send a CV, a cover letter, and as many reference letters as possible here