Quarantine Reading List 1

How are you doing? Me, I'm on episode 9 of Love in Blind but I'm rationing the last 2, so I made a quarantine reading list in case you find yourself short on entertainment:

Stories about staying in:

My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Ottessa Moshfegh

A book about an OG self-quarantine queen. I loved this book and I hear people either love it or hate it. But a good “hate read” is always fun so it could be a win/win.

The Sleep - a short story by Caitlin Horrocks

A family decides to hibernate for the winter. I think this story has been hibernating in my brain, I think about it all the time.

This is a short story on avail kindle for $2.99 or it’s in the Best American Short Stories 2011 edited by Geraldine Brooks (also an author who I love)

If you just want to laugh:

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told - Megan Mullalley and Nick Offerman

A book by two funny people about how they entertain each other. It could come in handy.

We Are Never Meeting in Real Life - Samantha Irby

I cried laughing reading this book, I recommend it for everybody.

An escape:

Salsa Chica - Solange Castro

A book about the power of choosing the life you want by a comedian who learns how to salsa dance. Oh, and I edited it! (I edited a book last year!!)

Books you will absolutely read to the end:

Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier

I read this when I couldn’t leave the couch after hip surgery and I wish it could read it again for the first time.

Ready Player One, Ernest Cline

I listened to this as an audiobook from the library but it expired between the treadmill the shower at the gym so I went to Barnes & Noble to read the last few chapters then put it back on the shelf. It was actually that good.

There are no delicious food stories or travelogues on this list that take you to “a place,” I feel like those would (personally) make me sad/longing right now. But if you do want one, here’s a great one:

Provence, 1970: M.F.K. Fisher, Julia Child, James Beard, and the Reinvention of American Taste