Jess Skypes 22 - 23

Monday March 27, 2023  Missed Skype 215  

Another spectacular Monday has come and gone.  According to how your day went, you can either read that literally or sarcastically.  It works either way.  My day was just another day.  Mondays usually have lots of cranky people who don't want to be at work, so they are more challenging than other days.  This one was no different.  But I got my work done and got home so victory for me.

I know this day is probably the day in which you are the most tired and have the most to do, so I will try to keep it less than wordy tonight.

So tonight, I'm focusing on your gifts.  How much credit can we take for the talents we have?  Artists, scientists, everyone have   a gift or two.  And, we can definitely cultivate our gifts, improve upon them.  You are much better at drawing than you were when you were younger, but you had the talent/gift to begin with.  People with a high intelligence can be lazy bums or super successful people, it is all in how they choose to use their gifts.  So there is something to be said for how hard you work with what you are given.  But if IQ is something you are born with can you really take credit for being smart?  

My context for this series of questions is the speech that Moses gave to God's chosen people right before he died and they occupied the promised land.  He explained to them that the people they were about to defeat were bigger, stronger, more numerous and better at fighting than they were.  Make no mistake, when you win this battle it is because God delivered them to you.  And not because you deserve it, but because He loves you and wants to punish their wickedness.  But the Israelites still had to fight.  He didn't just wipe the other races or nations out and let them walk in without having to do anything.  They had to train, build weapons and fight.  I'm sure some died, although I don't know that for certain, but seems like some would have.  So there was a chance for them to become proud, to believe they had just outfought the other army.  That they had earned the victory.  That they did it on their own.  We are the same.  Pride is a dangerous thing.  There is nothing wrong with looking at your journey and being proud of what you have accomplished despite the obstacles.  Nothing wrong with accepting awards and trophies and receiving praise for jobs well done.  I think it is just important to remember that we are where we are, and we have accomplished what we have accomplished, due in no small part to our loving God, who has bestowed upon us not only the gifts we use everyday, but also the grace and mercy to achieve victories well beyond what we are capable of on our own.  He has placed people in our path, removed obstacles we'll never realize and guided circumstances for our overall Good, despite some of our less than great choices.  Always remember to give thanks.  I hope you have a great night.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (3 errors)

270-999-2691 (4 errors)

Friday  March 24, 2023  Missed Skype 214

Hiya kiddo!  How was your day today?  What was the best part?  It has rained here all day, storming now and for a bit longer.  But it isn't cold, so I'll take it.  Burk has a birthday coming up, so that is the happenings going on here currently.  You and you sister and I got him a gaming chair for his room.  Your names are on the card.  

I hope you have some fun this weekend.  Whatever it is you enjoy now, if it's safe and legal I hope you get to participate in it.  I'm not sure what I have going on this weekend, I know I would like very much to try to catch up on some sleep Saturday, but I'm not sure beyond that.  Always something to do on the farm to help out if I'm looking for stuff.  I won't be looking too hard this weekend.

In my bible study this week at one point in the 3 pronged reading of the bible I am where Jesus was healing on the sabbath.  The teachers/leaders were waiting for Him to do it so they could be upset about it....and He knew it.  So He put the question back to them and revealed their hearts to the crowd.  No wonder they hated Him.  We've all known people who were only sticklers about certain rules and loved to hold others accountable.  The kind of folks who make a big deal about something that they really don't care about just so they can make someone look bad or get attention themselves.  A lot of that in politics currently it seems.  As a general rule I have found if someone has to read what they are upset about from pre-written statement, they are not genuinely upset.  Basically it seems the Pharisees were trying to cancel Jesus...for healing on the Sabbath.  They wanted to punish him...for doing a good deed, because "technically" He was doing work on the sabbath.  This brings me back to an amazing truth about God that we always need to keep in mind.  God sees thru the bull to the heart of the person.  Laws are there for lots of good reasons, but God cares much more about intent than He does adherence to any given law.  Why you did what you did is more important to Him than what you did.  Because of this you can do a seemingly nice thing and it be a sin because of why you did the thing.  Same thing with a seemingly bad thing, according to what the intent was it may have been the proper thing to do.  So don't worry about mistakes you make along the way, but strive to keep your heart pure of evil intentions.  That is the secret to happiness I think.  Even when bad things are entertained by your brain, we all do that from time to time, get control of it as soon as you can and repent from thinking about the bad thing just like you would if you acted upon it.  This is because Jesus says if you think it in your heart, then are already guilty of it.  See, doesn't matter what you did...matters what your intent was.  That makes thoughts dangerous when you allow them to go down the dark path, even if you don't act upon them.  Self control is important inside and out.  No one is perfect, you are going to slip up, we all do.  The less mistakes the less consequences though.  I want you to have a great life full of happiness.  Self control is a big part of that equation.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (0 errors)

270-999-2691 (3 errors)

Wednesday March 22, 2023  Missed Skype 213

You know that feeling when you are walking or running further or faster than you really want to for longer than you want?  That feeling that your calves are lead weights with burning shins?  Yeah, I was reminded of that today when I did my walking on the treadmill.  I got up to 30 minutes today, which I know, doesn't sound particularly like a victory.  We were trying to run 10 minute miles just a couple of summers ago...but I have done next to nothing since you've been gone.  I'd like to blame it on the missing you, but it was a choice to stop.  So now I have a much larger hill to climb to get back to reasonably healthy.  I'm nearly 50, the muscles and cardiovascular system don't bounce back like they used to after time off from training.  I hate running...hate it.  I feel like it is only necessary when something much larger than you is chasing you with intent to devour you...but we have a treadmill and I need cardio, so walking is what I am starting with.  It seemed easier when you all were here and had your own fitness goals with ROTC.  We all just did what we thought would get us where we needed to be and encouraged each other along the way.  It was a good summer or two.  

So that is how my evening has went so far, I really haven't gotten out of breath yet, my muscles are so weak that I'm not taxing my heart and cardiovascular system yet.  I'll be glad when the legs stiffen up and the cardio starts helping the cardio.  So how was your day?  What was the best part of it?  I hope it was a good one.  Mine was fine.  It is supposed to warm up here soon, maybe spring is finally here.  That would be wonderful news.  Winter has been my worst season for years, it is the longest time we are apart...and since we've been forced out of contact it has just been that much worse.  I still hope you get to spend fall and spring here sometime.  Those are the best times to be outside and spending time together on the farm.  You've really missed out on the outside activities.  Kentucky in the summer is a bit on the warm humid side.  Makes going outside a nice sweaty chore.  We've made the most of it over the years.  Remember when you were little and we set up the floodlights and papaw got you the truckload of sand?  We would just go out at like 10 o'clock at night when it had finally cooled down and play in the sand half the night with the lights on.  We put the bubble machines up in front of the box fans to keep the bubbles flowing and the bugs at bay.  Memories like those make me smile and they tide me over till I can see you again. 

In my Bible study, I'm at the part where Moses is speaking to the people right before they cross over into the promised land.  You may not remember, but Moses himself was not allowed to go, because he had disobeyed and disrespected God along the way when he struck a rock for water which was not what God said to do.  Before he parted ways with them to die, God had him basically remind the people of their travels so far.  He discussed the good, the bad, and reminded them of how their choices and rebellion along the way had molded their journey.  Fun Fact I did not know until today:  The actual journey from the start to the finish can be done on foot in 11 days.  The Israelites had to wander for 40 years on an 11 day journey because of their mistakes, lack of faith and rebellion.  Most of them didn't even get to cross over, they had to die before the rest could go because of bad choices they had made along the way.  I think there is a metaphor there for us and our own lives.

God has a plan for us.  It may be a plan in which we can get there in 11 days if we make good choices and listen to His guidance.  Years later we may still be wandering in the wilderness, but He still has the plan.  The destination is the same, despite our misdirections.  All things for the good.  Of course there are things we can do, choices we can make that will deny us of the blessings, but He will still use us for good, perhaps for others even if we refuse to receive the good from Him.  Make good choices my baby.  Pray, Read, Study, and meditate.  Find the 11 day journey as often as you can, but even when you are in the wilderness, don't give up hope.  Every day we are allowed to wake up, it is a chance to try again and do it better.  Let your light shine my love.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (0 errors)

270-999-2691 (9 errors)

Monday March 20, 2023  Missed Skype 212

Well howdy girlie, how did Monday treat you?  What was the best part of your day?  I came home today and got on your treadmill and walked for 20 minutes today.  Nowhere near where you all were when you were ROTC training for that fitness challenge thing, but it's a start for old man dad.  Hoping I can get back in the habit of some physical activity outside of work.  Working long hours is sometimes important to keep things going in your career or whatever, but it is also important to take time for yourself and physical activity.  Balance is best.  I'm hoping this might help me sleep better at night.  

You have started another work week, that means one week closer to all the cool stuff that comes with the end of your senior year.  As much as the future may give you the anxiety, try to keep your center, your perspective and enjoy your senior year that you have left.  There will be plenty of time for fretting about the future, after prom and homecomings.  You only get to do this one time, and despite the challenges you have faced these past 2 years without me, I want you to play the cards you've been dealt as best you can to enjoy your time as a senior.  You'll never be younger than you are right now.  Live your life my sweet daughter and laugh as much as you can as your senior year winds down.  Work hard when you need to, and don't fall behind.  Let your light shine in this dark world.  You'll never know who you've helped, who you've influenced along the way.  Be kind, share what you know about God and Jesus and don't be afraid.  Everything is going to be okay.  Although we don't know the plan, at least I don't, I trust that all things will work towards your good.  Read your bible.  Study the word.  Pray to God and talk to Him about your hopes and fears.  Admit when you are wrong and try to make mistakes right.  And always laugh at dad's puns because they are punny...I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (8 errors)

270-999-2691 (5 errors)

Saturday March 18, 2023  Missed Skype 211

We have had the tinies since Thursday Night.  They just left, so I immediately came home and began to write this.  I was just so tired last night I went to bed when I got home.  So with it now being the weekend, I hope you have a delightful Friday night and are well into a wonderful Saturday.  It has been bitterly cold all week and today is no different.  Perhaps where you are you have been spared from this blast of winter at the threshold of spring.  I hope so.  Sunny days and mild temperatures are always so much better for my mood and I'm sure you are similar.  So what was the best part of your day?  I guess not counting talking to you, the best part of mine so far was spending time with the tinies.  There was a particular moment last night when I was explaining to the kiddos that I didn't get to talk to you much but I still wrote you here, Brock said he missed hugging you and hadn't seen you for a long time.  They were little the last time you were in town, so I thought that was very sweet that he remembered you that way and wanted to hug you.  Of course we all miss you very much.  The last time this happened you were one, and it lasted 15 months.  I was so worried you were going to forget me or not even recognize me when I finally got the court system to enforce a visitation order in New York.  But when you saw me you ran right to me...I don't remember a lot of specific details about moments that long ago, but I remember that meeting.  I love you so very much.  I don't care what you've been told or what's been said, when you and I are together again it won't take long for you to know what is true and what is not.  I look forward to that day very much.  As much as I want the time back we've lost, I know we'll never get it back and I know there is nothing that can be done as a consequence that will equal what we have lost.  It is just all very unnecessary and sad.  You didn't deserve what has happened.  You were honest about what you wanted and trusted the right thing would be done.  Lots of lessons to be learned from the experience I guess.  In this life, we have to play the hand we are dealt.  Some of it random, some of it the choices we made, and some result from the choices of others.  However we ended up with the cards, we have to play it as best we can.  I guess that's the lesson today.  Our lives are an amalgamation of events, choices and consequences.  All of them can be used for our growth and overall good if we can process and interpret them correctly.  

Your lives are just beginning.  You are about to turn the page in your childhood and truly start your journey to being an adult.  I am excited for you in that you will no longer be at the mercy of family court, court orders and one parent or the other.  You will truly be able to choose what is best for you from the many choices you have available.  I pray that you can make those decisions in a way that brings you the peace and happiness you deserve.  I'll be here all along the way when you want me.  I'm not going anywhere.  If it takes some time for you to figure out what is real and what was not, I'll still be here.  I've done nothing this entire time but try to be the best dad for you in the amount of time we've had together.  I've tried to keep your home yours, our time ours and if you have enough time away from certain influences I believe you will see that.  I regret the time we've lost, but I'm not worried about how this will all turn out.  I've got time and truth on my side.  Everything will be okay eventually.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (1 error)

270-999-2691 (9 errors)

Wednesday March 15, 2023  Missed Skype 210

The transition to fast time continues.  It is odd writing this while the sun is up.  I feel like I got home from work early, yet it is nearly 6 o'clock.  I do not like the days following the time change.  Everything is out of whack.  

So how was your day?  I know we are mid-week, hopefully you had your early dismissal today and had some time to get your assignments done and now you are free to do whatever you want until bedtime.  We had a G day today, which is a state legislature term for a day that is in a teacher's contract where they have to attend training or whatever but kids don't have to come to school.  So I got tons of stuff done because everyone was in training and no one broke anything in their rooms today..huzzah.

Today's main focus was migrating our current district website to the new one.  I am also creating an app to accompany the district page roll out.  Now that sounds much more techy than it actually is, the website hosting company is actually hosting the app as well, so it's not near as involved as it may appear.  I mainly just had to follow instructions from a book and turn certain things on and allow certain permissions so they could make it happen.  I will be developer in the apple store now though, that is kind of neat I guess.  

I know it's Wednesday and you are smack dab in the middle of a super long week.  I won't keep you much longer.  My Bible study today was about Balaam and his talking ass...which is just as hilarious as it sounds.  Makes me wonder about angels.  I wonder if they abide at a frequency of light that we simply can't see?  I guess that isn't plausible because we have imaging technology that sees other frequencies, but what if they are a frequency we haven't discovered yet?  I bring this up because in the story the angel was visible to the donkey but not to the man.  There are other parts of the bible where some people are allowed to see the angels around them and others are not.  Just a theory.  I really think God works within the parameters he built for this world in a large part.  He made the rules so He knows best how to utilize the moving parts to bring about the results He wants.  At any rate, the lesson for today is to not assume you know what is going on just because you can see what's going on.  Sometimes there are things happening behind the scenes, in the background, or other places entirely that completely change what your perception of reality is for a given circumstance.  Yes keep your eyes open and trust your senses, but at the same time always be open to new information.  Don't jump to conclusions, gather as much information as you can before you make one.  One lie believed, or false assumption, can send you down the wrong road entirely about any given situation.  That can make you treat people incorrectly or make you feel about them a way that they don't deserve.  Just always use caution when you are having to base what you know on others' accounts...or even on your own eyes.  Sometimes there is more going on than you can see in your field of vision.

I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (0 errors)

270-999-2691 (9 errors)

Monday March 13, 2023  Missed Skype 209

It is Monday and it was bitterly cold today.  I'm not even sure that bitterly is a word?  Miserably cold perhaps?  At any rate, it was unseasonably cold and dreary today here which made Monday at least 3 days long it seemed.  We went and got fence posts after school which made the day even longer.  I have just walked in the door and plopped is 7:30...yikes.  I can remember being younger and going to play basketball at one of the schools from like 7 to 10 and then getting up the next morning and going to work like it was nothing.  Now I feel like I've been run over by a truck if I stay out past dark.  Enjoy your youth while you are young.  

I know I am trying to keep Mondays short for you so you can concentrate on your studies and rest up for the rest of the week.  So today just keep in mind that you can't put toothpaste back in the tube.  In my bible study I read through the time that Moses and Aaron hit the rock after God told them not to hit the rock.  This one act of rebellion, or lack of both of them condemned and not allowed to walk into the promised land.  Sure, Jesus loves us, and He forgives us of our sins...but He rarely takes away the Earthly consequences of our actions.  That is the toothpaste you can't put back in the tube.  Moses and Aaron were both forgiven, and they both went to heaven...but they were denied the opportunity to receive the land promised to their people because of a rash, emotional decision they made along the way.  I wonder how many blessings we have lost or changed here on Earth because of lack of self control or emotional decisions?  Probably more than I'd want explained to me at this point.

My short lesson of the day.  Try not to let your emotions rob you of blessings and good things.  You can always be forgiven of your sins...but the consequences of your actions remain.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (6 errors)

270-999-2691 (8 errors)

Friday March 10, 2023  Missed Skype 208

Well you have another week of education under your belt.  One week closer to adulthood and whatever happens next.  I hope it was a productive week, I hope you did well on whatever assignments or tests that came due this week.  What was the best part of today for you?  Pretend I'm there, say it out loud.  Okay now what was the best part of the week?  I guess the best part of my day is right now.  Even though I haven't seen you for quite a while, typing here at least makes me feel like you'll get to read it someday.   Small consolation for the time lost, but at least you will know I have set aside time every day when we were supposed to get to talk.  Maybe it will matter, maybe it won't either way I don't have a lot of other options so here we are.  When we were talking this was always the best part of my day.  Talking to you, hands down the highlight of any evening.

It's cold here again, cold temps, cold winds, which isn't so bad...except we had a couple of 70 degree days not too long ago.  Warm days like that make you hate cold days that come soon after.  Add to that the fact that is was a full moon this past week and you get a week full of interactions with people who are in a bad mood, or crazy, or some form of both.  If you are working in a service industry job at this point, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.  I've just done my best to steer clear of most humans and burned through another week.  

So in my 3 places at once Bible Study, I'm at the spot where God is dealing with stubborn Israelites in the desert, as well as the crucifixion of Jesus and still working my way through Proverbs.  Those 3 things are seemingly unrelated, but at the same time they are all dealing with rebellion.  So in the wilderness, the people are constantly complaining about the menu, scared of the people around them, and now, where I'm reading now they are deciding to worship, burn incense and occupy the promised land however they want to as opposed to how God wants them to do it.  They really sound about 9 years old with some of the stuff they are pulling.  But it reminds me of how many students conduct themselves here at the school and at home.  Constant Negotiation.  Nobody wants to do exactly what they are told, they want to negotiate to do things they way they want or at the time they want.  Now you know I've never been a disciplinarian when it comes to bath times or chores or anything like that...heck we've not had enough time together for us to worry about things like that.  But there are sometimes when you need to just do what you're told.  This reminds me of the talks we had when you were younger.  Remember when we talked about there were certain times when I would say something and you needed to just do it?  I forget what the secret word was now, but if I saw a a snake in the yard or a suspicious person in a restaurant or gas station, I would utter the phrase and you both would just do what I said or what we had agreed for you to do, without question or negotiation.  We spent so much time travelling and using rest areas and eateries, it was important to keep you safe.  I never abused the phrase and you never questioned me when I needed to use it.  Well, I think anytime God tells us to do something in a particular way, that probably is one of those times when you don't need to negotiate.  For the Israelites, being stubborn and negotiating got them a couple of pretty bad consequences.  For one, God decided that none of the current generation would ever occupy the promised land.  He marched them around in the wilderness until every last one of them died of that generation of people.  Secondly, in the case of them worshipping incorrectly;  he opened the ground up and swallowed them whole, with their entire families and then set 250 people on fire.  Let me interject here and say I am so so thankful you and I are under the new covenant and have Jesus to intercede for our rebelliousness and stupidity.  

Jesus's crucifixion was a similar negotiation.  Right up until his arrest the disciples were negotiating for who would sit on His right or His left.  The Sadducees and Pharisees were negotiating with each other and false witnesses trying to lie and find a way to arrest Jesus because they didn't like the way God was making them look.  So instead of changing, they killed the messenger.  I'm pretty sure that didn't work out well for them either.

Sometimes girls, we just have to do what we are directed to do.  Not always.  Sometimes people use their authority in a way that is wrong or should do this because I'm your teacher, or your parent.  And the things they want you to do aren't best for you.  In those cases, it is your right to not only negotiate but also to dissent.  The Bible says to respect your elders and Honor your father and mother, but it does not say you have to do everything they say whether it is right or not.  Praying for discernment helps you see when you should and when you shouldn't do what you are told by any particular person.  If it is contrary to what the Bible says, well then it should be  hard no.  

I know it sounds complicated, but that is why finding people you can truly and sincerely trust is so very important.  Trust is earned always, it isn't bestowed because of position or authority.  Trustworthy people, don't mind earning your trust over time.  If someone demands it because of position or authority, well they probably aren't people you can trust to begin with.

I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.

270-999-2691 (I looked this time, so no errors)  I love  you.

Wednesday March 8, 2023  Missed Skype 207

Boy this week is flying by for me.  I hope you are having a great week.  So what was the best part of your day?  Did this best part make you smile?  Man I hope so.  Papaw said something at dinner that is totally true, but at the same time I thought it was also pretty insightful for the master of puns.  We were talking about the time lost and the things that have been said and what the truth is...and papaw wrapped it up nicely and just said, "I just want them to have a good life and be happy".  Yes please.  That is the prayer.  No matter what you are going through now or how you end up dealing with things when you are grown, those two things are always going to be my wish for you.  I hope you will judge all of us by our actions, what you have seen with your own eyes and heard with your own ears.  And in the end, I hope you can move past the manipulation, the lies and the negative emotions and be happy, and have a good life.  

I know I went super long on Monday, so I will keep it short tonight.  I think about you every day.  I worry about you, and I miss you so so much.  I still have faith, that at some point you will see the truth for what it is, and we will be together again.  It is all going to be okay, as long as you keep trying to be better every day and studying and praying and cultivating self awareness.  I have no doubts that God's Will will be done.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you.  I'm here if you need me.  Love, Dad. (1 error)

270-999-2691 (2 errors)

Monday March 6, 2023  Missed Skype 206

Glamorous Jobs...the kind that just seem like a dream to do...well those are few and far between.  For every spokesmodel who makes commercials there  are the folks who clean the toilets.  So I am still in Leviticus trudging my way through the chapters about the Levites.  Lots of very specific information within these pages.  Instructions are as prevalent as beatitudes.  The jobs of maintaining and moving the tabernacle were numerous.  Lots of parts and pieces that had to be carefully covered, stored and moved as the Israelites moved throughout the wilderness towards the lands God promised them.  It was one person's job to cover the incense burners for example.  And if this person did not cover the incense burners correctly, well when the next person picked them up to carry them, they died.  Just because  a job isn't glamorous, doesn't mean it isn't important.  There were Levite tribes  that had the job packing the robes and the wood beams.  That was all they did.  A tribe of over 2,000 men between the ages of 25 and 50 and their sole purpose was to pack the ropes and timber from one campsite to another.  And each man was assigned a particular piece to be responsible for.  So there was accountability.  

It is easy to wish for a glamorous job, or to envy those who have it.  Sometimes in our envious daydreams it makes us do our jobs less than spectacular.  You start thinking, nobody cares, my job isn't important.  But there are some things here you need to consider and be aware of.

First and probably most important, envy is a sin.  So if God has set aside this feeling and said to us it is a bad thing, there must be a good reason why.  Secondly, even though our Job may not be life or death, although most jobs can be if you don't do them well, the Bible says that if you are a Christian, no matter what job you're undertaking you are to do your best at it.  From making your bed to open heart surgery, we are supposed to attend to things with precision and care.  Why?  Because beauty, life and accomplishment are in the small details.  And small details are what suffer when we don't do a good job.

Imagine how screwed up our universe would be with the laws of nature and physics if God didn't pay attention to details.  Life couldn't exist.  Our maker is a details kind of God, and He expects us to take the time to  notice and attend to those as well.  No matter what your part time job is, do it the best you can.

Gross story...which are the best stories aren't they?  Anyway, when I was in high school I worked summers through a summer program at my high school.  For 2 summers I worked at the Housing Authority, which is the low income housing apartments.  Most of the time, I weedeated but on rainy days I was put with the maintenance crew working on apartments that people had left a mess and needed to be cleaned up and fixed before someone else could move in.  Let me just say that people can be horrible.  These apartments were like crime scenes.  Some of these folks had been evicted and had months to do horrible things before they were forced to leave.  Like poop in sinks, leave nasty food in refrigerators and unplug them.  They were mad at their circumstance and took it out on the apartments and us.  Well whenever I got cleanup crew, the older guys always made me do the worst stuff.  In fact, sometimes they made even more messes before I got there, I was on my way to college and I think they thought that meant I thought I was better than them.  I never said that, and I never treated them with anything but respect, but some people judge before they have all the information.

So long story short, I always cleaned whatever they told me to clean.  I tried to pretend that if it were my house, or my family was going to move into the apartment next, how would I want it to look.  It was gross and I could have easily did half as much work and believed that it wouldn't matter one way or the other.

Flash forward nearly 5 years, I was out of school and had my teaching job.  I had a kid fall on the playground and break his wrist.  He was a big boy, but I managed to pack him into the school, he was so upset he wasn't walking and I didn't have the proper things out there to splint his arm.  He had been play wrestling and I had already told him to stop, but he had learned the hard way why we can't do that out amongst tree roots and hard surfaces.  Well he told the story very differently than it happened when he was asked by his parents what had happened.  They requested a meeting and I was afraid it was going be a mess.  Some parents don't believe their children would ever tell a lie to them.  On the contrary mamaw and papaw were very sure that I told lots of lies.  I'm sure there is a balance somewhere in the middle.

Anyways, they come in and the dad is one of the guys I worked with.  He listened the principal and then he looked at me and he said, "If you are telling me that is how it went down, then that is how it went down."  He then went on to tell the principal that he had worked with me previously and had been pretty rough on me on purpose and that I had always did what I was supposed to and had been truthful with him.  My insignificant job all those years ago, helped me in my "career" that day.  The man said I earned his respect, and even though he wasn't a glamorous or important person, I felt good that I had.  Even if he shouldn't have done some of the things he had done.  

You never know when some little thing you do, or forget to do, becomes a big thing later on.  You never know when you interact with someone how that might affect your future later on, or theirs.  I think that is why God wants us to attend to everything with focus and precision.  He knows how all the points intersect, we don't.  So we have to treat every moment like it is worth focusing on.  After all, we only get one life, you go through it without ever doing things well, that's not a good life.  Sorry I wrote so much tonight, I know Monday's are usually exhausting.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (0 errors hooray)

270-999-2691 (3 errors)

Saturday March 4, 2023  Missed Skype 205

Well I did not get to write this last night, we had the high winds and no power.  The power went off around 3 in the afternoon and did not come back on until 5:16 Saturday Morning.  A couple of interesting tidbits about that.  First, we had the lowest barometric pressure ever recorded here yesterday during the storm.  I thought that was interesting.  We also had winds that were really strong.  I haven't seen what the highest wind was recorded but they forecasted it as possibly being 80 mph yesterday.  There are lots of buildings without roofs and various wind damage stuff this morning.  Papaw is going to go around the fence today to see if we have any trees on it.  They had like 3 trees get blown over within sight of the house yesterday afternoon.  It was pretty wild here for a while.  Obviously not hurricane/tornado wild but still sustained winds for hours.  Like nothing I've experienced before.   I guess I can mark that off the list.  Biscuit stayed on our porch the whole time.  I made it safe for her and fixed her a warm spot and she just curled up and waited it out with me.  I had a candle when it got dark, obviously you know we had tons of lanterns and battery powered stuff, but I didn't know how long the power was going to be out, there were over 200,000 people without power statewide last night, so I assumed our little farm would not be a priority so I thought the candle was enough for me to use on the first night.  But today the sun is shining the power is on and everything smells clean and crisp from the rain yesterday.  We'll see how many trees fell on fences in a bit, I wanted to get this done first in case you were wondering where it was.  

I hope you had a wonderful week at school, I am not sure what the timeline for your school year is, but I know the folks around here are already getting sized up for graduation robes and are thinking about prom and such.  Our special events will all be in May, I assume yours will too, but kids like to get excited about special events early.  Well since it is Saturday now, I hope you have your homework done for the weekend and are relaxing or enjoying a hobby.  Maybe you are working now?  Maybe you are getting ready for a shift at whatever your part time job is?  Mattie has been working weekends for a while now, I think she enjoys having a crew of people to talk to while she is there.  She is currently working at FoodLion which is a grocery store, but I think she is looking for another job now.  They are really putting the hours on her now since she has turned 18 so that is making her balance of social life, school and work suffer.  Balance is an important part of your life no matter what age you are.   You have to work to live, but if you work too much well then your life suffers.  

This is why it is so important to ultimately have a career as opposed to a job.  Jobs are a near constant amount of hours.  Perhaps there is overtime (which sometimes is "mandatory overtime") but for the most part jobs are a grind that are predictable.  But they also pay a lower, predictable salary.  The more hours you work, the more money you make.  Jobs can often lead to promotions here and there.  There is nothing wrong with having a job, especially early on in your life.  They teach us all valuable lessons about people and economics and responsibility.  I have had numerous jobs in my life, I started working as soon as legally could.  And helped your papaw with his side business even before that.  I am not disrespecting anyone for having a job and working for their salary.  That is an honest living.  

As much as a job is a good thing, a career is usually better.  I say usually there because this is not a one size fits all world.  Careers are like jobs in many many ways.  Usually careers have a specific certification or license you have to earn before you are allowed to work in them.  That also means that they usually pay a better salary than a job.  So sweeping up at the hair salon is a job.  Cutting hair is a career.  The beautician makes more than the helper.  The same goes for most trades and other careers.  Most plumbers and electricians make more than I do and I have 3 college degrees.  So going to college, although a great way to prepare for a career, is not always necessary to have a high paying career.  There are many paths to achieve financial security.  Most careers do involve you completing some sort of school or training to prepare you for certification.  Lawyers go to law school, and nurses go to nursing school.  Some lead to 2 year or 4 year degrees, some just lead to certification in your field.  Careers usually mean you work a great deal when you are starting out and younger, but as you advance in your field you can tend to work less hours as you get older.  The pay usually goes up quite a bit as you progress in age as well.  Careers also usually have a better retirement plan than a job.  Although nowadays often companies leave it to you to figure out your retirement strategy on your own.  In those cases, a career usually gives you more money to invest for your retirement than a job does.  

I know this is a lot to process, and normally you and I would talk about this in small chunks all along the way as you journey into adulthood.  But I want you to have a grasp of why the decisions you make now about your future, will guide you towards one or the other.  There is nothing wrong with following your dreams as long as you don't expect others to pay for them.  You need to be self sufficient so you can make your own decisions and not be manipulated by folks who may not have your best interests at heart.  I know so many people in unhappy marriages or miserable at their jobs, but they don't make any changes because they feel like they can't make it on their own if they do what needs to be done to make themselves happy.  Or maybe the better analysis is they are not willing to change their standard of living to make the changes needed to be happy.  I want you always to have choices.  If you have a good career, you will be able to have more choices about your life.  If you choose to be with someone, to share your life with them, it will be because you want to, not because you need them to have a roof over your head or a nice car.  I just want you to be happy, inside out.  

You are still young and mistakes will be made.  Don't ever feel like you can 't take a look at the career path you are on and make changes if you don't feel like it is for you.  Just keep in mind that means you have to keep a job longer...while waiting for your career to start.  It is all balanced and filled with lots of moving parts.  But you can do this.  You can have a good life.  You already work hard, and that is something that is a rare quality in our current workforce.  You just don't want to work hard for less than you can make if you apply yourself the correct way.  I love you, I can't wait to help you sort it all out.  I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  (2 errors)

270-999-2691 (11 errors, numbers are hard)

Wednesday March 1, 2023  Missed Skype 204

Well you've made it to the middle of another school week.  Hooray for you.  What was the best part of your day today?  It was very warm here and sunny, we are about to have the rains come and storms now, but it is worth it for the day we had.  Spring always makes me feel happier than winter.  I hope you got to see some sun today, got outside and breathed some fresh air.  Nothing wrong with just sitting for minute and contemplating life on a day like this.  

I know it is the middle of the week, and I try to not be so wordy on Wednesdays, but today's bible study was very interesting for me.  So we're at the point in Jesus's life in which he's basically telling the discipiles what is about to happen to Him.  Instead of speaking in parables He is just laying it all out very directly.  So when He finishes telling them about His betrayal, His death sentence, He goes into detail about flogging and whips and such...well after He gets done explaining all of that, James and John ask for a favor.   Are you kidding me?!?  They want to sit on the right and left of Him when He sets on His throne.  Now, on the one hand, I mean at least they had the faith to believe that He was going to rise as He just said He would...but after all He told them, that is what they answered with.  A favor.  A request.  For special treatment.  At first I was almost aggravated, then I realized (because Sarcastic Jesus has impeccable timing) that we are all like them.  We can be having conversations with Jesus, prayers...and while He is trying to help us see how we can make ourselves in a better position to do His will and help others escape hell, we are reciting a list of requests and demands that we would like for him to consider getting done before tomorrow.  We've all done it.  Please Lord do this, forgive that, make this happen, change that thing...The patience Jesus has for us, the really is unfathomable by humans.  

