Somewhat recently, there was work done to make people able to do release by machine / CD (which always will have a clean environment) instead of doing releases by hand (Which has the env of whatever your machine is). In the last month or so, more and more plugins have adopted to use this method, which is why your seeing the build id and sha in the version number. jep/README.adoc at 70474800713263f42e20ca549f7c8a52e3dfec19  jenkinsci/jep  GitHub has all the technical details.

I've just encountered this problem, and it actually looks like an issue in /etc/init.d/jenkins testing for the Java version. I just posted a solution here: , sharing below for those who find this question as first google hit.

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Digging around a bit I noticed the init script in /etc/init.d/jenkins that the script, at lines 56-60, was using SED to extract the version from the java - version command into a numeric value, but the regular expression was a bit to broad

Jenkins requires Java 8 jdk to be installed.Check your java version by command$ java -versionIf you have more than one java installed on your machineuse the command$ sudo update-alternatives --config javaThis will provide a list of java versions on your machines.Use the comands to install jenkins$ sudo apt update$ sudo apt install jenkins

To change the port number to say 9090 please edit using sudo$ sudo vim /etc/default/jenkins8080 is the most commonly used portFind 8080 and change to 9090Save the file using :wq for Vim editorOpen browser :9090 to start config of jenkins

I got this error after upgrading java from 8 to 11; because I had manually upgraded my jenkins on ubuntu by swapping in the new war. So, my old install had persisted the /etc/init.d/jenkins file with the bug.

Reference: SonarBuildWrapper class in " SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins" determines the value of SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL. (sonar-scanner-jenkins/ at 86c09f1d90eecc514dd69c00965457912362f898  SonarSource/sonar-scanner-jenkins  GitHub)

When you run a command, such as to create a cluster, install on an existing cluster or run a jx upgrade command the jx command will ensure you have a local clone of the jenkins-x/jenkins-x-versions git repository and it will then pull the stable version of any chart or package from that source - or log a warning if a version is not yet being maintained.

The jx release now defaults to being released as a prerelease. Each release of jx is only updated to a full release so long as that released version successfully makes its way to the jenkins-x-versions repository where it also needs to pass another round of BDD tests (see diagram above for more information).

As new packages or charts are released we generate Pull Requests on the jenkins-x/jenkins-x-versions git repository. We then trigger our BDD tests via jx step bdd and verify the new chart/package version works before merging changes. Currently we manually trigger the BDD tests via a comment of /test this - but we hope to move to periodic triggering of the BDD tests (e.g. once per day).

Is that a headless machine (no GUI) or it have a desktop environment installed too?

How is your jenkins project configured, you are using the plugin, a shell script or the Docker image to run Katalon?

The Docker image must be the image provided by CloudBees: jenkins-enterprise, jenkins-operating-center for the CloudBees Jenkins Platform rolling release and jenkins-enterprise-fixed and jenkins-operations-center-fixed for the CloudBees Jenkins Platform fixe release

You can configure the Jenkins service on port 8080 of your system, but Jenkins is temporarily locked with a password present in the /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword file. You can access Jenkins by providing the password after reading the file.

To use this repository, run the following command: sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo -stable/jenkins.repo sudo rpm --import -stable/ If you've previously imported the key from Jenkins, the rpm --import will fail because you already have a key. Please ignore that and move on. yum install fontconfig java-17-openjdk yum install jenkins The rpm packages were signed using this key:

I am doing lab for Jenkins, pipeline topic and not able to do any lab becuase of dependency error.

This error is not only for Pipeline plugin but for all other labs in the jenkins. Please help me to sort this as i cant do any labs from jenkins.

In our previous demonstration of the vulnerability, we identified an XSS on the user in the site, which could be exploited for various malicious purposes. As our objective was to identify potential threats to internal networks within the context of the Jenkins Server, we continued our search.

We understand that the JSON located at contains all the plugins that require a version of requiredCore that is 2.319.2 or earlier. Nonetheless, the Jenkins Server that initiated the request has an older version of 2.319.1. As a result, the Jenkins Server will receive plugins that require a newer version of requiredCore than its own and, therefore, display the warning message as shown earlier.

