Jesper N. Wulff
Aarhus University


I am a Professor in the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University. My expertise lies at the intersection of quantitative research methods and business analytics.  

My research advances statistical methodology in organizational science through the development of techniques for statistical and causal inference. I have made contributions to statistical practices through my work on sample size-dependent alpha levels, multiple imputation for multilevel data, generalized linear models, Bayesian multilevel models, and sensitivity analysis using the Impact Threshold for Confounding Variables (ITCV).

While my primary focus is on resolving statistical challenges in management research, I regularly apply my data science expertise to interdisciplinary projects spanning corporate finance, social epidemiology, and public administration. 

My research appears in Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of International Business Studies, The Leadership Quarterly, Public Administration Review, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Strategic Organization.

I currently serve as an Associate Editor and Method Reviewer for The Leadership Quarterly and as a Methods Consultant for the Journal of Management Methods Task Force, where I help shape methodological standards in organizational research.

Selected publications

Lonati, S., Wulff, J. N., "Hic Sunt Dracones: On the Risks of Comparing the ITCV With Control Variable Correlations". In: Journal of Management (2024), in-press. [Article Link] [OSF Repository]

Wulff, J. N., Taylor, L., “How and why alpha should depend on sample size: A Bayesian-frequentist compromise for significance testing”. In: Strategic Organization 22.3 (2024), pp. 550-581. [Article Link] [R package] [Shiny app] [Pre-print] 

Aabo, T., Pantzalis, C., Park, J. C., Trigeorgis, L., Wulff, J. N., “CEO Personality Traits, Strategic Flexibility, and Firm Dynamics”. In: Journal of Corporate Finance 84.1 (2024). [Article Link] [Pre-print]  

Wulff, J. N., Sajons, G. B., Pogrebna, G., Lonati, S., Banks, G. C., Bastardoz, N., Antonakis, J., “Common Methodological Mistakes”. In: The Leadership Quarterly 34.1 (2023), pp. 1–24. [Article Link] 

Villadsen, A. R., Wulff, J. N., “Are you 110% sure? Modeling of fractions and proportions in strategy and management research”. In: Strategic Organization 19.2 (2021), pp. 312–337. [Article Link] 

Villadsen, A. R., Wulff, J. N., “Statistical Myths About Log-Transformed Dependent Variables and How to Better Estimate Exponential Models”. In: British Journal of Management 32.3 (2021), pp. 779–796. [Article Link] 

Wulff, J. N., Villadsen, A. R., “Keeping it within bounds: Regression analysis of proportions in international business”. In: Journal of International Business Studies 51.2 (2020), pp. 244–262. [Article Link] 

Guul, T. S., Villadsen, A. R., Wulff, J. N., “Does Good Performance Reduce Bad Behavior? Antecedents of Ethnic Employment Discrimination in Public Organizations”. In: Public Administration Review 79.5 (2019), pp. 666–674. [Article Link] 

Wulff, J. N. “Interpreting results from the multinomial logit model: Demonstrated by foreign market entry”. In: Organizational Research Methods 18.2 (2015), pp. 300–325. [Article Link]