So my little pearl for the evening, is next time you pray, listen more than you talk...ask for Him to reveal His will, study His word and then meditate on what those things should be.  Try to do just a little for Him for all He's done for us.  It's okay to lay all that other stuff on Jesus, He loves you and wants to hear it all, but our hearts need to be much more pointed towards serving Him, than Him serving us.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  (2 errors)

270-999-2691 (7 errors)

Monday February 27, 2023  Missed Skype 203

Another long work week is upon us.  These days of us being apart and no contact are just moving right along and piling up on us.  I never would have thought it would have taken this long.  I know this is temporary, I have faith that the truth will come out.  That's the great thing about the truth, folks can try to cover it up, manipulate it, twist it and pretend it isn't what it is...but it always comes out.  In the meantime, we just keep swimming.

I've written this a couple of times tonight, and now it's so late, I know you won't see it until tomorrow at least...I'm sorry it took so long tonight.  It's just hard to find the words to be encouraging or understanding, when I know so little about your current situation.  Any guess I take may be wrong on any given day.  Just know that I love you.  No matter what kind of a day you had, great or horrible, how I feel about you is a constant, not a variable.  I miss you.  Mamaw and papaw said tonight as I was leaving to come home, to tell you that they loved if you if I was allowed to say that on here...they are so concerned about you.  You are loved.  And you are worth it.  

Keep your head up this week.  Stay on top of your assignments and get plenty of rest.  Enjoy the sun when it shines and find a reason to laugh...every day.  Be happy, despite your circumstances that would try to steal your joy.  Use your gifts to fight the good fight, and talk to God every day, even if it's just a check in conversation.  You are going to be okay.  You've got a great head on your shoulders, you are smart, funny and have excellent problem solving skills.  Break big things down into smaller things and accomplish the smaller things in order.  Pretty soon the big things will be complete.  You have tremendous potential....don't waste it.  So many people would give anything to have the mind, the gifts you have.  Keep perspective...things can always be worse.  Take care of yourself, you are the only you I'll ever have.  And you are very special.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (1 error)

270-999-2691 (2 errors)

Friday February 24, 2023  Missed Skype 202

Hooray for Friday! I hope you had wonderful, productive week.   You have a whole weekend ahead of you, I hope it is a great one.  Take some time to plan it out, what you want or need to get done, what you would like to do...just enjoy the fact that you have  a couple of days to do whatever you like (within reason of course).  We're not going to Uncle Jon's this weekend so I have some time to catch up on chores.  The tinies spend the weekend last week with us and ended up down here for most of the day on Monday during the your room has had an Ada Potato in there looking at dolls and playing with the toys you loved most when you were her age.  She was careful with them and felt very special to get to see what you had when you were her age.  Brock stayed in the living room mostly and ran over things with a big truck in a video game.  He enjoys the simple things. :)

So I am going to get your things put away, the laundry caught up, I need to clean the kitchen and go to the grocery.  So just a normal Saturday for me at the Double Rainbow.  I wonder what your "normal" is like these days?  What routines do you value, what things have you moved on from.  So many things I'd like to know about your life.  You will be a completely different person in some ways by the time I'm finally allowed to communicate with you again.  I look forward to meeting her, this new you.  You'll always be my precious girl, no matter how old you get or how you change or transform.  

How was your day today?  What was the best part of your day?  I'd love for you to tell me all about it.  What made you laugh, what got you aggravated....I am going to want to hear it all.  I love you.

Well I'm still knee deep in the old school rules and regulations in my Bible Study.  There were quite a few.  Many of them are punishable by death, and I am sad to admit I have been guilty of more than a few that apparently would have resulted in my death upon discovery all those years ago.  It would have been very difficult to have followed all of the rules, as it is now I guess.  Same rules now, just different penalties?  That I'm not sure about.  Like take the food for example.  There all kinds of rules about what not to eat, and there were many animals that just touching their dead bodies made you unclean for the entire rest of the day...but then later on in the New Testament there were modifications to that set of rules and we were told that no animal was unclean for consumption.  So when you are reading these old testament passages you need to temper your understanding about what God is saying with changes that were made along the way.  Many of the rules that were made early on, were made for health reasons as much as anything else.  God was looking out for their wellbeing and their limited understanding of science would sometimes but their health in danger.  Just like in life, there are many moving parts in regard to the "why" rules are made the way they are.  Sometimes you will make rules for your home to keep people safe physically, and sometimes you will draw lines in the sand to keep them safe emotionally and spiritually.  God is the ultimate parent, He doesn't make rules willy nilly, there is always a reason that ends up making sense and is for our benefit and good will.  We see Him as harsh as a child fighting against the injustice of an early bedtime...we just don't understand always why.  And, just like a parent, He doesn't have to always tell us the why.  Sometimes we just have to do what we're told.  Trust and have faith that He knows best for us.  That is very very hard.  But in life oftentimes, we don't have a choice anyways, so off we go.  

My takeaways from today's study, just because we can find a very specific verse in the old testament that says something is wrong or required, we should also take that verse in the context of what is written around it as well as what was said after Jesus walked the Earth and died for our sins.  Maybe the rule hasn't changed, just who pays the penalty.  Or maybe the rule was based on the time circumstances which have changed over the millenia.  If we don't know for sure, better to try to avoid it than to test the waters...but always study.  God is consistent and unchanging.  I know that is weird coming right after my takeaway, but it is true.  He still wants a relationship with us, He still wants what is best and right for you and I.  That has never changed.  He has came from where He is to where we are this whole time...we've been the ones constantly changing and He has reached out to us despite our slow descent into depravity and sin.  He is just and merciful.  I am far more thankful for the mercy the older I get.  So as you read the old testament, also read the new.  Don't let people quote things to you and say this is from the Bible or that is from the Bible so it must be true, or so it proves God is hateful or whatever.  God has been taken out of context about as much as all the other instances of such behavior combined.  He has been used to justify wars and countless crimes.  People who do that are guilty of corrupting the gospels and that is a sin.  But even deeper, people who do that are also turning people from salvation.  Don't be those people and don't allow those people to turn you.  God is Love.  If you remember no other bible verse in all the Bible, keep that one close to your heart and believe it with all your heart.  The other I would suggest is very different but also important.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.  Figuring out how those 2 verses describe the same God...that is the secret to a life well lived.   I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. (0 errors)

270-999-2691 (8 errors)

Wednesday February 22, 2023  Missed Skype 201

We are in the middle of another work week.  I have tried to modify my technique on Wednesdays so I don't write you as much...I figure this is your max stressed day, middle of the week, so things to get done, so I have tried to shorten the Wednesday posts.  I hope it helps.  Well, I hope you are done with all your homework and are relaxing doing something you enjoy when these finally come out on Wednesday evening.  Maybe you read them days later, heck maybe it will be years later or not at all.  Just trying to do what I can in the meantime.

I'm still knee deep in old testament rules in my bible study, but today during the reading the thing that struck me was how specific the rules were and how harsh the penalties were.  2 of Aaron (the priest) sons like burned the incense incorrectly and were struck dead.  That is a far cry from our ability to worship and speak to Jesus nowadays.  I can't always keep my phone put away during the church service...and these folks were jumping through all kinds of hoops and obstacles to worship God in the way he deserved.  So the quick to the point lesson tonight is this:  Don't take how easy it is to talk to Jesus for granted.  I do sometimes, most of the time I guess.  Reading through this old testament is important, it is valuable because it illuminates for me just how much easier it is for us to talk and have a relationship with God now than it was then.  When Jesus came and interceded for us, became that blood sacrifice in our place, He became the intermediary for us.  We can go directly to Him and speak honestly about how we feel, what we've done and He will meet us with Love and Mercy.  Someday you will understand just what a wonderful thing that is.  I urge you to read through the old testament when you get a chance, if for nothing else just to see how much easier it is with Jesus in our lives than it was without Him.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad (one error)

270-999-2691 (11 errors...good grief)

Monday February 20, 2023  Missed Skype 200

I've never been able to type the numbers...Fun fact, I won the typing award (yes that was a real thing) my freshman year of high school...had the highest average and fasted per minute time in the entire high school.  To this day I still fumble around on the top keys trying to hit the right number the first time.  I say this because this is my 200th missed skype entry.  I've typed my email and phone number nearly that many times (I didn't start including them for a bit I think) but you would think by now I would be better at all those numbers...still fumble.  I thought about why today as I was contemplating what to write to you about and the only thing I can come up with is that I haven't focused on them.  I've typed them 3 days a week for nearly two years now, but when it comes to the numbers I just fumble through and go on.  So I can't count these entries as practice for my numbers, because I wasn't focusing on the numbers.  

I was speaking with someone the other day, and we were talking about the state of the world, humanity and the general dismal outlook of us ever becoming better than we are as a society.    I believe my lack of numerical typing prowess and the decay of society are related...they both stem for a lack of focus on improvement. 

As humans, we get into cycles or ruts in life.  Times in our lives where we aren't particularly happy, or maybe we are, but we don't really focus on getting better we just kind of go on autopilot for days, weeks, sometimes years.  During that time we don't take care of the small things like we should, we don't focus on things we need to improve upon and they become large things.  I think this most often manifests itself in our sleep habits and our diet.  Years of working too many hours and eating fast food or whatever is easiest (or cheapest) turns into diabetes or hypertension and the need for lifestyle changes as we get older.  

You are a young healthy individual.  As you grow and mature, I hope you take time to take care of yourself along the way.  Eating a variety of foods, in moderation and getting adequate sleep are 2 things you can do that will go a very long way towards making you healthy as you grow older.  Staying active and dealing with negative emotions and stress in a positive way are 2 more components of a long and happy life.  

Focus on improving yourself, improving your life.  There is a fine line between being there for others, and being dragged down by others.  You have to find that balance.  You can't be a lifeguard if the people you try to save drown you as well.  Sometimes it is necessary to love people from a distance for your own sake.  You can always pray for someone even if you can't help them.  Some people don't want to be helped, they want you to be trapped with them.  They just want company for their misery.  

If you want to type the have to focus on the numbers.  Your life can be anything you want it to be, but you have to devote the time and effort to what you want to improve.  Where you place your time and attention, that is where you will grow.   We burn through a day of our lives every 24 hours...and often at the end of that day many of us can't list many things we've focused on to improve.  You only get one life to live here my sweet child.  Use some of it on improving yourself.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  (typed one incorrect number)

270-999-2691 (typed 9 incorrect numbers, man I have a ways to go)

Friday  February 17, 2023  Missed Skype 199

So yesterday when I got up in was 65 degrees.  Today it was 30.  It has been blistery cold all day with a wind.  Bleck.  I did get a picture of your flowers, well part of them.  Your papaw and I have been transplanting wild March Flowers in this spot since you were babies.  Every spring when we find them in the wild on the creek banks and other places we would relocate them to your hillside out by the driveway.  For a few seasons they wouldn't bloom at all.  I don't know if we had sent them into shock, maybe not enough sunlight, might even only had one gender of flower...I don't really know a lot about Wild March Flowers.  The past few years though, they have bloomed every year.   March Flowers always seem overly optimistic.  They pop out first warm spell and are often very quickly met with freezing temperatures and harsh conditions for a flower to survive in.  But somehow, they keep blooming and fulfill their calling.  They also add quite a bit of hope and happiness along the way.  Usually when a young student brings flowers to their teacher in Kentucky, they are March Flowers they found while waiting for the bus to get there.  In a forest filled with dormant trees and not much else in the winter, March Flowers remind us that better days are coming.  Their bright color and ability to survive make me smile when I see them.  So pretty and no one ever puts them there...well except for the ones we placed on your hillside.  There is a store bought version of them, I forget what they are called, but they are lighter in color than the wild counterparts.  

March Flowers are a lot like folks when they first become Christian I think.  They convert and are this new beautiful flower blooming into a gloomy world.  Immediately met with the harsh realities of our world.  But they are noticed and give others hope and remind them that better days are ahead.  It's not easy to be  a March Flower.  We can't make it easier for them either, so for a March Flower to survive it has to be strong enough.  Same thing with a Christian.  We can't make that life easier, we can just pray for strength to make you stronger.  I know things aren't easy for you.  Well in some ways I'm sure they are, you could definitely have it worse than you do now, we all could.  But when things in your life seem overly difficult, unfair, harsh...I encourage you not to wish things were easier...wish you were stronger.  If the first wish were granted then you would be just as bad off the next time something bad happened.  If the second wish were granted then you would be better prepared next time to push through the difficulty.  Your life will mold you into a relisiliant, strong, confident young woman if you approach it this way.  You have the potential for all of those qualities and so many more.  You can do this.  You can push through to the other side.  Don't let the journey steal your joy.  The journey is all we have.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me.  Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday February 15, 2023  Missed Skype 198

Your flowers are blooming on the hillside out front.  I'll try to get you pictures tomorrow, I got home after dark today so I really couldn't get any good pictures of them.  You know in all the years we've lived here, you've never seen them bloom in person.  I guess I wasn't being very realistic when I relocated March flowers to the spot for you.  I always believed you would be here by now, that we would be together at this point.  My plans are definitely not His plans.  Maybe you'll see them bloom next spring.  That would be very nice.

You are midway through another week.  I'm sure you have lots to do and things to work on.  I'm in Leviticus in my bible study this week, so lots of meticulous design parameters for tabernacle walls and such.  It did make me wonder this morning on my way to work if someone has actually attempted to recreate these structures based on the instructions left behind.  I'll have to google that later and just see.  The older I get, the less my imagination can picture what I maybe if I can find a recreation picture I can get an idea about the scale of the structures that are detailed in that chapter.  I'm also reading about Jesus travelling through the towns verbally sparring with the religious leaders of the time and healing the sick and possessed.  He is very good at asking questions that illuminate the intentions of people.  I wish I could be better at that, although at this point that might be a wasted talent on someone my age.  I've already misunderstood the intentions of folks enough to muck up my life and wouldn't do much good now.  Perhaps it would be a great thing to ask for you to have.  Yes, I'll do that instead.

I appreciate His cool demeanor, even when in the presence of people who knew meant to do Him harm.  All part of the plan I'm sure.  I hope to have that kind of faith someday.  I hope you will too.  This is all going to work out the way it is supposed to.  That doesn't mean we don't have choices along the way, we absolutely do, and we should try to make the best choices whenever we are presented with options...but God can take anything and use it for the overall good.  I do believe that.  Even messy childhoods and complicated relationships.  Just don't give up sweetie.  Fight the good fight.  Take care of yourself and find your joy inside.  For every thing there is a season.   When troubles are around, they will pass.  We just have to keep trying every day to be a little better.  That's the lesson tonight.  Just don't quit.  Don't give up.  Hold out for that next sunrise.  

I know you still got a half a week of school left this week.  I won't keep you long tonight.  I'm wore out myself.  Your valentine's day gifts arrived on your porch today, saw the picture from the delivery guy.  I hope you get to keep them.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.   270-999-2691

Monday February 13, 2023  Missed Skype 197

Sunshine makes everything better.  Today was warm for February.  Warm and sunny.  For no other reason than that, it was a better day.  The best part of my day happened right after school, I was working on a network switch change in the Music Room of the school I was principal at...and I felt the warm sun as I came out of the building and heard the little pre-schoolers that were on the playground as part of the afterschool program. It reminded me of you and your sister, all those years ago when we would take you to the school playgrounds during the summer.  You were so small, yet determined to climb the ladders and slide down the slides.  We would play the powerpuff girls or whatever else you were pretending to be that day.  Always an adventure, always someone to save.  We would come up with rhyming words on the swings, talk about the states of matter.  You could remember anything if we made it into a game.  You have always been very smart.  As you mature my prayer is that your intelligence translates into wisdom.  That you receive discernment into the hearts of others and their true intentions.  That you seek the truth and know it when you find it.  You have quite a few things to sort out, lots of misinformation to sift through.  You will eventually have to realize where manipulation has occurred and where it hasn't.  But honestly, this childhood you have endured might possibly be adequate preparation for the world we live in now.  There are more than a few adults who are trying to accomplish the same things as you will need to.  You've had a lifetime of practice at this point, they may give you an advantage in this world.  

I have racked my brain trying to figure out why things have transpired the way they have.  The only positive thing I can surmise from the story so far is that you are better prepared for life in this world than someone who has led a more sheltered existence up to this point.  I know that is no consolation for the lost years or the negative emotions, but perhaps it is a silver lining.  We can't undo it, so we might as well try to gain what we can from the experience.  Use it to grow.  Learn from what you have seen and decide what type of person you want to become.  Take the good and reject the bad.  

I know you have a long week ahead and I don't want to go too long on Monday.  I have been trying to keep the long long entries for Friday when you have the weekend to relax.  I love you.  Thinking of you today was a very pleasant moment for me.  Best part of my day.  I miss you.  I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me.  Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday February 10, 2023  Missed Skype 196

When you are considering the best part of your day, you are not allowed to say the best part is the fact that it is Friday and you don't have to go to school for 2 part has to be actually something that happened to  Okay with that out of the way...what was the best part of your day today?

The best part of my day is right now.  I am home, in my chair in front of our computer pretending to talk to you.  I always hope you have had a great day, and that we would be spending most of our skype time hearing about some event that happened to you today that made you smile and feel happy.  Remembering days like that in the past makes me smile and it becomes the best part of my day most days.  Seems like forever ago that we actually had conversations.  I miss them.  I miss you.

You know how the WWE had that tag line when they changed their theme a while back with the piano and I think it said then, now, and forever?  or something similar to that.  Well in my reading today, I realized that is a very appropriate line for people.  We are horrible, then, now and probably forever.  You know I'm reading the bible in a year plan, and that particular plan basically leads me through the bible verses in 3 different places every day.  So I am simultaneously reading about Moses breaking tablets, Jesus being betrayed, and then some psalms for good measure.  So today, I am reading about how when Moses went up on the mountain, the Israelites wasted no time talking Aaron into making a golden calf idol, started making sacrifices at an altar and generally got their pagan party on.  Meanwhile Judas is betraying Jesus for money, and when the heat comes down on Jesus the disciples run and Peter betrays Jesus 3 times before the rooster crows.

Moses first.  So when Moses came back down the mountain, he was like, What the heck Aaron?!?  I mean Aaron was like God's spokesman in Egypt.  He saw the miracles...but he was really okay with fashioning a false idol for the peoples.  Aaron blamed the people.  Something like, you know how horrible these people are...what was I supposed to do?  That reminded me for some reason of Adam and Eve.  Eve ate the apple, blamed the snake...Adam ate the apple, blamed Eve.  The disciples swore they'd never leave Jesus, the all deserted and ran away the first night of his arrest.  Humans have always had the capacity to be garbage.  Free will makes this possible.  It is almost like the common thread within the old testament is people suck.  And through all of this, God still loves us.  Even though sometimes you know he sends floods to eradicate the entire population of wicked people.  

So my conclusion to all of this tonight, is love is hard.  Real love is.  Now loving God isn't hard, I mean, He's perfect.  But loving other humans...hard.  Because no matter how good they are or try to be, they still have the capacity to be garbage at any time.  The people you love are going to let you down, they are going to disappoint you, hurt your feelings, betray you.  Not all the time (hopefully) but enough to hurt, to make you question if it is worth it to love at all.  I'm here to tell you, it is worth it.  Love isn't about being loved back.  If you are only loving for love in return, you are always going to be disappointed in that experience.  Love is an act of grace.  Now a relationship definitely needs to be evenly yoked...I'm not really talking about that right now, I'm talking about love in general.  Forgiving your sister over and over again, loving her enough that you don't hang up on her, or shut her out of your life for years.  Love is treating others with the mercy and grace you hope they will treat you with, when you disappoint them.  Love is praying for the people who have been the cruelest to you, because you know an eternity in hell is not worth their current honeriness.  Love is knowing there is enough success and happiness out there for everyone, you don't have to drag others down to make yourself feel better.  God is love.  God loves us despite the garbage things we've done over the years.  He loves us so much, He sent His only son, to die for our sins so we can escape the ultimate consequences of our bad choices.  I am so thankful that all those years ago, you asked Him into your heart, to be your personal Savior.  Things are going to be okay.  None of us are perfect, and that is okay.  He knows we are a hot mess and a work in progress.  Jesus celebrates the small progress we make each day.  I hope you are talking to Him.  Being honest about what you have done, how you feel and what you want to become.  I pray for you to increase in Mercy, in Wisdom and Strength.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me.  Love, Dad.   270-999-2691

Wednesday February 8, 2023  Missed Skype 195

Well you are halfway through another work week.  What was the best part of your day?  It was rainy here all day, but at least it wasn't cold.  Going to be windy tonight.  I think we have a chance of snow again by Friday night, but nothing substantial, it's been warm all week so the ground will be way too warm for anything to stick.

I hope the best part of your day made you smile.  I also hope you are getting enough rest, getting some sunshine, and staying on top of your studies.  Try to enjoy what is left of your senior year.  I know for a fact this won't be the best year of your life, but high school should have as many fond memories as unhappy ones.  It is a definite turning point in your maturity.  You never go back to highschool once you leave.  It is a milestone in your life.  You responsibilities, your options, your internal goals all change on the other side of that diploma, that is just how this is designed to be.  So enjoy the freedom of being a kid in highschool while it lasts.  Check off the agenda items like prom and yearbook signings and socializing while they are still available.  You can have similar experiences later on, but they will never be like they would be now.

I am in the part of the Bible where the Lord is giving extremely detailed instructions as to how to construct the fabric for the temple and the outfits for the priests.  How sacrifices are to me made and stuff like that.  The amount of details to be followed was pretty overwhelming.  I would have been scared to death I missed something or didn't do something correctly...that was my thought as I read the instructions for the various things.  Then it occurred to me the word "fake".  All of us sometimes portray ourselves or aspects of ourselves differently that we actually are.  Maybe that comes from a lack of self awareness in some cases, sometimes it is just easier to lie about who you really are than it is to change who you are.  But for whatever the reason we all have been some level of insincere or fake.  Our society actually encourages this fakeness in a variety of ways, it is sometimes hid in words like respect or manners.  Let's take apologizing for an example real quick.  When you are young and you knock the everloving snot out of someone, eventually you are caught and told to tell them you are sorry.  Now I never did this with you, or my students.  You might remember, I would explain to you why you should be sorry, but I would never require you to say an apology you didn't sincerely mean.  You were a good girl, and every time, given enough time, you could come around and apologize on your own, and I would take your word at face value that you were sorry.  But many well meaning teachers and parents force their children to say sorry before they take the consequences away or something similar.  I believe that teaches the young person the wrong lesson.  They are taught that they can harbor evil in their heart and as long as they cover it up with a fake apology, they can remain as they are and not suffer the consequences they deserve.

Adults do this all the time.  They allow evil horrible feelings and thoughts to fester in their minds and feel like as long as they don't act upon them or no one knows about them, they can still be great people.  This is not the case.  How does this relate to all those rules for the tabernacle?  Well, to me, (just my opinion) God was making His people have to focus.  As the priests were going through all of these advanced rituals just to be able to go into the tabernacle, I think God was also giving them time to reflect and understand this was a big freaking deal.  Sure we can talk with Jesus anytime we want, but He made a way for that, before He came humans had to do a lot of things to be able to seek God.  Sometimes we need to understand that just saying we're sorry, is not the same as being sincerely sorry.  When we reach out to God, He listens because He loves us, not because He has too.  When you apologize to your sister for something you've done more than once, she doesn't have to forgive you.  When she does it is an act of Love.  Grace in a way.  Same with you, when you forgive her after she's done something numerous times and apologizes again.  You forgive her not because she deserves it, heck she's probably going to do it forgive her because you Love her and you don't want that one thing to come between you any longer than it has to.  But if you are sincerely sorry, then you also carry some responsibility to try to not do the same thing again.  You can't keep hurting someone the same way and expect them to always forgive you.  Even if they do forgive you, God says we should, it is impossible to forget what has happened and they will start to treat you different and keep emotional distance between you and them just to protect themselves from the pain.  

When you look inside, when you feel sincere regret for something you have done, the old testament teaches us that it takes focused effort in very deliberate ways to get back to where we want to be.  The work is worth the change though.  The work doesn't erase what we've done, it doesn't earn forgiveness, but it gets us closer to where we are less likely to do it again.  What do you always tell Burk?  Well, yeah, you are your own worst enemy...but also, when you find yourself in a hole...quit digging.  

I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday February 6, 2023  Missed Skype 194

Happy Monday my sweet daughter.  So what was the best part of this Monday?  I am hoping homework is done and you can relax the rest of the night.  The technicians who are switching out my network this week did not show up for the night shift so I got to come home tonight instead of having to go from network closet to network closet with them and try to help them get things done.  So getting to come home was the best part of my day for sure.  I got to have dinner with mamaw and papaw and sit for a little bit before I came home and started writing this to you.  

I hope your weekend was good...I don't know if you're working now or what is going on in your life, so the weekend could either be the best days ever or you could slogging through them hoping to make it back to the regular week.  No matter what is going on, I hope you are finding reasons to smile every day.  Spend some time in the sun and enjoy what moments you can every day.  Try not to spend all your time staring at a screen.  The real world can be a pretty neat place if you look in the right places.  Everything balances out over time, so if things aren't great now, just hang in there, they will get better...if things are great, well good, enjoy them while they last.  

I know the first day of the school week is a little overwhelming, so I won't keep you.  Don't forget to pray...about whatever you need to.  If you don't know what to say, that's okay too.  I have spent a many a night during this latest time part simply reciting the Lord's Prayer.  The Holy Spirit knows what you need most, and when you don't know how to say it, the Bible says it does.  In times like that just say your Lord's Prayer and meditate and ask for direction.  He wants what is best for you, and there is a plan sweetheart.  Now, I have no idea what it is, I'm not at that security clearance for sure...but I trust there is a plan.  

Read your bible study, or just pick a chapter if you don't want a study.  Just don't stop seeking...the truth, peace, strength and wisdom.  When you have a choice between mercy and justice...choose mercy.  Remember that I love you, and nothing you can do will change that.  Nothing that has been said or done so far, has changed it.  Nothing will.  I miss you so very much.  I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me...anytime 24/7.  I keep my phone by me at night, just in case you get the chance.  Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday February 3, 2023  Missed Skype 193

How was your day today?  What was the best part?  Ha, I actually paused between that sentence and this one like I was going to hear you tell's been a long day.  I spent most of the day walking around with contractors and engineers.  We are about to start a major HVAC renovation at the high school and I got to show them around today.  Not near as fun as it might sound.  Spent a lot of time on the never got above freezing today.  Not a great day to be on the roof.  But it is over now and I have the rest of the night to warm back up.  One of the contractors today also has twin daughters.  They are much younger than you, but hearing stories about his reminded me of times we've shared over the years.  I miss you sweetie.

This weekend will be filled with hauling hay and cutting wood.  Uncle Jon has a daddy daughter dance with Ada on Saturday Night.  She has her dress and is getting a tiara tonight so she will be ready.  I have coordinated and played music and faciliated so many of those over the years...and never got to go to one with my own daughters.  We've missed out on a ton of things because of other people's choices.  I am looking forward to the future very much.  When it is your happiness that guides the boat.    It makes me smile to think about.

In the meantime, work hard.  Learn as much as you can at school and about people.   So in my Bible Study, I am still caught up and in 3 different places.  God is meeting on the mountain with Moses in one section, Jesus is owning Pharisees and Sadducees with questions in the second section, and psalms is singing songs in the third.  It's kind of a hot mess to keep up with, but it works.  There is a striking difference as to how God deals with the Jews in the old testament and how Jesus deals with them in the new testament.  I can't tell you why there is such a difference, I don't understand the nature of God at all really.  I do some, enough to know I need Him in my life and He is sin free, but beyond that I am just stupid when it comes to figuring Him out.  I guess if I had to take a guess, because you are my daughter and I'm supposed to help you navigate life and scripture...I feel like maybe in the old testament, God is trying to teach the israelites that they can't do it on their own.  They can't earn Heaven.  He is telling them how hard it is to get there, and they just straight up act rebellious and ridiculous right after witnessing a miracle.  Like He is literally magically feeding them every day and leading them with a cloud of fire...and they are making golden calves and wanting to sacrifice children.  I think about how crazy that is...and then I look around...and think Holy Moly we are just as bad today.  In the new testament, it's almost like Jesus has come to try to let them know that God has decided to intervene because we are so so bad at being obedient and He loves us so much He is going to die for us...hoping that this sacrifice will show at least some of us that loving Him and depending on Him is all we need to be close to Him because of the as repayment His own people race to see who can capture and crucify Him first.  As I have said before.  If nothing else, this study of the whole Bible has shown me this time around just how much God loves us.  Patience is love really.  Not getting upset, holding your temper, not blasting people because you are mad...all of that is a form of love.  People who take their moods out on other people...almost all the time are selfish as a rule.  So thankful God isn't that way.   He definitely leads by example.  Slow to anger, quick to forgive.  Always wants what is best for us.  That's a pretty good model to follow.  

I love you girlie.  Very much.  I miss you too.  I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday February 1, 2023  Missed Skype 192

Well Wednesday has crept up on us again.  Hiya sweetie, I hope you've had a great day.  So what was the best part of this day for you?  I hope there were so many best parts it is hard for you to choose just one.  That's okay, I would have loved hearing about all of them.  Take a moment and run them down in your mind, I've got all night.  It is always good to think about interactions you've had, great or horrible and try to figure out what part you played in how they went.  Then you can decide for yourself how you want to be next time, so you'll have more good and less bad interactions.  I know you can't control how other people act, but you can definitely control how you do, and if you're not doing that consistently, that is a great place to start to make your life better.  As you get better at that, you will see moments in your conversations that are like "choose you own adventure" stories.  Remember those?  You would have a choice and then according to which choice you made, you would turn to a different page and continue the story with the consequences of your decision.  I loved those books.  The board game we bought based on those...not so much.  I don't think we ever got through that one time.  Very much boring.  At any rate, the more control you get over your tongue (and emotions I guess) the more you can see moments where if you say this or that it will bring about a predictable response.  If you end up in an argument it will be because you took it there, not because you accidently ended up there or were led there by someone else.  Of course with this development of self-awareness there is also more responsibility.  You can't keep apologizing for outbursts and fits of bad choices due to emotions, because you will know what's going on inside yourself and will have to acknowledge that your behavior was a choice and not a reaction.  Lots of grown ups refuse to ponder on this just for the ability to pretend they can't control it.  

I don't claim to be great at this either, so I'm not speaking from a place of authority, but I can tell you folks who have more self control also seem to have more success and happiness.  I have learned a lot during your lifetime about people and emotional outbursts and personal responsibility.  It is an ongoing endeavor that will be worth your time.  The sooner you start, the better you'll be at it.  Proverbs is a great place to look for guidance, don't take my word for it, research it on your own and see what you find.  In fact, you should probably do that with lots of things you've been the truth about it on your own and see if it holds up.  That's how people are supposed to gain trust as opposed to demanding it because of a relationship they have with you or a position they have held...lots of people don't care to spin a yarn to gain influence.  Many folks have been dishonest so much and so often that they are really good at it.  Trust but verify is a great way to live life.

Remember when I told you, that one of the nice ladies on the bible app invited me to a bible study (and how weird that was)...well I've been plodding right along doing the thing every day and looked up at the progress bar today...she hasn't read a single lesson in it.  I'm on day 19 of the stinking the weird is even stronger now.  I'll finish it, I hate not finishing things I've one likes a quitter.  But very weird.

My Bible in a Year study has the Hebrews out of Egypt and complaining in the desert.  They just watched God swallow an entire army in water that he held up in walls for them to cross and now they are complaining about having to eat the same thing every day.  They would have never made it in a public school cafeteria.  We've eaten so many uncrustables....but they are tired of quail and honey roasted manna.  I am really surprised we are still around at this point.  The patience God must have with us...Yikes.  He must really really love us.  And I believe He does.  The metaphor about us being His children, it really does fit well.  I hope when you are older, you are blessed with children of your own.  You won't really understand what love is, what patience is, and why you should have it, until you've had your own little ones to cherish.  I really didn't know what love was sweetie until I saw you.  You will have a whole new level of what you'll go through and what you'll put up with for those babies.  Reading through these verses now as a parent, it all hits very differently than when I read it last.  I love you.  That isn't going to change.  I miss you, that has never stopped.  I can't wait to see you again.  This will all get sorted out and truth will be known...then however long it takes for you to figure it out, I'll still be here when you do.  Looking forward to it.  I'm here if you need me...always have been this whole time.  Love, the DAD. 270-999-2691

Monday January 30, 2023  Missed Skype 191

I think we missed the royal rumble...yep I'm sure of it.  We missed the royal rumble.  It was Saturday?  They have their pay per views on Saturdays now I guess?  I haven't watch it much since the last time we watched it together, but I know the royal rumble was always a better one to watch it had surprises and guest stars that made it more interesting.

So how was Monday?  What was the best part of your day?  We have a winter front moving through, so school got called off for tomorrow this afternoon.  I still go in, so not really a great turn of events for me, but it is fun watching the kids (and teachers) all excited knowing they had a day off tomorrow.  It is an NTI day which means they don't completely get the day off, they have to do work from home all day and then we count it as a school day.  But that keeps our summer intact so I am all for it.  This summer is going to be our last hurrah before lots of changes take place in your life.  A new chapter begins this year for you.  I'm excited for you, and a little nervous.  I know you have tremendous potential, but I also know you have had your share of obstacles placed upon you in the last couple of years, well much longer than that, but it has been magnified the past couple of years for sure.  We'll push through and get you where you need to be.   You can be happy and balanced and a productive member of society, just have to work hard and get out in the world so you can experience what is normal and what is not.  Takes time, but you'll get there.  So future is bright for you, better days ahead for sure.

