Jessica Matthews

About me

My name is Jessica (Jess) Matthews. I am a senior at Indiana-University Purdue-University studying Health Services Management in the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health. As I finish up my final semester here at school, I made this profile to highlight some things about myself, my internship experience, and my goals moving forward.

Why Health Services Management?

Going into my freshman year of undergrad, I had my hopes set high in becoming a dental hygienist. When that plan fell through shortly after my first semester of school, I decided to meet with a career counselor to explore my next steps in picking a new major. After taking some personality quizzes, I was introduced to the world of Health Services Management. Never having heard of it before, I did some research and enrolled in 2 health management classes the following semester. After that, I knew that was the kind of career I wanted to have.

I feel as though I want to lead others and oversee many different departments of work. Strong managers make strong relationships with their coworkers. I want to set an example for others that management is something that can be very enjoyable and rewarding.