Jeremy Schnieder, PhD

I believe that teachers should encourage engagement and learning that extends beyond the classroom. To this end I seek to foster the ability to analyze situations coupled with the confidence to experiment. I value students’ lives, experiences, and communities. I want students to make connections between what we do in the classroom and what they do out of the classroom.

I believe that advisors should empower. Thus, I seek to encourage informed decisions (though sometimes uncomfortable), planning, and, when appropriate, risk-taking. I value the goals of students and see a liberal arts education as a series of opportunities, not a series of hoops.

I believe that community members, be it campus, local, or disciplinary, should contribute to the greater good. Because of this, I try to find opportunities to be involved in meaningful ways. Whether it is serving on a committee, or entering data, giving back is something that should be active.

In this portfolio you will find support for all these statements. Included are my teaching philosophy, writing assessment philosophy, and a technology philosophy as I believe that the ability to discuss the effectiveness of writing is integral to writing well outside of the classroom. You will also find an advising philosophy and discussions of my scholarship and involvement with Morningside and the Sioux City community. To illustrate these beliefs, I am providing descriptions of the courses I have taught and a sampling of the feedback I have received from students in those courses as well as sample assignments, syllabi, policies, and course designs. Finally you will find samples of the activities that I have undertaken to improve my teaching and the teaching of others.

I have truly enjoyed my teaching experiences so far, but I also realize that I must continue to grow as a teacher. Thus, these materials by no means represent an end. Instead, they are the experiences and beliefs from which I continue to build.


Jeremy Schnieder, PhD

Preferred Pronouns -- Him, His

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