I am up to date on my Bible Studies....not going to lie, I completely vegged out Saturday and had to double up on Sunday to make up for it.  No real excuse, just didn't feel well.  But I got it all caught up, today as well.  

So the first time I read the bible completely, it was during an ice storm we had.  We went 3 weeks I think without power.  It was bitterly cold outside, so I hung out with mamaw and papaw and brother Jon during the day, playing cards, working puzzles, whatever, slept a lot....and then at night I read as much of the bible as  I could.  During that read through, I prayed before I read every night for understanding.  Then I looked for overall messages as opposed to individual verses.  What I got out of that first read through was that God used imperfect people, really imperfect people to do amazing things.  That we were our own worst enemy (just like Burk).

This read through I'm only partially in.  Reading a few verses a day helps it soak a bit better I think.  But so far, I'm trying to understand the nature of God more this time.  Why does He do the things He does, at the time He does?  Yeah I know, I'm not going to understand a lot of it.  Not for me to I don't guess...but I feel like there are some things to learn there along the way, about Him and about us and myself that can be helpful to us later on?  We shall see.  It's not been boring, that's for sure.  I'm basically in 3 places at once with this bible plan, and one of the three is the place in time when the plagues were in Egypt as God used a hardened hearted ruler to serve His purpose.  I see a lot of similarities in that story this time around.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me.  Love, the Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday January 27, 2023  Missed Skype 190

It is Friday.  Surely today was a good day, how can a Friday not be better than most other days?  My day was filled with meetings and nonsense, so it has dragged a bit, hopefully yours went well though.  So what was the best part of your day today?  Mine believe it or not, is writing this to you.  It makes me sad sometimes, I mean I would much rather us be talking about your day and me seeing your face and hearing your voice, but writing these to you, for you to read whenever you are finally able to...they are all I have to make me feel close to you.  So I look forward to them most days.  I will try not to go overboard with words, I know you don't want to spend all weekend reading my ramblings that are beginning to sound redundant at this point I am sure.

The tinies are coming over to the farm tomorrow.  Uncle Jon says they are just going to visit for a bit and then go on to Owensboro, but papaw believes they tinies will rebel if they are made to leave too early.  He thinks they will have to leave the tinies with us and go to Owensboro by themselves.  We shall see.  Burk is coming too.  Him and I talk on Playstation nearly every night now, just for a little while.  I hear about how his day went, his homework load...its funny, he's in middle school so a lot of the issues he comes home upset about I've already heard from you over the years.  

I began working out again last night.  It has been nearly a year since I've done anything, so I am pretty sure unless I want health issues to start creeping into my daily life I need to become more active than I am.  It was always easier to get up and work out when I knew you were doing it as well.  I didn't want to be a complete slob when you showed up for summer with all of those conditioning requirements from ROTC.  You all did such an amazing job working towards your goals during those summers.  We've never really had a summer off to just enjoy.  From the summer school stuff that was sent home every summer, to the ROTC fitness requirements, we've always had to maintain some level of schedule and routine so you wouldn't "fall behind" when you returned.  I don't guess that was a bad thing, it kept you caught up in math and reading, it helped develop your fine motor skills, I'm sure you never regressed in the summer like other students did...but it would have been nice to not had to worry about it one summer at least.  But that is water under the bridge at this point.  So I started working out again last night...ugh.  I still had the weights where they were the last time we all worked out, l  am no longer at that level of fitness, that much is clear.  Let's just say that by the time I got to the diamond pushups...I got done.  Long way to go.  But starting back is progress, so one day at a time.  I'm still up to date on my Bible Studies.  The year plan is a chore as many days as it is not.  But I am going to try to push through.  

You should be doing things to stay active.  If ROTC is not something you are involved in at this point (a shame if true) you still need to find something that helps you burn off negative energy and gets your heart rate up.  If its only a walk around  your neighborhood after supper, that is better than nothing.  Stay active somehow.  Whatever you enjoy.  I hope you have a good weekend.  I'm not going to keep you.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me.  Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday January 25, 2023  Missed Skype 189

How was your Wednesday?  Seriously, take a minute and assess your day for me...I'll wait, I've got nothing but time.  If you are reading this weeks/years later, no big was the day you just finished?  There had to be a best part, what was it?  Keep in mind, even bad days have least worst parts...and those by definition would be the best part of your day.  So this best part...what was it?  Hopefully the recollection of your day, the good parts, lowered your heart rate, relaxed your anxiety and reminded you that things aren't as bad as they seem.

The best part of my day today....hmmm, that's going to be hard for me today.  Stinker of a day today.  Well the best part of my day was when I came home.  Biscuit met me at the vehicle and just loved on me like she hadn't seen me in weeks.  We really don't deserve dogs.  She made my day.  Little things sometimes get us through.

It took me some time today, but I got my bible in a year bible study caught up this afternoon after I got home.  I was only a day behind, but when you miss a day of this one, it takes some effort to catch up.  My interesting takeaway from today actually involves a conversation about whether the Bible and Jesus are real.  So this came at me today and it surprised me.  The conversation wasn't mine, so don't think I came up with this on my own...but it was very interesting.  So the major point of the argument is this...

Why did the Apostles come back?  They each died a horrible death as Martyrs.  None of them got rich, none of them got power or became popular or had anything good happen to them while they were on this Earth.  They ran scared when Jesus was crucified...they were spread far and wide and they denied him and they got away from the association.  They could have moved on with their lives  But...they came back.  They went on to build the church and open the doors for us to receive salvation.  Why did they come back?  Well, they spent time with Jesus.  They saw Him die.  So the only thing that would bring them back to this life that was going to end in horrible ways...They saw Him alive again.  That's the only reason they would take up that cross and follow Him after watching Him crucified.  I had never thought about it that way.  

We always talk about how everyone has a motive.  If there was money to be made, sure I get it.  If there was power, popularity, of course that's what people do.  But Jesus told them before He died that they would suffer in their following of Him.  Then He died.  They saw it.  They struggled with their own faith afterwards, maybe they believed they were wrong, so what brought them back to the fold?  The only thing that would bring them back...was seeing that what Jesus had told them was true.  They saw a man who was murdered and then came back to  life.  Why else would they dedicate their lives in such a way afterwards?

I had never thought of things that way.  Which is ironic considering how much I analyze people trying to disern motive.  Days like this, these are why Bible study is so important.  I've been alive 49 years and I never considered the real motives of the apostles after the crucifixion.  It is something to consider.  I love you sweetie, I miss you.  I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691  

Monday January 23, 2023  Missed Skype 188

Well, how was Monday?  Everything it could be and more?  Blah perhaps?  I wish we could talk about your Monday and come to a conclusion about how great it was or how much it sucked.  That's part of my job that I am not able to successfully execute at this point and time.  I am supposed to help you see the good in bad days, and listen to every detail you have to share about it.  To regulate your emotions with perspective.   I am looking forward to being able to do that for you again.  I miss you.  

I had a long day today.  Lots of meetings and one day closer to all of those crazy projects I am going to have to get done in the month of February.  Not looking forward to those, but when I get on the other side of them we will have so many positive changes to our network and the experience the kiddos have...totally worthy it.  Just a pain getting there.  That is probably a metaphor for many things in life if we needed it to be.  But I think you know that by now.  Most good things and positive changes only come about through hard work.  

So what was the best part of your day?  You can't say nothing...has to be something.  Even if it was a horrible day, the least worst thing...well that was the best part.  Take a minute, think about it, and try to smile about it.  Why was that the best part?  This works better when I can hear you and ask follow up questions, but it is still a valuable exercise if it helps you see the good parts of your day.

For me...let's see.  The best part of my day was being told by my Regional CIO Supervisor that he really enjoyed my opinions I bring to the leadership meetings we have monthly.  It was very nice of him to say it, and it made me feel like I was where I was supposed to be.  I'm not as good as most of the other CIO's when it comes to understanding network innerworkings...I mean I am basically a math teacher who likes to tinker with technology.  That is not at the level of some of these guys.  They program in Linux and can write powershell scripts from scratch...out of my league.  But I was a teacher, then a I kind of understand how the technology works with the students better than they when we talk about things like that I try to share my ideas.  I want to help.  It was nice of him to say that I was helping.  It made me feel like I was a part of the group.  I thanked him for the kind words.  The rest of the day pretty much sucked...but that was my best part.  So that, and getting to talk to you tonight, got me through.  

So on Sundays I go to church and I don't do my normal bible study...which puts me a day behind today.  I got yesterday's read and caught up but I am still a few verses away from getting my bible in a year study caught up.  I will finish it after I get done here.  The striking part of today's verses was how the miraculous and the mundane happen simultaneously.  So I am at the part of the old testament where the famine has come about in Egypt, and Joseph has been sold into slavery by his brothers but ultimately became the second in command and saved the family and the entire nation of Egypt by following God's instructions.  Today, I am at the part where Joseph's father, Jacob is blessing his sons just before he dies...and they are like drolling on about who's son is whose and how many children and all that.  I usually end up skipping or skimming those verses...but I was listening to it on the way home so it was reading it aloud to skipping.  

I'm listening to these and as the Bible is rattling off all these kids, it mentions 2 of them, that died in Canaan before they all came to Egypt.  What?  God made this covenant and they are going to be like grains of sand and own this land forever and oh by the way 2 of the kids had something happen to them and died.  And then, Jacob curled up his feet and died.  It just struck me as odd that amongst all of these grand miracles there were still normal things occurring.  People were getting sick, getting old, doing stupid things...and dying.  All along the way.  I just found it interesting that amongst the miracles, there was still normalcy.  Jesus would heal someone who had never been able to see, and then they would go home and wake up the next morning...and have to find a job.  They'd need to eat 3 meals a day, they'd still get sick, grow old, and die.  Nothing in this life, on this Earth is lasting.  The only lasting thing we can have here is our relationship with Jesus...the thread that pulls us from this life to the next.  So don't let bad things get you too down, or great things get you too excited.  It is all temporary.  Our primary goal here is to get saved, and then help save others.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me.  Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Friday January 20, 2023  Missed Skype 187

Here we are again.  Another weekend is upon us.  School is in full swing, no breaks in our immediate future.  Winter is in full swing and it is about as cold as it's going to get.  This time of year it is easy to get down, to counter that you need to get as much natural sun as you can each day.  On your sunny days, take a walk around your block or spend some of your free time at school soaking in those winter rays.  Vitamin D is an amazing nutrient for you and you can convert it for free with just some time in the sun each day.  That will also boost your mood and make winter feel less draub.  

I hope your week was a good one.  Productive, positive and memorable for good reasons.  Mine was fine.  I have some big network projects that are coming up very soon that are going to keep me worrying and out late with engineers, but when they are done I will have a much better designed network in terms of safety.  I got quite a bit done this week and feel like overall it was a success, but as is often the case with work when you accomplish one goal it is very quickly replaced with another goal to achieve.  Always something else to get done.  It makes the days pass quickly and keeps me tired enough to sleep eventually.  I am thankful for that.  

Everyone here is fine, we've all made it to another weekend, just like you.  We all miss you very much, you are not forgotten, not even by the tinies.  They ask me about you every time they see me.  They are limited in their understanding of the situation but they know it's sad and wish things were different.  I agree with them on both counts.  We are all looking forward to seeing you again.  That won't change no matter what happens, or how long it takes.  You are loved.

I am up to date on all my bible studies so far this week.  I am not always getting to them at the same time every day, and I know that is not best when you are trying to create a habit, but when I realize I have neglected them I catch up when I can.  I am hopeful you are still trying to communicate, trying to study and learn about the nature of God.  I believe you get a crash course on the nature of humans everyday, you are in highschool.  Over time we tend to start grading human behavior on a scale.  It is natural to do this...person A is nicer than person B therefore person A is nice.  But what if person A is just less awful than person B?  By scaling behavior based on what you've seen, you can go down a dangerous road of believing people to be far better than they actually are.  Reading God's word sets the standards for behavior.  It is important to calibrate your opinions about human nature with a standard.  Otherwise you are like the blind man rating elephants that we spoke of earlier this week.  Forced to form generalizations using only your experience and the small pool of people you have encountered so far in your life.  Obviously no one can compare to Jesus, perfection is not the point here...but hearing in the Bible what the word love means (for example) helps you determine when someone else uses it if they understand what that really is.  People almost always have a motive.  Understanding the lessons taught in the Bible help us see when people's words are not aligned with their actions...that helps us reveal true motives.  It is part of discernment.  Being able to discern intent is a process and it is work.  Your emotions hamper this work if you don't have some knowledge of the bible and the ability to think to yourself...wait a minute, this doesn't make sense.  Judging intent is not the same as judging people.   Jesus says we should love everyone, even our enemies and to leave judging them to Him...but nowhere does He say not to judge intentions as good or bad.  In fact He clarifies multiple times that God looks into our heart and judges whether an act is a sin or not based on our intent.  We've talked before about how in the 10 commandments, according to the translation it says thou shalt not murder (not kill)  Two people can both kill someone.  The first person could do it defending their family from home invasion, the second does it out of anger...God looks at those acts very differently.  I want you to be happy, to have a great life.  One way to get closer to that goal is to understand people.  Read your bible, study those around you.  See if you can find inconsistencies in what they say and how they act.  Within those cracks in their can see their true nature.  If I tell you I love animals, but keep mine on a chain all day and don't take care of it...then do I truly love animals, or do I love how animals love me?  You have tremendous potential my sweet daughter.  If you spend your time honing your abilities you will gain both wisdom and discernment.  Neither of those are a bad pursuit.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday January 18, 2023  Missed Skype 186

Another Wednesday is upon us my dear.  I hope you still get early releases on Wednesday.  That is such a great idea, give kids a day a week in the middle to get some extra rest, build in time for meetings and such.  I know it makes childcare a nightmare for some families who pay for it, but overall I think it has more positives than negatives. I like it because I know it gives you a I guess i'm biased a little.

So I am going under the assumption that you do still in fact have early releases on Wednesday.  So hopefully that means that you have had time to get home and get your homework done for the night and have gotten to a point where the rest of the night is yours.  My day was pretty average as far as Wednesdays go.  I had a curriculum meeting that made me super late getting home (it's after 7 pm and I've just got sit down) so it was a long day.  But I spent most of it doing things by myself so that was cool.  I have kept up my reading this week so far, and it has been interesting every day so far.  The old testament has really got some characters and crazy situations.  But I have gotten into some translation differences...I love the Macarthur Study Bible your mom got me years ago, the one we use for our Bible study, it is also the version I bought you that is still hindsight we should have sent those back with you so you would have them.  I haven't mailed you them now because I have no idea whether you would ever get them or I'm keeping them for you.  They will be here safe and sound when you want them.  Any way, I have found that some of these stories are very different based on which translation you look at.  Some translations give more context, some use different is complicated when you really look into it.  I don't speak any ancient languages, so I am at a loss as to which is right or more correct than the others, so I have started reading all of them that I can find on any given day and just trying to take the overall meaning from the sum of the different translations...Our study bible helps with that a great deal.  At any rate, the different versions have led me to our biblical conversation tonight.  Have you ever heard the story of the blind men describing the elephant?  I don't remember if we've talked about this one or not...skip the next paragraph if we have.

I am going to paraphrase the story here,  I think you can get the point with the shortened version.  So there were seven blind men who all decided they wanted to meet an elephant.  The each walked up to the elephant and began to hold it.  The first blind man said the elephant reminded him of a large snake.  He had grabbed the elephant's trunk.  The second blind man said the first blind man was wrong, that the elephant was shaped like a dragon's leathery wing.  This man had grabbed the elephant's ear.  The third blind man said they were both incorrect, that the elephant felt like a huge tree trunk.  This man had grabbed the elephant's leg.  On and on each man grabbed a different part of the elephant and corrected the others believing their experience with the elephant was the correct one.

The point of the story is that our perspective or our context becomes a major influence to our reality.  Each man in the story had based his opinion on what an elephant looked like on his real personal experience.  None of them were wrong about what they felt, but none of them were correct about what an elephant truly looked like.  They lacked all of the information from the other sources to make an informed complete opinion.  I believe we often are like one of the blind men.  Obviously we don't know what we don't know...but so many times we base opinions and decisions on our own perspective which may not be a complete picture of the situation.  So how do we avoid this pitfall...if we are essentially blind?  I've told you before, I can never tell you that what you feel is wrong, how you feel is how you feel, but sometimes your feelings are misplaced based on what you know and what you don't.  So the feeling isn't wrong, it isn't wrong to feel a certain way at any time, but if you knew more about what was going on, your feeling might be different.  So because of this, it is important not to give into your feelings all the time, to be tossed about my emotion and overwhelmed by it...Take a breath, assess the situation, see if you have all the facts.  Give yourself some time to process what you think is going on and what is really going on.  One word used to describe this process is discernment.  Discernment is something you can pray for, when you don't know what is true or what you feel or what the right choice is in any given situation.  One way to increase your discernment is to read the Bible.  Reading God's word can help you understand people, motives, situations, sin...and by studying the people and events in the Bible you can begin to see patterns.  We are not nearly as complicated as we seem.  Layers melt away with enough analysis and we can begin to clearly see what is going on and what is best for us.  This skill is crucial for peace and happiness.  People who are slaves to their emotions...let me start again...people who are slaves to anything are not happy.  I want you to be happy.  I want you to be discerning adults.  You have been given a great deal of blind man's information that you have had to sort out during your childhood.  That wasn't fair or appropriate, but it isn't something that can be changed now.  My prayer is that you can learn from it and use it to become very good at understanding people from here on in.  Pray for discernment.  Study the word and people.  You are very intelligent.  In time you can convert that to wisdom.  Your happiness is worth it.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday January 16, 2023  Missed Skype 185

Howdy sweetie!  I hope your day was a good one.  The students did not have classes today due to the holiday, but I went into work and got some things done that are hard to do when people are there.  Rainy dreary day here.  Got home, visited with mamaw and papaw and then came home to wait just in case tonight was the night that skype started happening again.  That is kind of how my every Monday, Wednesday and Friday go.   How was your day?  I would love it if that was followed by the next 25 minutes of hearing all about your day and weekend.  I do miss hearing your voice.  

I am faltering a bit on the weekends when it comes to my Bible Study.  I had to play catch up on Sunday and this morning...not sure what the hang up was Saturday, I went into work for most of the day but I had plenty of time to get it done, it just slipped my mind.  We are all caught up today though.  Finished up my ctrl alt delete study and had one of my Bible App friends request I do a study with her?...I know of this person kind of, but never really talked to her I don't think (she's from around here I think).  At any rate I guess I'll knock that one out with her if she requested it...don't guess it can hurt anything.  So I am on Day 17 of the One Year Bible Plan (I started on the 31st of December so I am a day ahead of the year).  I am near the end of Isaac's life in the old testament.  Some crazy stuff goes down in the Old Testament, let me tell ya.  Never a dull moment.  So many things that happen that I don't understand either:  1.  Why they happened, 2.  Why they are included in the Bible, or 3.  Why God allowed certain things to transpire.  Wives giving servants to their husbands so they can have children, husbands having multiple wives and concubines...I'm not real sure what the difference between a wife and a concubine is...let me look that up real quick...hang on.  In Judaism, a concubine is a marital companion of inferior status to a wife. Among the Israelites, men commonly acknowledged their concubines, and such women enjoyed the same rights in the house as legitimate wives.  That is what the world wide web gave me as an explanation.  So I am encouraged to hear that Israelites did not hold a woman's inferior birth against her standing as an equal wife...but I am really confused as to why men were allowed to have so many?  Of course I am sure most men were not.  Most of these characters end up being kings or extremely wealthy in biblical standards with lots of livestock and such.  I'm sure normal men were lucky to be able to afford to have a family.  Things were very different back then.  At any rate plenty more questions than answers in the Old Testament for me on any given day.  Some chapters are like the old west...a lady besmirched, her brothers ride in and kill every man in the I said, never a dull moment.  I have read the entire Bible on a couple of occasions before and I can tell you as far as the old testament goes, I kind of look at it as a whole when trying to glean useful lessons out of it.  What I get out of it is far.  God has never given up on His people despite their constant failings and depravity.  We choose wrong time and time again, and He still loves us.  There are lots of consequences for horrible choices and decisions, but God is always ready to reconcile when we turn away from our sinful ways and seek Him.  God will use the worst of us in ways that shows the best of Him.  No matter how flawed we are, what mistakes we've made, God can still use us for a blessing and to achieve His Will.  So there are plenty of great themes found in the old testament as you read the crazy stuff that goes on within it.  You just have to unfocus your eyes sometimes and look at things from a greater elevation to see the point.  I would strongly encourage you to read the entire bible through at some point in your life.  It is a good thing to check off the list of things to do in this life, and it can open your eyes to things you never thought about before if you read earnestly and ask for guidance and wisdom before you read each time.  God will grant that every time when it comes to reading His Word.  That is one of the few things I know I can ask for and believe I am in His Will for sure when I do.  Even if you don't tackle that now (I think I was like 19 before I read it through the first time over an ice storm power outage) you can still pick from the many plans available on the Bible App that can help you get back into a daily conversation with God.  Reading and prayer are both very important to keep the Holy Spirit's voice in your heart loud enough to steer you towards the right decisions in your life.

I love you sweetie.  I miss you very much.  I can't wait to see you again, and hear your voice.  I'm here if you need me, always.  Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday January 13, 2023  Missed Skype 184

Hope you survived the latest Friday the 13th.  We're not superstitious so I know it was just another day, but still it's funny how folks buy into certain things.  The whole basis of zodiac signs and superstition is likened to religion in secular circles.  It's all the same.  I guess in some very shallow ways that is true.  Superstition and things like that depend on people believing in things they can't see.  Powers that aren't provable.  They both take a measure of faith.  But not believing in something also takes faith.  Being a agnostic or a atheist...that still takes a lot of faith.  Faith in unprovable scientific notions and faith in humanity and our intellect that is well beyond normal expectations.  So even saying believe in nothing, means you believe in something.  So if everyone has faith in something then faith is all around us...most of it is just misguided.  

I've put my faith in the wrong people, I've placed it on equipment that has failed, cars that have died and sports teams that have lost.  The only faith I've ever had reinforced and rewarded was my faith in God.  I have been mad at Him, felt neglected by Him, sometimes felt punished by Him...but the truth is, He has done nothing to me along the way but allowed me to suffer the consequences of my own actions for the most part.  Sure there have been times when I had wished He had intervened in situations or miraculously changed circumstances...but at this point in my life I have come to terms with the fact that my ideas about how things should go aren't always aligned with His will.  Don't waste your time being mad at God.  I think we all have to learn that lesson for ourselves, so I guess that was a waste of typing just now, but if you can just skip that part of existence and go right into understanding and acceptance it will save you so much time.  Most of the things we get mad at God about are things we've gotten ourselves into.  Sure people we love get sick, or we get sick..and those things aren't always a result of choices we make.  People get hurt in accidents, in weather events, due to the cruelty of others and God doesn't always intervene and protect or save those victims.  But everything we experience is either a lesson, a blessing, or a warning.  Even those tragic things.  Sometimes it takes tragedy to help lost people come to know Christ.  If you ask a Christian would you endure suffering if it meant someone you loved would become saved and not spend eternity in hell...most would say they would agree to those terms.  Our faith in God should help us understand in times when we feel anger or resentment at how things are going that He knows better than us and things are going to work out in the best way, even if it doesn't seem like it is the best way for us.  

I love you very much.  I get so upset about all this time we've lost, but you are alive.  You are healthy and young and hopefully I can stay around and we will share some sunshine together again.  We have been blessed so so much.  We don't deserve happiness more than someone who was birthed in the Ukraine or Afghanistan, but here we are in the land of plenty with small worries compared to theirs.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend, don't feel guilty that you are here and they are there, that was not what this was for...I just have to keep perspective for myself and I thought you might could benefit from it too, for when you start feeling sorry for yourself.  We all do it.  You are smart, beautiful and you were put here to accomplish God's will.  So work hard, rest and gain wisdom so you can be useful and happy.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday January 11, 2023  Missed Skype 183

Hooray, you are halfway through your first full week of school in the new year!  If you are still getting your early Wednesday dismissals, that means today was a bit of an easier day than the others so far.  I hope this entry finds you rested and enjoying some hobby time before bedtime.  This week has seemed a month long to me so far.  So many things needing attention and big projects coming up, walls are closing in a little bit on me lately.  But as we have said many times, I'm just prioritizing my time and resources and knocking things out in the order I need to.  It will all get done, no need to feel overwhelmed.  This too shall pass, right?  Adults feel it too sweetheart.  Getting older gives us more experience to cope with our feelings and probably more tools in our toolbox to deal with them or change them, but the world never throws less at you.  These feelings you feel now about deadlines or whatever gives you anxiety...those feelings are always going to be welling up about something.  The stimuli changes as you change, but the feelings are nearly always close by...which is why the sooner you learn to deal with them, to process them and modify your behaviors to minimize them, the more long term happiness you will gain.   Life is often difficult and rarely fair, but happiness is almost always a choice.  We must choose and find ways to be happy in healthy ways despite our circumstances.  That is the secret to a good life.  And I want you to have a good life.  

I am on day 5 of my ctrl alt delete bible study and day 12 of my bible in a year bible study.    If God asked you the following question, how would you respond? "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind.  Is there anything too hard for me?"  He asked this question to Jeremiah right before the Israelites were taken into slavery by the Babylonians.  This change in their circumstance was a result of their own choices their own sin, but even when we are experiencing the Earthly consequences of our actions, God is there working towards our betterment.   No matter what is going on in our lives, we need to come to a place where we choose to believe that things that seem impossible are possible for the Lord.

Of course that doesn't mean that His mind is synced to ours in terms of what needs to happen.  Just because God CAN do anything, doesn't mean He will do what we want.  That is where our selfishness or short sightedness makes us angry at God because He didn't do what we thought He should have.  News Flash, we don't always know what is best, or what is best for us.  We don't know what the long term plan is.  And He's probably not going to tell us.  Why not?  I don't know...maybe because that would take away from faith, or maybe because it might alter the outcome?  I honestly don't know why a lot of things go down the way they do with God.  But I believe He knows more about things than I do...and when I need to know something, He'll tell me.  Until then, I just have to do the best I can with the cards I'm dealt and try not to make things worse for myself or others.  It is all going to be okay.  I hope you have a great day tomorrow.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday January 9, 2023  Missed Skype 182

Are you back into the swing of school yet?  I know it takes a while, this is your first Monday of the new year in school.  I hope you don't have too much homework to get done so you can relax and recharge.  Work for me was okay.  Seemed like lots of people needed things today, time flew but I also did not get lunch.  I like time going fast, but I also like eating a meal during the day.  

This past weekend we went to work/visit at Uncle Jon's again.  The upstairs is drywalled, they are beginning to put the paint on the walls (primer this weekend) and then they can finish the walls and move on to the floors.  Papaw and I worked on the ceiling lights that were not wired up yet.  Well to be honest I didn't do a whole lot.  There just wasn't much for me to do.  I am not an electrician and papaw knew what he wanted to get done, so I held a ladder and kept him and Jon company most of the day.  I also got to visit with the Tinies so that made the trip worthwhile.  Burk was on an out of state excursion with his mother Graham, so he was in Gatlinburg Tennessee in a cabin or something?  I think he had a good time.  Mattie was there, but she is working nights and weekends now so she just kind of darts in and out and does her thang.  Went to church with everyone on Sunday and eat lunch together.  Brock has decided that Raisin Canes is the best place for us all to eat so that is where we go when we all go as a family.  They are so different than the last time you saw them.  Gosh, unless something changes they will be first graders before you see them again.  Time is passing us by it seems.

I have kept up with my read the bible in a year plan so far.  It has taken some late night catch up sessions but as of this writing I am up to date on that plan as well as my shorter one, which is called "Alt Ctrl Del: Resetting Our Heartware"  See what they did there?  All techy and junk.  This plan is where we'll spend some time tonight.  It's only a 10 day plan if you don't have a good one right now, just a few verses per night so it wouldn't be too much of an additional drain on your resources...and there really isn't anything more important you can do that try to keep an open and strong relationship with God.  Your friends will change, your family will change, everything in life changes as you go through the seasons of living...but God does not.  He is consistent and Everlasting.  That can be a comfort for you when everything else seems to always be changing.

Anyway so today's lesson was about praying in a God-Centered Way.  When I don't know what to pray, or how to even start again...I always start with the Lord's Prayer.  I can remember sitting in a family court waiting room in New York when we were in court up there, and just being so upset and confused about how things were going, all I could do was just recite that prayer over and over in my mind.  I didn't even know where else to begin.  I can also remember being so filled with pride when my two little girls came to me one summer with that prayer memorized.  I think that was during the time when you were attending some catholic things your mother had placed you in.  Your little voices saying that prayer together in the little log cabin church at Bethel, made every person in that building smile.  Maybe it's been a while since you have had a meaningful prayer time with God...I can relate to that.  We all have times in our lives when we fall away from what we know is best, lots of reasons why this occurs.  The great thing about God is it really doesn't matter why you didn't before, all He cares about is that you start back now.  So when you are done running from Him and just need some peace and rest, The Lord's Prayer is a great place to start.  The most important thing to realize about the Lord's Prayer is it's structure.  You might notice that it doesn't begin with a grocery list of desires or questions for our Heavenly Father, it starts with recognition.  With acknowledgement that His name should be hallowed and understanding that His Will is what we should want to be completed.  I know that sounds on the surface a bit cult like, I'm sure others have used that as a way to persuade some from feeling as I do, but you must understand.  If you look at things logically, if I believe that God is love, and the He knows all and sees all and wants what is best for much so that He gave His only Son to die for my sins...the one's I have commited already and the ones I will commit before I die...If I believe all those things, then why wouldn't I want His Will to be my will?  It sounds like His Will would definitely be what was best compared to all the things I wish for on any given day.

At any rate, The Lord's Prayer says everything we need it to say to begin a conversation with Him again.  If you haven't prayed in a while, or if you have but you've just kind of being going through the motions (I am guilty of that a lot lately) then tonight before you go to sleep, just say the prayer slowly, outloud (you can do this quietly) so that you have to focus on the words and can't be distracted in your mind.  When you are done with that prayer, just add a sentence or two about what you're thankful for today and what you wish you had done differently.  Ask Him for wisdom, strength and mercy.  See if you don't sleep better.  I want you to have a good life...happiness and peace.  Having a strong spiritual connection is a big part of achieving that.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday January 6, 2023  Missed Skype 181

Well I bet you are tired...first partial week of school is over.  You've had a chance to meet your new teachers, see your new crowd of people in class with you.  You've gotten an idea about the workload in each class, hopefully a syllabus so you can plan your attack.  Might even have some homework by now.  I loved talking to you after the first day and getting the run down on all your classes and teachers.  I had to make notes so I could remember and ask you about them until I learned them, but I always enjoyed hearing about your day and your expectations for the upcoming semester.

I sincerely hope you have a great final semester for your high school career.  I really don't know how it's going or how it's gone.  I sometimes hesitate to talk about it, I like to think you are plugging right along and rolling with the punches and doing well, but I also know the last 2 years of high school can really decide whether you enjoyed high school or never want to look back at it.  So I hope it is going well, if it isn't I'm sorry.  I would help you change that if I could.  I'm always here to talk if you need to.  The clock is ticking until no one can stop that but you.  I'll always be here for you when you need me.  

So let's talk Bible Study real quick, I know you are looking forward to relaxing this weekend and probably aren't wanting to read a one thousand word essay tonight.  I have been able to read my Bible in one year study every day so far, so I am nearly at a week.  Small milestone but still, I'm pretty happy I have made it so far.  I finished my other study, the one about wisdom.  Tonight it was about fear...and I thought it had some interesting points.  The author believed all fear could be broken into 6 categories, let me paste them in here below with his explanation:

Let me share with you the six basic fears. As you read them, think about how these apply to your life.

Poverty: The fear of poverty

Criticism: The fear of criticism

Ill Health: Fear of getting sick

Lost love: Fear of your spouse or friends leaving you

Old Age: Fear of poverty, loss of freedom, and disease

Death: Fear of what happens next. The unknown

Every one of these fears is simply fear with a different mask.

The author then goes into a series of verses about each fear and how God has promised us deliverance from each one.  I looked at those and tried to find patterns.  One of the things I noticed was that all of these fears also come from things we cannot control.  They are all things, that no matter what we do or how we plan, they can pop up out of nowhere and devastate us and ruin our plans.  So maybe the combining thread is the fear of no control over what happens to us?

