Research Team: Mathematical Foundations of Inverse Problems 

Our research team focus to fundamental aspects of inverse problems and imaging. We are part of the wider research group of Uncertainty Quantification and Inverse Problems at LUT University. Our team is part of the FAME Flagship (Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling) of the Research Council of Finland and participates to the activities of the Finnish Inverse Problems Society and the Centre of Excellence of Inverse Modelling and Imaging of the Research Council of Finland

Our team members do research in the following areas:

Team members

Open positions

There will be open positions at postdoctoral and PhD student levels in 2024 and later. We are seeking strong candidates with their background in harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, differential geometry, mathematical statistics and inverse problems.  If you are interested in working in our research group in the future, please send a shortish email with your CV to Jesse Railo,

Open position right now! 

Research funding

Our research is supported by the following external parties: