Jesse Pajwani

A photo of me, smiling

About me

I'm a mathematician looking at the interactions of homotopy theory and arithmetic geometry. In particular, I look at ways we can use homotopy theory to approach results in anabelian geometry, arithmetic curve counting, and rational points on varieties. At the moment, the two main things I'm thinking about are anabelian geometry, rational points, and the connections between them, as well as the arithmetic and geometric behaviour of a quadratically enriched Euler characteristic from motivic homotopy.

As of September 2023, I'm based at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand as a postdoctoral research fellow on the Marsden grant "Rational Points and Anabelian Geometry", working with Brendan Creutz and Felipe Voloch. Before that I defended my thesis in August 2023 at Imperial College London, supervised by Ambrus Pál, as part of the 2019 cohort of the London School of Geometry and Number Theory

The papers I've written can be found here. My CV is this link (updated in February 2024), and I'm always happy to answer questions about work in preparation.

The list of talks I've given is here. I enjoy giving talks, so please get in touch if you'd like me to speak about something I've written!

Previous Seminars

In Autumn 2022, Ambrus Pál and I organised a study group on the series of papers "Smooth Profinite Groups" by de Clercq and Florence for the London Number Theory seminar. For more details click here.

I organised the London Junior Number Theory seminar for the academic year 2020-21 with Soham Karwa. A list of speakers and their abstract for the 2020-21 year can be found here. If you are interested in attending, subscribe to the mailing list.

In Autumn 2020, I also organised a study group on the étale homotopy obstruction to rational points. More details are available here.

Contact me

You can contact me by email: jesse.pajwani(at) .

My pronouns are he/him.

You can find my office at Room 607 of the Erskine building, University of Canterbury. Coincidentally, there is another Jesse in the office, but I sit by the window.

Other Links

My Google Scholar profile

My ORCiD Profile

My University of Canterbury profile