We've spoken about the illusion of control before and how that ties in with our faith or lack thereof.  It was very interesting to me to see that the major fears that the author wanted to quelch with wisdom were all from a lack of faith and the fear of unknown, uncontrollable calamities.  I guess it's true.  We can waste so much time and make ourselves physically ill worrying and being afraid of things we can't change or that will never happen.

We waste so much time on this Earth with our prattling and our re-learning lessons that have been taught since the beginning of history.  God must have limitless patience for us.  I want you to have a life with happiness and little worry.  For that to happen you have to step away from it.  You have to take physical, focused steps in your life to believe that you are going to be okay, even when things you can't control happen.  Things are going to be okay, even when they aren't okay right away.  I hope as you grow up you don't waste your days worrying, that you aren't afraid of living.  You only get one life.  The older I get, the more aware I am of how precious the time is you are given, and how impossible it is to get more.  God loves you.  You have accepted Him as your personal savior.  That means He's in your corner.  He will be with you through it all.  And that last fear, the fear of you learn more and more about Him, you might feel sadness for missing those who you loved here on Earth, or your spouse or your children...but you won't fear it.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm always here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday January 4, 2023  Missed Skype 180

So I should have had you this Christmas Break, therefore there would not have been any skypes during that time.  That's why I didn't add any entries to the missed skype pages during the break.  I will try to add a link and some pictures to the Missed Christmas link on the main page in time, some of the family took some pictures of the tinies and Burk and the others enjoying themselves.  We all missed you very much.

So school is back in full swing here, I believe you go back tomorrow (I am just going by the calendar on your school website).  Tonight is your last night of freedom, which if you are like me means that you are going to be combatting the fact that you have slept late for weeks and your circadian rhythm is all messed up.  I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight and are excited about the last half of your senior year beginning.  New classes, new friends to meet, new instructors to get  used to.  Tomorrow will be a whirlwind of excitement and maybe a little anxiety thrown as well.  I know you have mapped out where your classes are and thought about time to get there and such, so I won't worry about you making to class, you shouldn't either.  Surely they have mercy on tardies the first day of the semester.  Take notes tomorrow on important things, what's expected of you, weird classroom protocols or rules and what they expect you to bring with you every day.  Then relax, people far less organized than you have been successful at whatever classes you have.  If they can do it, you can too.  

Try to turn in a little early tonight.  Try to limit your caffeine and technology usage leading up to bedtime, and think happy thoughts as you lie down.  Envision what a perfect day would look like tomorrow.  Explore and imagine it, every period every class and bus rides.  Let that be your thought that carries you to sleep.  Keep it positive.  Tomorrow maybe at least part of it will happen...but even if it doesn't you will survive and be fine.  Everything will seem less overwhelming in a week or two.  You just have to keep swimming for a few days until you can see the shore.  You are intelligent, you have a wonderful sense of humor, and a tender heart.  You have so many things that others do not have.  You are built for great things, we just have to get there.  Finishing high school is one of those steps that will give you more choices in life instead of less.  So we get it done.  

I want to start our Bible Study back up tonight, simply because there is no better way to feel calm than when God's Words are used to calm you.  I am currently running 2 Bible Studies consecutively.  One shorter, "Think and Grow Wise" by Anthony Thompson and "The One Year Bible" which really doesn't have any commentary, it just broke the Bible up in a way that it can be read entirely in a year's time.  I figure if I'm given all this extra time with no you, I might as well try to put something productive in it's place.  Maybe something I read along the way will help me help you at some point, or someone else who needs to hear it.

So from the Think and Grow Wise plan, it focused on keeping your imagination.  It is sad but true, as you get older you stop imagining things as much.  Part of this is most likely because you start realizing and learning more about how things work...not as much magic in the world as an adult as there is for a kindergartner for sure...but Albert Einstein wrote this about imagination, "logic will get you from point A to  point B, but imagination will take you everywhere."  With God, all things are possible.  Imagination images come from one of two places, either your ego, or from  God.  Everything you imagine will either be connected to one of those two entities.  If you want your imagination more connected to Him and less connected to yourself, you just have to get connected to the original image creator.  The following is directly from the study:

Until you get fully connected to the image creator, you will be bombarded with what your ego desires for your life.

How do you know if your ego is controlling your imagination?

Let me give you a few clues that your ego doesn’t want you to know.

Your ego says, “I am what I do.”

Your ego says, “I am what I have (possessions).”

Your go says, “I am what other people think of me.”

Your ego says, “I am separate from others.”

Your ego says, “I am separate from all that is missing in my life.”

Your ego says, “I am separate from God.”

My challenge to you as you Think and Grow Wise is to sit down and ask yourself some hard questions. Here are a few below.

What are you avoiding that you know you need to do?

What has God shown you that you don’t want to accept?

What are you connected to, God or your ego?

What matters more to you, God or your ego?

What is consuming your thoughts, God, or your ego?

What do you know you need to do right now?

What do you want God to do in your life right now?

What roadblocks are in your way to connecting to God (the Image Creator)?

When will you begin connecting with God (Set a date and time)?

If you want your imagination (your image) to change, it’s time to change your inputs. You know what you need to do.

It will take time for us to change in these ways.  We are works in progress.  But positive change brings about happiness.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday December 19, 2022  Missed Skype 179

Hope school was good.  I know you are finishing up end of course tests and probably stressing over those last couple, so I won't keep you tonight, just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.  Spend your time wisely tonight, balance it with study and breaks.  Don't sacrifice sleep for study, that sort of thing may seem helpful, but often times the next morning you will find yourself worse off than if you had went to bed on time and skipped the extra study time.

By now you should know how you study best, try to use the tricks you have learned about yourself to help you retain the information you need to remember.  If you are allowed notes, make sure you set them where you can take them with you in the morning, pack your stuff before you go to bed tonight so you don't leave them in a hurry in the morning.  No stress.  You are going to do your best and then let it go.  That's all you can do.  You are just a few days away from a long break.  You are going to make it.  Okay, I'll leave you be.  Good luck, I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday December 16, 2022  Missed Skype 178

You are so close to being done with half of your senior year.  Just a few more days, possibly some end of course exams left to go and you can relax and check another milestone off.  The time is just flying by it seems.  You'll be starting your next chapter before you know it.  I'm excited to see the young lady you have become and watch the transition continue into who you want to be when you "grow up".  Don't worry, plenty of time to figure that out.  

I am traveling  down to see you on Tuesday.  I will be available to pick you up on Wednesday after school so we can spend Christmas together.  Everyone is excited at the possibility, but we also are aware that it most likely won't happen.  Not your fault, no one blames you.  Everyone is keenly aware of the who, what when where and why of this situation.  We all love you very much and are looking forward to the day all of the truth of the matter is brought to light.  You just have to be patient.  Won't be much longer now.  When you get your chance to tell the truth, tell it, and let your conscience be clear about the rest.  That's all any of us can do. 

I understand your situation.  I know you can't be protected from her and I know that means sometimes you have to do things that aren't right and being told to say things that aren't true.  You have had to deal with this since you were very young.  I know I can't protect you from her, I can't even see you or talk to you despite court orders and I understand the situation you are in.  I don't blame you for any of it.  But you are nearly grown.  

When you are outside of her power and control, you are going to be responsible for what type of person you become.  Don't let things that have happened to you or choices you've made under direst define you.  Study up in the time you have left there.  Think about what you have seen out of the adults in your life, family and those around you, decide what attributes you want to cling to and which ones you will reject.  Mold yourself into a person you can look at in the mirror and be happy with.  You can become any you that you want to become.  It just takes will and time.  I will help you however I can.  You are going to be okay.  This, is going to be okay eventually.  We all still love you, completely and unconditionally.  Nothing has changed here.  It never will. You are loved, you are special and you are worth it all.  You are the greatest blessing I have ever been given and I have been given many blessings.  Don't let this affect the light you have inside, let it shine for the world to see.  Christmas is a time that reminds us that there is Hope in this world, a Hope for a better tomorrow and an eternity with a perfect Savior.  Use this time, even if we don't see each other, to spread peace love and joy.  You may be the person that helps someone see they need what you have.  You are the best of me and her, you just have to choose to be.  I love you, I miss you so so much.  I hope to see you again soon.   I'm here if you need me, and I'll be there Tuesday, just in case.  Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday  December 14, 2022  Missed Skype 177

Well maybe you've taken some exams by now, gotten them out of the way and have less to prepare for?  I hope that is the case.  I don't want to take a whole lot of your time, I know you probably have some coming up tomorrow and Friday and need to study as much as you can.

Just prepare as much as you can, take your breaks and when the test is's over.  Stop worrying about it.  Check it off and move onto the next priority on the list.

I want you to work hard preparing, do your best to finish and make as good a grade as you can.  You are extremely smart, and I know you are capable of amazing things, it just takes time, effort, and some confidence.  I believe in you sweetheart.  Always have, always will.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday December 12, 2022  Missed Skype 176

We are entering the home stretch.  According to your calendar, your last day of the term is the 21st...I actually get out the Friday before that.  I guess that means end of term assessments towards the end of this week?   I will try to keep this week's messages to you short so you can devote more time to study.  We should have lots of time to catch up over break.  This is supposed to be my Christmas with you.  I'm ready to come and get you.  We will see what shakes loose.  If it doesn't happen, it's not because I haven't tried.  We'll let the blame fall where it should go.  

Pace yourself this week.  You can't study for everything every night and expect to remember anything.  You have it in your brain already, you just have to keep it familiar in there.  Go over what you are foggy about and take a break.  Don't study more than 90 minutes in a row without a break.  In fact, it would be much more efficient if you took more frequent breaks than that.  When you take a break, try to go outside, breathe some fresh air and unfocus your eyes on a distant point on the horizon.  Research says when you do that, your brain is analyzing what you studied at super speed.  When you come back in, pick it back up and look at it again.  

When you take your test on a given topic, let it go.  It will be what it will be, don't fret over something you can't change, just move forward to the next exam in the list.  It is all going to be okay.  Get as much sleep as you can and eat and take your vitamins.  Anxiety messes with your immune system and getting sick on finals week is a classic way to sabotage your Christmas.  I hope you do well....I'm proud of you no matter what your score.  I know you will work hard and do the best you can.  That's all I will ever ask of you, just do the best you can.  You are nearly finished with half of your senior year.  Finish strong and don't have any regrets.  Leave it all on the table sweetheart.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday December 9, 2022  Missed Skype 175

One week closer to Christmas...well I guess technically it is one week closer to everything that is yet to come.  At any rate, you have some rest and relaxation coming up, I hope you get to take advantage of it and recharge those batteries a little.  

So tonight I was kind of like...shepherds or wisemen?  I didn't really know what direction to take our secondary character study tonight.  I know we'll get to everyone eventually, but still, have to pick a shepherds tonight I suppose.  

I have a special bond with the shepherds...I was never very good at acting in Christmas I ended up being a shepherd a lot.  I did get promoted to wise man one year, but I am pretty sure I dropped the mir in the manger with the baby doll Jesus and went digging for it during the back to sheperd it was for me the next year.  I couldn't sing, so Angel Choir was out of the question.  I was okay with it, just act scared, no lines to remember, just keep the towel on my head and try not to trip over papaw's robe I was wearing.  I grew up in a small church, the production values of the plays weren't top tier.  That doesn't mean we didn't try, or take them serious.  I remember the night of the performances there being a sermon and an altar call...usually someone always came up during that season.  I know now that holidays are very difficult for adults who are lost or in emotional distress.  Then I just thought it was our riveting performance that brought those folks to the altar...I've been pretty naive for most of my life it seems.

So let's put ourselves into the shoes of some shepherds tonight.  Salt of the Earth folk, our version of farmers or ranchers, they stayed out with the flocks at night to protect them.  There are stories of these guys having to throw down with all manner of wild beasts, Lions, bears, wolves...oh my.  So they routinely stared death in the eye and poked it with their sticks.  And it's not like they were packing AR-15's...these guys went toe to toe with man eating animals with nothing but a stick and a plucky attitude.  At night, in the dark even...Back in the day...Chuck Norris...would have been a shepherd.

I tell you this so you understand, these fellas were courageous.  They were accustomed to being afraid for their lives and choosing to fight anyways. Given this context, now let's look at how they responded to what they saw that night...

And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”   When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.

So our Walker Texas Ranger's of the Hebrew world...were filled with great fear.  These men (and possibly women?  I'm not sure about female sheperds honestly) were the bravest of the brave, tamers of the wildest largest predators in their region were scared to death.  This reminds me of a verse, not sure from where...The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Aha, Proverbs 9:10 according to the google.  At any rate they were very afraid.  So, let's try to imagine how awesome an angel would have to be, how much light it would have to possess to scare them.  That's part of the Glory of the Lord.  I am beginning to understand why it says every knee shall bow, and why He had Moses turn his head as God's Glory passed by.  That is most likely not something a mortal could live through without protection.  

Ever had lightening hit, really close?  The sound makes the Earth shake.  You know you were close to death, you can feel it.  The hair on your arms stands up.  Obviously you've had your share of tropical storms and hurricanes, that amount of raw power is frightening.  I believe this is the amount of street cred an angel visit brings with him when he's announcing the birth of Savior.  

These bear killers were scared to death, and rightly so.  It's not every day an Angel appears in the sky and turns the dark into daytime with an announcement.  Now once the Angel explains there is no danger, our super bad shepherds listen and then decide to go check this out for themselves.  Can you imagine being in a field, doing your every night job and hearing that tonight was the night that the Savior you had been told about your whole life was going to be born and you were given directions on how to get there and see him?  This had been prophesied for hundreds of years at this point, I'm sure some folks just thought it was a myth like Hercules or Ra.  And now, they've seen an angel turn night into day and given gps coordinates to see the savior.  Best night ever at work!  

So up to this point, we know that these shepherds give their lives every night to protect their sheep...guess what they did next?  Abandoned all the sheep and went to find Jesus.  Do you see the point here?  We go through life thinking things are important, willing to give our lives for these things...but in the end what is most important...that's right seeking out Jesus.  The shepherds understood this.  They really were wise men as well I think.  I'm still not entirely sure why God chose them to invite to the baby shower, but I'd like to think it was at least partially for the reasons we've talked about above.  

Let's summarize because I know you don't like the reading...The shepherds, probably the bravest men in the village, were mortified in the presence of God's Glory.  God is not to be mocked and although He loves us very much, He should also be feared.  We should respect Him at all times.  Approachable through Jesus, but capable of unbelievable power.  When the shepherds heard the good news, they abandoned a task that just moments ago was worth their lives, and immediately sought out the Savior.  We need this ability to prioritize in our own lives.  Work hard, but remember what's important.

I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday December 7, 2022  Missed Skype 174

Good evening Fluttershy, we have made it midway through the week.  Another Wednesday in the books.  Homework all caught up and taking a rest I hope this evening.  We are going to take a detour tonight, I know Christmas comes but once a year, but historically speaking today is an anniversary that also bears focus and study.  December 7, 1941...Pearl Harbor.

If you currently have a history class, well then today should have been spent discussing the event and surrounding implications.  I was in our schools today and with the exception of history class...there weren't many mentions of the date in the other classes.  Most of the people who are adults today, weren't even alive then, so I guess it makes sense that as history fades the details we talk about it less and less.  We don't mention civil war battles much nowadays so that is kind of how the world works.  Time marches on.  

World War II was the closest to Armageddon the world has come in recent history.  Multiple nations all taking sides and fighting one another.  Resources were scarce, fear was real.  It seemed there was clearly a good and evil side to align with.  The US had tried very hard to stay out of it.  For whatever reason, that was the plan.  But when Japan decided to bomb Pearl Harbor, they basically forced us to become a more active participant in the conflict.  You had great grandfathers who fought in World War II, in Europe.  You may have had family from your mother's side fight as well, I'm not sure...but I know my grandfather was there.  He shed tears into his 70's when he would talk about some of the things he had to do to survive then, and honestly there were some things he would never tell us...that haunted him until his death.  Mamaw still has his purple heart and his helmet with a bullet hole in the side of it.  

Our world is a scary place hidden behind our false sense of security.  The Sunday that Japan attacked the naval base, church bells rang as normal....people got up with plans for picnics and to play golf or to mow the yard...just a normal Sunday.  None of them aware that plans for murder and destruction were already underway.  No one there anticipated an attack.  

The point of this recollection of events is not to make you fearful, I can see where it might instill fear, realizing that life isn't fair and bad things can happen at any time is enough to fill your head with all kinds of fears.  But the reality of living on Earth is that is always going to be true.  Bad things can always happen at a moments notice.  So we can't live our entire lives fearing them.  Instead, we have to put our faith in our God, that He is in control, and if something bad is going to happen, we are still going to be taken care of.  That doesn't mean leave your safety to the fates, we should always take precautions and be prepared as best we can, but don't live in fear.  Don't let anxiety talk you out of living your life.  If you live your whole life in a bubble for safety's sake, then at the end of your life, have you really lived?  

Pearl Harbor led us to war.  Many people sacrificed and died for our freedom...and many people lived.  None of them knew beforehand which group they would be a part of, but they got up every morning and lived their lives anyway, right up until the moment they didn't.  That's what we have to do.  Live your life right up until it's over.  And keep in mind, it's never really completely over.  Don't do anything to shorten your stay, but please don't let anxiety rule your thoughts and take away your dreams.  

In the end part of what solidified America's prosperity and it's place as a world super power for the last 80 years or so was that attack Japan carried out against those unsuspecting folks on that Sunday Morning.  Although no one would say it was a fortunate occurrence, it is proof that God can take anything and ultimately use it for good.  Even bad things executed by horrible people.  I hope you have a good night tonight.  I hope you understand where I was with this, that you choose to not let anxiety steal your daily joy.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Monday December 5, 2022  Missed Skype 173

Good evening Ladybug.  I hope you survived another day at school.  By now hopefully you have your homework done for the day and have spent at least a little time preparing for whatever end of course assessment you have coming up towards break.  

I know Monday's are extremely busy and exhausting, so I won't try to be too wordy tonight, but I did want to pick up with our minor character study of the Birth of Jesus.  Let's look at the mom side of the dynamic duo tonight, Ms. Mary.  

Mary had considerable more to say in the Bible than Joseph did.  Perhaps he was the strong silent type...but if you think about it, being a virgin and giving birth had to be a bit of a surprise for her...not something that had ever happened before...yet here she was.  The book of Luke is probably the best place to find what we need to know about Mary, all in the first chapter.    I have never been a girl...but from what I know about the gender, many of them spend the better part of their childhood imagining who they will wed and what their wedding and life will be afterwards.  So I believe Mary was very excited for her life to begin with her new to be husband Joseph.  We have already talked about him seeming to be a great guy, no reason for her not to be head over heels for him.  But what do we know about Mary as a person?  Why her?  Of all the women in all the world...God chose her.  That's pretty special I would think.  Let me put the pertinent scripture in here, then we'll talk on the other side.  Love ya, here it comes:

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed That is, legally pledged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” Some manuscripts add Blessed are you among women! But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of  Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”

And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”

And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. nothing will be impossible with God.” And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And John blessed is she who believed that there would be Or believed, for there will be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”

Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat

And Mary said,

For “My soul magnifies the Lord,

and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.

For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;

for he who is mighty has done great things for me,

and holy is his name.

And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.

He has shown strength with his arm;

See he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;

he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate;

he has filled the hungry with good things,

and the rich he has sent away empty.

He has helped his servant Israel,

in remembrance of his mercy,

as he spoke to our fathers,

to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.

You can't help but love Mary.  She is being told something that is impossible, by an angel, and instead of fainting by surprise she is asking great is that going to work angel guy since I'm a virgin and all?!?  Mary was also a very special character.  But what I find most amazing about Mary and Joseph is the tremendous amount of faith as well as their acceptance of their part in God's plan.  This isn't like she's moving in with her auntie and uncle in Bel Air...this is life changing.  An angel from God has just told her she is going to have the Holy Savior via immaculate conception and she's like...okay, if that's what He wants of me, good deal. Imagine for just a moment the ridicule, the gossip, the rumors that would abound during her pregnancy.  You've been in high school, how would that work nowadays.  Mary going about her daily routine and people talking about how she was a tramp and lied to Joseph and that idiot believed her when she said God got her pregnant without having relations...I mean, just put it in modern times and think about how it would go down...and honestly, we would probably be right there with the naysayers because it is a very very far-fetched story to say the least.  I believe the last time we saw a "prophet" who thought he was Jesus on Dr. Phil, we might have used the word crazy to describe him?  

This is getting off topic...but my point is this, there were a lot of things going on outside of Mary's control.  Things inside her body, things in her life, things in her future...all of which she no longer had any choice or control over...and she still wrote a song about how wonderful God was for choosing her.  How is that for a witness?  Control is an illusion my sweet daughter.  We tell ourselves we can possess it, that we can manage it, hold it in our hands for our lives, but the truth is we can't.  Worry can't add time to our lives and all the preparation in the world can't stop a tornado on a Tuesday from wiping out a house we happen to be in.  There is no control.  There is only faith, hope and joy.  And if you struggle to maintain control, you will have none of those 3.  Mary was elated at the news, despite all the changes and negative aspects of the situation.  She knew what Jesus was coming to do for the world...and she was happy to do her part.  Her faith in her God, gave her Hope that it would all work out and she could enjoy the Joy of being chosen for this role.  

Mary was a wonderful example of how we should be.  It's no wonder she was chosen as the best mother ever.  Put yourself in her place, imagine how you would react to the news, honestly.  These were real people with hopes and fears just like you have.  Think about them that way.  This story is so much more than just the birth of a Savior.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday December 2, 2022  Missed Skype 172

Good afternoon my sweet daughter.  I am home with the Flu and Bronchitis today, so I am going to try to get this done while I am up and able to.  I hope you had a good day today, that you make it home without a bunch of homework to do this weekend.  I know finals or at least end of course tests are coming in the next few weeks, so that anxiety about the end of the term will start building soon if it hasn't already.  Please don't let it get you down.  You are very capable and are a hard worker.  Just make a plan for preparation and try to stick to your plan.  Do your best and let the chips fall where they may.  It will be okay.  When you are studying, take breaks every so often.  Never go more than 90 minutes without taking a break and unfocusing your eyes on the horizon for a little bit.  There have actually been studies that say even taking little 20 second microbreaks after trying to learn new material allows your brain time to run through the new material again and again at super speed while you are not engaged, thus helping you store it into your memory more effectively.  Just don't overdue your prep and sabotage your ability to remember anything.  All things in.....moderation, that's right.

Hopefully you have a great weekend lined up...either time with your friends or family...maybe some rest and hobby work...or maybe actually work, I don't know if you have a job at this point or not?  We have much to catch up on when we are finally allowed the time.  It won't be too much longer now.  Whatever you've got going on, I hope you find some time to smile and laugh.  Best energy recharge there is.

So have you thought about any of the characters in the Jesus story that you'd like to explore?  I think beginning with the parents is a rational enough start.  So we know some about Mary and Joseph.  

Matthew 1:18-25 ESV 

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: ...

There are around 50 Bible Verses that mention Joseph in some way, but this set pretty much sums up what we know about what he was thinking about Jesus and Mary's immaculate conception.  

The Bible, God's Holy Word in which everything is correct and true, calls Joseph  a "Just Man".   I would say that is about as high a praise as a person could get.  Being called Just from God is a bonifying experience to say the least.  So we have to believe that Joseph possessed a strong character and personality.  He was unwilling to shame Mary, even though he felt like she had to have cheated on him.  It was within his rights, and the law at the time to have her stoned for being pregnant before she was married to him after being promised to him...but he chose to be quiet about the matter and just cut his losses without causing her any more shame than necessary.  

How many of us, if we have believed we had been cheated on, would have made the same choice given the options he had?  There is always a desire to hurt someone who has caused us pain.  Almost a need to "get even" for the pain they have caused.  People are often caught quoting cherry picked verses like, "an eye for an eye" when they are trying to justify this behavior...but the truth is that is not applicable in today's covenant relationship.  The only verse we need to keep in mind when we are upset with someone over something they did to us is, "vengeance is the Lord's".  He bought us, paid the price of our sin with His blood, any penance someone will receive for what they did to us, will come from Him, in His time, His way.  That is hard to accept, very hard when someone has been particularly malicious towards you but it insulates you from further sin if you leave the punishment to God.  Now this is not to say that you have to continue allowing someone to mistreat you, or that you shouldn't stop them if you have the ability to.  Calling the law when a crime is committed is the proper thing to do, distancing yourself from people who seem intent on doing you harm, again, this is smart on your part.  You just can't waste your time and energy on plotting revenge, or calculating recompense.  Hating someone doesn't hurt them, it only hurts you.  Holding a grudge does them no harm, but it places a shadow over your heart.  When God compels us to forgive our enemies it isn't for them, it is for us.  Forgiveness lightens the heart and allows you to grow and move forward.   Others will still have to face their own consequences for their own choices whether you still harbor ill will against them or not.  The two things are unrelated.  

Joseph was placed in a difficult situation at the time.  Confusing, seemingly betrayed by the woman he loved.  But even before the Angel came to let him know that God was working in his life, Joseph had already decided to not shame Mary, to not have her stoned, to simply quietly cut her loose and move on with his life.  He had decided to not seek vengeance.  A proper man to become the step-dad to our savior.   Jesus was a part of a blended family.  He had half brothers and a step dad.  Interesting when you think about it.  Monday we will look a little more at Mary and probably mention Joseph some along the way.  I hope this was helpful, I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday November 30, 2022  Missed Skype 171

We are in the final day of November.  Get ready for the Christmas Music.  Christmas movies, music, shopping and all the lights and events that come with the season.  Enjoy the festivities and parades and all the fanfare.  There can be some fun in amongst all the commercialism and crazy that comes with the holiday.  You just have to be selective about where you invest your time.

Obviously the holiday as it is currently celebrated is far different than celebration of the birth of Christ.  I think you can give both the energy they deserve, but it is good to acknowledge the differences in the celebrations and be mindful of what is most important about this time of year.  I'm not even sure when Jesus's real birthday is...many folks try to argue that it was definitely not December 25th...probably correct.  But I don't think pinpointing the date is important, if it were then it would have been precisely recorded for us...I just think its important to take some time to celebrate.  God knows our heart, He wouldn't hold it against you for celebrating on the wrong day...might hurt His feelings if we forgot about it all together.

That's kind of why the world, at least our part of the world...tries so hard to dilute the season with presents and lights and events and parties.  I think it is designed to distract us from what is important.  To tire us out, rob our attention and energy from His birth.  They want us to forget.  To not celebrate, to do something else instead.  By not talking about Him during this time, Christmas will seem extremely shallow to a lost person looking for something more.   That's the goal.  To devalue the holiday into a selfish, narcissistic worship of things.  Whether or not that occurs, is entirely up to you and your heart.  Nothing wrong with exchanging gifts, enjoying family time, having parties and putting up lights and the whole just have to be mindful of the real reason.  Be thankful for it.  Share it, especially to others who are trying to find their place in such a busy holiday.  This season is about 2 very different things.  Important to know which one is more important.  

Lot's of things up in the air about this one...what is supposed to happen versus what will really happen.  Wish I could tell you this will occur or that will occur...but too many moving parts to make that assumption at this point.  Whatever happens this will be the last Christmas where you will be forced to do what others want you to do.  After this one, next Christmas it will be what you want, with who you want.  We'll muddle through this one however we need to.  Better days ahead my girlie.  I think we'll start talking about the events leading up to the birth of Jesus as we get closer to the holiday.  That seems very fitting.  I'm looking forward to it.  I like looking at the characters along the way.  Can you imagine Mary telling Joseph in today's times that she was pregnant, a virgin and him not taking her to a talk show to do a paternity many things had to be taken on trust and faith within that story.  We'll look at as much of it as we have time to from now till Christmas.  Just keep in mind, unless it comes from the Bible, it's just my ramblings, not fact.  That goes for anyone who talks about Bible stuff.  Always read things for yourself.  Don't be misled by someone because you aren't sure what the Bible actually says about something.  

Well I hope you had a great day, homework is done and you are feet up resting.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  

Monday November 28, 2022  Missed Skype 170

Going back to school after a prolonged holiday break is always weird.  I mean, getting back into your routine is necessary, can't be on break forever...but it fascinates me how quickly it seems the holiday is but a distant memory.  By lunch today, it was like we never had any time off at all...well except for the jetlag like feeling of staying up late and sleeping in for a few days and the effect that has on the first day back.  I hope you had a pleasant holiday there.  We all missed you very much.  This vacuum we've been placed in is quite unfair and has no basis in reality, but until we get our day in court, there aren't many alternatives other than to abide.   So I abide.  But I haven't forgotten you and not a day goes by that I don't think of something we have done together or something you have said.  You are a daily part of my life whether I hear from you or not.  That will never change.  I love you sweetheart.  No matter what.

The tinies were sick at the beginning of the holiday and they spread their holiday cheer (germs) on the rest of Mamaw was sick by Friday and I drug through Saturday and Sunday.  Lyndsay ended up with the flu and I heard today that Uncle Jon has it now.  So the holiday was one nice big petri dish of sickness here.  Burk and papaw escaped all of it far.  The tinies were the cute and cuddly carriers...I mean who can resist hugging a sick kiddo?  

I hope your holiday went smoothly.  I hope you had a good day back at school today.  I don't really have any amazing tales or funny things that happened over the holiday.  I just wanted you to know that we missed you.  That I missed you.  Holidays are never the same without you.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-99-2691

Thursday November 24, 2022  Thanksgiving Missed Skype 169

One way to stave off anxiety and depression is to vocalize your blessings, what you are thankful for having.  Now obviously that doesn't alleviate completely those negative emotions, but it is a tool in your toolbox when you are feeling down.  Our human brains are wired for survival in the harsh world, and because of that, we tend to focus on what bad things could happen more than we focus on what good things have happened.  This necessary to keep us safe.  Although we live in a country where we are safe relative to what many people go through in other parts of the world, we still need to be aware of the dangers around us in an effort to steer clear of situations that may put us in peril.  Our negatively wired brain will do that for us in most cases if we stay alert (and don't have our faces buried in our devices).

But as necessary as this mechanism is for survival in tough times, it also tends to manifest itself in other ways when all of the life threatening things are at bay so to speak.  It doesn't just shut off, it continues to produce alarms and anxieties at things and events that really aren't all that threatening, and over time those triggers can add up to a miserable human being.  We must choose to look at the positive, it is not our default programming.  So being happy, is a choice.  Giving thanks, again a choice.  When we look at what we have, what we have been given, it is hard not to feel good about where you are.

Let's take good health.  As I age, and things start to decline, I have begun to realize what a wonderful blessing it was not to have chronic things go wrong with my body all the time.  I know you have had your individual medical struggles, little things here and there...but imagine fighting a major cancer, or horrible allergy.  Or having a malformation in your body that would slowly take your ability to walk, or talk, or kill you altogether.  People who are born with these maladies, or contract them over time, did nothing to deserve them.  The numerous children who are spending Thanksgiving at St. Judes Children's Hospital did nothing to deserve that fate.  We don't spend enough time being thankful for the blessing, the gift of good health.  It is not something everyone has, and there is no promise that you will always have it.  I am very thankful that my children were blessed with good health.  I am thankful my family, my parents who are past the age of 70 are both still in their right mind and in relative good health for their age.  God's mercy and providence has allowed that to be.  Nothing we have done has earned us good health.  Now we are supposed to be good stewards of our gifts, and that means taking care of the bodies God has given us, but that is different than thinking we have earned the right to be cancer free.

Speaking of being in our right minds, did you know that some people are born stupid?  I know that sounds crass and perhaps a bit cruel, but from a scientific perspective, there are people born with IQ's under 55.  People with intelligence that low have lots of struggles their entire lives that we will never experience.  And for the most part, especially the ones born that way...they did nothing to deserve it...just like we did nothing to deserve to have the brains we have.  Now there are people who were not good stewards, who abused drugs or their bodies and ended up with brain damage.  We're not talking about them.  We're talking about the millions of people who just were born with less intelligence than it takes to survive on their own.  How nice is it to be able to read?  To be able to understand when people who love you tell you so?  To be able to control your bowels?  Those abilities...are gifts we should be thankful for.  There are many folks who don't have them.  And have no hope of being able to in this life.  I think about how wonderful Heaven will be sometimes, and then I think of children I have known in my career as a teacher who were severely impaired.  How wonderful will Heaven be for them and their families when they get there and they healed and made whole?  They will finally be able to communicate with their parents, to hug and be together to experience existence in a way they were never able to on Earth...something we often take for granted.  I am thankful for your minds.  That God graced you with a brain capable of complex thoughts and wonderful imagination.  That He gave you the capacity for love and empathy, the potential to grow and take care of yourself as an adult.  I am thankful that He gave me those abilities as well.  For as long as I am blessed with an active mind, I give Him all the glory for its abilities.  

