CCSL Application Process

Submit an Application

Interested in joining CCSL? Each Fall we have an open application process for new mentors. Once you've checked you meet our availability and eligibility requirements, submit an online application for consideration

The Fall 2023 application is open until Sept. 11th at 11:59PM

NOTE: Prior Science Olympiad experience is helpful, but not required!

Mentor Interview

All applicants will be invited to a brief interview with current CCSL student leaders.

Candidates that are a good fit to join our team will be accepted into the organization in late September and invited to join our first General Body Meeting (GBM).

Interviews will be held on Sept. 16th.

Onboarding & Training

Once accepted, all new mentors must complete mandatory child safety screening paperwork through the Center for Educational Outreach (CEO). This includes a background check and fingerprinting process. 

Mentors must also complete mandatory child safety and mentor trainings annually to be cleared to attend mentoring sessions.