
Selected Recent Papers >

Extraordinary Magnetic Response of an Anisotropic 2D Antiferromagnet via Site Dilution

J. Yang, H. Suwa, D. Meyers, H. Zhang, L. Horak, Z. Zhang, E. Karapetrova, J.-W. Kim, P. J. Ryan, M. P. M. Dean, L. Hao, & Jian Liu

Nano Lett. in press

Correlated Quantum Phenomena of Spin–Orbit Coupled Perovskite Oxide Heterostructures: Cases of SrRuO3 and SrIrO3 Based Artificial Superlattices

S. G. Jeong, J. Y. Oh, L. Hao, Jian Liu, & W. S. Choi 

Advanced Functional Materials in press

Reconciling Monolayer and Bilayer Jeff = 1/2 Square Lattices in Hybrid Oxide Superlattice

D. Gong, J. Yang, L. Hao, L. Horak, Y. Xin, E. Karapetrova, J. Strempfer, Y. Choi, J.-W. Kim, P. J. Ryan, & Jian Liu

Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 187201 (2022)

Quasi-two-dimensional anoumalous Hall Mott insulator of topologically engineered Jeff = 1/2 electrons

J. Yang, H. Suwa, D. Meyers, H. Zhang, L. Horak, Z. Wang, G. Fabbris, Y. Choi, J. Karapetrova, J.-W. Kim, D. Haskel, P. J. Ryan, M. P. M. Dean, L. Hao, & Jian Liu 

Phys. Rev. X 12, 031015 (2022)

Controllable Emergent Spatial Spin Modulation in Sr2IrO4 by in-situ shear strain

S. Pandey, H. Zhang, J. Yang, A. F. May, J. J. Sanchez, Z. Liu, J.-H. Chu, J.W. Kim, P.J. Ryan, H.D. Zhou, & Jian Liu 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 027203 (2022)

Manipulate the electronic state of Mott iridate superlattice through protonation induced electron‐filling

M. Wang, L. Hao, F. Yin, X. Yang, S. Shen, N. Zou, H. Cao, J. Yang, N. Lu, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, H. Zhou, J. Li, Jian Liu, & P. Yu 

Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2100261 (2021)

The transport–structural correspondence across the nematic phase transition probed by elasto X-ray diffraction

J.J. Sanchez, P. Malinowski, J. Mutch, Jian Liu, J.-W. Kim, P.J. Ryan, & J.H. Chu

Nature Materials 20, 1519 (2021)

Strain-modulated Slater-Mott crossover of pseudospin-half square-lattice in (SrIrO3)1/(SrTiO3)1 Superlattices 

J. Yang, L. Hao, D. Meyers, T. Dasa, L. Xu, L. Horak, P. Shafer, E. Arenholz, G. Fabbris, Y. Choi, D. Haskel, J. Karapetrova, J.-W. Kim, P. J. Ryan, H. Xu, C. D. Batista, M. P. M. Dean, & Jian Liu 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 177601 (2020) | UT physics highlight 

Comprehensive control of metamagnetic transition of antiferromagnetic Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 by in-situ anisotropic strain

H. Zhang, L. Hao, J. Yang, J. Mutch, Z. Liu, Q. Huang, K. Noordhoek, A.F. May, J.-H. Chu, J.W. Kim, P.J. Ryan, H.D. Zhou, & Jian Liu 

Advanced Materials 32, 2002451 (2020) 

Anomalous magnetoresistance due to longitudinal spin fluctuations in a Jeff = 1/2 Mott semiconductor

L. Hao, Z. Wang, J. Yang, D. Meyers, J. Sanchez, G. Fabbris, Y. Choi, J.-W. Kim, D. Haskel, P. J. Ryan, K. Barros, J.-H. Chu, M. P. M. Dean, C. D. Batista, & Jian Liu 

Nature Communication 10, 5301 (2019) 

Novel spin-orbit coupling driven emergent states in iridate-based heterostructures

L. Hao. D. Meyers, M.P.M. Dean, & Jian Liu 

J. Phys. Chem. Solids 128, 39 (2019). | Invited topical review

Epitaxial stabilization of Sr3Ir2O7 thin films 

J. Yang, L. Hao, P. Nanney, K. Noordhoek, D. Meyers, L. Horak, J. Sanchez, J.-H. Chu, C. Nelson, M. P. M. Dean, & Jian Liu 

Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 182401 (2019) | Featured article 

Giant magnetic response of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet  