Those are just 2 things...2 monumentous gifts we were given that we rarely say thanks for on a normal day.  As humans we have to take some things for granted most days, or we couldn't function for the awesome magnitude of God's providence in our lives.  But when we start to feel down, or like maybe life isn't is important to take some time and choose to be thankful.  I could list a thousand things today, if I took the time and concentrated on my blessings.  Easily so.  God has given us so much my child, and even though we are still sad sometimes, frustrated and feel like happiness escapes us, He is still there quietly making sure we have all we need every day.  God doesn't expect us to thank Him for every little thing, but He does expect us to not act like spoiled children.  We should take time every day to speak with Him about our day and do that with the understanding that we are richly blessed despite how we might feel that day.  He is the perfect He gets it.  He already knows what's bothering you, how you are wired and why you feel the way you feel.  He also has given us directions, clues in His word on how to feel better in any situation.  Giving thanks is a big part of that.  Realizing our blessings in times of trials is another.  Lifelong process to do that.  But, He has also given us time to figure it out.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday November 23, 2022  Missed Skype 168 (Thanksgiving Eve)

Hello my child.  Here we are again.  Last year at this time I was in your town, hoping to get to see you.  Mamaw and I drove all that way, checked into our usual hotel and let your mom know I was there to see you...and never heard a word.  This Thanksgiving we will travel to Uncle Jon's and everyone will make the most of the time we have I guess.  I will miss you.  I don't celebrate holidays when you aren't here.  That's my choice, no one forces it, I'm not complaining I'm just telling you, it is not the same without you.  The tinies are down tonight spending the night with papaw and mamaw,  they are so energetic and so much like you were at that age.  Just makes me miss you more.

I hope you are having a good evening.  That you are getting to spend time with your family and friends tomorrow, that there isn't too much drama around your holiday.  I hope you are eating enough, and getting enough sleep.  Take care of yourself, and your sister.  Holidays sometimes can be more stressful than restful.  

My bible study this week is called, "How to be Grateful When Life is Hard".   Today's devotional was pretty good, I'll share it in italiacs below:

We don’t typically experience joy out of the blue. The Bible connects joy and thanksgiving, and Psalm 9 is one passage where we may see this. Despite intimidating enemies and ongoing trials, David chooses thanksgiving. He chooses the rest and gladness offered in gratitude rather than the stress and fear that comes with worry. His foes are many and mighty, but his God is bigger and more powerful than anything He can face.

The first two verses link giving thanks with God’s attributes and acts. These initial verses frame Psalm 9, so we read everything in this prayer song through the lens of thanksgiving. David models for us a posture that receives blessings but also a posture that trusts and rests in trials.

In this psalm, prayer and praise interweave throughout as David bounces between his troubles and afflictions (9:9, 12). But through it all, his one constant is gratefulness for God’s faithfulness. Fear and anxiety are undoubtedly present as David mentions his enemies and attackers. With the possibility of defeat or death, he’s tempted by doubts about God and assaulted with questions about how this might turn out.

But what do you see most in verses 3–14? David’s focus turns to God. He recounts God’s wonderful deeds in his life and recalls the many times God proved Himself in the past. This isn’t David’s first rodeo. The enemy has looked him in the face before, and each time God came through for him.

God is faithful. He’s powerful. And He always makes good on His promises to us.

David’s psalm teaches us that thanksgiving isn’t solely about recounting those deeds but about reorienting our hearts and life around God in worship. Recounting deeds in gratitude leads to exulting in God, being glad in God, singing praise to God, trusting Him, seeking after Him, telling others about Him, and rejoicing in Him.

The tone of the Psalm focuses on God’s care, protection, and defense of His people who are oppressed, weak, and in trouble. It’s a reminder we can give thanks in all seasons and circumstances. The Psalmist isn’t sitting in his castle drinking coffee, enjoying the sunshine, and feeling on top of the world when he writes. He’s writing in heaviness, feeling the weight of attacks against him. He’s crying out for mercy, deliverance, justice, and help in oppression. Despite this, he thanks God for who He is, what He has done, and what David believes He will do again.

Wherever this Psalm finds you today, you can turn to God with both your pleas for protection and praises of thanksgiving. Recount God’s deeds and praises. Recall who God is: a defender, a warrior on our behalf, a king, a stronghold, a refuge or haven, and a gracious deliverer (9:13). Drown out restless thoughts by replaying the memories of His grace and faithfulness.

Rest in Him. Rejoice in Him, and let gratitude lead you to gladness.

Sometimes I can't say it any better than it has already been said.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad.  I will try to be here tomorrow and give you some of my personal things I am thankful for, to replace our Thanksgiving Skype we are supposed to have if it turns out we can't talk tomorrow. 270-999-2691

Monday November 21, 2022  Missed Skype 167

I guess I should begin by explaining why I didn't do a Friday Skype Entry.  I was told Thursday via text message by my attorney that you would be contacting me either Thursday or Friday.  I reached out for what time via text and e-mail, and waited patiently both days for some form of communication.  I really thought this time, something positive was going to happen...after so long we were finally going to get to rekindle and catch up.

Obviously I never heard from you, and I never got a response from your mother.  It was very disappointing.  So I opted to not do an entry on Friday.  Sometimes saying nothing is more productive than saying something.  

I am sure all of the legal avenues are shutting down for the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday.  So this will be another holiday we have been denied communication.  Our second Thanksgiving of no communication.  Let me clarify some things here, just so I'm clear.  I miss you just as much today, as I did when you got out of the car that last day we were together.  It has never gotten easier, and it never will.  I love you.  These things will never change, communication or not.  Holidays or not.  If I die tomorrow, then I hope you will stumble upon these entries and know without a shadow of a doubt that I loved you completely for the entire time you were a part of my life.

We had our Thanksgiving this past Friday as well.  Jon and his family came and we all ate the Turkey and Dressing and all the fixins.  Jon and Lyndsay are having Thanksgiving on the actual day so mamaw worked around everyone's schedule and Friday just happened to be the day.  So after I waited at home for your call/skype, I went on up and tried to put on a happy face for the tinies and had dinner with the family.  Never fun when you aren't a part of my holiday.  But I tried not to ruin it for everyone else.  Burk spent the night Friday night and we worked in Uncle Jon's attic all day Saturday.  They are ready for the drywall...we have a few HVAC things to finish when they get that done and it is done.  We did it.  We finished out over a 1000 sq ft of living area for under 10,000.  The contractor who built the house wanted 60,000 do the same thing.  Your papaw is an amazing man.  I wish you got to spend more time with him and mamaw.  They sure do miss you as well.  

Well if I don't hear from you before then, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Despite our present circumstances we still have much to be thankful for.  Remembering those things when you are down in a valley help us navigate back out to better days.  Life is always going to have its disappointments.  That will be a constant.  You can't let it dictate your emotions.  Choose to be positive, and you will be more positive every day.  Choose to be thankful, and you will see more that you can be thankful for each day.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 

Wednesday November 16, 2022  Missed Skype 165

Why do you think it's important to have patience?  It seems a great part of scripture is about either building the capacity for patience, or the merits of patience or the consequences of not having patience.  So it is easy to see that patience is a positive thing.  The ability to be patient is a desired outcome for adults to achieve.  But why?  Why isn't it okay to be impatient?

I don't really have the answer to this, not a definitive one.  But I think this would be a great discussion to have.  I have my thoughts on the matter, even have a conclusion or two...but of course I'm not going to give them right away, that wouldn't require patience.  Does that qualify as a dad joke?  Seems like it might.  

So here is my theory.  God only wants what is best for us, because He loves us.  Most of the time, when we are impatient it is in regard to something that is not happening as fast as we want it to.  So the root of impatience is a lack of control.  When we need something or want something to occur that is out of our control, it creates all sorts of negative emotions if we allow it to.  Anxiety, frustration, outright anger...all because we want what we want and we can't have it...yet.  So a lack of control can trigger impatience which is an additional negative feeling for us.  Sometimes, when we allow ourselves to live within those negative feelings without converting them into a positive energy...well we don't act very loving or civilized to other people.  And there is the rub I think.  Every bad choice we make, is not only a sin which weighs upon us until we ask forgiveness, but it is also a ding in your testimony.  Someone who sees you acting like a impatient fool, isn't going to think to themselves that you are the person they need to ask to learn more about living a life with a personal relationship with Jesus.  In fact, they may believe that if you are the example of what a Christian acts like, they are already in a better place than you without Jesus.  Now we are all hypocrites at some level, because we all fall short, no one here is sin free.  But God doesn't expect us to be perfect, He does expect us to love Him enough to try to improve.  Building patience is one very important way to improve ourselves.

The Bible says that trials build patience...the development of patience comes with the realization that there are some things you can't change.  It also is a realization that you aren't in charge, and hopefully at some point you tack on the tidbit that God is...and He will do what is best in His own time, not yours.  So having patience is a form of Godly Wisdom.  Being patient is an exercise in faith.  So the opposite, being impatient, in some ways is proof of a lack of faith.  Going through life, definitely gives you lots of opportunities to develop patience.  Use those trials to do that.  They are going to happen, whether you benefit from them or not.  Not learning from them along the way, will leave you bitter and feeling like the world (God) is picking on you.  He's not.  Life happens.  And some of it isn't very fair, or nice.  Doesn't mean God doesn't love you, a world built on free will is going to have some bad days.  Some caused by you, some not.  Patience means you won't over react to a bad day.  You'll know that better days are coming.

Suicide, in a way, is the ultimate act of impatience.  It is the impatient defiance to a trial.  A permanent solution for a temporary problem.  I guess that is why in so many religious circles it is talked about as an unforgivable Sin.  I don't know about that, but I do know it is robbing the world of your presence.  It definitely stops whatever work you were supposed to complete for God.  Anyone you were going to help lead to Christ, well they are not going to get if from you now.  It is a choice to destroy something God made in His image, which is definitely a sin.  And it is a very seflish, rash decision that damages forever anyone who loves you.  I am sure people who do that believe they can't go on, but that is a lie whispered to them by a Devil who delights in pain.  No matter how bad things get, the sun will come up tomorrow.  There is nothing we can't get through...with patience.  And trials build patience.  So we get through trials...Patience is a good thing to have.  When you feel yourself amping up because of impatience,  I hope you think back to this, I hope it helps you.  That's the only reason I'm writing this stuff.  Because I love you, and I want to help you.  Every day you are getting older, more mature, closer to being your own person.  I just want you to have a good life.  Filled with God, inner peace and some happiness sprinkled here and there.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday November 14, 2022  Missed Skype 164

Hiya Kiddo!  Wish I knew what was going on in your life today.  Would make the message more personal.  We kept the tinies all weekend up thru church, so I am still tired.  This weekend is Burk's turn.  Taking care of them is bittersweet.  On the one hand, they are so loving and full of joy and energy that they help me pass the time during your absence, but on the other there are so many things they do, things we play that just remind me of you so much.  I end up missing you more, not less.  There's no cure for that I've found.  All these years of being away from you, still miss you just as much each day as I did the first day I wasn't allowed to see you.  You were barely 2.  So in 15 years it hasn't changed.  I don't guess it ever will.  I cope better now....don't shake my fist at the sky or bargain with God...I have learned part of the lesson here to learn.  I have no illusions of control at this point.  I am keenly aware of the unfairness of life.  I have developed an understanding of just how precious time is, and how quickly it can be lost forever.  Obviously the some choices have long reaching consequences lesson has been drilled into me at this point.  I am hoping that you and I can use the lessons learned during this grand experiment and apply them to your own life in a way that minimizes the negative consequences you invoke along the way.  That would be some consolation for me in regard to how this has gone so far.  If you can learn not to settle, not to make a hasty decision when it is a life altering one...well then success.

I hope school went well today, and you had a restful weekend.  I hope you are still either attending church or at least watching Hillvue online.  Pastor Steve has been preaching out of Acts 4 for quite a while now, but all of the messages have been good and I have learned something from each one.  I always enjoyed us talking about them, hearing your interpretation of what you had been told, or learning what questions it gave you.  I feel like we learn together, I try to keep us on track but often times as we discuss things I am absorbing and understanding at the same time you are.  I appreciate that about our Bible Study.  I also appreciate you doing it with me.  

I don't really have anything inspiring tonight.  I won't keep you.  I love you so so much, and I miss you every day.  Every.  Day.  You are in my thoughts all the time.  I'm here  if you need me, Love, Dad.

Friday November 11, 2022  Missed Skype 163

What causes one person to die for another?  Hey sweetie!  Dad here.  So with today being veteran's day, and all of the speeches and things you probably heard today, I thought we would talk about what makes veterans so very special.  Veterans are normal people who sometimes get placed into extremely violent, difficult situations.  Many volunteer, and over the years many were drafted and had little choice.  But either way, most of our veterans when placed in harm's way behaved valiantly and their sacrifice of time, body and sometimes lives are the only reason why we still live in a free country today.  

So what causes a person to do that, as opposed to running away at the first sight of danger?  I believe it is either an abundance of love, or a total lack thereof.  Let me explain...

The bible says that to lay one's life down for you brother is an act of love.  Jesus did this for us, a blameless life sacrificed so that we might be able to fellowship with God.  He modeled this very behavior.  Many soldiers have people that care very deeply for back home.  Parents, spouses, children, and when they are scared, I think they also consider what would happen to their loved ones if the soldier didn't do his/her duty.  As much as fighting an enemy to the death would frighten me, knowing that if I didn't that enemy might hurt you...well that would be worse than losing my life I think.  Love of others is the main driving force behind a soldier I think.  The more love in their heart they possess, the more devoted they are to the cause.  I'm not sure there is a way to repay someone for that type of devotion.  So veteran's day is a time when we attempt to.  If nothing else it acknowledges those sacrifices and reminds us that bravery is a noble pursuit and love is its foundation.

Now, about the lack thereof...well I think some soldiers end up in the military because they feel like their lives aren't worth anything.  They have not experienced any love along the way, and feel a bit worthless and cast off.  The military is a way to lessen those feelings with meaning.  A way to be a part of something bigger.  These folks usually do not have love in their heart from Jesus.  They haven't made that step yet.  Drug use, wild behavior and sometimes a propensity for violence are the trademarks for the unloving soldier.  

Obviously the holiday makes no distinction between the two, and that's okay.  God loves everyone and His desire is that no one perish without a relationship with Him.  So maybe thanking an unloved soldier for his service, or giving him time to reflect during speeches and parades will help soften and warm his heart towards God.  

Ultimately I hope that you are kind to everyone.  Be wary of people, don't let your kindness turn into a lack of preparation or a naive disposition.  You can be kind and still be careful and take care of yourself.  Putting yourself into a position where someone can make a bad choice and hurt you, makes it harder to forgive and more difficult for you to get out there and fight the good fight.  Let your kindness come from a position of wisdom and strength.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday November 9, 2022  Missed Skype 162

What was the best part of your day?  Seriously, no matter how bad your day was, there was a best part...even if that part was least worst.  According to the weather reports, you have a storm bearing down on you.  I know that often gets you a day out of school, maybe you had a victory today that made your day.  Whatever it was, even though you can't tell me (and I really do wish you could) take a moment and think about it and be glad you got to experience it.  

I've written you some novels lately, and although I believe you can handle a bit of reading as seniors...I also try to be aware that you might  have lots of homework to do or be in a spot where you can't be caught reading letters from I will try to not be so wordy.  You are just in a very important time of your lives and I am not being afforded the opportunity to provide you any guidance or support.  Which is kind of my primary job in I'm trying to compensate with these.  Sorry solution, but it's all I've got while things get worked out on the grownup side.

Take care of each other during the storm.  Keep your devices charged just in case there is a power outage.  Be aware of water warnings and food rationing and other such necessary things if the storm ends up causing damage in your immediate area.  Don't let worry convince you to do something that puts you in danger.  Listen to your weather radio and stay safe.  I am here if you need me.  I say that every time I write these, but it's not just my catch phrase, it is the truth.  You are my first priority.  Always have been.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  See, short and sweet tonight.  Be careful sweetheart.  Sunny skies will be back soon.

Monday November 7, 2022  Missed Skype 161

So are you able to work through your feelings?  Oh, Hi, it's dad again.  Here we are at Monday, and I nearly wrote the same paragraph I've written countless times before, hoping for this and hoping for that.  Nothing wrong with that.  I do sincerely hope you had a restful weekend, and that your school day today went okay.  I hope nothing but happiness and positive things for you, I just don't want you to stop reading because you are bored with me.  Feelings are never boring, so I thought I would start with that tonight.

Do you have a process, or a way of working through your feelings?  People who don't find themselves in some pretty delicate situations.  I believe the word impulsive, or emotional are used as modifiers to their character.  If this seems to describe you, no big deal, we all have impulses and emotions, so congratulations, you are normal.  But if you act on those impulses and emotions too quickly or without some way to process what you are going through, well...that can be tricky.  It will often lead to more negative life consequences than positive ones.  Hey, it's your life.  You actually get to lead it pretty much however you want...but as your father, I would love for you to have more positive consequences, more options in life, and that means working on processing your feelings.  

As with many of the super complicated topics we discuss here, this is a lifelong process.  I had never loved, not really, until you were born.  And I have never loved anyone more than I love you since you were born.  So when you came to be on this Earth, things got a whole lot more serious for me, and emotional.  The divorce, custody battle and all the nonsense that comes along with that were very hard to process for myself...and I was over 30 when all this started.  The visitation shenanigans and constant drama kept emotional pressure and impulsive behavior right at the cusp of occurring.  You guys have grown up in this, and I am sure you can look back at times in your life when the adults were definitely not processing their feelings very effectively.  I hate that was part of your experience, but at the same time, it is a great example as to why you will want to be better at this than you have seen modelled over the years.  You of all people should see the importance of being an adult that masters self control.  

I have another example of a different flavor...courage.  Many people believe that courage is a brave thing that occurs in some people because they have eliminated their fear.  This is incorrect.  If you have no fear, then there is no need to be courageous.  Courage is actually doing what needs to be done...despite the fear.  Courage takes self control.  You have to choose to do whatever courageous thing there is to do, even though you have a tremendous amount of fear about the process or the outcome.  So the more fear you have to begin with, the more potential you have for courage.  I guess that is true of all emotions.  The more anger you have, the more self control you wield when you remain calm.  

Developing self control is a process.  In some ways it may seem like a denial.  That actually is not helpful.  You can't just deny your anger, that doesn't make it go away.  That converts it into internal strife, which leads to health issues and a lack of joy.  So no, when it comes to emotions and impulses we can't simply ignore them or deny them like we would sugary foods if we were on a diet.  No, these have to be dealt with or they will fester like a splinter and cause more strife.   And positive emotions have to be controlled as well.  People fall for the worst possible mate for them all the time because of their impulses and emotions running unchecked in their lives.  Love at first sight...well I'm not going to say that it is impossible, but it should at least be processed and considered before jumping headlong into something that is supposed to be a lifetime commitment.  

The important part of this is acknowledging what you are feeling.  You have to be self-aware enough to know you are feeling something.  If you know you are angry, or scared, or excited, you can begin to process the emotion or impulse more efficiently.  The why is important too.  If you know you are angry, and you know why you are angry, well the battle is nearly won.  You are so much less likely to take your emotions out on someone else or punish yourself.  Same thing with feelings of love.  Figure out the it because they are great, or are they treating you a certain way?  What is causing you to feel the way you feel?  Love isn't magic and neither is any other emotion.  Find the why and you can begin to determine whether the emotion is genuine and something you need to act upon or fleeting and something you need to disregard.  True love is wonderful and will make you so happy...but many people enjoy being loved or showing love and aren't willing to put the work in for true love to occur.  You have to give it enough time to figure out whether you or the other person is in the right frame of mind to do things the best way for you.  Don't mistake enjoying attention for being in love.  Very different.

Once you have determined the what and why, finally you have to make an effort to convert the energy.  Emotions and impulses generate tremendous energy within your body.  This is why ignoring them or denying them have real physiological instead you need to convert them.  Turn the negative things into positive energy.  Use the energy to achieve something good in your life.  When I am genuinely can I clean toilets.  In fact I get the house in tip top shape when I'm upset like that.  I use all that negative energy on a positive outcome.  You have so much joy for drawing and projects, channel those to help you get the energy out.  Let your drawing be angry, or loving, or whatever you are dealing with.  

I have really given you the condensed version of this, but it is a slow soak.  Can't figure it all out in one night.  Don't worry if you screw up and act on an impulse...that just usually makes things worse, but it will be okay.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Saturday November 5, 2022  Missed Skype 160

Weekend time!  Mamaw and Papaw wanted to go out to eat last night (Friday) so by the time I got back from that I was pretty much a zombie.  So I took today off from Uncle Jon's to get some house work done and talk to you.  

The house work has digressed into lots of youtube video watching and not a lot of houseworking, so I'm going to have to step that up here pretty soon, but I wanted to talk to you before I burned all the old man energy I had left.  

I miss your input.  This is the part of skype when normally I would ask you how your day/week went and I could sit back and listen and learn about your life.  I could hear about the choices you made, the victories and struggles and try to formulate what words I could use to encourage you or help you alleviate whatever anxieties you had.  Two way communication is essential for Dad superpowers to be fully active.  You are nearly midway through your senior year of school, lots of adult transition decisions coming your way hard and fast.  I'm sorry I'm not there to help you navigate.  I'm doing all I can to re-establish communication.  The wheels of family court are awful slow to begin with, and there are forces trying to stall and slow them down even more.  I believe in the end you will be able to see for yourself what is best for you and I will do everything I can to help you make that happen.  In the meantime, I just keep trying.  I know I have told you this before, but it stands repeating.  In the absence of good advice, from your father or people you trust who want what is best for you....the best way to find what you need to do in any given situation is to pray about it and read about it in the Bible.  There are a range of topics you can look up in the Bible if you wonder about a specific thing and what God says about it.  I encourage you strongly to go about that in this manner.  Pray first, ask for wisdom and understanding about the topic you are curious about, and then read it yourself.  Don't depend on what other people tell you it says or what they say it means.  Humans are pretty good at twisting things to say whatever they want them to.  If you really want something badly, sometimes you can convince yourself it says one thing when it really says something else.  All of these layers of complexity can make you feel like this endeavor is pointless, but it really isn't.  The Bible says if you ask God for wisdom He will give it to you and that if you seek it out He will help you find it.  Seeking is like searching, looking for takes time and effort.  He will reward your efforts.  I still read things to this day, that I have read many times before, that I understand differently now than I did then.  It is a process and it takes time.  But your life is worth the effort.  Knowing the truth is worth the effort.  We live in a world where many people want to be able to say lies are truth based on feelings.  Never has our society in America been so obsessed with falsehoods and pretending they are true...well that may be a bit dramatic to say...I am sure there were those who tried to use scripture to support segregation, or slavery, or the salem witch trials.  Obviously all of these things were evil and whatever obscure verses were plucked out of context and greatly distorted to serve the purpose of a selfish human being were improperly used.  

You have to know what the Bible really says so that you don't fall for something like that.  All of our current hot button topics are covered pretty extensively in the scripture.  When folks try to tell you that God hates this type of person or that type of person you need to know that is not true.  God loves everyone.  God hates SIN.  And He hates it because He knows it hurts us, and He loves us so much He wishes us to not choose self inflicted harm.  So no matter who you are, God doesn't hate you, but that doesn't mean He doesn't strongly disapprove of some of the things we do, or think on a daily basis.  We all fall short, even the people who are pointing out all of the things you do wrong.  Bible says we need to fix the log in our own eye, before we point out the speck in our neighbor's eye.  Look it up

To add to that, all sin is the same to Him.  This is very difficult for humans to fully absorb.  We want to rate sins so we can feel better about ourselves.  Sure I may have a temper, but at least I didn't murder anyone.  In God's eyes if you feel anger in your heart and wished someone were dead...well you are just as bad as a murderer.  Sin is sin.  So when others are convicting you of your sins, and acting like yours are "extra sinful" just keep in mind little white lies and genocide are at the same level.  Obviously the Earthly consequences of sins vary greatly here, as well they should...but all of them will keep us out of Heaven without a Savior (Jesus, thanks man)

No one is perfect.  We all are going to have bad thoughts, may even make bad choices.  Both of those limit our happiness and our options later on.  God wants you to have complete happiness and lots of options.  He knows sin will take away both.  That is why sin usually has a short term value, it feels good or it tastes good or it is easier or avoids consequences in the short term.  Our world is designed to reward those who take the easy way out with a short term victory, but it robs them of long term happiness.  The whole universe is designed around that lesson.  The quicker you realize this, the quicker you at least understand what choice you are making, and how those ripples will come back to you later on.  Every choice you make is like dropping a stone into a pond.  The stone will always create waves, ripples that travel in all directions of your influence and come back to you.   Those ripples can be positive or negative.  Truth be told they will be humans we just try to drop more positive than negative.  Reading the Bible and praying and making good choices is how we accomplish that.  Ultimately we want our ripples to help lead others to Christ.  So they don't end up having to pay eternal consequences for all of those bad choices.

Finally, I'll end with this.  When you asked Jesus into your heart, you were sealed.  No matter how much heartache you cause yourself, no matter how many negative consequences you build up down here, there is nothing you can do in this life that will be enough bad to be more than His Blood can pay for.  You had an Almighty God Love you so much, that He gave of Himself so that you would have a chance at eternity by His side.   Don't you ever thank that you aren't special.  That you aren't loved.  Life may not be roses and rainbows, but you were built to fight this fight, the good fight, and in the end it will all be worth it.  Keep your faith.  Encourage each other.  Lean on Him when you can't on me.  Although I can't be by your side, I know in my heart He is.  And if He is with you, no one can stand against you.  

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love."  Romans 8-38

It is going to be...okay.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday November 2, 2022 Missed Skype 159

November already?  Man, this year is flying by.  I have been told that as you age it begins to seem like time flies.  I'm not sure why, maybe because once you are beyond middle age you realize the time you have left is fleeting, perhaps it is just that working all the time makes the days pass faster, whatever the reason in many ways 2022 has been a blur.   One way time has not passed quickly is in regard to missing you.  It seems like it has been forever since we have spoken at this point.  I know it is close to 430 days at this point, that is a long time in the context of contact lost.  

You are about to hit the mega band of family get togethers as we travel through Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.  I am doing what I can to make our Christmas Visit happen, but just like summer, fall break and Thanksgiving last year, there is a good chance I will be denied the opportunity to see you.  It is truly unfortunate that things could not have been handled differently.  I just wanted you to know I haven't given up.  It has been so long, it would be only natural to wonder why something hasn't happened before now.  I wonder it myself, I have never seen wheels turn so slowly about something so important.  Of course it is only important to us.  No need to drag things out here, I just really wanted to let you know I am still here...still trying to see you.  Patiently waiting for the truth to be revealed to the people who are in charge of our futures.  Playing the hand we are dealt.  

Not sure how you celebrated Halloween this year, at your age you really are in between celebration methods, when I was your age it was all about travelling to Haunted Houses (the made up money raising kind, not the actual deserted scooby doo kind) and trying to scare one another and have fun.  I hope you were safe and had something to smile about.  I hope you have found that friend.  I think about that a lot, and I hope that you found a kind person who you can trust to tell your secrets to and hear theirs.  To have sleep overs with and gripe about your life to.  I know you were born with a best friend, one of the blessings/curses of having a twin, and I hope you two have not grown apart, but I also understand that you two are different individuals and although you love each other and hopefully have each others' backs, you also need a non related friend to confide in.  You have to gripe about the sister to somebody right?  If that person hasn't materialized yet, don't lose hope.  Best friends are actually pretty rare.  Most people have friends in high school but they aren't true blue friends, they often betray secrets and have their own issues they have to work through.  I have folks I am closer to, but I really don't have a best friend myself.  Sometimes you make choices to just not share so much and not let people get close.  At any rate, I hope you get what level of connection you want from others in your life.  Having people you can be yourself with is crucial to being happy.  Pretending to be something you are not, just to have a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, or group, in the long run doesn't make us happy.  We long to be loved for who we really are.  That can't happen if you don't allow people to get to know who you really are.  That means stepping out and putting yourself out there.  Scary to be sure.  But you are worthy of love and friendship.  Just as you are.  It is a matter of having the patience and courage of waiting and not settling.  The fear of being alone can drive you to make some pretty awful decisions for yourself long term.  I would like for you to avoid that if possible.  At your age, figuring out who you are is actually a pretty challenging undertaking.  Focus on that first and the friends and loved ones will come along after.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.

Monday October 31, 2022 Missed Skype 158

Well, Happy Halloween (or Happy All Saints Eve) whichever fits you best tonight.  I figure you are walking your neighborhood with brother in tow doing the trick or treat thing, or maybe this year you are manning the candy at the house for the little ones who visit you.  Either way I hope you have a great, safe evening tonight.

I've only got to spend one halloween with you in your lifetime (well two if you count the first halloween when you were around 2 months old).  You were both Elmo.  The head part was so heavy you had difficulty holding it up.  It was a colder halloween so we walked you around the neighborhood quickly and then drove you to mamaw and papaws so they could see you.  Then it was home and together time.  

All these holidays that take place when you aren't here are bittersweet.  I see other people able to celebrate and spend time with their kiddos, the things they do together, it is hard not to be a little jealous sometimes.  I have much to be thankful for, you two are the greatest blessing I've ever been given, and no matter how long we go apart, circumstances won't change how wonderful it is having you for a daughter.  You are healthy and have your complete mind, there are so many children who don't have those two things...I know despite our current situation we are mightily blessed.  I remind myself of these things when I start feeling sorry about our situation or the unfairness of it all.  

Church was good on Sunday.  Pastor Steve is still preaching out of Acts 4:13.  This past Sunday was about how the leaders of the religion at the time tried to minimize the miracles that were performed in Jesus's name in an attempt to control the narrative and the people.  Humans have been this way since the dawn of time.  They crave power and will deny the Almighty God in an attempt to keep it or get more of it.  This is an important human nature component that you will need to understand early on in life to keep from being taken advantage by it.

Even in the church, people will use their position to gain favor for their chosen friends, and will make choices to give themselves more power when they can get away with it.  This is what happens when humans follow their default programming.  It is sinful and wrong, but it is also easy and gives them what they desire short term.  It is possible to find people in this world who do things because they are the right thing to do.  They are out there.  You will hopefully be one of those types of people.  You just need to be aware that there are quite a few who are looking at nice deeds as a way to get what they want as well.

When you are disappointed by humans (even in the church) just be careful not to blame God.  Just because  a "Christian" is selfish, or plays favorites, or power hungry...well that shouldn't reflect back on God.  They are not doing what He told them to, they are doing the opposite.  And they will have consequences for their choices, just like we do.  You may not see them, but they will happen eventually.  Even if you are forgiven of a sin, you still have to deal with the consequences most of the time.  That's why it's better to just sin less whenever possible.  Less consequences is always the preferred choice.  I know it's easy to blame God for allowing them to be that way...but sweetie we need free will or none of this matters.  And free will allows people to be as selfish as they can be self less.  That's what makes salvation and mercy and grace so meaningful.  If people couldn't choose the jerk path, then there is no choice.  Loving God has to be a choice, not an edict.  So some people will be mean.  Part of life.  Learn to spot them, don't take their evil journey personal, and don't stoop to their level and get that mess on you or your testimony if you can keep from it.  Steer clear of them when you can, minimize their ability to hurt you when you can't.  Nothing in the Bible says you have to let people mistreat you or hurt you.  When Jesus speaks of turning the other cheek, that is about forgiveness and that is as much for you as it is for them.  Holding grudges against people who wrong you, accomplishes nothing positive.  They don't care and it just hurts you longer.  Let it go and move on.  Shrink their ability to hurt you and move on down the road.  Knock the dust from your sandals I believe is the symbolic gesture Jesus used.  I know this is a lot, and it really is a lifelong journey to be proficient at spotting and minimizing selfish people in your life.  But it is a worthy endeavor.  The other side of that coin is realizing when you are the selfish person in someone else's story.  That happens sometimes as well.  Less often when you are reading scripture and have an active prayer life.  But it is something you always have to be careful of.  Hurting people you care about for selfish reasons really sting, you, them and make you feel terrible if you are saved.  That takes some time to get the hang of as well.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday October 28, 2022  Missed Skype 157

Hiya Cutie.  Hope you had a wonderful day and are looking at a restful weekend coming up.  This is supposed to be our last Saturday working in the attic, after tomorrow we'll have the walls and ceilings rouged in, electrical, network and hvac all done.  Burk and Mattie will have new bedrooms and so will the tinies.  All in all I believe Uncle Jon said we were adding about 1000 square feet to their although it seems like it has taken forever, we are near a stopping point.  And when it is all said and done, we will have completed an addition that the contractor priced him at 60,000 for under 10,000.  Not bad I'd say.  Your papaw is amazing.  There is almost nothing he can't do.  

I wish you could be here, see how he does things, how we all pitch in and work together to get things done.  I think you would benefit from seeing it.  We are far from perfect, but we've got the unconditional love thing down pretty solid.  Not enough of that in this world.  We sure do miss you.  Not a day goes by sweetie that I don't wish I could hear your voice or see you.  Being without you for this long has not changed anything in regard to how I feel about you or miss you.  I've been missing you in October for 16 years now, still stings just as much now as it did when you were 2.  Lots of fun things to do in October around here, I hope someday you will get to experience the seasons here and all the farm activities that go along with them.  

