In 2022, I made the following tweet to announce my return to academia: "Regardless of how hard I’ve tried to fight it (and oh how I’ve tried), the purest form of Jhacova has always been in academia. As such, this fall I plan to take my talents to Northwest DC and join the faculty at American University. Professor Williams is back @AU_SPA!"

Check out the accompanying video here 🤪.

In 2021, I wrote the commentary "A Black Brother Needs Love Too" which originally appeared on Brookings. The commentary discussed that the current cultural focus on intersectionality, which examines the effects of bias on women (Black and white) by comparing outcomes to those of white men, may be distorting the perception of what public policies and research are needed. 

Check it out here 🤪.

In 2021, I wrote the commentary "Charting a Path Forward for College Athletes to Receive Pay" for Promarket.  Before student-athletes were able to benefit from the use of their name and likeness, I described a model to pay student-athletes students in a similar manner to Ph.D. students given that both types of students work  for their universities.

Check it out here 🤪.

In 2020, I was featured in a documentary by The Economist.

I discussed findings from one of my research papers that showed that Black individuals who resided in counties with a relatively higher number of lynchings were less likely to register to vote today. 

Check it out here 🤪.