JI HUN PARK Research Group

Nanoscale Interface & Organic Functional Material Design Laboratory

ECOGEAR Inc. Technology Holding Subsidiary of Ewha Womans University

Invited Talk in 2023 Fall Meeting of Korean Society of Packaging Science & Technology (2023. 11. 17)

Birthday (2023. 10. 09)

Invited Talk in 2023 Spring Meeting of The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (2023. 05. 12)

Group Retreat (2023. 02. 02) & Group Photo (2023. 03. 31)

ECOGEAR Inc. Media Highlight (2022. 12. 06)

Birthday (2022. 10. 12)

ECOGEAR Inc. Media Highlight (2022. 07. 21)

Seulbi Kim (PhD Student) Received Minister's Prize (Ministry of Science and ICT, 2022. 07. 12)

Nanocoating Research Highlight (2021. 10. 21)

KCS Fall Meeting in Busan (2021. 10. 13-15)

Birthday (2021. 10. 12)

Ms. Seulbi Kim Graduation (2021. 08. 26)

Nanocoating Research Highlight (2020. 09. 03)

Research Highlight: Artificial Spore (Chemworld, 2020 April)

Nanocoating Research Highlight (2019. 08. 25)

[Featured on Supplementary Cover:  Langmuir 2019, 35, 12562-12568] 

Thickness-Tunable Eggshell Membrane Hydrolysate Nanocoating with Enhanced Cytocompatibility and Neurite Outgrowth

향상된 생체친화성과 신경세포 성장촉진 기능을 가진 난각막 수용화물 나노코팅기술 개발

Nanomaterial Research Highlight (2018. 08. 25)

[Featured on International Year of the Periodic Table: Precious metals for cancer treatment: Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 15365-15370

 Tunable aggregation of gold-silica janus nanoparticles to enable contrast-enhanced multiwavelength photoacoustic imaging in vivo 

금-실리카 야누스 입자의 조절된 응집을 이용한 고감도 광음향영상 기술 개발

Nanocoating Research Highlight (2017. 08. 10)

Nanocoating Research Highlight (2014. 11. 18)

Now recruiting highly motivated students. Please send your CV(이력서) to me (jihunpark [at] ewha.ac.kr)

Positions available in the following research fields:

1. Organic Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds

2. Nanocoating & Nanomaterials

3. Cell Surface Modification & Cell-Material Interface

4. Biomedical Applications (Drug Delivery System & Theranostics)

Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seoul 03760, Korea

Tel: +82-2-3277-4687

Email: jihunpark [at] ewha.ac.kr