My hair is down past my collarbones now.  When we talked about me not cutting it until you told me to...have to say I never dreamed I would lose contact with you for 400 plus days.  I have learned a lot about long hair though, how to better take care of it, how to brush it,  I should have done this when you were young, I might have been able to fix your hair better for church way back when.  I don't mind it now.  Keeps my ears and neck warm on crisp Kentucky mornings.  Hides my face at walmart, along with the beard I can almost pass for sasquatch in wooded areas.  Papaw dislikes it which is always fun.  Burk thinks its cool when I man bun it up and my mean spirited coworkers call me techno Jesus.  I like it now.  Probably going to just keep it from now on.  

I really don't have much to say tonight.  Been a long tiring week and I have to get up early for work in the attic tomorrow.  I hope you do get some rest this weekend, as long as I'm hoping, I hope we get to talk soon.  That would be very nice.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday October 26, 2022  Missed Skype 156

Hey there girlie...Dad here.  Just checking in with you and letting you know I'm thinking about you and I care.  I hope you had a great day at school, and even if it wasn't spectacular, I hope you at least learned something from the experience.  Even a bad day has a bright spot if you learned something from it.  

So I was listening to my bible study before I started this, not really knowing what new things I could write.  I try to find interesting things to talk about, but at the same time fulfill my dad duties to help you along this windy path towards adulthood.  We're at a bit of a disadvantage due to current circumstances, but we are going to play they hands we're dealt.  Anyways, there is something that I have tried to reconcile for a very long time in the scripture that I really had difficulty making sense of.  There are more than one instances in the Bible where it mentions being born again and transformed.  When I first asked Jesus into my heart (nearly 40 years ago at this point, you'd think I'd be better at this by now...yikes) I felt relief, excited, but I'm not sure transformed would describe it.  I originally thought there would be a physical transformation where I would be less likely to sin, or at least a little more righteous by default.  Since then I've committed every sin there is to commit more than once...remember Jesus tells us if we wish it in our heart then its the same as doing the actual no worries, I haven't murdered anyone physically...but if wishing someone were gone counts, well...guilty.  

When I was younger, this concerned me to the point I questioned if I were "really saved" if I didn't experience this new being that I was supposed to become at the moment of my salvation.  But there also many verses in the Bible where it clearly tells us we won't be perfect, even when saved. We will sin every day.  We all fall short...right?  So how does the latter align with the former?  Well today, it kind of hit me.  The bible study was wrapping up and was recounting the steps I was supposed to have learned along the way.  Step 3 was "You will reframe."  We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we perceive it.  I think that is where the "New Being" comes from.  It's not a physical transition into a being less capable of sin, it is a cognitive shift that changes how we perceive the world around us.

I know that sounds a lot like word vomit, but let me try to explain it better.  So let's take a completely possible event.  A grandparent passing.  If you have a grandparent, and live long enough, this will happen.  So for a lost person, death is the end, or it is at least something very different than what we believe it to be.  The death of a loved one hurts, no matter who you are, but if you are a Christian, and they were a Christian, then we are comforted by what we believe will happen after death.  There may be sadness, but there is also peace.  If the grandparent had suffered from physical ailments there might even be relief that they no longer suffer with their earthly body.  The difference between how I process and interpret the death of a loved one can change how I proceed through my own life.  That can be a positive or a negative based on my interpretation of death.  Death happens, but my coping skills about death are very different once I am saved.  I think that is one very simple illustration of being born again.  It is a mindset change.  

Of course this mindset change should make you eventually want to study the Bible more, to learn more about your new reality.  Reading the Bible, getting a solid understanding about why sin seems so great, but has such sucky consequences...well it will actually help you sin less.  But it is a shift more than it is a change.  Our perceptions are transformed far more than our bodies, after all the earthly body stays here anyways.  Knowing what God did for us, what Jesus went through for us, gives us hope in any situation.  Hope is the difference.  God is love, we know that, but you can't have hope without love.  So God is Hope as well.  Hope is what the lost are missing.  In bad situations, if you have no Hope, then that bad situation throws you into despair.

So there are a couple of things to glean from this for us, today, right now.  First of all, you should never lose hope.  If you are feeling hopeless, or don't see a way out of a situation, try reading some of the situations people have been in within the Bible over the years.  They have been in some pretty bad spots, and God didn't always rescue them from those spots, be He was always with them while they were there.  We like to look at Daniel in the Lion's Den as what we want to happen, yes that is best case scenario, but remember a horrible King had John the Baptist Beheaded because a lady danced nice in front of him (seriously, look it up) why didn't God rescue John the Baptist?  Because this life isn't the end.  John had done what he was sent to Earth to do, and it was time for him to come home.  Not the best exit, but I'm not sure any death is great.  Things may be horrible bad...but we have to play the hand we are dealt.  No quitting before the game is over.  We have a job to do, don't always know what that is, but if we are Christian, then we have agreed to try to do it.  

Secondly, when bad things happen, you have to make sure your mind is right.  No it isn't punishment, no God doesn't hate you or has forsaken you, He is still there and He won't leave you, even through the hard times.  People die every day in horrible ways, Christians are persecuted and slaughtered in other countries every day even now and nothing is done.   Doesn't mean its right, or just, but God actually said it would happen.  It has to.  People have to make their own choices about good and evil, and if we are allowed to be good, then we must also be allowed to be evil.  Free will is a wicked double edged sword.  But when these horrible things happen you have to understand the why and where God is during the bad times.  The answer is He's right beside you.  Giving you strength you don't have if you ask for it.  Giving you mercy despite the sins you've committed.  Loving you enough to listen, to be there despite you being one of billions and Him being the almighty God of all things.  Get your mind right.  Bad things are going to happen.  But we will get through them.  Keep your prayer channel open, talk to God about what's going on.  I'll continue to pray for strength for you, wisdom and mercy.  Fight the good fight, and let your light shine when the power is out.  Be the smile someone needs tomorrow.  Let your love, His love, get you through.  You might be the reason some comes to Jesus.  Your light, your love.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  Don't rely on your own strength.  If you are hurting, reach out.  If you are tired, rest.  You don't have to do this on your own, you can't do it on your own.  Get your mind right.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday October 24, 2022  Missed Skype 155

I am working late tonight, I have a KSBA (Kentucky School Board Assoc) Regional meeting to host tonight.  Thought I would sit for a minute and talk to you before the meeting instead of waiting until after and I was all tuckered out.  I will still try to Skype at regular time (I always try by the way, even if I get no response I never stop trying) and if you were to answer or reach out I will walk flat out of that meeting and we will talk as long as you can.   Any time anyone needs me to do things like this on Skype Nights I always tell them, "No problem, but I have skype at 5:30 with my girls and if they pick up tonight I am going to skype."  People know talking to you is most important to me.  Most understand.  The rest can pound sand.  That sounded lyrical.

Spent the weekend as usual.  Saturday at your Uncles, working on their upstairs.  Got Burk up there with me wiring his bedroom.  He did fine and I think he enjoyed learning.  I think would love doing that stuff too, at least some.  It's good to know how to do, just in case you ever want to be an electrician :)  They make good money by the way.

Sunday was church and groceries.  The tinies got to sing with Billy!  They both were very excited.  Brock thought he sung better than Billy...I could not support that statement.  Nobody out sings Motown Billy.   If you get a chance to watch either the 9:30 or 11 o'clock service at Hillvue on YouTube you should be able to see them.  Well you'll most likely see a crowd of kiddos of which they are amongst.  I haven't watched the video yet, so I don't know how prominently they are portrayed.  I have a video and some pictures I took, I might add them to this when I get home if I remember.  Pastor Steve preached out of Acts 4 and mentioned Paul being in prison and how he acted whilst there...I thought you would get a kick out of that.  I've been leaning on the "Paul Prison" story for a while now with our situation.  We were bound to line up at some point.  

Well that's all the news from the Double Rainbow.  I hope you had a great weekend, got some rest and are ahead of the game for the start of your school week.  So our Bible Plan is also knee deep in Paul Talk.  I am going to place some of what the author says from the devotional then I'll be back to make some comments.  His words will be italicized so you can tell what is his.

Let’s flash back to Paul. He’s in prison. Not for a crime but for speaking about Jesus. He may be executed. He writes to his friends in Philippi, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4 NIV). Then he sounds like your mama because he repeats himself, just in case you aren’t listening. “I will say it again: Rejoice!” 

It’s a great verse for a coffee mug with a pretty cursive font: “Rejoice in the Lord always!” It’s perfect for a refrigerator magnet. Put it on a greeting card? Of course! It makes you sound spiritual if you tell your friends, “Rejoice in the Lord always!”

Full disclosure: I hate it when people quote that verse to me.

If I’m in the middle of a difficult situation, or I have a flat tire and it’s 102 degrees out, or I just found out I need to have my tooth extracted, or my kid is sick. “Craig, you just need to rejoice in the Lord always!”

One reason I hate it is because I have to wonder about the person who says it. Do you rejoice in the Lord always? Really? You might wonder about Paul. He told people to rejoice in the Lord when he was in prison! 

But did he rejoice in the Lord when he was in prison? He did.

Paul was with his buddy Silas.

Can you picture them? Thrown into prison, landing on the cold, hard ground with open wounds, maybe a broken nose, a couple of broken ribs. No doctor, nurse, Band-Aids, or ibuprofen. 

Have you been there? Perhaps you hit the ground when you found out someone you love had cancer or that your kid was on drugs or that your spouse was cheating on you. In those tragic moments, what do you do?

What did Paul and Silas do? They praised God.

What was Paul doing in prison? Rejoicing always.

First, they were praising God for the who, not the what. They were bloody and bound up in prison. If you had asked them, “What are you praising God for?” I don’t think there was any “what” that they could point to. Nothing good was happening, but their God was still good. They weren’t praising God for the what. They were praising Him for the who. You can do that too. 

Your circumstances may be bad, but your God is still good. He is near, His promises are still true, His love still unconditional, His grace still amazing, His timing still perfect. You may not like the what of what’s going on, but you can still praise God for the who of who He is.

Second, they were praising God before the provision. So often we hold off on praising God until He provides what we want. Think about that. Doesn’t it sound like an entitled little snot-nosed kid? I won’t be grateful until I get exactly what I want. We are better than that and, more important, God deserves better. Paul and Silas praised God before He answered their prayers or changed their circumstances. That’s the kind of person I want to be.

Third, they were praising God and then He showed up. Paul and Silas were worshiping God in the middle of the night and—boom!—God showed up.

Me I hadn't considered praising the who and not the what, but that makes perfect sense.  They couldn't be happy they were placed in jail, but they could be happy that God loved them.  We have talked about this story, tried to apply it to our lives in so many different ways, and even now I am learning more about what was going on during it.  That's why you always have to read and study the bible.  Every time you read a familiar verse, there is a chance you will learn a new lesson from it.  Even when things are not great, we still have a Great God...and He will help us navigate through the not great.  And He is with us during the not great.  Just because He doesn't snap His fingers and make life easy for us all the time doesn't mean He isn't there or doesn't love us.  He does.  Life is a process, it teachers, it warns, it allows consequences to occur, some we invoke and some others invoke and we are caught up in.  It isn't fair, and that's okay, because it also isn't the end.  That's the important part.  We learn what we can, try to lead others to Christ and that's about all we can manage in this Crazy World.  It's going to be okay.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me,  Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday October 21, 2022  Missed Skype 154

Hey there wonderful daughter of mine.  I love you.  I know I usually save that till the end, in my little "catchphrase" that I've tried to use so you will remember it...but tonight I wanted to start with that.  When I think of you, that is the first thing I think, that I love why not begin with that tonight?

I know Wednesday was a rather long entry, and looking back upon it I really feel like I butchered Mr. Elder's story.  I'll try not to keep you so long tonight.  I just want you to know I am thinking about you.  How you are, how your day was.  Wishing we could talk and you could tell me about your day.  I just feel like it's important for you to know that.  That I want to know, that I still care.  I haven't went anywhere this whole time.  I don't know what you are going through, what you've been told, or even what you believe at this point, but when you do get a chance to read these I hope you see, you were always loved, and never forgotten.  I try to put myself in your position, but I have no reference for the situation you are in.  Maybe someday you can explain to me what it was like, how you felt and how you got through it.  When you do, I will listen to every word.  Until then, I love you.  I want what is best for you and for you to be happy.  I will continue to pray for you to gain wisdom, strength and a capacity for mercy.  For as long as I'm allowed to live, I will always be here for you.  Nothing you can do or say will change that.  Just the way it is kiddo.  I hope you have a great weekend.  I love you.  I miss you.  I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday October 19, 2022  Missed Skype 153

Everyone has a story.  I was listening to tik tok on the way home today, just killing time and distracting my brain so I didn't think about the million things I think about when I'm not distracted...and I came across a man telling a story about his father.  The man is "relatively" famous I believe he is a podcast/talk radio personality, Larry Elder is his name if you want to follow up on this.  I'm sure the video is easy to find, he also wrote a book about the experience I'm about to paraphrase.  

So Mr. Elder had a very grumpy, not nice father.  Yelled at his boys a lot, spanked them a lot, I believe you could say it bordered on what we would define as abuse by today's definition.  They had a small cafe, that young Larry worked in for his father, and his father would yell at him in front of the customers and really demean him, until Larry decided he had had enough.  At around 15 he started building up the courage to tell his father the next time he embarrassed him that he was done and walk out of the cafe.  After a couple of more outbursts, Larry finally had the courage and when his dad yelled at him in front of the customers, Larry walked out and left.  That night his dad burst in his room, paid him the money he paid him every week and asked Larry what was his problem.  Larry told him how upset he was about being treated the way he had been treated and when he was done, his father just shut the door.  They didn't speak for 10 years after that.  Larry avoided being in the room with his father, got out of high school and went to college on the east coast, and then law school in the midwest. After he had been a successful lawyer for about 3 years he began having great difficulty falling asleep.  He knew it was because of the unresolved feelings he felt towards his father.  So, he took 3 days off, flew to the west coast (his father's cafe was in Los Angeles I think) and went to the cafe to confront the man and finally put the demons to bed.

He arrived at the cafe an hour before closing, his father was surprised when he walked in and said we need to talk, his father asked him to wait until closing, which he did.  When the cafe was closed Larry unloaded on his father, 30 solid minutes he spoke about every spanking every embarrassing moment that he had suffered at the hands of his father.  When he was done, his father looked up and said, is that all?

Larry was stunned.  His father then began describing his childhood.  He first told Larry that Elder wasn't really their last name, that was just the last name of the boyfriend that stayed with is mother the longest.  That he never knew his real father.  That every boyfriend who came after was worse and worse and he often got into physical fights trying to stop them from abusing his mother and himself.  He told him the day he struck out on his own he was 13 and his mother sided with her current boyfriend when Larry tried to take up for her, and he was thrown out on his own at 13 during the great depression.  He struggled to survive and began working for the railway because they hired african americans at that time (he was black, so is Larry...only reason I mention it is because back then racism was an established thing and there were laws that supported it)  To shorten the story, the father spent the next 8 hours detailing the struggles and sacrifices he made so that he could find work, marry Larry's mother and allow her to stay home and raise their boys.  The man worked 3 jobs before they opened the cafe, and 2 while it was open.  He averaged 3 hours sleep a night for nearly 2 decades (no wonder he was grumpy).  Towards the end of the story, Larry asked his father, why did you do all of that, and his dad replied, "so I could have you".  

Sometimes we only see the hurt people cause us.  Larry's father was wrong to treat him that way, absolutely.  But after years apart and an honest talk about the struggles he had, Larry began to see his father differently.  He said they became closer than they ever had.  Events without context are hard for us to process.  I did not do this story justice.  He actually wrote a book about it called, "Dear Father, Dear Son" It's like 13 bucks on Amazon right now, definitely a tear jerker of  a read I think.

I tell you this tonight because I can't help you navigate the mean people you run into day to day.  The backstabbing friends, the random hateful people, all the motley crew that every teenager faces as they grow into adulthood.  There are people who truly seem to enjoy hurting you or your feelings.  My point is, most people who hurt you have been hurt and don't know how to heal from it.  So they pass their hurt on down the line to other people.  That doesn't make it right, but if we understand it, it doesn't hurt us as much when it occurs.  You shouldn't take it personal when someone does that because it really isn't about you, it's about something missing inside them.  

I think about Jesus.  Here He is, blameless, a God walking amongst men.  With the power to snap his fingers and change the rules of space and time.  Legions of angels dispatched to do His Will, and He comes to Earth to try to teach us for a while, show us the way, and then to die so that when we fail we can still succeed.  The cruelty He was shown is difficult to read about and understand.  The hate that was projected upon Him by religious leaders of the time was horrible.  I dare say no one was hurt like He was hurt.  But He knew all of that were symptoms of sin and He loved us anyway.  Enough to die for us, even though we didn't deserve it.  Some of His last thoughts were of us and He asked forgiveness for us for what we were doing to Him.  If He can forgive so much of us, we can forgive others.  That doesn't mean you allow them to continuously hurt you, it just means you let it go and move on and don't let it affect you any longer.  Forgiveness is for you, not for them.  It sets your heart free, not theirs.  People who don't truly have a relationship with God, cannot understand how forgiveness really works.  Sometimes how you repay treachery and unkindness is the best testimony you can give.  Leading truly lost people to God is not always a pleasant experience.  People with injured spirits are rarely nice or kind.  

Forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.  His words, not mine.  I am not the best at this.  These are talks we should have in person, but I'm playing the cards I'm dealt.  I would never want you to let people walk all over you and I wish you were never hurt.  But I know it's going to happen, so I pray for you to be stronger every day, not for your path to be easier because there are no easy paths.  I am trying to give you some pointers, some skills so life doesn't destroy your heart.   There is much to learn as we currently are.  I love you, and that will never change.  I miss you like I've never missed anything else on this Earth, every day.  And I can't wait until we can see each other again.  I am always here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday October 17, 2022  Missed Skype 152

Today was a very difficult day for me.  Lots of things went wrong, too many to list in here (no reason harping on them anyways) but it was a long stressful day.  End of the day was capped off by a massive headache, you know the kind where you just have to sleep a bit to reset it?  Yeah one of those.  So I sit here now hoping your day wasn't anywhere near like mine.  I hope you had a great first day back to school today from a restful weekend.  I hope your classes went well and you are already done with your homework and you are in comfy clothes enjoying whatever it is you enjoy now during your leisure time.

We did work at Uncle Jon's all day Saturday.   I learned how to properly wire a room for electric and how to run the wire for the outlets and the switches and the lights.  I enjoyed learning the new information, and imagined it might come in handy if you end up living here with me and we add onto our house so everyone has plenty of space to live and thrive.  Or if later on you end up building a house of your own, or renovating a house already built, it is a skill that will always be handy when it comes to construction.

I went to church on Sunday, Reach Week started this week.  You are never here for that, but it is a week that the church sets up a variety of activities in an attempt to share the gospel with lots of people around the community.  Uncle Jon always helps out with the single mother's oil changed that takes place on Saturday.  I haven't ever signed up to do anything, most of it takes place while I'm at work, but they actually have a series of things to pray for that they ask people who can't physically take part in the activities to pray about.  I will try to do that and might help Jon on Saturday if we aren't working in his attic while he is there.  We are about 2 hard working full days away from being done with things until after the drywall is installed.  We can see the end of the tunnel.  Just need to finish strong.

The tinies are going to get to sing with Billy next Sunday.  Ada was very excited about it, Brock believes he can sing better than Billy anyways so he wasn't too worried about it.  We shall see if either of them actually make any noise up there on the stage with the other children and Billy.  I will try to take pictures and tape if for you so you can see it.  

So the message this past Sunday was about allowing yourself to be used by God for His Will.  Pastor Steve talked about how no matter what type of person you were, there was something you could do for God.  It basically was another use your gifts for the Lord type of sermon.  Paul was a "loudmouth" as Steve put it.  Yet he was chosen by God to be the leader of the disciples.  Paul had leadership skills, it was a gift he had, long before he was called to help with the ministry.  God can take all of our gifts and use them for His will, but what Steve was getting at was that even folks who seemed like their "gifts" were pain in the tuckus for those around them, God could even use their gifts for Glory if they gave into His Will.  I guess the best way to look at it is in terms of energy.  Let's take a horrible temper as an example.  If you have an individual who has a horrible temper, they still possess a ton of energy.  That anger and their explosiveness is a great deal of "potential energy".  God can take that potential energy and use it as kinetic energy in a positive way if the person allows God to.  So even energy that can be used in a negative way can be cleaned and used positively when God is involved.  What doesn't seem a gift, was actually a gift used incorrectly.  That sounds weird, but it is kind of what he meant.  Negative energy can be refocused using God's Love and can produce positive results.  Obviously you have to depend on God to help with this, it isn't something we can do on our own, or everyone would be doing it.  No one likes being upset, or upsetting others, but we do it all the time.  I hope all of that makes sense, I don't feel like I did a very good job of explaining it.  At any rate, don't lose faith if you have a bunch of negative feelings floating around.  Find peace in prayer, in talking to God about those feelings, and if that isn't enough, search out people you trust to talk to.  God puts people in our path when we need them, you don't have to do it all alone.  Its okay to need to talk to someone who can help.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, and I'm always here to talk....Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday October 14, 2022  Missed Skype 151

Hey girlies, I just got home, we had a loop valve fail at my old elementary school and papaw and I have been there half the night trying to get it fixed and save the loop.  We lost a bunch of ice cream in the freezer, you all could have feasted yourselves sick on that I guess.  Long story short, we just spent a bunch of money on a cooling tower to help the geothermal loop system keep the building maybe 2 of those new valves are not working correctly so when we drained the tower for the winter, we lost the liquid in the wells as well.  NO beuno.  

I hope your day was much less eventful than mine.  Hope you are in your jammies and relaxing with a worry free weekend coming up.  Thinking of you having a good weekend makes me happy.  I am working at Uncle Jon's tomorrow.  I learn about wiring for electricity tomorrow.  I am looking forward to learning about that.  If you guys end up living here, we might want to build on to our present house so everyone will have plenty of room...well learning about carpentry and electricity from your papaw will be a great way to learn how to do that correctly.  He is so stinking smart.  I hope that at least skipped a generation so you got some of it.

I will try to add some more to this after our visit with Uncle Jon and family tomorrow afternoon.  I'm wore out tonight and can already tell I'm not going to be able to spin you a yarn worth listening to.  I love you.  I will add some more tomorrow.  Goodnight my precious girls.  

Wednesday October 12, 2022  Missed Skype 150

Good tidings to you my sweet child.  I hope today was good one.  We received our first bit of rain in a long time, so it was a damp fall day up here.  I'm trying to think if there is any news worth sharing....hmmm...we are very close to finishing our part of Uncle Jon's attic renovation project.  After we finish the electrical, he is going to hire the drywall to be hung and finished so we won't have to do that.  Drywall dust is the worst, very glad I'm not going to have to do all that sanding.   Although I can't say I've enjoyed all the work involved with that renovation...I learned alot about building walls and supporting roof weight and I got to use a nail gun, so there were positives.  Obviously spending every Saturday with my brother was also a very nice thing.  With his family and work, leisure time is not something he readily has, so working and visiting afforded us the opportunity to see each other that we normally would not have.  And of course I loved being able to see your cousins on a regular basis.  They are growing up on you.  It's been so long since you've seen them they will appear very different to you the next time you get to visit.  They are finding their little personalities and developing their characters, much more fun to be around now. 

I hope that you and your sister are always able to maintain a close relationship.  Jon and I are not alike in many ways and we don't see each other very often due to work and family things, but I know he cares for me and you all and he would do anything he could to help us if we needed it.  He calls me when he needs me and I do the same.  We know we have a bond that goes beyond common interests.  

You have a very diverse family background.  You have seen layers of relationships between siblings, and you both will get to decide for yourselves which versions you emulate and which versions you reject.  I hope you embrace the unconditional love model and not waste precious time on this Earth not talking with each other or quarreling about unimportant things.  That doesn't mean I want you to take mistreatment from anyone, your sister included, but it does mean that my desire is for you to always have one another to depend on.  When mamaw and papaw leave this Earth, my brother and you will be the only family I have in all the world.  I have a multitude of people who love me and care about me as a person, friends and co-workers who wouldn't wish me ill will, but those people are different than your family often times.  You can be yourself with your family if you so desire.  They should accept you as you are.  That doesn't mean they won't point out your nonsense or hold you accountable for bad choices, on the contrary, they should always try to help you improve...but it does mean they will love you despite of your bad choices.  You both have to be that way with one another for you both to get the benefit.

You have seen it all.  You have lived a whole gamut of situations and dealt with all the emotions under the sun.  I hope you choose love and happiness when it comes to your sister.  You have been there for each other, the only person who understands how things have been is her...she's lived it right there with you.  I know that with your family in multiple states and far away from each other, it is going to be hard for you to decide where you want to be or stay, but if you keep your sister close in your heart, no matter where you both end up, you'll always have one another for support.  And of course, as long as I'm around, you'll always have me.  I love you my sweet daughter.  I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday October 10, 2022  Missed Skype 149

Good afternoon my delightful child.  I sure do miss you I do every day.  You are missed and loved, so no matter what kind of day you've had, just keep those two tidbits in mind.  Whatever is troubling you is temporary, even if it seems overwhelming, still temporary.  Just have to plant your foot and get through it and it will be different soon enough.  Or maybe today was full of happiness and victories.  I like that image much better, either way good times don't last but bad times don't either.  Enjoy the mountains and trudge through the valleys.  You've got a whole school week of work ahead of you so get cracking.

Church yesterday was about using the gifts God has given you...I think you might have heard that before, a few times by now in our conversations.  It always makes me smile when our talks and the Sunday Sermon line up on topic.  Makes me feel like we're in a good place.  

Bible Study today is treading on familiar ground as well.  Countless times we have talked about framing your reality.  We don't normally call it that, but that is really what it is so I'm going to use that from now on.  Basically, we have very little control over what happens to us on any given day.  You recently lived through yet another hurricane.  Hurricanes and tornadoes are wonderful examples of how stuff can just happen.  You can have 2 houses side by side and one will survive the storm with no damage and the other will be completely swept away.  Nothing you can do will determine which stays and which goes.  The only things we can control in our lives is ourselves.  Our perceptions, our reactions, and our attitudes can all be modified internally if we approach things the right way.  

What Biblical example am I going to use here?  C'mon I use it every know it....Yes! Paul in prison.  Paul was in prison one night singing praises to the Lord.  Now, I have never been in prison, but I believe if I were ever to find myself there, singing praises would not be at the top of my list of things to do.  Paul understood that he couldn't control his circumstances but he could control his attitude.  Now there is more to this story than just being happy in a bad situation...there is a reason WHY you should try to be like Paul.   We have focused countless times on how he was able to "choose his weather" and make a positive out of a negative, but we really have not spent a significant amount of time on why this was a good thing for him to do.

So, here is Paul, in a prison for preaching about Jesus, so we can say that he did nothing wrong, he did not deserve to be isn't fair.  Another lesson for another day, anyways, there he is singing his praises and right smack dab in the middle of prison, God decides to use Paul to save a soul.  Paul experienced an earthquake in prison (talk about circumstances going sideways)  and again, he wasn't put off by his circumstances.  The jailor came in all out of sorts worried that all the prisoners had escaped and he was going to be killed...and Paul was like, Dude, we're still here chill.  Paul didn't even run and escape, just hung out in the dark in the jail after an earthquake...I'm pretty sure Like A Boss came from people who knew Paul.

Then, he began to share the gospel and ultimately saved the warden, and his whole family.  The warden, you know the guy who was keeping Paul in prison...that guy...and his family.  God will use your positive attitude.  If Paul had been miserable and crying and sad about being in prison, or scared and looking to escape at his first chance, then the warden would not have been led to salvation and neither would his family.  I know sometimes things are scary (snakes mostly) and its okay to be afraid when you're afraid, but if we can trust (faith) in God more, and allow Him to use circumstances (like prisons and earthquakes) to bring us closer to people who need to hear about Him, then you're doing God's work just by being you.  And that's all He wants.  Paul's attitude was the difference in this story. Your attitude will be the difference in your story.  How you approach challenges, struggles and scary situations will define who you are.  I hope you can find a way to look at the world like Paul.  God is in control.  Horrible things happen every day, absolutely they do, but this world isn't the end for us.  We're just passing through, trying to learn all we can along the way, so we can keep people from spending an eternity in a bad situation.  There are worse things than earthquakes (hell)....I love you sweetheart.  Try to keep things on the positive side, it makes life better and it may help someone else.  I miss you like crazy, every day.  I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday October 7, 2022  Missed Skype 148

So Kentucky is a beautiful place to be in the fall.  Unfortunately, fall only lasts 3 days here.  So early this week, temperatures were in the high 80's air conditioners were running and people were sweating and mowing their yards one more time.  Now we have a frost advisory for Saturday.  It seems like a million leaves have fallen in the last 48 hours and it is downright cold after dark outside.  I had to turn the heat on this week, I woke up and the house was 54 degrees.  Hard to roll out from warm covers when its freezing in the room.  

I feel like you miss out on a lot by never being here during this time of year.  You can swing/trampoline without sweating or fighting can take walks in the woods without being concerned about our legless reptile population, and we can have fires at night where you want to get closed to them instead of standing there just long enough to catch your stick on fire and then running away because it's so hot.

Fall is probably the nicest time of the year for this part of the state.  Allergies are less, temperatures are reasonable and lots of outdoor activities become pleasant to take part in.  Maybe someday you'll be here in October.  The last time you were, you were a year old.  Probably don't remember much about that time.  

My fall break is over.  I ended up working Mon, Tues and today.  I took off Wednesday and Thursday to spend time with Burk.  He's still here tonight, I think he goes back tomorrow when we go to work on Uncle Jon's house again.  Uncle Jon took a plane to somewhere...don't remember where now, but he is flying back into town and hoping to be home around midnight tonight.  He was out of state for his job this week.  

Careers, jobs they are a double edged sword.  On the one hand, well paying jobs give us the opportunity to buy things and do things that we desire.  But often, well paying jobs also consume a lot of our time.  Sometimes even requiring us to work while we are at home with our families.  It is very rare that someone finds a job that pays really well, that doesn't require a lot of their time and energy.  So as you grow up, you have to ask yourself, what is important for you to have as an adult?  Lots of money?  Lots of free time?  Somewhere in the middle is the best answer.  

Your uncle and myself chose different paths.  He chose a more aggressive financial path, which has earned him a great deal more money per year than I, but he spends a lot of his time at work, and travelling for work.  He has changed jobs multiple times and moved multiple times for work.   I chose a more safe path, one in which I knew I would never make a lot of money, but I could spend time with my family.  As a teacher, I envisioned always having snow days off with my children, and summers so I felt like I could make a living with that salary as well as be a good father.  Obviously things did not work out the way I wanted them to in regard to snow days, but I have been truly blessed to have a job where when you were little I could spend all summer home with you making up for lost time.  

I chose to become a principal when I saw that you most likely would not be growing up with me.  Being a principal gave me a little more money that I could use to travel and see you more often I thought.  But it came with a great deal more responsibility and took a great deal more time.  It even infringed on our summer a bit here and there.  But it also allowed me to go to fall break and see you.  Totally worth it.  Now I am nearly 50, and I am trying to make as much as I can in the time I have left to make my retirement robust enough that I can travel where I need to so that I can be close to wherever you end up.  My point is, that I made choices all along the way about my career based on what was most important to me.  Being rich was never important, or as important as being a father.  I took the path that I thought would help me do that the best.  You have to look at what you want out of life my child, even if you don't know what you want to be, you do already know how you want to be most likely.  Think about what is most important to you and then start to work from there to decide what job/career you could have that would allow you to spend your time on what you feel is important.

Now you have to be realistic, as I said earlier, super easy jobs that pay you a lot of money, well they are out there, but they aren't plentiful.  You will most likely have to work hard at whatever job/career you chose, especially in the beginning.  Before I had you girls, I didn't miss a day of work for over 10 years.  It was my grandfather's funeral that broke my streak.  I worked hard, went above and beyond, trying to be the best teacher I could be.  Looking back I missed out on some things that I would have been better off doing instead of working so much.  But working hard, making that reputation as a top notch teacher helped me move up into my principal role, and ultimately into my central office job I have now.  I still have to work hard and solve problems every day, its part of my job, even if the job will never make me rich.  

Something else you need to consider is what are your gifts?  And you can't say you have none, God has given us all gifts, things we are better at than most.  You will feel more fulfilled and be closer to God's Will for you life, if you use your gifts in your career.  It isn't mandatory, but being happy at your job is important, you will spend a lot of time there over your lifetime.  Now, one caveat of this is often people take this to mean that your job should be your gift.  Let's say one of your gifts is drawing...okay you believe you want to be an artist when you grow up.  But in reality, God wants us to use our gifts in whatever job we end up with.  So maybe your drawings are used by you in your job as a teacher to make kids feel good about themselves in your classroom.  Or maybe you draw a unicorn for a sick kid at the hospital you work for.  Your gift, your light can shine in any vocation, if you allow it.  You can have a multitude of gifts that really don't have anything to do with your career choice, but will shine daily within your career choice.  

