Lab News

Doctoral Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB) SYMPOSIUM 2024

15/05/2024 to 16/05/2024: João Martins presented a poster on his results on the "Role of GluN2B-containing NMDARs on network activity and synapse maturation and its potential interaction with EphA4" at BEB Day 2024. He was selected from an abstract submission call and had the opportunity to receive positive feedback from researchers with various backgrounds and to make new acquaintances.

ESM 2024 BErLIn

2/05/2024 to 4/05/2024: Our lab participated in the European Synapse Meeting 2024 in Berlin, with a poster entitled "Cell-adhesion proteins interplay with NMDA Receptors: implication for synaptic nanoarchitecture". Great opportunity to see amazing works in the synapse field. Looking forward to the next ESM!!


AIMS meeting 2024

16/04/2024: João Martins was selected from an abstract submission call to present his work at the AIMS Meeting 2024 to a panel of doctors and researchers. João presented a poster on his results on the "Role of GluN2B-containing NMDARs on network activity and synapse maturation and its potential interaction with EphA4". 

CIBB meeting 2023

20/12/2023: Just in from the CIBB Meeting 2023! João Martins had the chance to participate in the Draw Your Science challenge, and present the work he developed during his Master Thesis. 

Neuroscience meets society: Transversal skills for future neuroscientists 

11 - 15/12/2023: Just before the end of the year Joana Ferreira was part of the organization of the course: Neuroscience meets society: Transversal skills for future neuroscientists. It was a great opportunity to meet great promissing young scientists. Most importantly, João Martins was among them!


25-27/10/2023: Joana Ferreira participated in SPAOM2023 and had the great opportunity to present her work, titled 'NMDA Receptor at the Nanoscale: Insights from Cultures to Brain Tissue.' This research was conducted at Laurent Groc's laboratory in collaboration with Laurent Cognet's lab. The meeting provided an excellent networking opportunity, and it was a pleasure to witness the growth of the advanced microscopy community in Portugal.

We have a new master!

23/10/2023: We are thrilled to announce that João Martins has brilliantly defended his Master's thesis in Neurobiology, entitled "ROLE OF GLUN2B-CONTAINING NMDARS ON NETWORK ACTIVITY AND SYNAPSE MATURATION THROUGH THE INTERACTION WITH EPHA4." 

João scientific maturity impressed all the juri members. We have full confidence in João's promising future in the field of neurosciences and eagerly anticipate following his path towards a Ph.D. Best of luck on this exciting journey!

João Martins was a valuable member of the Master in Biomedical Research (MIB) program at the University of Coimbra. If you're interested in learning more about this exceptional Master's program, please visit the official program page at:

We have a new master!

26/09/2023: We are thrilled to announce that Constança Ferreira has successfully defended her Master's thesis in Neurobiology, titled "Neurexin and NMDAR: Exploring a Novel Interaction in a Developmental Context." 

Constança's dedication and hard work have truly shone through in her research. We couldn't be prouder of her accomplishments! As she embarks on her future journey, we wish Constança the very best in all her endeavors. May success continue to follow her!

CongratulationS João

18/09/2023: João Martins has delivered her Master's thesis to the University of Coimbra, entitled "Role of GluN2B-containing NMDARs on network activity and synapse maturation through the interaction with EphA4". 

CongratulationS José

02/08/2023: After completing his graduation José Azevedo was accepted in the Cellular and Molecular Biology Master's Program of the University of Coimbra. Best of luck José! 

If you would like to know more about this Master's program please check 

CongratulationS Constança

31/07/2023: Constança Ferreira has delivered her Master's thesis to the University of Coimbra, entitled "Neurexin and NMDAR novel interaction and co-distribution in a developmental context". 

Christmas Lab Lunch

2022 - Our first lab Christmas celebration!

28/08/2023: Launching of our website!