Tips & Tricks


My work-flow has the following steps:

1. Reading. Use Zotero to easily: a) download pdf and bibliographic information from journal web sites with a single click in your browser, b) organize your references, where the same reference can be in multiple folders, c) easily produce BibTex files, and d) use their iOS app to automatically sync with you iPad transferering highlighting and notes. Zotero can also be shared and collaborated on with co-authors.

2. Programming: I mostly use Python (but also some STATA, MATLAB and C++ when needed). See my guides to use JupyterLab, VSCode and git here. These guides are part of this programming course.

3. Writing: Use LyX. My paper and slide templates can be downloaded here. [Se various LyX tricks below.]

More tips&trick? I recommend Claes Bäckman's.

Some LyX tricks

Notice: Lot of interesting stuff in "Document/Settings", including "LaTex Preamble".

Useful short cuts

Useful short cuts in math mode:


In "Tools/Preferences":

Have fun