My job is to oversee the technology of the entire school district, but my gift is patience.  So when I am in a room working, I let the person talk about their lives, their struggles, I try to improve their mood or just listen.  I find that so many people just don't have anyone who just listens to them.  It takes me longer to leave the room, but most of the time it seems like I leave the person in a better place than I find them.  Same thing with children I come into contact with in my job.  They all have things they want to say, want someone to hear, but there aren't enough ears to hear them all, so I listen.  I try to make them smile and I go on about my day.  You never know what kindness will add to someone's day who needed it.  And I don't do it so I will know, I do it because I feel like that's my gift, and God says I need to use it for Him.  Fight the good fight my child.  You have a lot of living left to do, and plenty of time to sort all of this out.  Decide what you want your life to be, and start choosing jobs that make that a reality.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday October 5, 2022  Missed Skype 147

Happy Wednesday my child.  In that previous sentence, for full effect, you should pronounce Wednesday ness day...say it like that and it will be as the author intended.  Hopefully for you it will be pronounced wins day.  Hopefully you achieved so many wins today that it isn't funny.  Victories I would love to hear about at length in an actual conversation.  I look forward to having those with you again, hearing about your comings and goings and your take on life.  I miss them very much.  Burk is spending the next few days with us, he is on Fall Break as well.  I've already had to put a couple of bucks in the swear jar due to his stoopid Madden Football game on the PS5 that he brought...stoopid football.  I did get him out in the yard and had him throw an actual football for a while so there was some exercise today.  We talked a couple times today about how much better visits to the farm would be if you were here.  We all think about you daily and often talk about you in a positive wishful tone.

So tonight, my Bible Study delved into truth, more specifically something the author called the "Replacement Principle"  Remove the lies, replace with truth.  Once you grasp this tool, this weapon, you can begin to use it regularly to change your mind and your life.  (Italics again, remember that means I'm quoting from the bible study directly)

The study itself centers around the Devil and his temptation of Jesus when Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness.  Basically, the Devil understands scripture and human nature very well.  He likes to try to replace truth with semi-truths and corrupt the nature of the truth to begin with.  Each temptation the Devil presents, Jesus counters his temptation with the truth (found in scripture, which we would consider ultimate truth).  

If you go back and look at Genesis, when the serpent talked Eve into eating of the fruit and then Adam went along for the ride as well...when you look at what the serpent said, he spoke partially of the truth.  But he corrupted God's intent.  Remember, he told the do knuckle head hoomans that God didn't want them to eat of the fruit because it would give them the knowledge so they could be like God.  He lied about God's intentions.  This is a crucial point about half truths.  When people are trying to manipulate you, they often mention a fact, but then contort other's intentions or reasons for the fact.

Truth is hard to come by these days.  People have begun to believe that if they feel something is true, then it is true.  This is not the case.  I can feel that I can fly.  I can truly believe I can fly.  I can identify as a bird who can fly.  I can even have faith that I will fly.  If I jump off a tall roof...not gonna fly.  Because gravity is a truth in our world that doesn't care about our perception of said world.  It is essential to know your Bible.  As I mentioned earlier, that is where we find the ultimate truths...and more importantly the context behind those truths.  The world wants to take everything out of context, twist it all up and fit it to what it wants things to be. So it is crucial to know exactly what the Bible says about things, or you will fall for a tik tok or a youtube video where someone tells you what the Bible says, except its twisted, taken out of context or altered to support a position that the hooman wants to give credibility to.  Christians do this as well, so just because someone says they are this or they are that, it doesn't mean that have a clue about God's intent or His Heart.  You have to discern that for yourself, no one can tell it to you, you have to discover it and feel it yourself...the Bible is the best way to achieve that.  People will lie to you on purpose to get you to do what they want you to do, or believe what they believe...and sometimes just for sport to see if they can make it happen.  I could have a group people telling me I could fly, they might even print me a nifty certificate of flyification...still not gonna fly.

Truth is truth.  It is unchanging and everlasting.  It cannot be interpreted to be something it is not.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, well unless I jump off that tall roof, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Monday October 3, 2022  Missed Skype 146

Well my fall break is here.  Okay, fall break for students has arrived.  I worked till 5 today, so I'm not sure you can call it fall break for me.  The best fall break I ever had, hands down, was the one I got to spend with you.  I know it was a bit rough on you guys, spending the week in the hotel and getting your schoolwork done and uniforms prepped, but it was by far the greatest fall break I've ever spent.  I falsely assumed we would spend every fall break like that from now on....boy was I way off on that one.  But at least I have that one, no one can take those memories away.  

I think about times we are together often right now.  My bible study this week says that our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts.  The study is called, "Winning the War in Your Mind".  I made it linked,  so you should be able to click on it and see it now.  I forget I can do stuff like that on here, I realize it's a web page but I feel like I'm just writing you a letter so I forget lots of things a website will do for us.  I'll try to do better from now on.  

Anyway, back to the bible study, this is something that the Bible and Modern Science both agree on, which is increasingly rare.  Our lives follow the direction of our thoughts.  So if life isn't great for you right now, then maybe it is time to change what you think about most often or strongest.  Our lives sometimes go through some difficult circumstances.  We can experience happiness despite those circumstances.  Remember Paul was singing songs of praise while in prison.  Even when things are bad for us now, I still can find things that make me smile throughout the day.  But if we dwell only on the negative things that are happening to us, well our lives become worse not better.  Some people do this to the point of clinical depression.  I would like to stop here for just a second and mention that not all depression is something we can think our way out of.  Some forms of depression are caused by chemical imbalances in our system or other factors and can't just be prayed away.  Sure, God can cure anything He chooses to cure, but He kind of put doctors and such on Earth for a we could get most of our needs taken care of outside of miracle healings.  So if you feel like you are experiencing depression at a level you can't manage on your own, please don't hesitate to reach out to someone you trust.  Depression is no joke, and it can have a range of consequences that sometimes are irreversible.  Reach out if you need to, don't try to handle it on your own.  You are loved, there is no reason to go it alone.

In Philippians 4:8–9, the apostle Paul writes, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”  In these three sentences Paul moves from:

Paul tells us that our thoughts shape our lives.

In recent years, an entire discipline of modern psychology has developed called cognitive behavioral therapy. This breakthrough teaching reveals that many problems, from eating disorders to relational challenges, addictions, and even some forms of depression and anxiety, are rooted in faulty and negative patterns of thinking. Treating those problems begins with changing that thinking.  What science is demonstrating today is what God told us through Solomon almost three thousand years ago: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7 NKJV

Much of what is written above is word for word from my Bible Study.  Tell you what, I'll put it in italics what is the work of the study...there now you can see where my words stop and the study starts.  When I am my most depressed about our present situation, most of the time it is because my thoughts are dwelling on the negative components of it all.  The loss of time, the unfairness of it all, the slow slow court system, and I become depressed and miserable.  The problem is, becoming depressed and miserable doesn't mean I love you more or miss you more and it sure doesn't change anything, it just makes me depressed and miserable.  So I have to force a change in what I'm thinking about most often.  Sometimes that means distractions, sometimes that means throwing myself at my work, sometimes it means taking time and focusing on my blessings instead of the things that aren't working out the way I want them to...bottom line, no one is going to change it but me.  Medication could numb me from it, so could drugs, alcohol, rowdy living and buying stuff can take my mind off of it for a while, but none of that is healthy either.  The healthiest way is to pray about it, and try to change what you think about most.  Look above and read what Paul suggests we focus on every day.  If we can do that, then bad days won't be as bad.  Situations won't dictate our moods, we will have more control over what we feel.  It won't hurt to try.  I can't wait until we are together and we can talk about your days and see how you apply these things to your life...what works, what doesn't.  How you modify things for your own.  But please take what we discuss today and try to apply it in some way to your life when you're down.  I feel like it will help you.  I love you.  I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Saturday October 1, 2022  Missed Skype 145

So the tinies came to spend a couple of nights last night.  I ended up spending more time there than I realized and by the time I got home figured you were in bed anyways, so I held off until today.  All the reports I've heard on the news and such seem to indicate that your part of the state didn't receive much of the hurricane, so I assume you have power and are okay?  I haven't heard anything about your well being despite asking, so I'm going on faith here.

I didn't see anything on your school calendar about being out due to the weather, but I have to assume your district played it safe and gave you a couple of days when Ian made landfall to be at home.  I tried to track your utility company outages to see if you had power or not, but obviously they were under a great deal of stress at their website and such so I couldn't really tell, I just had to go by the reporting that was taking place on television and the web.  

In the future, when you are older, the normal thing to do in situations in which you experience a natural event that is dangerous is to notify the people who care about you when you can and are safe.  No one expects you to climb to the roof of a house to get a signal in a hurricane to answer a text, but when the danger is over and you are able, you reach out to those who love you.  I know you don't have the ability to do that at this time, but what you have seen and experienced isn't always normal, so when I think of it I try to point out situations in which you would behave differently if given a choice.  Your Mamaw has texted multiple times, papaw is worried and of course I would also like to know how you made it.  They are not upset with you, not at all...just trying to help you navigate adulthood without stressing those who care about you.  This courtesy extends in your teenage years when you are supposed to be home at a certain time and you realize you are not going to make it on time.  If you have a mandatory time, this is called "breaking curfew" and it usually comes with a consequence...but that is case by case, so if you have a great reason, mitigating circumstances are considered when said consequence is being determined.  

Mamaw and papaw waited up most every night until we got home.  If we broke curfew and hadn't called, they were worried about us and sometimes went out looking for us.  In their minds, if we weren't there when we were supposed to be, then something had to have went wrong and we were most likely hurt.  That was never the case, Uncle Jon and me were often just out doing teenage dumb stuff and lost track of time...or knowingly were going to stay out later than we were told hoping they wouldn't notice.  We rarely got away with it without a consequence.  Part of being responsible is not worrying those who care about you.  Even now, if I have a late meeting or am going somewhere, I try to let mamaw know when I'm home safe, not because she can still give me consequences...but because I know she still worries.  It doesn't hurt to treat people well.  

I never really understood the need to do that until I had you girls.  With you living so far away from me, and the lack of information I get about you making it home okay or surviving storms, it gets to me.  I have a hard time sleeping at night when I don't know you are safe.  That's part of why I love summers so much.  I know where you are, I can hear you sleeping, check the doors, I have peace.  The rest of the year I just have to depend on God to take care of you.  Which, in reality He is taking care of you when you are here as well, I just can't see it.  Watching you grow up from such a distance as I have, has really forced me to work on my faith.  I'm always more at ease when you are here though, for the record.

So when you can, you let people know you're okay after natural disasters.  Or when you work the late shift, or when you take road trips.  I mean I guess best practice you should just check with those who love you most every day.  I'd be okay with that.  I call or go by and see mamaw and papaw every night now.  I didn't always do that, but I do now.  Just takes a minute and it makes everyone feel better.  I won't have them forever, and I'm sure when they are gone I will long to talk to them one more time.  So I make it a priority to do it.

I hope you have a restful weekend and get back to your normal soon if it was interrupted by the storms.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday September 28, 2022  Missed Skype 144

There's a storm a comin...literally the worst of it is scheduled to hit you tonight around 11 last time I checked.  I have texted today in attempt to find out if you are okay.  Guess I'll just have to abide in the fact that God is in control.  I love you.  If you are reading these as I write them, please take care of each other and stay safe.  Make the safest choices you can given the options available.  Don't get overwhelmed by fear or make a decision out of panic.  It is going to work out the way it is supposed to.  Pray for wisdom, strength and mercy, just like always.  I know you may lose power, or have to leave your home, so I will keep this short tonight.  I love you with all my heart.  I miss you so very much and I wish I was with you through the storm...tonight and throughout your lives.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday September 26, 2022  Missed  Skype 143

Joyous Monday my child.  We are coming  into the last week of September, that means end of the first quarter is nigh.  Please double check and make sure you have all of your assignments caught up and nothing left dangling with could surprise you with a bad grade when grade cards come out.  You are in the home stretch so to speak in regard to grades, we don't want any last year mistakes to lower your GPA or make it harder for you to maybe get a scholarship or something if you decide to pursue a career that requires a certification or a degree.  Let's just do our best and keep our options open for now.  I'd rather you have lots of choices as opposed to few choices.  I know you normally are on top of things, so I won't linger here, but I haven't talked to you in a while, so I worry.  School is something that can be all over the  place dependent upon your schedule, your instructors, if you have a part time job, etc...easy for a project to sneak up on you.  That doesn't change as you get older.  I have to keep a calendar and look at it every day or I get caught not ready for a deadline.  It is part of your adult transition.

And of course, deadlines, due dates and grade cards are all things that can add to your stress and anxiety.  I wish I could tell you that I have the solution for all that stress and worry.  I have not.  Lessons about worry tend to be a do as I say and not as I do type of lesson from me.   I worry about you every day.  I worry about lots of things.  It interferes with my sleep, my ability to focus, my overall health.  So I begin this next bible study hoping that not only can I help you through your senior year, but perhaps I can figure out how to turn it off myself.  The physical consequences of a lifetime of worry can include some things that will shorten our lives.  I want you to have a long, full, rich life.  Managing your stress and anxiety is an important step towards those goals. 

So one interesting thing about day 1 of the Bible Study is that we already have all of the verses highlighted.  Well, I have them, I bet you do as well.  So reading the verses isn't enough...boy wouldn't that be wonderful?  To read a verse and then be able to consistently do what it says?  I'm sure our lives would be a lot better if we could become obedient that way...but that is not the way I'm built for sure.  As much as I'd like to believe I'm a good person, I've went the exact opposite on so many of the things we're supposed to do, the historical data would not support my argument.  So we know that hearing the truth is not enough...or we'd be worry free by now.  So do you think the reason we still worry is because we don't believe God's words about it?  Or we don't trust His promises to us about it?  Or is it just because we stubbornly think we can handle it all ourselves?  Maybe something different than all of those I guess.  Or maybe a combination of them all.   Sometimes I feel like if I don't worry then I don't care.  Like worrying is a form of love for you.  That if I put it all in God's Hands and let it go, that means I don't care as much about you.  I'm not sure why I feel that way, but that is a real thought I have.  I love you very much and I want you to be safe, cared for and healthy.  I have no control over any of that right now, with no contact whatsoever I am free to think of the worst possible outcomes on a daily basis.  And that is where my mind wanders as I try to fall asleep.  I believe in God, but at the same time, I'm fretting over what might happen, knowing that fretting over it wouldn't change anything if it were to take place.  I know you do this as well.  So what is the solution then?  Well I think it is going to take a combination of things.  We are going to have to move away from our normal, we're going to have to give Him a chance, to show us what He means by "rest".  And when we see how much better life is while walking along with Him and giving Him some of our troubles, then maybe we can give Him the rest.  

I love you.  I love you more than I have ever loved anything on this world.  I know talk is cheap, you hear words from people all the time that are sweet to your ears but rarely backed up with actions and consistency.  I understand that, but I will show you, for the rest of my life, that what I say is true.  I am going to try to stop worrying, I want you to as well.  Let's try together.  We'll take the baby steps and see where it leads us.  It can't hurt to try.  I don't want you to grow up sick from anxiety and dealing with high blood pressure and other anxiety induced conditions.  I want better for you.  We will get there.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you.  I'm here if you need me, even if it's just to talk.  Love, Dad.  Don't worry, it is going to all work out.  I know that is true.  I believe it in my heart.  270-999-2691

Friday September 23, 2022  Missed Skype 142

Howdy girlie.  Another work week has galloped off into the sunset.  Time seems to move so fast sometimes and so slow others.  For example, it seems like forever since I've seen you, but this week and all the weeks have flown by.  Time is a very interesting thing when you ponder it.  Only thing on this Earth we can't buy or get back.  It's always there, but there's never enough.  Greeting Card level ramblings right there.  I better stop before the inspirational power point slides start.  

You have a few days here to get your bearings and rest up.  We are approaching my fall break (first week of October).  It reminds me of the fall break I got to spend seeing you a couple of years ago.  You stayed with me at the hotel a few days, it was so nice to see you and be a part of your daily routine.  Shining shoes, working on homework, spending the time.  I appreciate you spending that time with me, I know it messed with your routine.  You had to sleep in a hotel bed, eat hotel breakfast and all the extra things that went with being outside of your normal routine.  But that will end up being the only fall break we will have ever spent together, so I appreciate it very much.  It is a fond memory for me, I hope it is for you as well.  

I guess I'll work this fall break.  That will give me more days saved up just in case I need them later in the year for travelling to Florida if I get a chance to see you.  so I finished the dangerous prayer bible study this morning.  What was supposed to take 7 days...I am pretty sure it took me nearly 3 weeks...and it wasn't because I was deep in study.  I'm just not studying like I should.  So no judgement from me if you have fallen off the bible study wagon...just don't wait so long you never start back.  It is important to do, and it makes my day better when I do it correctly.  Kind of like exercising.  Sometimes you really really don't want to, but if you do it you always end up feeling better.  

So the final lesson of the study asked that we take a prayer audit.  An audit is when you examine something, the word is usually used in finance conversations, like an IRS Audit.  So a prayer audit is when you look at the prayers you have prayed and analyze what it is you have asked for.  Those things tend to point out what is most important to us.  There isn't a good thing or a bad things here, you are just looking inward at yourself and then asking the question, so what is most important to me?  No one can answer that but there is no wrong answer.  Then you need to ask yourself, what should be most important to me?  Again, that isn't something anyone can tell you, I mean we all can pick selfless altruistic things, but we need to be real here...what should you pray to the all powerful Almighty God for?  Then you just take where you are, and try to move a little towards where you think you should be.  That is a life skill.  You can audit anything in your life the same way, from your eating habits to your activity level.  Be honest with yourself about where you are and then decide where you should be...then start moving that way.  If you can do that, you can transform you life anyway you want.  You are coming of age my sweet daughter, the days of someone else telling you what you should do or should be are ticking away.  Oh, there will always people sticking their nose in your business and offering advice, but as you mature you are going to have to get proficient at filtering that based on your own internal audit of what you need.  Not everyone has your best interest at heart.  And they may use words and emotions to manipulate you and make you think they are working towards your betterment, but that is not always the case.  People can be wonderful, but they can also be horrible...and sometimes that can be the same person in a single day.  That's why the prayer audit is important.  The Bible won't steer you wrong, God wants what is best for you, He doesn't have an ulterior motive He's trying to get done in the background.  Trust His words over human advice.   Always.  Reading, studying and praying for wisdom when it comes to reading His word is essential.  People can use specific parts of the Bible to prove or disprove anything, including horrible things.  There are people on both sides of the abortion debate who claim the Bible supports their position.  Obviously that is not possible, but both sides claim God is on their side.  It takes an understanding of the whole Bible and the nature of God to really see where He lands on any given position.  Ultimately the same act can be a sin or not based on the intent and heart of the person when it occurs.  Not for us to judge others...taking care of yourself is a full time job and you know where you heart is when you do things.  That's where you should stay and try to improve.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday September 21, 2022  Missed Skype 141

Halfway through another week, I hope things are going well for you so far.  We are nearly at the end of another month, your senior year just seems to be flying by at this point.  I hope you are getting opportunities to enjoy it.  It would be particularly sad if these past two years were so over shadowed with drama and nonsense that you couldn't look back on them fondly.  Not the end of the world though.  

I learned about a little girl today, 1st grader...she takes chemo every day, has something injected in her spine every Friday, comes to school as often as she can.  She is literally fighting for her life, may not make it to her senior yeah perspective.  We may not have the best cards in our hand, but we surely don't have the worst.  There is always someone who has it so much worse they would trade lives with you in a heartbeat.  I wish things could be so much different for you, but at the same time I am so very thankful things aren't worse.  Obviously no one knows what tomorrow holds, but you most likely have a very long, healthy life ahead of you.  There will be opportunity to make up for lost time and achieve great things.  Learn as much as you can along the way, mainly because lessons not learned are often repeated.  

Live the Lord's Prayer and everything will be okay.  Study it line by line, every word, every sentence is a lesson to live by.  It really is the most meaningful set of words put together you can read.  I could tell you my interpretation, you could google its meaning and hear lots of different interpretations...but you should read it yourself, ponder on it yourself and see what you come up with.  I'd love to hear your thoughts someday about it.  You might come up with something I hadn't thought about and thus increased my understanding of the passage.  Entirely possible.  We are going to have lots to talk about when we finally get to see each other again.  Not if, when.  And hopefully soon.  I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday September 19, 2022  Missed Skype 140

I think it's ironic that Monday is the only day of the work week that rhymes with funday.  You know, because it's really...not...oh anyways, I hope you had a wonderful Monday.  A Monday to end all Mondays.  A Monday so good, you forgot it was in fact Monday.  Mine, eh, it was Monday whatta ya gonna do?  I survived.  No one was harmed and no fires escaped containment, gonna call it a draw and try again tomorrow.

Hope your weekend was fantastic.  Mine was uneventful.  We are getting close to completing the attic walls and ceiling joists so it can be drywalled.  Papaw ran the electric up there on Saturday, we are so blessed to have a papaw that understands electrical, plumbing, hvac, and mechanics.  He is so so smart.  I am hoping that skipped a generation, because I didn't get it.  You all might have.  I hope so.  He has a very high problem solving score.  I have 3 college degrees and he is still the smartest person I know.  You have that potential, I know you do.  Hard times developed his skills.  He grew up poor and had to make do to provide for his family.  He did a spectacular job.  I wish you knew him like I do.  Wish you had the chance to.  He's pretty amazing.  And he loves you with all his heart.  He misses you everyday.  

So let's wrap up our study of "dangerous prayer".  In a nutshell, the author is giving us the great commission in an edgy way.  He is also telling us to be careful what we wish for.  When we ask God to change us, to use us, to bring about His will in our lives...we are submitting ourselves to His Divine Will.  That is never an easy road.  Let's be honest, we kind of get soft.  We have our homes, our things, our routines, our safety net of family and friends.  When we pray those prayers, there is a good chance we are going to be made uncomfortable.  Our studies have shown us, time and again, God doesn't make things easier, He makes us stronger.  He wants us to rely on Him, to depend on Him when we need extra anything.  He goal is more perfect love in us and growth.  Growth only comes with experience, difficulty and reflection.  No one gets better at something by taking it easy.  So if we ask Him to use us, He absolutely will, and we will develop a closer relationship to Him along the way as we grow.  And people we care about, people we may not even know...will be brought to salvation by Him through you.  That is a life well lived.  Fight the good fight my child.  Don't worry, you've got a lot of living left to do, you don't have to give it all up and walk the Earth prophesizing and being homeless.  But you touch elbows with countless folks on any given day.  Use your opportunity to show kindness, to emulate the love God has for us.  Do what you can where you are, because He put you there for a reason.  We never know how our ripples will affect those around us.  I love you, I miss you and I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Friday  September 16, 2022  Missed Skype 139

Well you made it.  Friday has arrived.  I don't know how your week went, but now you've got a couple of days to sort it out, pick out the good parts and rest up for the next one.

I'm working at Uncle Jon's all day tomorrow in his attic (trying to get that upstairs all finished) so I hope you have a more leisurely day than I tomorrow.  The tinies have been sick this week, they actually spent a few days on the farm with mamaw while they recovered.  Brock was not ready to go back to school today.  He sounded like a adult who had been on WebMD trying to explain to his mother why he was too sick to go back today.  It was funny to listen to.  Ada wanted to go back, she likes the attention and the center time they have at school.  

I've tried to help out all I can along the way, mamaw and papaw are both 70 now, they wear out quick with the little I went up every night and did what I could.  We got them back healthy and they went to school today, even if Brock did protest that his snot was green so that meant he should stay home one more day.  He also changed his name to diamond at some point, and Ada told me when I came in yesterday she wanted to be called Malibu...I'm not sure why mamaw talked them into stripper names...but whatever.  The reality is they were playing with Barbies and liked the names...I did not tell them anything about the stigma of those two monikers, figure let em be little.  But I called them princess poopie pants and turd face, those are my nicknames for them.

I won't keep you tonight, I just wanted you to know I was here, and I am still waiting.  I send you texts every skype night (I assume your numbers have been changed or I've been blocked but I still send them) and I won't stop until I see you again.  You are worth all this and more.  Don't forget that.  You are precious and valuable.  You matter and are here for a reason.  Don't let yourself get down and think otherwise.  I may not get to tell you in person, but I'm still your greatest fan.  I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Wednesday September 14, 2022  Missed Skype 138

Wednesdays are the crescendo of the work week.  You are knee deep in all the events and items that must be completed and just begin to see the end of the week creeping up.  Hope arises on Wednesday afternoon.  You begin to believe you can make it through the week no matter what else happens.

As 80's hair band Journey would say, "Don't Stop Believing"   You will get through this week, just like you've gotten through every week up to this one.  The struggles build strength and perseverance.  Problem solve and prioritize, those two skills will serve you well in any profession you decide to pursue after high school has ended.  Problem solvers are in very short supply these days.  Most people just expect someone else to solve it.  They can list lots of things wrong, but can't offer viable solutions, and really don't try.  You will be a rare find for an employer if you bring solutions to the conversation.  Of course not all solutions are good ones, but you have to practice the skill to be able to tell the difference.  You have a strong mind and you have the potential to be a tremendous problem solver, but you must develop the skill.  It's like a muscle, it won't become usable if it isn't worked often.

My study of dangerous prayers continues today.  Ever wondered why we ask others to pray for us?  Or why others request us to keep them in our prayers?  I mean, if God knows all and sees all and is all (and He is) why ask for something He already knows we need and already knows whether or not He is going to give it to us?  Why waste His time?  It is a good question, especially if you don't quite understand how prayers work.

Let's look at it a different way.  Why do I talk to you?  Why do you talk to me?  Is it always to ask for something?  To be honest you guys rarely ask me for anything (which is very sweet and frustrating at the same time).  When I talk to you, I rarely tell you what to do or boss you around.  We talk to one another every chance we get because we love each other.  I enjoy your company.  I sincerely do.  I love hearing about your day, your stories, your thoughts and feelings.  I enjoy saying things that make you smile or roll your eyes and if I can get a sincere laugh, it makes my whole day.  

Talking to me helps you sort out your day.  Many times you analyze your own day as you tell me, thinking about what happened, how you reacted and what you wish you had done differently (self-awareness is another very valuable skill many people lack).  I can simply ask a question here and there, or offer an experienced opinion of what might also be something to think about and you come away from it with a new understanding of yourself and humans in general.  Now I am your father, but I am a gazillion times worse at it than God.  He is the Ultimate Perfect Father.  Using my previous sentences and not what you normally think about, why do you think He wants you to pray?

Samesies.  He enjoys your company.  He loves you, just as you are.  We turned it into a list of items we need to happen, we've talked about the genie analogy in previous missed skypes, but it is true.    We ask forgiveness for a litany of sins, ask for safety and good health and maybe some specific things that we really want (like to talk to you) and then end it.  Your Heavenly Father wants more out of prayer.  He wants to hear the conversation, engage in the analysis, and offer introspection when you need it.  Now that doesn't mean we can't ask for what we need, I would want you to tell me if you needed something, so does He.  If you think about prayer like that, I think you'll get more out of it.

I love you, so so much.  I miss you very very much.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday September 12, 2022  Missed Skype 137

This is the 21st Monday I've had to type a message as opposed to getting to see you...I fear my messages are becoming extremely repetitive...but I suppose most Monday conversations are repetitive if you really think about it.  Mondays are as a general rule, a survival day.  Get through with just enough energy to drag yourself home and prepare for Tuesday.  So conversations become more rehearsed during exhaustion, your brain kinda goes on auto pilot.  Everything is fine, no details are added.  We were most likely to sit and not say much on Mondays when we had tired skypes way back then when we were allowed to see each other (which I now refer to as the "good ole days")

You are approaching the end of your first term...for perspective you have had 13 first terms so far in your career, this will be your last one of your public school may continue in college or tech school, but for now we shall just figure public school history.  92 percent of your first terms are behind you, this is the last 8 percent.  Make sure you have your affairs in order, we don't want any surprises as you finish out your career.  3 terms left and then you get to punch your adult ticket and start figuring out how the rest of your life looks.  

Now before you go into an anxiety spiral about your future...let's keep some things in mind and keep some things in perspective.  First, humans have been doing amazing things at your age for a very long time.  There is no reason to think you aren't just as capable.  There was a time in history when you were considered grown already, capable of marrying and having a family and adult responsibilities.  I'm very thankful we live in a time now where that is not expected of you, life was hard for young people back then, but the point is they handled it.  They did what they needed to do for themselves and their families to survive.  

The Bible says that David was about your age when he fought Goliath.  Can you imagine waking up that morning and deciding that was how you were going to spend your day?  Now the David example should kind of make you say something like, "yeah but Dad he had God on his side to help him"...and yes you would be right...but so do you.  

What sets David apart early in his life is how he approached prayers to God.  David gives us some of the best examples of prayers in the Bible.  He's all over the place really.  But one thing David did well, that we do not is that he wanted to share his worst fears with God.  In Psalm 139:23 he prayed, "know my anxious thoughts".  He wanted to face those fears with God and give them a name.  To trust that God was bigger than any fear that David could dream up.

The Bible Study gave me a pearl today, and I would like to share that before I let you go...What we fear most, what keeps us up at night, is where we trust God the least.  I've never been able to sleep soundly when you aren't here.   Years of this has taken its toll on my body and mind, but the truth is my anxiety about our situation is something I fester about quite a bit.   If I truly trusted that God had it under control and everything was going to work out the way He wants it to...I could let it go, roll over and fall asleep.  One of my issues with that though, is I worry that the way He wants it to work out is not the way I want it to work out.  I would never compare myself to Jesus, but when I think about that, I think about the prayer He prayed the night before he was taken and ultimately crucified.  He asked if there were anyway for things to happen differently, but then He said, Your Will be done.  

So tonight, I'm going to try it a little differently.  I can't turn it switch for that, you know how anxiety works, you've already had more than your fair share at this young age...but tonight, I'm going to ask Him to search my heart, and try to verbalize my fears, I'm going to ask Him for what I hope to happen, but I am going to acknowledge ultimately His Will is best and what needs to happen...even if I don't quite understand it or agree with the short term consequences of it.  I hope you pray a similar prayer.  Prayer life is the best way to have peace my sweet girl.  And peace is something I hope you have.  Lots of things wrong right now in our lives, but things could be so much worse.  Find your joy each day, a reason to smile or be a reason to smile for someone else.  Fight the good fight.  It's all going to work out the way it is supposed to.  I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.    270-999-2691

Friday September 9, 2022  Missed Skype 136

I hope your day was pleasant.  I hope at some point today something happened that made you smile so wide your teeth showed.  I hope you are able to enjoy the weekend and rest.  I hope you don't have any homework. I hope you increase in strength, wisdom and mercy.  I hope a lot of things for you my dear.  My day was fine.  Just another day.  Tomorrow is the Amish Auction that papaw enjoys going to so much.  If I end up going I will take some pictures for you, you used to love the pictures of the little pigs and little goats and all the horse drawn buggies.  It is always an interesting day at the Amish Auction.  I would have liked to have taken you some time, but they always occur when you are somewhere else.  I think you would enjoy them for a little while.  You could look at all the animals and quilts and eat some of their pastries and such.  It would be a good day. Maybe someday.

I started a new Bible Study yesterday called, "Dangerous Prayers".  It is not near as cutting edge as it may sound.  No, it actually described my prayer life pretty well in the opening devotion, someone accused the dude who wrote the study of having "boring prayers".  I often get distracted lately when I try to pray.  I start out with my usual things, then wander off or something takes my attention.  Horrible way to be, I'm not proud of it, but I do it.  I tell you about my flaws so you understand we are all human, and we all make very similar mistakes along the way.  You may be having issues now or later on in your prayer life that are similar.  You feel stuck in a prayer rut, praying repetitive, predictable, and safe prayers.

The study says that we serve a God who can do more than we can ask or imagine.  He wrote the plan to encourage us to break through the boundaries and inspire us to pray dangerously and live boldly...I'm not sure about all that.  Well, I'm sure we serve a God that can do more than we ask or imagine, but I'm not so sure I'm about to start living boldly, unless he counts going three days without washing my hair sometimes.

So the first couple of days centered around all of the different types of prayers found in the Bible.  Not only did the pray about things that were incredibly personal - like to have a child - but also they prayed for practical things like food and water.  Sometimes these prayers were like a gentle whisper to a loving God and sometimes they were a yell in agony and frustration.  Their prayers were honest, desperate sometimes, fiery, gutsy.  They were real.