L. Hao, D. Meyers, H. Suwa, J. Yang, C. Frederick, T. R. Dasa, G. Fabbris, L. Horak, D. Kriegner, Y. Choi, J.-W. Kim, D. Haskel, P. J. Ryan, H. Xu, C. D. Batista, M.P.M. Dean, & Jian Liu  

Nature Physics 14, 806 (2018)  | Science & research highlights of the Advanced Photon Source 

Decoupling carrier concentration and electron-phonon coupling in oxide heterostructures observed with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering   

D. Meyers, K. Nakatsukasa, S. Mu, L. Hao, J. Yang, Y. Cao, G. Fabbris, H. Miao, J. Pelliciari, D. McNally, M. Dantz, E. Paris, E. Karapetrova, Y. Choi, D. Haskel, P. Shafer, E. Arenholz, T. Schmitt, T. Berlijn, S. Johnston, Jian Liu, & M. P. M. Dean   

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 236802 (2018)  | UT physics highlight 

Two-dimensional Jeff = 1/2 antiferromagnetic insulator unraveled from interlayer exchange coupling in artificial perovskite iridate superlattices    

L. Hao, D. Meyers, C. Frederick, G. Fabbris, J. Yang, N. Traynor, L. Horak, D. Kriegner, Y. Choi, J.-W. Kim, D. Haskel, P. J. Ryan, M. P. M. Dean, & Jian Liu

Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 027204 (2017)  | UT physics highlight 

Selected Invited Talks >

Jian Liu | 80th PDC 2023 

Giant responses and emergent spin modulation of antiferromagnetic square-lattice iridates 

Jian Liu | Boulder Workshop on Quantum Materials Synthesis 2023

Model-based artificial quantum materials realized in oxide heterostructures and superlattices

Jian Liu | International Workshop on Complex Oxides 2023

Correlation-topology Interplay in pseudospin-half square-lattice in artificial iridate superlattice

Jian Liu | APS March Meeting 2023 

Correlation-topology Interplay in pseudospin-half square-lattice in artificial iridate superlattice

Jian Liu | Electronic Materials & Applications 2023

Elasto-spin modulation of antiferromagnetic ordering in Sr2IrO4

Jian Liu | Seminar at Tsinghua University 2022

Symmetry control and emergent phenomena in square-lattice iridates 

Jian Liu | SCES 2022

Emergent phenomena in structurally engineered square-lattice iridates

Jian Liu | TSST Webinar 2022

Toy-model square lattices in artificial iridate crystal for capturing and controlling emergent phenomena

Jian Liu | APS/CNM User Meeting 2022 

Giant responses and emergent spin modulation of antiferromagnetic square-lattice iridates 

Junyi Yang | APS March Meeting 2022 

Exotic Magnetic Properties In Strain-Modulated Slater-Mott Crossover Regime 

Jian Liu | Electronic Materials & Applications 2022

Engineering iridate superlattices for capturing and controlling antiferromagnetic fluctuations 

Han Zhang | APS March Meeting 2021 

Comprehensive control of the metamagnetism of antiferromagnet Sr2IrO4 via pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect 

Jian Liu | APS March Meeting 2021 

Capturing and controlling antiferromagnetic fluctuations of pseudospin-half square lattice in artificial layered iridate

Jian Liu | Electronic Materials & Applications  2021

Controllable antiferromagnetic fluctuations of pseudospin-half square lattice in artificial layered iridate 

Han Zhang | APS/CNM User Meeting 2020 

Multi-control and multi-probe of the metamagnetism in the pseudospin half Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 

Jian Liu | INTERMAG Conference  2020

Emergent giant magnetic responses of 2D pseudospin-half square lattice realized in iridate-based heterostructures 

Jian Liu | Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at Emory University 2020

Controllable emergent 2D quantum antiferromagnetism in complex oxide heterostructures 

Lin Hao | 86th Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section 2019

Giant antiferromagnetic response in a two-dimensional spin-orbit Mott insulator 

Lin Hao | 64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) 2019

Controlling antiferromagnetic order with uniform magnetic fields in an epitaxial two-dimensional antiferromagnet

Jian Liu | International Workshop on Surfaces and Interfaces of Quantum Materials 2019

Controllable emergent 2D quantum antiferromagnetism in iridate-based heterostructures 

Jian Liu | APS March Meeting 2019

Controllable emergent 2D quantum antiferromagnetism realized in iridate-based heterostructures