exempli grati

Below are some examples of assignments from some of the Python-based programming classes I've taken! I've tagged each with some of the concepts I learned how to use.


Simulated the 8-queens puzzle using backtracking. #backtracking #pairprogramming


Created and utilized a circular linked list to find a solution to the Josephus Problem.

#linkedlists #circularlinkedlists


Created a linked list given a list of integers. Created functions that did the following: found a given num, deleted a link, copied the list, reversed the list, sorted the list, checked if the list is sorted or empty, merged two lists, and checked to see if two lists are the same

#linkedlists #pairprogramming

Radix Sort.py

code for Radix Sort (needs update)

#radixsort #pairprogramming

Binary Tree (4).py

Created and compared two binary trees. Also wrote functions to find the height and number of nodes present in each tree.

#binarytree #trees #pairprogramming


Simulated the game Nim. #pairprogramming

ExpressionTree (2).py

Created an expression trees. Used preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals to print prefix, infix, and postfix notation. Visualized the tree using bfs.

#expressiontree #stack #bfs #trees #pairprogramming


Created and used a BST to encrypt and decrypt messages.

#bst #encryptiontree #pairprogramming


Created a program that would print numbers in a spiral fashion, learned about 2-D lists.

#2dlists #pairprogramming


Practice writing algorithmns.

#binarysearch #linearsearch


Program for the Rail Fence and Vignere ciphers.

#railfencecipher #vignerecipher #pairprogramming


Learned about how hashing as a more effective way to store and search.

#hashing #doublehashing #pairprogramming