Jesse Railo


Hello! This is Jesse Railo. Welcome to my homepage! 

About me

I'm a mathematician working at LUT University in Lappeenranta, Finland. My research is on theoretical aspects of inverse problems for PDEs and geometry. In other words, I study pure mathematics for imaging methods appearing in medicine, engineering and science. I've worked on Radon transforms, geodesic ray transforms, inverse problems for elliptic and parabolic equations (local and nonlocal, linear and nonlinear), and numerics/applications. My work uses methods from harmonic analysis, analysis of PDEs, and differential geometry. See my latest publication records at Google Scholar and preprints at arXiv.

I obtained a PhD degree in mathematics (with distinction) from the University of Jyväskylä in December 2019 where my PhD advisor was Mikko Salo. I was a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich in 2020 - 2021 where my mentor was Rima Alaifari and at the University of Cambridge in 2021 - 2023 where my mentor was Gabriel Paternain. I started in my current position at LUT University in September 2023. I'm a PI in the Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling (FAME) of the Research Council of Finland 2024 - 2031 and a Fulbright Fellow (will spend the spring term of 2025 as Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford University).

Current position: Associate Professor at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT.

Contact details: 


Office: 2412


Computational Engineering

LUT School of Engineering Sciences

Lappeenranta Campus

Yliopistonkatu 34

53850 Lappeenranta, Finland

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions related to my research or work. I'm also happy to give research talks, research school lectures, talks to public or media interviews. I'm generally free to review research manuscripts and theses within my research areas. Contacts by email, cheers! Feel free to follow or connect at ResearchGate or LinkedIn. See you there!

Social media


Selected publications

What's new?

Talks and lecture videos

Broken ray transforms for twisted geodesics on surfaces

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge: New tomographic methods using particles (Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach), 19.5.2023.

Unique continuation of the fractional Laplacians, Radon transforms and nonlocal inverse problems

International Zoom Inverse Problems Seminar (UC Irvine), 25.5.2023.

Inverse fractional conductivity problem

International Zoom Inverse Problems Seminar (UC Irvine), 29.9.2022.