I was playing modded 1.19.2 with some friends when out of nowhere i start constantly crashing when joining a server or attempting to create a single player world. i have tried disabling my antivirus for it, adding to the JVM arguments and updating all mods in curseforge but still nothing. the error message says "The game crashed whilst unexpected error Error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError" and the crash report is here:

1. Deactivate mod Visuality in the CurseForge mod list

2. Launch game and you should see the game makes it further in the loading process this time, but gives a new error about incompatible FTB Lib version

3. Downgrade the following FTB mods and replace in your Better MC: - FTB Library build 193 - FTB Quests build 202 4. Launch again and you should be good to go!

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Thanks. I've already shut the game down for the night but will test this out as soon as I see mods that need to be updated. I guess my mistake in my original message was not saying I was using the Curseforge mod loader. I did do a mod search for "FTB Library build 193 - FTB Quests build 202 4" which currently shows Installed. I have copied your message and will do as you outlined when the error code comes up as I know it will. I'm not super attached to my new world I started today so if this doesn't work no big deal. I'm still kind of PO'ed about loosing my two and a half month old world. Had just finished fully enchanting my Tungsten armour and was getting ready to tackle "Las Vegas".

Clicked Accept and game loaded and ran just fine. Played for 10 minutes then shut everything down. Reloaded everything and the game started up without the "Drippy" notice - strange but of course rebooting cures 95% of computer software problems. I guess enough people complained or enough error messages piled up that it was fixed in an update. Unfortunately I failed to notice if "FTB Library" was one of the mods being updated.

Yep its related to the Java update and the mods updates. Same thing happened to me! I was playing Better MC Forge for MONTHS and then a few days ago I got this error after updating Java and subsequently updating the modpack after the first time it failed to load after the Java update.

I really wanna help you, because when this happened to me I was really upset due to building this particular world up more than EVER before and putting so many hours into it. I refused to lose it, but could not FIND anywhere else online referencing this particular error until I saw your post. I stayed up super late at night troubleshooting this issue and finally got it to work so now I really wanna pass it on and help you or anyone else who gets this. Cuz I KNOW how frustrating it is!

9. Finally found this thread and saw the suggestion from the guy above to uninstall visuality or rubidium + oculus. Led me to realizing the reported error references "dragon" and the maker of those mods is Dragon....

Pixel Format Not Accelerated This error message is commonly caused by outdated video card drivers. To fix this, you generally need to update your video card drivers, please follow the directions for your Operating System below.

As a side, what is it called when I type 'minecraft' and it launches that file? I know it's a command, but isn't there another name for it, and a way to edit it? I had to change it so that instead of having to type 'python2' all I had to type 'python', yet I forget what it's called and how to edit that stuff. Help on both fronts is appreciated.

The simplest way to update LWJGL is probbaly to just download the LWJGL 2.7.1.zip. Overwrite the Mojang supplied files in .minecraft/bin with those in lwjgl-2.7.1/jar & .minecraft/bin/natives with those in lwjgl-2.7.1/native/linux. You will likely need to rm that folder fairly often anyway!

I reinstalled them, blacklisted nouveau, and now minecraft works.... At th cost of my TTY virtual terminals (blank screen on any TTYx only while gnome is running) but 640x480 resolution on the terminals otherwise. This is using the beta nvidia drivers from the aur. Same problem with the non-beta proprietary 260.x drivers. My laptop is a Sony Vaio VPCCW17FX. Im pretty much at a loss after the last two weeks.. :-/ lol

Over the last few weeks, I've realized that it just won't work with the nouveau drivers, mostly due to our cards. I run a g210m, which came in a new laptop a year ago. The proprietary drivers also dropped support for my card, but roughly work, missing key abilities such as switching TTYs. However, installing the proprietary drivers does allow running minecraft with no problems. I made sure that nothing aside from the video drivers were changed, showing that it wasn't the card itself, nor the minecraft jar. I hate to tell you this, because I'm in the same boat, but you're out of luck. Sorry man. Maybe with some future open-source update this can be fixed, but it doesn't seem to be a high priority, for obvious reasons.

