Laboratory of Quantum Crystals & Interfaces


We are an experimental condensed matter physics research group at the University of Tennessee. Our research goal is to develop and investigate novel quantum crystals and interfaces that propel the fundamental understanding on emergent quantum phenomena and deliver innovative concepts/routes for quantum technologies. A major focus of our work is correlated electronic materials, such as complex oxides, where the quantum degrees of freedom of electrons give rise to a variety of collective electric and magnetic phenomena that elude conventional predictions as well as afford unparalleled functionalities. Examples include metal-insulator transition, quantum magnetism, unconventional superconductivity, topological phases, colossal magnetoresistance, orbital ordering, multiferroics, etc. In particular, to capture the underlying physics, we employ a top-down design and bottom-up synthesis approach that exploits interface engineering and atomic layering deposition to create artificial toy-model quantum crystals. Our measurement toolbox includes a suite of low-temperature electronic and magnetic characterizations as well as advanced techniques at national facilities, such as synchrotrons, neutron sources, and high-field labs. We also develop new measurement platforms with multi-modal capabilities.


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Q: What is interesting about experimental CMP research?

A: Quantum condensed matters are like complex numbers. It has a real part and an imaginary part. And experiment combines them like the beautiful exponential function. We welcome highly motivated students, both graduate and undergraduate, and postdoctoral researchers to join our adventure. If you are interested, please contact me at