I know I believe in prayer.  I hope you do too, but it becomes easy to get stuck in a rut.  Pray about the same things the same way, at the same time...if you even pray at all.  That is where it leads by the way, you just stop praying at all.  I justify that sometimes with the idea the God knows what I need, why should I bother Him about it?  He's gonna do what He wants to do anyways, so what's the point?  But prayer is supposed to be a conversation which takes talk but also listening.  Sure He already knows what I need, but praying correctly also allows Him to tell me what I need, and sometimes I don't already know that.  I think I do, but I really don't.  I also have a lot of things I already know I need to do, that I don't necessarily want to do.  And finally, I'm always a little scared He's going to ask me to do something that is way outside of my plan or my comfort zone...that is exactly what the author meant by dangerous prayers.  When you ask God to help you do His Will in your life...get ready.  There will be bumps.  When you start to pray things like "search me, break me, send me" you may experience valleys, attacks, trials, pain and hardship.  Even heartbreak.  But there will also be the joy of faith, the relief of surrender, and the pleasure of pleasing God.  I don't know what to hope for in this Bible Study.  The anxiety I'm feeling about it is probably a good thing.  But I am going to finish it and try to step out of the boring repetitive prayers I've found myself praying lately.  You should try it too.  I want you to have a close relationship with God.  That is so hard to do as a teenager and young adult in this world, but it will save you years of heartache if you can muster it.  You have a good head on your shoulders and such a sweet heart.  Don't forget to say your prayers tonight.  Maybe this will be the start of something that will change our lives for the better.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.     270-999-2691

Wednesday September 7, 2022  Missed Skype 135

I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day Holiday and got a good start back to school.  Wednesday usually you were at the height of hopefully the school still lets you out a bit early on Wednesdays so you can rest and recover.

So I have started trying to listen to my bible study while I walk, or at least listen to some of it.  Today I completed a 3 day study all in one walking session, it centered on Hope.  It was a plan developed by Harvest House Publishers, and was connected to a book by Tony Evans called "30 Days to Overcoming Emotional Strongholds."  I have not read the book, but I thought I would include the information in case you wanted to do this bible study yourself, or if you just wanted to know where I was getting my information from.  

The greatest takeaway I gleaned from this study was the author's definition of Hope.  Hope is merely the belief that I can have a better day tomorrow than I had today.  It reminded me of a quote I saw the other day on twitter from a veteran who had lost both his legs while serving our country overseas.  He was a bomb specialist who had "one bad day".  I looked his name up, He is Joey Jones.  He is a Fox News Personality.  I will include his quote below, it helps frame what the lesson gave me.

"I tell people I had one bad day.  Not because it's that easy, but because it's a necessary mindset to recovery and rebound.  I decided that the day I lost my legs would be the worst day of it.  I decided to make every day after a little better, a little less frustration, a little more mobility and a little closer to normalcy.  This means whatever you're dealing with you have the opportunity to call today, right now, your last worst day.  You can make every day hereafter a step closer to whatever you want.  One. Bad. Day."

We know that our lives will not be easy.  Everything we've read and learned up to this point tells us that we are going to have it rough.  The world seems to be on a downward spiral in which soft men are making tough times for this generation.  But, it is important to keep in mind, that every generation has its challenges, yours will be no different.  Don't develop the mindset that no one has it worse than you, or that things are harder than they've ever been.  Neither is true.  There are still people alive who remember what it was like to not have electricity in their homes, or running water.  Summers with no air conditioning and winters where they ate only once a day, and only had what food they could grow themselves.  There is nothing happening to us right now that hasn't happened to others before.  They got through it, and you will too, if you just keep working towards what is written above.   Try to make tomorrow better than today.  Don't lose hope, believe that can occur and it will.  Setbacks will come, but so will victories.  Always pray for you to be stronger, not for the road to be easier.  You don't know how strong you are, don't ever lose Hope.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again, I'm here if you need me, Love , Dad.  Oh yeah, here are some of the photos we took the last couple of days.

Monday September 5, 2022  Missed Skype 134

Well you missed papaw's birthday.  I was hoping maybe you would be allowed to at least text him, but you weren't allowed to text mamaw on hers so why would papaw's be any different right?  None of this is right...I hope you at least know that what you are going through is not normal.  This too shall pass I suppose.  

So I took a walk today.  I am going to try to walk every day, to get back into the ROTC shape we were in a couple of summers ago when you were getting ready for your September cadet trials...yes this includes diamond pushups.  At any rate, I found some late blooming summer flowers along my walk and I thought I might share them with you here.  I'm sure most people would consider them weeds, but we always liked looking at them.  

Walking on the road reminds me of you.  Setting up those tenth mile markers and blocking off the road so you could run without worry...I was very proud of you for working out on your own for ROTC during the summer.  You guys have always been very good at setting goals and trying to achieve them.  Sure you need encouragement here and there, but who doesn't?  I couldn't imagine doing a routine like that when I was your age.  I mean I played sports and did summer conditioning for them, but you all go above and beyond in terms of commitment.  You inspire me to work harder when I think about it.

I don't take many pictures anymore, and I guess I should so you can see what is going on.  I will try to do better.  Papaw's birthday was September 4, he turned 70 this past weekend.  He misses you every day.  We all do.  I hope you had a good 3 day weekend and got some rest.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Friday September 2, 2022  Missed Skype 133 The Birthday Skype

Happy Birthday to you, You belong in a zoo, You look like a Monkey, and you smell like one too!

The last skype we had was a year ago today.  The last time I heard your voice, saw your face and knew how you were.  I don't want to spend this holiday bringing you down, on the contrary this is your day.  I hope you had a wonderful day filled with happiness and joy.  I saw that your present was delivered this week, mamaw and papaw sent you something as well earlier in the week.  I hope you were allowed to have them, if not don't worry about it.  I just wanted you to know we sent them, we tried.

Now onto the celebration!  Huzzah.  17 years ago today, you appeared and changed my life forever.  I have told you this before, but I feel like it is worth mentioning on your birthday every year for as long as I am around to celebrate them with you.  

So, you were born 1 minute and 43 seconds apart.  Because it was a C-section instead of a traditional birth, the baby became the first born and the first born became the baby.  You have been breaking molds and changing the rules ever since.  You both taught me the true meaning of unconditional love.  I had used the word before you were born, but I had no idea, NONE, of what love really was until I held you in my arms...okay hand, you actually fit in my hand when you were born.   The happiest I have ever been in this world up to now is when I heard you both cry, and knew you were okay.  And I am for the most part a happy guy, but you maxed out the happiness meter that day, well this day, seventeen years ago.

You are the greatest gift I have ever received, which is funny because it's your birthday, but I am the one who got the best gift on it....

I don't know where you are in your walk of life, I don't know anything about the last year, but I know that no matter what has happened, you are wonderful.  You are enough.  You are loved.  These three things are absolute truths.  Enjoy this day that is yours.  I know you've always had to share it, but at least you have a super cool sister to share it with.  I hope you two have found each other again and are close.  That is my greatest fear in all of this, I know we'll be fine when we get the chance to see one another again, but I also know how things are done where you are...I hope that you two haven't been placed contrary to one another and are at odds.  If that is true, then I beg you to go to her, make amends and forgive.  Your sister is the only person you are going to have in this world who understands what you have gone through, because she's been there too.  You may not have felt the same feelings at the same time, but you both have battled this turmoil during your life and you need each other now more than ever.  As much as you push each other's' buttons and drive each other one understands you like she does.  No one can.  Your next chapter is coming soon enough, you may end up at different colleges or one college and one tech school or whatever...but before long if you don't choose to stay together, you won't.  Love her, unconditionally.  You don't have to agree with her, or let her walk on your feelings, but never stop loving her.  Happy birthday my girl. We're one day closer to being together again.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad.  270-999-2691

Wednesday August 31, 2022  Missed Skype 132

So the internet is not working correctly at the double rainbow this week, I am writing this from work before I go home.  It had been wonky last weekend, but it was unusable by Monday evening when I tried to do your Monday missed to make sure you didn't think I had given up on you or quit making the effort to talk to you, I am writing this from work before I come home.  It is end of day and everyone else have cleared out, so we have some time together that is just us, my favorite time to have.

I hope you are having a productive week, that you are on top of your assignments and in a good place for any quizzes or tests.  I am sorry that my entries into this all sound so similar, I don't mean to copy/paste previous days, it is just that I really don't know what is going on in your life, so I have to stay very generic.  Talking with you is never boring for me, I enjoy it so so much.  Hearing about your day, your victories and your challenges were always the best part of my day by far.  If you told me the exact same story every day I'd still laugh at the funny parts, hearing your voice makes every moment new and worth listening to with you.  But I understand that my words tend to become very predictive and familiar, I am sorry.   I don't have exciting news or things to tell you, I go to work, I go home.  I don't do exciting things, I'm just me.  And being me is considerably less without you.  When we get the chance to catch up and I learn about where you are in your journey, I'll be a better conversationalist.  It will be like it was before in no time, of that I am certain.  In the meantime, I'll try to keep these short so you aren't reading the same words every day.

So Bible Study today comes out of Psalms.  As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we all face enemies in life and it is to be expected when there is sin in the world.  But as Psalm 31 says, (David) tells us that he sought refuge in God, requested refuge from God, and recognized that God was his refuge.  And David was having it pretty rough in those days.  He says himself that his years were shortened by sadness and his friends were afraid to come near him.  He had it pretty bad...might even use the word Desperate like we talked about on Monday.  But in this Psalm there are some things that can give us hope and make us feel like things will improve.  "Love the Lord, all his faithful ones.  The Lord protects the loyal, but fully repays the arrogant.  Be strong, let your heart be courageous, all you who pur your hope in the Lord".

Now there are some steps here that we do, and some things that God promises us He'll do.  We are supposed to: 

Those four things take some effort on our part.  The last two, well they take time to develop.  Being strong means physically, mentally, emotionally...that takes a lot of time and good strategies to achieve.  Being courageous means moving forward with things even when you are scared of the outcomes.  And don't have to be perfect in the four for God to do his  part, but concentrating on achieving these four things help put you in a great place to see the changes God will make in your life for the better.  The only thing that builds strength is resistance.  So you have to go through some trials to be able to come out the other side stronger.  We want to be stronger, so we suffer the trials.  It's all going to be okay in the end.  There are certain things that no one can take from you.    Don't pray for an easier life, pray for more strength to overcome the obstacles in the life you have now.  Continue to pray for Wisdom, Strength and Mercy.  I will do the same.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday August 29, 2022  Missed Skype 131

NOTE:  My internet went down while writing this, I had to finish it at work later....that is why it was as it was until Wednesday

What is desperation?  Google says that it is a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behavior.  Have you ever felt true desperation?  I have maybe twice in my life, and both times it was a horrible situation full of horrible feelings.  I ask because today's lesson comes from the sermon Pastor Jamie preached on Sunday...if you watched it on the YouTube well then huzzah, you will be able to follow right along, if you didn't, you can always go back and see it.  In fact I can even link it here:  You can also go to the actual church site if you've been banned from YouTube

So in Luke Chapter 8, beginning in verse 40, there are two stories intertwined around an event.  You probably remember them both, the first was the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years.  She had exhausted all of her money trying to find a medical way to stop it, she had been ostracized and considered "unclean" for over a decade.  In those days, that was like a sentence to solitary confinement.  She was desperate.  Do you remember the story now?  She reached out and touched Jesus's garment and immediately became healed.  Up to this point, Jesus had done all of His miracles by speaking them into existence, He spoke, He touched...but she grabbed his clothes.  Why didn't she call out, why didn't she stand in line like the others?  Remember she was unclean, they wouldn't let her within a mile of Jesus if they saw her, they wouldn't let her in the crowd if they knew it was her.  So she disguised herself (this is me not the Bible) I think she disguised herself and went to try one last thing, a miracle that had never been done before...because she was desperate.  

When we are desperate, it is natural to call out for Jesus, I mean at that point, what have you got to lose right?  So I hope when you feel that way, that is the direction you go.  But I also hope that you will reach out before you reach the level of desperate.  God can help us all along the way, not only when it is time for a miracle.  In fact, walking with God every day sometimes eliminates the need for a miracle or the feeling of desperation to begin with.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again, I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691

Monday August 29, 2022  Missed Skype 131

What is desperation?  Google says that it is a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behavior.  Have you ever felt true desperation?  I have maybe twice in my life, and both times it was a horrible situation full of horrible feelings.  I ask because today's lesson comes from the sermon Pastor Jamie preached on Sunday...if you watched it on the YouTube well then huzzah, you will be able to follow right along, if you didn't, you can always go back and see it.  In fact I can even link it here:  You can also go to the actual church site if you've been banned from YouTube

So in Luke Chapter 8, beginning in verse 40, there are two stories intertwined around an event.  You probably remember them both, the first was the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years.  She had exhausted all of her money trying to find a medical way to stop it, she had been ostracized and considered "unclean" for over a decade.  In those days, that was like a sentence to solitary confinement.  She was desperate.  Do you remember the story now?  She reached out and touched Jesus's garment and immediately became healed.  Up to this point, Jesus had done all of His miracles by speaking them into existence, 

Friday August 26, 2022  Missed Skype 130

Another weekend is upon us.  A few days of escape from the normal school routine.  I hope you had a good week, and are going to your high school football game or hanging out being a teenager (safely of course).  I am home, I spent some time with papaw and mamaw and biscuit.  She has a squeaky toy that is shaped like a fish that she carries everywhere when we are outside hoping we'll try to chase her and play with her.  She really needs you kiddos to spend time with her, us old folks don't have the energy to play that she deserves.  She is such a good dog.  We went to check on the cows and the bull made one step towards us and you would have thought Biscuit was a honey badger, she ran right up him snarling like she didn't care how big he was.  Love that dog.  She still checks your side of the car first when I pull up...I think she expects you to get out one day...guess we are alike in that respect.  Someday...

Bible Study today was a short devotion and just a couple of verses.  "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the sea"...

A very present help in trouble.  I wonder, when you feel the anxiety, the weight of deadlines and the pressure of being a teenager in today's really messed up you take refuge in God's promises?  If you don't, well you aren't alone.  You shouldn't feel bad about it, that is a lifelong  journey to be able to trust him with everything.  I still don't do it, nearly at all.  I haven't relied on His words or promises much throughout this ordeal.  On the contrary I've fallen away a bit, skipped bible study, and nearly stopped praying altogether.  I'm not telling you this because I am proud of it, far from it, kind of shameful after all I know He's done for us in the past, but I'm telling you so you understand a little about yourself and human nature.  You know how you have to ask God into your heart?  Like the sinner's prayer, you have a few things you have to do to receive Jesus as your Savior.  Well, He designed it that way on purpose, it has to be a choice.  

We have to choose every day; whether or not to be selfish or giving, whether to look at the glass as half full or half empty...and whether to take God's Hand or not.  He can offer us refuge, rest, peace, but we have to take it.  It is weird to say, but sometimes it seems we delight in our own misery.  I am not delighted, far from it, but I also haven't taken His hand lately.  So tonight I remind you God is in control and He keeps his promises.  He has promised to be a very present help in trouble.  When you feel trouble a brewing, reach out for His Hand, let Him help.  I am going to try to do the same.  I love you so so much.  I can't even come up with a magnitude that would describe it.  I miss you more than I've missed anything in my life.  I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad. 270-999-2691

Wednesday August 24, 2022  Missed Skype 129

Wow, it's Wednesday already?  We are moving right along through the month of August.  We are approaching a one year anniversary of our total loss of contact.  Not something I ever thought I'd have to commemorate.  I don't have a lot of positive things to say about this particular event except it is only temporary.  You will have the ability to make your own decisions soon enough and then things will be whatever you desire them to be.  In the meantime I am doing what I can to change things, and we play the hands we are dealt.

My goal for you during all of this is to have as normal a senior year as possible given the circumstances.  I will do my part in that as best I can from afar by not dwelling on the negative aspects of our situation and trying to provide you with timely insights about your life and mine along the way.

I really don't know what is going on in your life currently, so my insights are going to be pretty general...and possibly way off target because although I was a teenager a while ago, and I did also have a senior year...I had a boy senior year in a rural Kentucky town with farmer parents.  Not exactly the same as your current situation.  But I remember being very worried about what I was going to do next.  We had always been poor, so the need/desire to get a good job was something I had taught to me from a very young age.  Senior year is when all those thoughts become pressure.  Our situations are not the same, but you may still feel some of that pressure.  

Here is the reality of your situation.  Yes, it is going to become increasingly important for you to find a job/career that affords you opportunities.  As I told my 5th graders every year in math class, I want you to have choices.  I want you to choose which new car you want as opposed to whether or not you pay your light bill or eat that week.  We live in a world where you have to make money to have choices.   And you will...but don't let that pressure take away from your senior year.  You are not going to have to support yourself the day you turn 18.  You have family (Me for sure) that will help you transition into adulthood and support you all along the way.  I'll never be a rich man, but I can provide food water and shelter and still have enough left over for a board game every now and then.  You've got a safety net girlie, so you can relax and enjoy your senior year.  It is all going to be okay.  Between now and then, you just have to decide what you think you might want to do for a living, so you can go to whatever the next step is (college, tech school, nursing, whatever) and achieve that.  Just keep in mind that the way to plan for a career is to decide not only what you like to do, but also what can I do that will support the lifestyle I want to have?

No worries, we can have lots of talks about this before it becomes pressing.  Enjoy your week and don't let pressure build up.  Find something that makes you smile every day and try to help others smile.  Use kind words and let God place those words where he wants them to land.  Ilove you sweetie, I miss you like crazy, and I can't wait until I can see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad. 270-999-2691 

Monday August 22, 2022  Missed Skype 128

I think you've had enough time by now to have a routine established.   You should now be aware when each teacher gives their work, when your tests are going to be, and all the unwritten rules you must learn about each new teacher you have each year.  Tonight I would listen to you elaborate about what you have learned.  

Being around humans is a fascinating experience.  Public school is a like a social emotional laboratory with all of its written/unwritten rules and individuals who either devote their time to following said rules or deliberately breaking them.  Teachers are an especially interesting study because they are essentially God's of their own little worlds within the shut doors of  a high school.  Sure they must abide by certain rules but for the most part they can construct their norms and rules as they see fit within their domains, and the students must abide of suffer the consequences.  It is usually just easier to appease their petty desires than to go through the entire semester feeling their wrath.  So we play the game.    By now you have learned the quirks and tweaks that make each new instructor unique and interesting.  Use this knowledge to navigate their worlds efficiently.  Great teachers give tremendous amounts of themselves to their students and craft, so a kind word from a senior would go a long way for someone who needed it.  In the same vein, a kind word dumps hot coals into the lap of an ornery selfish be nice to everyone and let God place the words where he wants them to land.

I hope you have good teachers this year, your last memory of high school needs to be of warm, caring adults who helped you prepare for your life after school.  But even if you don't, you are going to be okay.  You've had just enough rain in life to appreciate the sun when it shines.  You are smart, resilient and have a great heart.  You aren't afraid of hard work and you have a good attitude most the potential for a great life is very high for you.  I'll tell you a secret about that, all lives are good,  you just have to find the right moments to focus on.  When you find yourself thinking your life sucks, well you're focusing on the wrong moment.  Start focusing on the good parts and your life starts looking not so bad.  Lots of good things to think about when you start looking for them.  Well I hope I've given you some good advice tonight, maybe some pearls to ponder on.  I hope you know how much I love you.  I've been showing you for 17 years now, most of it from a distance, so this time is no different.  You've been around me enough to know what I'm about, and where you fit in my priorities.  At the top, just in case you didn't know.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love Dad.  270-999-2691

Friday August 19, 2022  Missed Skype 127

Hey there girlie!  You've achieved weekend status by now.  Whether you have slid in ahead of the game, or came in on fire on two now have a couple of days to rest and recuperate...well unless you have a job, then you probably have some hours to log there this weekend.  I have no clue, I'm not implying you should have a job or not...I just don't know anything about your current life sweetie.  By the time I was your age, I had 2 jobs...I was working nights and weekends putting in heating and air conditioning with your papaw, and weekend nights I was working at a radio station.  Having a job is a good thing, but your school work obviously needs to come first, that is your first job.  The radio station was perfect because I could turn the music down and study while I was there.  Of course I didn't do very much of that, but it was an option if I needed to.  

So our Bible Study today is about encouragement.  Specifically how God encouraged Joshua as he led the Israelites into the Promised Land.  Joshua then encouraged the Israelites to continue their journey.  So often, God gives christians energy so we can pass it on to others.  Sharing words of encouragement can be so helpful to others who are struggling.  Even if we don't know the struggles of others, being sincerely nice to people and giving them a kind word can completely change someone's day.  My key word in the above sentence is "sincerely".  You can't feign being nice.  Fake nice is worse than open hostility.  No one likes it.  So if you aren't feeling it on any given day, just be silent instead.  Don't say things you don't mean.  It's okay to have a bad day.  Just don't let too many of them happen in a row without starting to take steps to get yourself in a better place.  You can find encouragement in the Bible in numerous places.  Reading them and reflecting on God's promises to us can help make things better when you aren't given a kind word by others.  I am always here if you need me or need to talk.  I know you may not be allowed to take advantage of that right now, but I'm saying it now and that will never change.  We are coming up on a time when you will have free reign on who you talk to and where you go.  I look forward to that day very much at this point.  I hope when you are down, you have people to help lift your spirits, make you laugh or give you perspective.  As always, I pray for you to gain wisdom, strength, and mercy.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Wednesday August 17, 2022  Missed Skype 126

Let's talk about sleep tonight.  You and I have been plagued by horrible sleep off and on for a while now.  Well, the last time we spoke you had your moments of it.  Anxiety is a very adept sleep thief, and even when you do get to sleep, it often can keep you in a light sleep so that you don't get the restorative benefits of deep sleep.  

I never sleep well when you aren't here.  It's not natural to have young children and not be able to tuck them in, or check on them and know they are safe during the night.  We play the hand we're dealt, I know, but it doesn't change the fact that I have a lot of difficulty sleeping when you are not here.  This past year it has been even worse.  Not knowing how you are, or what is going on in your life tends to spin in my brain when I am supposed to be sleeping.  But this isn't about me, I'm just trying to establish that yes, I get it.  I understand if you are having issues too.

It is very important that you do everything you can in your youth to get a good night's sleep.  You are still growing, and your brain is still developing.  Deep sleep is where you get the most regeneration of your brain, and if you don't get enough of it physical symptoms begin to manifest themselves.  So I thought tonight, since I had a pretty good night's sleep last night, I would remind you of some of the things we do to help you sleep here.  I feel a million times better today than I have in a long time, and the only difference is I finally got a full night's sleep.  It just made me worry about how you were faring if you weren't sleeping.

First of all let's talk about the things you can control...I know you used to depend on your devices for most of your entertainment.  With current circumstances I don't even know if you're allowed to have them, but if you do you need to put them down a bit before bedtime.  They engage our brains in ways that make it hard for us to relax and sleep.  Tik Tok is designed to keep you scrolling longer than you expected to.  

Get your stuff laid out for the night before so you won't stress as you lay your head down.  Try to time it to where you have at least 8 hours of being asleep before your alarm.  That means getting to bed a little earlier to give yourself time to fall asleep.  Say your prayers as you lay down, tell Him everything you are worried about, all of it, God keeps great secrets...and then try to have some faith that He will work it out...probably not immediately, but let Him hold onto it while you sleep.  Think positive thoughts or play out positive scenarios in your mind as you drift off, and you have set yourself up as best as you can for a good night's rest.

Keeping your room cooler, getting rid of all sources of light, having a white noise going, all of these things will also help, but if you can't control those things, don't worry about it.  I hope you are sleeping great, without a care in the world...but that would a miracle considering all that you have going on.  I love you, I miss you  and I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me...sweet dreams...Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Monday August 15, 2022 Missed Skype 125

Mondays are the splinter of the workweek.  Today, as best I can tell, was about 6 days long.  I hope you had productive Monday filled with excitement and laughter.  School is ramping up to normal for you, so I'm sure you had things to do and things to prepare for later in the week.  Stay ahead of the game and work harder the first couple of days so you can relax as the deadlines come due.  I have survived the tidal wave of help tickets to start our year, we are riding the wave as best we can and seem to be getting to things at a reasonable pace.  

I don't know how to help.  When we talk, you tell me about your day, about your life, and hear moments where I might know something about human nature, or school or life that I think might help.  I'm in the dark at this point sweetie, I know nothing about what is going on in your life.  I can guess, I can try to come up with what you might be thinking...but truth be told...I've never been a teenage girl before.  Your life is so different than anything I ever experienced.  So I continue to pray for you...for wisdom, for strength, for mercy.   I'll always love you with all my heart, and I will try to be positive and patient, two things I struggle with currently.  

I am nearly 3 weeks behind on Bible Study.  I started back this morning, so I would have something positive to say to you.  I guess the life lesson with that is we all struggle from time to time...with faith, duty and perseverance.  Fun Fact, without spell check I would never spell perseverance correctly...ever.  

My Bible Study is still the 21 Day, "Reflections on Hope".  Today's devotion was about travel plans, and how often they have to change.  We have been at the mercy of courts, blizzards, hurricanes and airlines.  We've lost time together numerous times because of changes that we had no control over.  Paul also had to roll with the punches sometimes, and his critics started trying to say that his unreliable travel plans were just like his message.   That's where Paul drew the line.  He said, (paraphrasing here) yes my travel arrangements have changed, but my message has been 100 percent consistent.  Your hope resides in God's promises, and God doesn't change. 

There is our gold nugget for today.   As humans, it is natural for us to make plans, or have expectations about our lives.  And, living on Earth it is also normal for those plans to not work out, and those expectations to be dashed by circumstances outside of our control.  When things don't go the way we want them to it is important to remember that God doesn't change.  He is still working for our good, and He is still making his plan for our life come to fruition...despite what others have done along the way to change the course we saw for ourselves.  It's okay to be disappointed when things don't work out, but it is important to remember that sometimes things we think we want, end up being less than what we get later on.  God is working in our lives, during the rain as much or if not more than during the sun.  All things for the good.  Read your bible, pray to Him.  Keep your faith and enjoy your day when you can.  This is your one life.  Don't waste it being unhappy all the time.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691


Friday August 12, 2022  Missed Skype 124

Hooray for weekends.  I hope you have a restful one.  I am all kind of tired this evening...been a long week.  I would love to sit here and listen to you tell me about your day.  I would write down your schedule as you told me, and keep it by the computer so I could reference it next time and ask better questions about your day to keep you talking more.  It just makes me happy listening to you.  I don't get to share the moments with you in real time, but our skype conversations were always a great substitute and helped me feel like I was a part of your life.  

Well I'm not going to linger tonight, I don't want to depress you with my ramblings...just know that I hope you have a fantastic weekend and get some rest.  I also hope you get to do somethings you want to do this weekend.  My todo list includes laundry and picking up my mess I've left all week.  Yee Haw.  Hopefully yours is more exciting than mine.  

I love you my sweet sweet daughter.  I miss you so so much.  I can't find the word that conveys just how much.  I'm here if you need me, and that will never change (well as long as I'm alive) Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Wednesday August 10, 2022  Missed Skype 123

Today was our first day of school for students.  Lots of new clothes and folders and kids happy to be back with their friends.  There were also an equal number of people who were grumpy and sleep deprived...but let's not talk about the teachers :)

My first thought this morning as I drove to work was..I wonder what they look like?  I have occasionally received first day of school pictures and I always loved it when that happened.  It was like a marker, a milestone in your lives.  Smiles laced with a hint of anxiety as you start another year learning how to learn.  

As you start school this year, try to balance your anxiety with performance and expectations with the knowledge that this is going to be filled with firsts, lasts, and onlies.  

Your senior year has some amazing firsts.  Lots of things are happening with you during this year, emotionally, physically and academically.  It is hard to list them simply because everyone does something different.  Both of you will as well.  Just keep in mind there is no list that you "have" to check off senior year.  You will experience it all at some point, it doesn't have to be crammed into a senior year.  You won't miss out on anything by being careful and making good choices.

Lots of lasts occur too.  It will be the last time you see many of your peers.  That may be sad or it may not.  It will seem sad though.  Changes, especially big ones, sometimes trigger emotions in us we don't really understand.  That's ok.  You can be sad to see your highschool friends move onto other things.  Obviously you can keep in touch with anyone you don't want to lose, but most of the time those tend to fade as everyone starts the next chapter in their lives.  That is normal.  It will be your last time in public school, it all becomes a choice after this year, your schooling will be centered around what you want to do for a living and not what the state or your parents believe you need.  Your last year as a kid.  Now you'll always be my baby girls, and I'll always love you, but you are going to move into adulthood as this school year ends.  Your sister will always be your sister, but this may be the last year you all live in the same home.  If you go to different schools or take different paths, you will have to choose to reach out and remain close, you won't be forced to based on circumstances any longer.  I hope you always remain close, but you are different people who may have different dreams that take you to different places.  That's okay too.  Just please always make time for her.  You two have been through so much together, don't let anyone put you at odds with her.  I hope you always deal with each other with kindness and pray for one another.  

And then, there are the onlies.  My dear sweet daughter, you only get one senior year (unless you flunk I guess...but that isn't a good thing).  You only get to be 17 for a year.  You only get to graduate high school one time.  I hope you can set aside the layers of static and have some fun this year.  Enjoy your last year as a high schooler and find your happiness in the simple things that take place.  Do not fester on what has happened in the past, and do not worry about what tomorrow will bring...but live for the tiny pockets of happy that happen today.  You are going to look back eventually and realize that this year went by way too quickly.  

I can look around this living room and still see the princess dresses, the stage with microphones, the barbie lego city, the endless array of bratz dolls and monster high dolls.  I can still my little firefly and ladybug, playing their fiddles and dancing around the living room.  It seems as if it were only yesterday that I heard zhu zhu pet noises as you turned over in the bed and told you about the Monster at the end of this book.  Go Dog Go...and the dufidiots.  So many wonderful memories that seem not so long ago.  It passes fast when you are an adult my make every day count.  I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691

Monday August 8, 2022  Missed Skype 122

I really didn't think we'd still be doing this by now...but we play the hand we're dealt right?  I have done everything I know to do and now we're just dealing with circumstances that our out of my hands to control.  

So opening day occurred today for staff and we had a guest speaker who is a pretty famous researcher in the field of education, Dr. John Antonneti.  The thing I liked about Dr. Antonneti is that he had research to back up the notion that we allow students to think in ways other than what our lesson is designed for.  In other words, it's not about the facts we are teaching, it is about the ways you are learning.  Facts come and go and can be looked up relatively easily...but problem solving and asking questions are invaluable skills that must be developed when you are young.  That got me to thinking about you and your life.  Primarily how I was supposed to be there and help you develop these things, that's my most important job.  Then I started thinking about how could I possibly help with that so far away.  

You are starting your Senior year this year.  With that comes a treasure trove of firsts, and fears, and exciting things to experience.  With all of the opportunities there are choices you can make, and lessons to be learned.  I wish I could be there for you, helping you make sense of it all and encouraging you along the way.  But for now, all I can do is pray.

My prayer for you at the first of this year is that you will gain wisdom.  Wisdom of the right choices for you and your path.  Wisdom about yourself and others, about how people are and how to rise above their lesser qualities.  That wisdom takes patience, it takes perseverance, and thoughtful reflection about yourself and others.  It also takes study and prayer.  The good news is the Bible says if you ask for it, and seek it as I have outlined above, God will grant it to you freely.  

I also pray for you to become stronger.  Life doesn't get easier, no matter what path you take.  So I won't pray for you to have an easy life, I will pray for you to become strong enough to face whatever life sends your way.  Strength doesn't stop tears or tragedy, but it gives you the will to remain through them.  Strength is a hard one to quantify because it is so much more mental than it is physical.  You often don't know how much you have until you need it and don't think you have enough.  Strength can be cultivated by knowing who you are and what you stand for.  Believing that God is in charge and He has a plan for you.  He will keep you and cause all things for the good in you if you let Him.  Knowing He is working for you helps you build the strength you need to thrive in this world.

Finally, I pray that you will develop mercy.  The hardest part of the Lord's prayer is the forgiving the debts of others.  The world convinces us that we want justice, that we want equity and fairness, but nothing in the natural world is fair.  Fairness is a lie told by the deceiver.  What we should focus on instead is how we can show mercy to others.  And mercy is bestowed upon those who don't deserve it.  We don't deserve it and God gives it to we should give it to others who don't deserve it.  Keeping in mind how far we are from perfect, helps us understand the faults and failures of others.  Mercy is the hardest to develop of all.  Mercy is the abandonment of the world and the embrace of unconditional love for our fellow man.  I pray that you will find the balance of mercy and advantage, and show mercy without suffering as others take advantage of your outpouring of favor.  

I haven't had the best prayer life lately.  Guess I've kind of been a bit upset at how all of this is playing out, and confused as to why God hasn't already intervened the way I expected Him to.  Tonight I am going to begin praying again.  I am going to pray for these things for you, everynight from now on.   I don't know when we'll see each other again, but I know that He answers prayers and this is how I can help you until I do see you again.  I love you, I miss you,  and I can't wait to see you again.  I'm here if you need me, Love, Dad.  270-999-2691