Google exploreCSR @ University of California Riverside

Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop

Sponsored by Google Research -- exploreCSR

Event Date/Time: Saturday November 19th, 2022, 9:10am - 5:00pm

Registration Link:


Jia Chen

Dept. of ECE


Ronald Salloum

School of CSE


Basak Guler

Dept. of ECE


Elaheh Sadredini Dept. of CSE


Mariam Salloum Dept. of CSE



Multi-Aspect Data Science

Speaker: Evangelos Papalexakis

9:30am - 10:00am

Career and Personal Pathway Panel

10:00am - 11:30am

Matthew Joseph

Research Scientist


Ekta Gujral

Senior Data Scientist

Walmart Global Tech

Yue Dong

McGill University

UC Riverside

Neil Shah

Research Scientist


Graduate Student Panel

2:30pm - 3:30pm

Jing Jin 


Christian Shelton 

Hasin Us Sami 


Basak Guler 

Calvin-Khang Ta


Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury 

William Shiao 


Evangelos Papalexakis 


Agoritsa Polyzou

1:00pm - 1:45pm

Fairness in Artificial Intelligence

Abstract: There has been a lot of research work that applies computational models to explore patterns and data from various sources and applications. While these advancements highlight the value of data science, they also demonstrate their power over people's lives and decision-making. However, there is not much discussion about their core values. Most of the existing discussion is about general principles that traditional data analytics approaches need to follow and, in particular, in areas of research that directly involve human subjects (e.g., biomedical domain, autonomous systems, or human-computer interaction). In this talk, we will explore factors that might introduce unfairness in a system we want to develop. The goal is to discuss what it means for a model to be fair and ethical, and present a number of practical guidelines that researchers need to consider during any phase of their work. We want to encourage a conversation about researchers' responsibilities, particularly when the data used are not collected from a well-defined research-oriented process.

Bio: Dr. Agoritsa Polyzou is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU). Before joining FIU, she was a postdoctoral Fritz family fellow in the Massive Data Institute (MDI) of the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 2020, and her Bachelor in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras, Greece. She is engaged in projects at the intersection of machine learning, ethics, and fairness. Her research interests include data mining, recommender systems, the application of machine learning techniques within educational contexts, and the fairness concerns that arise from their use.

Deep Learning for Wireless Communications

Abstract: Fueled by the advances in IOT, autonomous driving and AR/VR, the data transmission and bandwidth requirements of next-gen systems are touted to be orders of magnitude higher than in the current day 5G systems. To achieve these data rates, the existing communication pipelines will need to be re-designed and machine learning is expected to play a big role. In this talk we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of applying ML in wireless communication. We will go over a few open problems in the field and then closely examine the problem of denoising and compression of channel state information.

Bio: Dr. Akshay Malhotra is a Machine Learning Researcher at the Emerging Technologies Lab in Interdigital. His research involves improving traditional wireless communication blocks and algorithms with the use of machine learning. Before joining Interdigital he was a Senior Researcher at Standard Cognition where he worked on ML and optimization methods for vision based perception and SLAM problems. He has a Ph.D and a M.Sc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington.


Akshay Malhotra

1:45pm - 2:30pm

Python in Data Science Tutorial

Speaker: Rutuja Gurav

4:00pm - 4:50pm

Student Participant Statistics

2023 REU Program

We welcome all UCR and CSUSB undergraduate students who are interested in machine learning and data science research to apply for our 2023 REU (research experience for undergraduates) program. This program will award up to 7 fellowships.

How to apply? Please submit your application via Google Form

Other information includes:

Notification date: June 5, 2023

Application deadline: a screening begins on March 27, 2023 and continues until positions are filled.

Program dates: 2023 Spring and/or 2023 Summer depending on the mentor's and REU student's overlapping availability. 

Research topic: machine learning and data science. The detailed projects depend on the mentor's and REU student's mutual interests.

Stipend: up to $4,000 per REU student.

Eligibility: Applicants must be undergraduate students at UCR or CSUSB.

Required documents: Resume, Unofficial transcript, and Research Statement.

REU Awardees

Hugo Baca

Project: Railroad Incident Data Analysis 

Advisors: Jia Chen & Evangelos Papalexakis

Blake Dickerson

Project: Canonical Correlation Based Image-Text Retrieval Using LLM and Deep Image Models

Advisor: Jia Chen

Rayyan Zaid 

Project: Deep Learning for Micro-Actions Prediction in NBA games Using Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data

Advisor: Jia Chen

Hunter Adomitis

Project topic: Applied Machine Learning in Computer Architecture and Performance optimization

Advisor: Elaheh Sadredini

Harsh Vardhan Sharma

Project topic: Applied Machine Learning in Computer Architecture and Performance optimization

Advisor: Elaheh Sadredini


Jia Chen: jiac at ucr dot edu   

Ronald Salloum: ronald dot salloum at csusb dotedu 

Basak Guler: basak dot guler at ucr dot edu 

Elaheh Sadredini: elaheh at cs dot ucr dot edu 

Mariam Salloum: mariam dot salloum at email dot ucr dot edu