Keto Trim Review 2021 - Does It Work or Not?

Over the year there have been several diets that have gain world traction but the never has there been such a drive to be dieting as currently with the Keto-Craze. Ketosis is the process of getting your body to burn fat for energy by eating a low carb diet.

This process is easier said than done, as it requires you to go through a period of low energy that has discouraged most from sticking to the Keto diet. Keto Trim is the supplement that aims to fix the slump by helping your body transform into a fat-burning machine faster.

What is the Keto Diet?

The Ketogenic Diet is the latest in dietary technology, by that I mean it is the most recent diet that has the world reaching for low carb foods and Keto supplements. The diet gets your body out of the habit of burning sugars and carbs for energy, this process makes your body store more fat that is just not needed. The Keto diet-lifestyle got a lot of support from initiatives like Banting and other Low Carb diets, which is one reason for the momentum it has gathered. The basic formula of the Keto diet uses a low carb intake to force your body to use your fat reserves for energy. This in turn makes your body produce more ketones, a function of your liver, these ketones are used by your muscles and brain to produce energy directly. Although fasting has been shown to bring about Ketogenesis in your body, it does not support the intake of natural nutrition.

As a fat-burning diet, the Keto Diet has been very successful and so, has led to an explosion of Keto supplements into the market. Most of these supplements are aimed at the crossover phase where your body naturally transforms from a sugar-burning machine to a FAT burning machine. This is the crucial phase of the diet as without it you would not be getting the desired results. The phase has proven to be the barrier for most people as our bodies suffer from being fed so much processed sugar during our lives.

Keto Trim is said to be formulated to make the Ketosis journey easier by delivering the crucial exogenous ketone bodies directly to your muscles and brain so that your crossover to ketosis is much easier. Their patented formula deliveries the goBHB® directly into your system and helps your body get into Ketogenic fat-burning mode fast and stay there.

Keto Trim - Does It Really Work?

To get to the facts of whether Keto Trims works the way proclaimed, we need to look at the ingredients and the formulation. According to the official website for Keto Trim, each bottle of Keto Trim contains 60 capsules that have 800mg of proprietary ketone formula with 3 main ingredients:

Calcium - 62mg

Magnesium - 32mg

Sodium - 10mg

Each one of these mineral salts delivers the goBHB (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate) to your body whilst giving you vital electrolytes as well. The rest of the formula is listed as a goBHB proprietary blend. There are no more details of the balance of the ingredients available, and this makes one wonder what else is in each capsule that makes up the balance of the 800mg of the formulation.

In comparison to other Keto supplements on the market such as Keto Fuel or Keto Drive or any other goBHB based product, you might notice that the volume of goBHB minerals is much lower than in many other brands. This fact made the reviewer wonder if the Keto Trim product could be as effective as these products with less active ingredient.

The main reason you would be taking this supplement is to get your body into ketosis faster and to maintain the ketosis process within your body and specifically in your liver. Keto Trim has up to 15 times less active ingredients than most other supplements, by this we referrer to the Recommended Daily Volume %, and yet there is a place for it.

Keto Trim lists the balance of the ingredients as Gelatin, Rice Flour, and Magnesium Stearate, and even looking at these ingredients it does not make you feel any better about the low levels of goBHB active ingredients.

In medical studies into the body’s ability to metabolize goBHB, results have shown that your body processes the goBHB ketones in less than 24 hours even at levels of up to 24g, so 800mg per 2 capsules serving would be used up in mere hours after taking them.

Could this mean that you need to take 2 capsules 3 times daily as some sites suggest or is Keto Trim aimed at a different part of the Ketosis market?

When Will Keto Trim Work for You?

Keto Trim is marketed as a “Jump Start to Ketosis” product and when reviewing this product the reviewer must question this statement. If you are a newbie to the ketosis lifestyle you might need more than just a simple jump-start to get your body into full ketosis and Keto Trim might not have enough wallop to get you there.

Let’s not forget that any Keto supplement must be part of a balanced Ketosis-focused low carb low sugar diet or you will get the results that you want. As a newbie, you will experience significant energy slumps as your body changes over from carb-energy to fat-energy and this is where these supplements are meant to do their work.

Depending on your start point you might need higher doses to get your body to cross over and you will have to take more than 2 Keto Trim capsules per day to get the desired result. To be clear about this if you are on the lower scale of fitness and health you will need more Keto Trim to get your body into full ketosis.

And even then you would need to manage your diet strictly and also exercise regularly to maintain ketosis. Your diet will make a huge difference in your results, so don’t rely on any supplement to do all the work for you as you will have any happiness.

Back to the first question - When will Keto Trim work for you? Considering the lower levels of goBHB in comparison to some other products, you will get the best results from Keto Trim when you are past the midway point of your Keto journey. Meaning that you have already got a strict Keto diet in place and you have at least a 4 day a week exercise plan that keeps you active and mostly in ketosis. This is the optimal place for you to get the best results from the Keto Trim formula as it will give the ketones that you need to keep your body in ketosis consistently during the day.

The Origins of Keto Trim - Who Makes It?

Keto Trim is produced by Vita Balance and they have a wide range of health supplements that has many keto-related products as well as other vitamin and mineral supplements. These products all cover very specific aspects of healthy living with Keto Trim being the premier ketosis brand in the range. However, there are some disparaging reports that we found when looking at the other consumer reviews of the product and these should be taken into account when considering using Keto Trim.

These reviews make mention of certain claims that Keto Trim does not deliver as advertised or has been featured on entrepreneurial shows like Shark Tank. As with many things in life you need to take all the bad reviews with a pinch of salt (pardon the pun) as you do with the good reviews.

The formulation and aim of Keto Trim are to add to your body’s ability to maintain ketosis and to keep your liver producing the crucial ketones in your blood to burn fat reserves for a full day of energy both physically and mentally. If you compare the price point of Keto Trim at about $30 per 60 capsules to other more expensive products you can see that you get what you pay for.

Where other products could cost you up to 3 times as much for the same sample size, you will also notice that some of these products deliver a much higher dose of the active ingredients, namely goBHB. Once again we would like to point out that you need to understand where you are in your ketosis journey before buying any supplements to ensure the best results.

The manufacturer also lists no side effects when taking this product but you should be aware that that the most common side effect that is reported is a slight upset stomach. However, this is a common side effect of the ketosis lifestyle, especially in the beginning stages.

Keto Trim Review Conclusion

Keto Trim is a good product if you use it for the right expected results, and if you keep this in mind you will not be disappointed. With the wealth of ketosis products on the market, it is easy to get confused by the sheer magnitude and so you need to be clear what you want before you click on the buy button. The reviewer rates Keto Trim as a good middle of the road supplement with a strong 4.5-Star rating. This rating shows the more than sufficient Daily Volume of main ingredients compared to other Keto focused products on the market. you would be wise to understand your needs before you make the buying decision so that you get the best out of your lifestyle and your supplements.