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Call for Expression of Interest For Master and PhD Students

Our lab is open to receiving Master's and PhD that wish to perform their laboratory rotations and thesis work. If you are interested in finding out more about our projects please contact me by email:

Neuroscience meets society: Transversal skills for future neuroscientists

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the first Winter School entitled “Neuroscience meets Society: Transversal skills for future Neuroscientists” which will take place in Coimbra (Dec 11th-15th). 

This school aims to provide Neuroscience students with the tools for the development of important “soft skills” crucial to a contemporary researcher. We expect to explore topics such as funding opportunities, scientific grant writing, ethics, public engagement, societal challenges, different communication techniques, and career development.

The course will bring together leading experts, both national and international, to deliver lectures, workshops, and hands-on sessions. The course is limited to 20 onsite participants (preferably early PhD students) and 5 PDBEB students. For selection purposes, please note that your application will not be considered without a letter of motivation (2 pages max) and CV (1 page max).  

The Winter School has the support of IBRO, PDBEB and DYNA Brain project.

More information about the Winter School here. Registrations here

The Winter School Committees, 

Catarina Cunha-Santos, Luís Ribeiro, Luísa Cortes, Joana Ferreira and Sara Varela Amaral (Organizing Committee) & Ana Vasconcelos and Tatiana Catarino (Support Committee)


We have an open call for one research fellowship, in the framework of the SynBridge project “SynBridge - A New TransSynaptic Bridge: Functional characterization of the NMDA receptor-Neurexin interaction” (reference: 2022.05386.PTDC), financed by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC). Please check the details at: