Lutenol Review 2021 - Does It Work or Not?

Of all the five senses we have, our vision is most probably the most important, and losing our vision is one of our biggest fears. So having a supplement that helps you keep your eyes healthy makes a great deal of sense. But does it really work or is it just another money-making scam?

Lutenol is a supplement blend of vitamins and minerals that claims to do just that, keeping your eyes in tip-top shape. Being able to see the world is often taken for granted, and with so much focus on living healthy these days, it is understandable that there would be a supplement for your eyes as well.

Manufactured by Vita Balance, Lutenol is designed to improve your eyesight with a compound of herbal extracts and vitamins all proven to improve your eye function and keep them healthy. The research that resulted in the formulation of Lutenol came from the National Eye Institute (USA) so you can trust that the foundational information is well documented and backed up by scientific facts.

Why do You Need Lutenol?

In today’s rat race world, we are exposed to harmful radiation and toxins almost every minute of the day. From fast food to computers and UV light from the sun, our environment is filled with elements that damage our eyesight. The major cause of eye diseases such as cataracts and photokeratitis is the harmful environment that we live in and very seldom do we consider our world without the ability to see it.

Symptoms like headaches and blurred vision are the most common and as we get older the symptoms only get worse and more complex. Strained eyes are the result of us spending most of our time looking at screens in our work, social, and home life. This is just one of the conditions that a supplement like Lutenol aims to treat and improve so that we can live long healthy lives with great eyesight to enjoy the world around us.

Even if we follow a healthy diet and get regular exercise we still might not get enough of the right vitamins and minerals to support our eyes and keep them healthy. We need to get focused help from a scientifically formulated supplement to keep our vision clear and strong for as long as possible.

With more than 40% of the world suffering from some kind of eye condition currently, the problem is very clear, we need a viable solution. The latest research shows that by 2050 more than half of the world will have myopia or some other eye condition and that excludes the eye-related symptoms that develop from conditions like diabetes.

This is the reason why supplements like Lutenol have been developed and why we need them.

What Does Lutenol Do for Your Eyes?

The NEI research showed that certain nutritional compounds can improve your eye health especially in the case of the more mature population and these vitamins, minerals and herbal compounds are all formulated in Lutenol. The most important of these ingredients are Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes from the harmful UV radiation that floods our lives.

The ingredients in the Lutenol formula have been designed to support your eyes and their crucial function in our lives. Just 2 capsules a day give you the necessary complement of ingredients to improve your eye health over time. The Lutenol compound supports healthy retinas and lenses as well as macula health. The formula also helps you combat the toxins and free radicals that over time oxidize and damage the sensitive eye cells and nerves.

The combination of these ingredients gives you the nutrition you need to keep your eyesight healthy and is most effective in helping the elderly maintain good eyesight well into their lives.

Lutenol Ingredients

The ingredients in Lutenol are not revolutionary in their existence but the special formulation is what brings the power of these ingredients to your life.

Vitamin A - studies have shown that Vit A is vital for the treatment of cataracts and keeps your eyes lubricated in the right doses. Although we get most of our Vit A from our daily diet, over time we need more to maintain healthy eyesight. Lutenol provides adults with 2000IU or 40% of the daily volume recommended.

Vitamin B1 - Vit B1 or Thiamine is crucial in your eye health. It is scientifically proven to reduce the risk of cataracts and loss of vision. There has also been significant research in the treatment of some causes of blindness with Vit B1 that makes it vital to this formulation. (8mg - 533% of DV)

Vitamin B2 - this vitamin is also known as Riboflavin, has been proven to be vital in the protection of glutathione which is an eye antioxidant that protects the eyes from a condition like cataracts and more. It controls the chemical reactions involving oxidation and reduction. (8mg - 470% of DV)

Vitamin B3 - known as Niacin, this vitamin compound helps break down the amino acids and fatty acids that could lead to eye diseases and helps to the defense against these conditions that cause bad eyesight. (40mg - 200% of DV)

