The following is a complete list of my papers/preprints, all of which are available on the arXiv:
On the Finiteness of the Derived Equivalence Classes of some Stable Endomorphism Rings, Math. Z. 296, 1157 - 1183 (2020), (arXiv:1801.05687).
The Tilting Theory of Contraction Algebras, Adv. Math. 374 (2020), (arXiv:1802.10366)
Stability Conditions for Contraction Algebras with M. Wemyss, Forum of Math: Sigma, 10, E73 (arXiv:1907.12756).
Categories for Grassmannian cluster algebras of infinite rank with M. Cheung, E. Faber, S. Gratz and S. Schroll, to appear in IMRN (arXiv:2007.14224).
Silting and Tilting for Weakly Symmetric Algebras with A. Dugas, Algebr. Represent. Theor. (2021), (arXiv:2101.03097).
Cluster Structures for the A_\infty Singularity with M. Cheung, E. Faber, S. Gratz and S. Schroll, to appear in Journal of the LMS, (arXiv:2205.15344).
On a characterisation of higher torsion classes with J. Haugland, K. Jacobsen, S. Kvamme, Y. Palu and H. Treffinger, (arXiv:2301.10463).
You may also find a copy of my thesis here. Please be aware of the following errata:
Proposition 2.2.11 should have the additional assumption that the algebra is symmetric (so silting=tilting), otherwise the proof is not valid.