Ability to add/remove/query Jenkins jobsAbility to execute jobs and:Query the results of a completed buildBlock until jobs are complete or run jobs asyncronouslyGet objects representing the latest builds of a jobWork with build artifacts:Search for artifacts by simple criteriaInstall artifacts to custom-specified directory structuresAbility to search for builds by source code revisionAbility to add/remove/query:Slaves (Webstart and SSH slaves)Views (including nested views using NestedViews Jenkins plugin)Credentials (username/password and ssh key)Username/password auth support for jenkins instances with auth turned onAbility to script jenkins installation including pluginsFor a full documentation spec of what this library supports see:

This can be resolved by defining the public URL in the controller.jenkinsUrl property, replacing with the IP address or hostname of your Jenkins instance:

The first command executes tar inside the pod to backup the /var/jenkins_home directory to the /tmp/backup.tar.gz archive. Note that the pod name myjenkins-0 is derived from the Helm release name myjenkins:

A family of experimental native types and providers has been added to thismodule, in parallel to the existing classes and defined types, with the goal ofsoliciting feedback. One of the primary benefits of these new types is notrequiring manifest changes to manage jenkins with or without "security"enabled. The goal is to eventually replace the functionality of the existingclasses/defines with the new types. Usage feedback (positive and negative),bug reports and/or PRs would be greatly welcomed.

The CLI supports proper authentication with username and password. It's arequirement for supporting AD and OpenID authentications (there is no ssh keythere). You can supply $::jenkins::cli_username and$::jenkins::cli_password to use username / password based authentication.Then the puppet automation user can also reside in A.D

This module will download the jenkins modules over HTTP, without SSL.In order to add some verification regarding the downloaded file, youcan specify a checksum. You can also define a checksum type with'digest_type' (default to sha1 if unspecified) ie.:

When an API-based resource is defined, the Jenkins' CLI is installed and runagainst the local system ( Jenkins is assumed to be listening onport 8080, but the module is smart enough to notice if you've configured analternate port using jenkins::config_hash['JENKINS_PORT'].

The CLI helper assumes unauthenticated access unless configured otherwise.You can configure jenkins::cli_helper to use an SSH key on the managed systemby passing the keyfile path as a class parameter:

There's an open bug in Jenkins (JENKINS-22346) that causes authentication tofail when a key is used but authentication is disabled. Until the bug is fixed,you may need to bootstrap jenkins out-of-band to ensure that resources andsecurity policy are configured in the correct order. For example:

Sometimes you don't have an RPM repository available and are not allowed todirectly install from repositories on the Internet. In this case, you canstill install Jenkins with this module by hosting the jenkins RPM filesomewhere accessible (http server, S3 bucket, etc.) and tell

To install the file with Ansible, you need to store it in the roles/jenkins/files/ subdirectory of your Ansible repository as docker-compose.yml. Then create the tasks file roles/jenkins/tasks/main.yml with the following content:

The third option would be to create a (sub)domain, such as, combined with the configuration of a virtual host in haproxy, which forwards the incoming traffic to localhost:8080 (the Jenkins docker container). This step is time-consuming, especially the setup of an SSL certificate, which you should not omit in such a solution. With this variant, the Jenkins installation can also be accessed via the Internet, unless you configure the firewall in such a way that the IP address to which the virtual host is bound can only be accessed from specified IP addresses. This variant makes sense if you only access the server from a limited range of IP addresses, e.g., your office (assuming it has a fixed IP address).

To complete the installation, Jenkins prompts you to enter the contents of the file /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword into the displayed form. We already saw the password in the log output above and can copy it from there.

To access our Git repository via SSH, we need to create a key pair. Jenkins offers the possibility to store key pairs under credentials in the main menu. However, these key pairs can only be used for cloning repositories using the Git plugin. To push changes into the repository (which is necessary for the release job), we use the Maven goal scm:checkin. This Maven task cannot access the key pairs stored in Jenkins but uses the keys stored in the Jenkins container in the home directory of the jenkins user. These keys can also be accessed by the Git plugin so that one key pair is sufficient. We create it by calling ssh-keygen in the running Jenkins docker container: 17dc91bb1f

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