Vitamin B12 - B12 compound is a major defense against damage to the optic nerve that results in loss of eyesight. It also is vital for the brain and spinal cord that helps with the general health of your entire system. (27mcg - 225% of DV)

Vitamin C - vitamin C is naturally present in healthy eyes and is an important part of your body’s ability to produce collagen that helps with the structural strength of your sclera, a crucial part of the eye. Smokers have less Vitamin C in their blood and so you need a boost from the right sources. (200mg - 333% of DV)

Vitamin E - also found in the lens of the eye, Vitamin E is vital for antioxidant defense, and retina health in particular the prevention of macular degeneration. (45IU - 13% of DV)

Biotin - is an important aspect of your body’s defense against toxins and anti-oxidants. In particular, low levels of biotin cause a rash around the eyes as well as hair loss so you need proper levels in your body to keep your eyes healthy. (800mcg - 267% of DV)

Calcium Carbonate - is a dietary compound that helps keep your nervous system healthy and will help protect the nerves in your eyes like the optical nerve specifically. (50mg - 5% of DV)

Magnesium Oxide - recent research has shown the benefits of Magnesium Oxide in the healthy improvement of blood flow and oxidative stress in the eye and has also been used in the treatment of glaucoma. (40mg - 10% of DV)

Zinc Oxide - this mineral is vital in the protection of your macula (retina) and helps with the production of melanin that protects your eyes from the harmful sunlight and has been shown to improve night vision, as deficiency will most certainly cause you to have problems with seeing at night. (32mg - 213% of DV)

Selenium AAC - a powerful antioxidant that prevents the damage caused by free radicals in your eyes and body. This is achieved by reducing the stress levels in your eyes caused by these oxidants and free radicals. (8ug - 11% of DV)

Copper Gluconate - although you need only trace amounts, this mineral is vital in the prevention of vision loss and healthy eyesight. (2mg - 100% of DV)

Chromium Picolinate - a mineral needed to reduce what is called intraocular pressure. This is caused by the overexposure to the digital screens that we have in our lives which is often referred to as computer vision syndrome. (3.6 mcg - > 5% of DV)

Proprietary Blend - 505mg

The secret ingredient of Lutenol is a proprietary blend of compounds that bring the punch to the supplement. It includes a special mixture of the following ingredients:

  • Lutein

  • N-Acetyl Cysteine

  • Bilberry Extract

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

  • Eyebright

  • Zeaxanthin

  • Quercetin

  • Rutin

  • L-Taurine

  • Grape Seed Extract

  • Lycopene

All these ingredients are known to help with eye health and along with the support of the other ingredients in Lutenol create the perfect supplement to protect your eyes. This special blend has been developed by Vita Balance to bring you the best in eye care.

Cost and Daily Dose

Lutenol comes in a bottle with 60 capsules that cost in the region of $30 and this is enough for 1 month. The daily dose is 2 capsules in the morning with your breakfast and some water.

Does It Work as Advertised?

Looking at the ingredients and the specific benefits that Lutenol provides you, and the vital need to keep your eyes as healthy as possible, it certainly does seem that taking 2 Lutenol capsules every day will help you keep your eyesight as healthy as possible. This is also shown in the positive reviews from users on the Lutenol website. The science behind this supplement most definitely supports the claims of the manufacturer. Lutenol is claimed to be produced in FDA registered facilities and carries the backing of stringent GMP guidelines.

In a nutshell, you will most certainly benefit from Lutenol in the long run, do not expect to see results in just a few days from taking your first dose as the results are better experienced over time as your body reacts to the increased ability to protect your eyes.

Lutenol is also aimed at helping the elderly at keeping their eyesight clear as we take in less of these vital vitamins as we get older. Our bodies need more help in processing these minerals and vitamins as we get older from our diet so Lutenol will most likely be a great source of these vital nutrients.

Lutenol Review Conclusion

Lutenol will help you keep your eyes in a healthy state and at the cost, it makes sense to rather take the special blend of nutrients and vitamins than not. So if you want to care for your whole body always remember to maintain a healthy diet and exercise and supplement your system with the right vitamins to keep seeing the world the way you are supposed to.