There You want to select the build.gradle file in the project folder in IntelliJ. After opening it as a project a little gradle icon should be visible on the right side beside the 3 vertical dots. When you click the icon, gradle files should be visible. You want to open forgegradle and double click the SetupDecomp workspace file. After doing all of this, I get this error

An access violation/segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access memory that it has not been assigned. This is a very broad type of error with many possible causes, but it is almost always the result of a software bug.

It must be able to run on both, because I have resolved the issue myself. Reading through my debug logs, I found that multiple mods were the problem, including Supplementaries for the initial error, and Blue Skies' reliance on an outated Mixin. Thank you though!

If you read your logs, it would be using Java 17. I assumed that you modified the JVM installation in the profile. However, it working indicates that you haven't, meaning you were just using the version of Java shipped with the client. I will reiterate that Minecraft 1.19 was compiled with Java 17, which means it will only be forward compatible with newer versions and crash on older versions with a class version error.

I've gathered information about the processes running on about 4 peoples' machines with the error, nothing is glaringly consistent. The location of the users is also not consistent, showing it's likely not an outage in an area. Changing DNS does not fix the issue. Users have this issue whilst not having any AntiVirus or VPN. The ISP is also not the issue as all 4 users have different ISPs.

Notice how in that URL it says minecraft.net/xx/ Those two bolded letters or numbers signify the name of the folder this file needs to go in. Run Windows + R and type in %AppData%. Press enter and navigate to the .minecraft folder. Locate the assets/objects folder. In here, create a folder with the same two letters or numbers that your URL says. If it already exists, navigate to it.

Notice how in that URL it says minecraft.net/xx/ Those two bolded letters or numbers signify the name of the folder this file needs to go in. Open finder, and run Cmd + Shift + G. Type in that box "~/Library" and click enter. Locate the Application Support folder, and enter it. The .minecraft folder will be found in here, open it. Locate the assets/objects folder. In here, create a folder with the same two letters or numbers that your URL says. If it already exists, navigate to it.

MCL-23153 Java edition struggling to launch due to two different error codes. I have tried resetting the program, I have uninstalled and reinstalled Minecraft more than 4 times. Struggling now to find a solution

It appears as if the specific combination of MacOS Ventura + and attempting to run Minecraft (Education Edition) produces an error in Minecraft (global resources reset, unable to load). This error does not appear in the same circumstances when either switching off Sophos or running Sophos and Minecraft on Windows.

The error message is indicative of a policy blocking Minecraft from accessing a resource file during loading. The program loads initially, there is no issue with web filtering, and there is no log of Sophos actively flagging a file/behaviour when looking in the portal after.

We are trying to find the specific policy, if any, within Sophos which the issue can be pinned on.

The actual error will be further up in the log and seems to be a runtime error of your application. From the printed exception name (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION), I would assume you try to access something in your code, that you are not allowed to access.

g.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(Native Method) at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat(WindowsPeerInfo.java:52) at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createWindow(WindowsDisplay.java:247) at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.createWindow(Display.java:306) at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:848) at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:757) at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:739) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.createDisplay(Minecraft.java:674) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startGame(Minecraft.java:491) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:408) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:115)

I have three computers in my house, all hooked into the same internet.

Two of the computers work on the server (one is the computer running the server, and the other is a laptop).

The third computer (another laptop) can SEE the server available and green, but when I click to go in, it gives me the null error.

The IP I'm putting in is just the local address, and it DOES show up on the laptop that is giving the null error when connecting.

I am not using any type of VPN.

His laptop DOES connect to the server sometimes, and he's been able to play on the server probably 10 times now.

I just tried something new, that I saw in a video. In the Technic launcher I clicked sign out for his account. I then tried to sign back in, and it said something like "please sign in again to Microsoft", and when I clicked the button it took me to Chrome and asked me to sign into Microsoft again. I clicked his account, and it gave a white page that said "Received verification code. You may now close this window". So I did, and I opened up the Technic launcher, and it originally said some kind of SMTS error or something (sorry I didn't write it down...). Now I've tried a few times, it always gave that error, but now it's saying that his account hasn't purchased the Java edition, which it DEFINITELY has (I made sure of it, AND we've used it to play Java edition many, many times, using the normal Minecraft launcher and technic). 17dc91bb1f

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