I supervise students working in economic sociology, particularly those interested in money, finance and digitization. If you would like to explore research opportunities, please write to me at 

Thesis Awarded

Dr. Brian Gomes

Dr. Brian Gomes obtained his doctorate in Sociology at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. His research interests include ageing, urban studies and Anglo-Indian studies. Brian's PhD dissertation analyses the significance of the neighbourhood in the everyday life of community-dwelling elderly Anglo-Indians in Kolkata. His research has been published in Ocula and International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies. Brian is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Salesian College, West Bengal. 

Thesis Title: ‘Growing old in the neighbourhood: Ethnographic study on elderly Anglo-Indians living in Calcutta.’ 

Thesis Awarded May 2023.


Dr. Rajorshi Ray

Dr. Ray obtained his PhD in Sociology at the department of Humanities and Social Sciences in IIT, Kanpur, India. Rajorshi's dissertation examines the role of social networks in structuring collective entrepreneurship in geographically-tethered service-based platforms. He is broadly interested in economic sociology, science and technology studies and qualitative methodologies. His research has been published in Asian Studies Review and the Journal of South Asian Development. Rajorshi has been the recipient of travel grants from the Oxford Internet Institute and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Thesis Title: ‘Social Networks and their role in structuring entrepreneurship in platform mediated service-work in India.’ 

Thesis Defended: February 2024.


ABD and PhD Candidacy

Kalpeshkumar Ambalal Chauhan

Kalpesh is a graduate student in Sociology at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. His research interests areas are: sociology of finance and credit, and digitalization. His PhD research examines the manner in which various digital finance initiatives are being incorporated and consumed by people in rural India. Kalpesh is the recipient of a Junior Research Fellowship from the University Grants Commission, India.


Abhiram AH

Abhiram is a graduate student in Sociology at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. Abhiram’s work explores the social shaping of data monies in India. Currently, he is researching the processes and patterns of capital formation, ownership and circulation through cryptocurrency-blockchain platforms. He plans to investigate how these digital platforms are situated in social institutions such as the formal/informal economy, family and neighbourhoods. Abhiram is the recipient of an exchange fellowship as part of the IIT Kanpur – La Trobe University, Australia Research Academy Joint PhD program



Navneet Gaurav Dubey

Navneet is a graduate student in  Sociology at the Indian Institute of  Technology Kanpur, India. His research examines digital payments in the market space. He is the recipient of a Junior Research  Fellowship from the University Grants Commission, India.



Dimpi Sonowal

Dimpi Sonowal is a graduate student in Sociology at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. Her research interests include how households percive savings a. She has qualified National Eligibility Test conducted by the University Grants Commission, India.
