High Performance Computing (HPC) Summer Internship at Los Alamos National Lab
I interned at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in northern New Mexico with the Supercomputer Institute Summer School during Summer 2023. My project was accepted into The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis SC23 Graduate Posters ACM Student Research Competition. I analyzed 6 HPC filesystems maintained by LANL, titled “Seeing the trees for the forest: Describing HPC Filesystems with the Grand Unified File-Index (GUFI).” Abstract & Poster.
High Performance Computing Intern Showcase.
I also completed a 3 week of hands-on HPC boot camp, which included assembling and configuring an 11-node HPC cluster. We used 11 GB servers (R272-Z32-00) for our nodes and connected using Mellanox EDR Infiniband switch for fast communication (100 Gbps). I used netboot to practice manually configuring the stateless cluster before using Warewulf to provision the cluster automatically. I set up Slurm on the cluster to manage resources and scheduling and Ansible for configuration management.
HPC Interns touring the Trinity Supercomputer at LANL