Jia Chen

Assistant Professor of Teaching                                                





Bourns Hall A, Room 149

Electrical & Computer Engineering Department

University of California, Riverside

900 University Ave Riverside, CA 92521 USA

Hi, I am Jia Chen, a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of California Riverside. Prior this, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. My research interests are machine learning, signal processing, and multiview learning

Employment history

        University of California, Riverside                                                       July 2021present

  Assistant Professor of Teaching 


  University of Texas Rio Grande Valley                                                       Sep. 2019June 2021

  Assistant Professor


  University of Minnesota, Twin Cities                                                     Jan. 2017Aug. 2019

  Postdoctoral Research Associate

  Supervisor: Dr. Georgios B. Giannakis


  University of Texas at Arlington                                                             May 2016Dec. 2016

  Research Associate

  Supervisor: Dr. Ioannis D. Schizas


      Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Electrical Engineering                                         Jan. 2013 – May 2016                     

  University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA  


  Master of Science (M.S.) in Electrical Engineering                                                Sep. 2009 – Jun. 2012       

  University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China

  Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Electrical Engineering                                                     Sep. 2005 – Jun. 2009                   

  Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China


May 2024: Our paper "Cross-Task Defense: Instruction-Tuning LLMs for Content Safety" has been accepted to NAACL TrustNLP 2024 workshop.

January 2024: Two papers are accepted by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2024 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2024) Proceedings

December 2023: Our 2024 NSF REU program on Data Science will accept applications from December 26, 2023 till February 15, 2024 through ETAP platform. Application Link: https://etap.nsf.gov/award/759/opportunity/6867. Please find more details about this program at https://sites.google.com/ucr.edu/ucr-ds-reu.

November 2023: Our two-day event IEEE Inland Empire Data Science Workshop attracted 76 student participants from Cal. State U. San Bernardino, Cal. Poly. Pomona, Riverside City College, Cal. State U. San Marcos, Crafton Hills College, Cal. State U. Fullerton, Pasadena City College, San Bernardino Valley College, and UCR!

November 2023: Two paper abstracts "Spectral Clustering in Railway Crossing Accidents Analysis" and "Kernel Ridge Regression in Predicting Railway Crossing Accidents" have been accepted by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2024 Joint Rail Conference (JRC2024).

November 2023: Our paper "Can SAM recognize crops? Quantifying the zero-shot performance of a semantic segmentation foundation model on generating crop-maps using satellite imagery for precision agriculture" has accepted by NeurIPS 2023 AI4Science Workshop!

August 2023: Our 8-week NSF REU summer program concluded with 11 student research project presentations!!

May 2023: Welcome the REU students Pablo Santos, Ethan Villalobos, Hector Lugo, and Damian Gomez from UTRGV to join us for the 10-week Summer Internship!

May 2023: Our project "Greater LA Data Science Pathways (GLADS-PATH)" partnering with CSU San Bernardino, Cal Poly Pomona, Riverside CCD, Riverside City College, Moreno Valley College, Norco College, Chaffey College, and Pasadena City College is funded by The California Education Learning Lab!

March 2023: Our undergraduate researcher Het Patel got admitted to the Phd program in CS at UCR. Congratulations to Het!

February  2023: Our project "The US DOT University Transportation Center for Railway Safety, Smart Technologies for Safer Railways" led by University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in collaboration with University of Nebraska Lincoln, University of South Carolina, Texas A&M University, and South Texas College is funded by the Department of Transportation!

January 2023: Our REU Site: Experience the Full Data Science Pipeline through Research and Practice, is funded by NSF!

November 2022: Organized a Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop for Google exploreCSR program!

October 2022: Gave a seminar talk on "Tensor decomposition for graph mining"  in Statistics Department at UCR!

October 2022: Our paper SV-Learn: Learning Matrix Singular Values with Neural Networks has been accepted by ICDM OEDM Workshop!

September 2022: Our undergraduate researcher Het Patel has been awarded with Digital Agriculture Fellowship! Congratulations!

September 2022: Our paper TENALIGN: Joint Tensor Alignment and Coupled Factorization has been accepted by ICDM!

August 2022: Gave a seminar talk on "Multiview learning for knowledge discoveryin CS at Texas Tech University!

August 2022: Our paper Unsupervised Multiview Embedding of Node Embeddings has been accepted by Asilomar!

July 2022: Gave a talk on "Machine Learning Applications" in Redlands Unified School District High-school AI summer camp!

July 2022: We have been awarded a Regents Faculty Fellowship [RFF] grant by the Committee on Research of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate!

June 2022: Our paper titled Graph-Assisted Tensor Disaggregation has been accepted by KDD MLG Workshop!

June 2022: Welcome the REU students Alan Urteaga and Leonel Ramirez from UTRGV to join us for the Summer Internship!

June 2022: Our undergraduate researchers Steven Ryan Leonido, Paul Minh Ullman, Brandon Chea, Boyi Li, and Shaoyu Tu are accepted in the Data Science Challenge program co-hosted by UCR and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)! Congratulations to all of you!

May 2022: Gave a mini-lecture "Machine Learning in Everyday Life" on the BCOE Family weekend!

May 2022: Congratulations to our undergraduate researcher Haruki Miyazaki on his Data Science-Path Summer Fellowship!

May 2022: Our paper "Multimodal Correlations-Based Data Clustering" has been accepted by the AIMS, Foundations of Data Science!

April 2022: Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers Shaoyu (Kevin) Tu and Het Patel on their SIAM SDM Travel awards!