Publications and Products

 Journal Articles 

Sniegocki, R., J.B. Moon, A. Rutrough, J. Gireneus, J. Seelan, D. Weindorf, M. Farmer, and K. Naithani. 2022. Recovery of soil microbial diversity and functions along a tropical 

montane forest disturbance gradient. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 10,

Moon, J.B., D.H. Wardrop, M.S. Fennessy, H.M. Ingram, A. Britson, M.H. Okoro. 2020. Variation in surface and subsurface nitrogen cycling in headwater floodplain wetlands due to soil type and wetland condition. Wetland Ecology and Management. 28(5): 727-751. 

Moon, J.B., D.H. Wardrop, E.A. Smithwick, K.J. Naithani. 2019. Fine-scale spatial homogenization of microbial habitats: a multivariate index of headwater wetland complex condition. Ecological Applications 29(1), e01816.

Fennessy, M.S., D.H. Wardrop, J.B. Moon, S.A. Wilson, & C.B. Craft. 2018. Shifts in soil carbon sequestration in freshwater wetlands across a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance.  Ecological Engineering 114:129-136.

Moon, J.B., T. DeWitt, M. Errend, R. Bruins, M. Kentula & K.J. Naithani. 2017. Model application niche analysis: assessing the transferability and generalizability of ecological models. Ecosphere 8(10):e01974. 10.1002/ecs2.1974

Moon J. B., D.H. Wardrop, M.A.V. Bruns, R.M. Miller & K.J. Naithani. 2016. Land-use and land-cover effects on soil microbial community abundance and composition in headwater riparian wetlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 97:215-233.

Moon, J.B. & H.J. Carrick. 2007. Seasonal succession of phytoplankton nutrient limitation in the central basin of Lake Erie. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 48:61-71. 

Carrick, H.J., J.B. Moon & B.F. Gaylord. 2005. Phytoplankton dynamics and hypoxia in Lake Erie: A hypothesis concerning benthic-pelagic coupling in the central basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 31 Sup(2):111-124. 

Richardson, C., B. Gluckman, S. Weinstein, C. Glosch, J.B. Moon, G. Rider & S. Schiff. 2003. In vivo modulation of hippocampal epileptiform activity with radial electric fields. Epilepsia, 44:768-777. 

Book Chapters 

Fennessy, M.S., J.B. Moon, & C.M. Finlayson. 2023. Chapter 6. Linking wetland ecological processes with the delivery of ecosystem services, In: Gell, P.A., N.C. Davidson, and CM. Finlayson (Eds.). Ramsar Wetlands: Values, Assessment, Management. Elsevier Inc. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Pgs. 153-178. 

Wardrop, D.H., M.S. Fennessy, J.B. Moon, & A. Britson. 2016. Effects of human activity on the processing of nitrogen in riparian wetlands: implications for watershed water quality, In: Vymazal, J. (Ed.). Natural and Constructed Wetlands: Nutrients, heavy metals and energy cycling and flow. Springer International Publishing, AG, Cham, Switzerland.

Moon, J.B. & D.H. Wardrop. 2013. Linking landscapes to wetland condition: A case study of eight headwater complexes in Pennsylvania. In: Brooks, R.P. & D.H. Wardrop (Eds). Mid-Atlantic Freshwater Wetlands:  Advances in Wetlands Science, Management, Policy, and Practice, Springer. Pgs. 61-108.

 Web Database

EcoService Models Library (ESML), Beta Version. 2015. & Task Lead: Bruins, R.B.  Task Team (Alphabetical Order by Last Name): T.H. DeWitt, M. Errend, M. Gray, G. Lomnicky, J.B. Moon, M. Sheng, & J. Wilson. Contribution: (2012-2014) 


Moon, J.B., T.D. DeWitt & R.J.F. Bruins. 2013. Chapter 1. A framework evaluating “application niches” of computational models for use in environmental management, policy and decision-making. In: Uncertainty, Scaling and Transferability of Ecological Production Functions. EPA Report for Sustainable and Health Communities Research Program, Task 

Wardrop, D.H., M.S. Fennessy, J.B. Moon, A. Britson, M. Nassry, H. Ingram & N. Kirchner. 2013. Forecasting critical ecosystem services from measures of wetland condition at the watershed scale in freshwater wetlands of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Final Report, EPA Agreement R-834262-01.